" tell me all of the things that make you feel at ease , your touch , my comfort , my lullaby " ind. & priv. multifandom multimuse penned by dee restab. 2017
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( oh snap , waddup , no one saw this one coming! but , yes , i’ll be taking a semi-hiatus. it’s the only happy medium where i can get some space to myself but also can come back and write as my muses/post 100 edits for my muses from time to time without any real commitment. under the read more i’ll give more in dept reason why , but you don’t have to read it if you don’t want to. i’ll still be around. )
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#thats a lie this is the last time#i figured one more because i added a lik more info there#yeet okay peace out
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( this is the last time I'm going to reblog this. I'll mostly be on discord , we can rp there if anything. or if you don't want to it's fine, i don't run y'all's lives. but it would make me happy if you do! i just can't be here on the dash for long so ✌🏼see y'all on the flip side. )
( oh snap , waddup , no one saw this one coming! but , yes , i’ll be taking a semi-hiatus. it’s the only happy medium where i can get some space to myself but also can come back and write as my muses/post 100 edits for my muses from time to time without any real commitment. under the read more i’ll give more in dept reason why , but you don’t have to read it if you don’t want to. i’ll still be around. )
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( oh snap , waddup , no one saw this one coming! but , yes , i’ll be taking a semi-hiatus. it’s the only happy medium where i can get some space to myself but also can come back and write as my muses/post 100 edits for my muses from time to time without any real commitment. under the read more i’ll give more in dept reason why , but you don’t have to read it if you don’t want to. i’ll still be around. )
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#ooc | posts#( i should mention for the sake of mentioning it that you can rp with me on discord )#( like actually rp because i know i have never gone past just agreeing to do it with someone )
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( oh snap , waddup , no one saw this one coming! but , yes , i’ll be taking a semi-hiatus. it’s the only happy medium where i can get some space to myself but also can come back and write as my muses/post 100 edits for my muses from time to time without any real commitment. under the read more i’ll give more in dept reason why , but you don’t have to read it if you don’t want to. i’ll still be around. )
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#ooc | posts#( ill keep reblogging this periodically throughout the day)#( i know i said u dont have to read it but ... i feel like maybe it's important that y'all do idk )
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( oh snap , waddup , no one saw this one coming! but , yes , i’ll be taking a semi-hiatus. it’s the only happy medium where i can get some space to myself but also can come back and write as my muses/post 100 edits for my muses from time to time without any real commitment. under the read more i’ll give more in dept reason why , but you don’t have to read it if you don’t want to. i’ll still be around. )
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( oh snap , waddup , no one saw this one coming! but , yes , i’ll be taking a semi-hiatus. it’s the only happy medium where i can get some space to myself but also can come back and write as my muses/post 100 edits for my muses from time to time without any real commitment. under the read more i’ll give more in dept reason why , but you don’t have to read it if you don’t want to. i’ll still be around. )
so , i’ve been talking about this with different people lately , and i’ve mentioned it a bit on here too , but things aren’t feeling right lately. i have a few grievances that i just want to mention just so i can get this off my chest. in no way is this me , you know , blaming others or anything like that. it’s very very broad and general , because it’s speaking about the entire community. it’s simply my feelings on the matter. the community is an ever evolving place and , eventually , we’re going to land on something we don’t like. and it’s no one’s fault but only just the times.
so , i’ve mentioned it before on here , but i am not down with this new ‘ meme style ‘ of doing things. where , all rping on my dash seems to be mostly memes and then , occasionally , a thread here and there. the reason for that? it’s because i am a plotter. I love plotting , i love build up and i love creating a story. memes are great for progressing or even cheating a bit , but it’s not the sole way i want to roleplay. though , the memes itself aren’t the problem , it’s more or less the way they’re being used. sometimes memes don’t get panned out , sometimes when they do , it’s weeks later and i have entirely forgotten what the meme was about. lately , memes seem to be people’s more prominent way of roleplaying. now , i know threads can be overwhelming but , certainly , the amount of memes doesn’t help. at least , now that i’ve stopped mass sending and mass reblogging memes , i find my drafts don’t go past the 30 mark.
there’s also just ... this thing where ... it’s not fun for me anymore. that new growing style of roleplaying ... it’s not fun. and there’s also this trend of ... kind of eliminating the build up? just going straight to the good stuff? it’s not fun because it doesn’t give me something to look forward to. that was the climax of the plot. i wanted to build to that ... not just be there. and , i get scared too , to put too much effort in a plot or , hell , even in a meme reply because i don’t know if it’s going to go anywhere. i don’t know if it’ll get dropped after 3 replies. i just simply do not know.
i come on here to challenge myself , to write a story with people i genuinely want to write with. i come on here for some character development , to write with all kinds of people and to create meaningful plots that we can get genuinely excited about and yell at each other about and talk about how we can’t wait till they get to whatever climax it is and then to talk about the next goal after. but it’s not like that anymore for me ... it’s not fun. and , well , i just miss that. i miss doing that so much.
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( i’m gonna get off here for tonight. but u know discord is a thing i’ll be around in. )
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topeconhiilo replied to your post: ( i like … want to take a hiatus but i don’t want...
u could take a hiatus but still write on discord??
yeah but also no because it never like ..... it doesn’t happen lol
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( i like ... want to take a hiatus but i don’t want to not write my muses. but i want to ..... i guess , get away from the fandom? but take my muses with me lol. )
#ooc | posts#( idk brotato chips ... something about this rping stuff here is just not clicking with me anymore )
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there was this moment where molly dreamed of feeling his arms around her again. it had been nine months since she felt his arms tight around her and it made her feel just like she did the night they had the most amazing night of their lives. she didn’t pull away from him or even think about wanting to. there was so much she wanted to tell him about herself and their child that it made her want to be with him for a long time without running away and faking her death again. she wouldn’t admit that she was in love with the father of her child but she knew there had been so much time that had passed that he probably didn’t feel the same.
“ we’re pregnant. ”
Her words stunted him , he suddenly was frozen on the spot. Hhe was rapidly trying to do the math. ... It had been nine months since he had last seen her. Which meant ... she was due at any moment. Due with their child. His child ... and with his own fault. Merlin , no ... no this child could be a werewolf ... live with this disease. He pulled away now , eyes going down to her stomach and taking in the bump. He didn’t know what to say.
“ Merlin ... Merlin , no. “ He shook his head ; they hadn’t used protection that night. Why was he so bloody stupid? “ I’m sorry ... I’m sorry , I’ve put a monster in you ... “ Children was the last thing Remus would’ve ever wanted to help in creating. Not his children ... not with his curse.
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When she is happy, she can’t stop talking, when she is sad she doesn’t say a word.
Ann Brashares (via quotemadness)
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I always ship the angsty brooding bad ass mother fucker harbouring a tragic past with a cinnamon roll ray of sunshine who can make the angsty bad ass smile softly and feel loved.
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( wm 35??? we out or ??? )
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One of the main reasons Trevor had been so stoked about being signed to NXT was the fact he would be working with Imogen again. He even pictured the two traveling to various Takeover shows together, as well as the various houseshows they would do together. But now that wasn’t a possibility since she was now signed to the main roster. “Tell me about it. I was looking forward to seeing you more.”
“ I still have some house shows I have to do for NXT. You know , a few proper farewell matches ... One last week. So ... we can travel together for those. “ It was a shame that these two couldn’t seem to link up with schedules. Trevor being in NXT was about the most exciting news for all of two weeks before they told her she’d be moving up to RAW. It made it bittersweet. “ It’ll be super fun , I promise. “
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She had wanted to get to know him better for quite some time, but instead of bringing this to his attention she kept everything pinned inside out of fear of scaring him off. “You wanna take me out?” Mandy replied, a smile appearing as she tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. “I would like that, yes. Let’s go out.”
His smile , timid but sincere , grew at her words. On one hand , he could count how many people he had asked out himself. This was utterly nerve-wrecking but he was happy it had worked out. “ Yes ... great. “ He nodded , words trailing for a moment before they suddenly sputtered out. “ U --- Uh , is this weekend fine for you? We can go see a movie and dinner? Unless , that’s cliche ... “
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there was this feeling that molly had when she looked at remus that made her feel so badly about what she had done to him after the night they had passion between the two. was she scared that he would see that she was just damaged from the war and was scared to even get close to him when she was scared that he was going to end up dying just like he two brothers? she took a deep sigh before she put the apples back on the table before she looked down. how was she going to explain herself to him after everything that happen?
“ i was scared. ”
when molly finally got her words to come out, she looked back up at him before she bit on her lip, she missed him like crazy and after she had found out about her pregnancy, it made her miss him even more but she couldn’t come out of hiding. mostly because she wanted to give the baby up so that he didn’t have to be forced to deal with her or the fact that he was having a child. but every full moon, she was always having a different change in her body that it felt like she was breaking her in half. she moved her hand slightly before taking his. she wished she could kiss him again but she couldn’t.
“ there’s a lot that you don’t know. ”
“ I want to know , Molly. Please ... tell me. “ He openly pleaded , voice soft as his thumb rubbed the back of her hand. He couldn’t help himself from stepping closer , pulling her in , in the process. That overwhelming feeling of longing now winning out. The shock was , in some degree , subduing and now he was just happy to see her alive. Some part of him felt like he ought to be upset , angry for doing this to him and her family , but he couldn’t will himself to.
It was , at this moment , that his eyes ( and heightened senses ) had captured something ... different ... about Molly. Carefully eyeing her , he reached his other arm around her and pulled her in closer. Giving her what seemed like an embrace , pressing her form carefully onto his before taking a sharp intake of breath. “ You’re pregnant. “
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