kosmodermaclinic · 1 year
Facelift Surgery Bangalore | Plastic Surgery | Cosmetic Surgery Bangalore
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Looking for a way to rejuvenate your appearance and achieve a more youthful, refreshed look? Consider facelift surgery or other cosmetic procedures in Bangalore! Our experienced and qualified professionals offer a range of plastic surgery and cosmetic surgery options to help you achieve your desired look, from facelifts and eyelid surgeries to nose reshaping and liposuction. We use only the highest quality materials and techniques to ensure safe and natural-looking results that complement your unique features and facial structure. Our team is dedicated to providing personalized care and support throughout the entire process, from the initial consultation to post-operative care. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn more about how facelift surgery and other cosmetic procedures can help you look and feel your best.
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kosmodermaclinic · 1 year
What is the Difference Between Medi Facials and Regular Facials
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Facials are an important method of making your face glow. Let us help you decode the difference between Medi Facials and regular spa facials.
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kosmodermaclinic · 1 year
Coolsculpting in Bangalore | Fat Freezing | Body Fat Removal
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Looking for a non-invasive way to get rid of stubborn fat and achieve a slimmer, more toned physique? Consider CoolSculpting in Bangalore! CoolSculpting is a safe and effective fat-freezing treatment that targets and eliminates fat cells without surgery or downtime. Our experienced professionals use the latest technologies and techniques to provide customized treatment plans tailored to your unique needs and goals. Whether you want to sculpt your abs, thighs, or love handles, CoolSculpting can help you achieve the results you want. Our clinic is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities to ensure that you receive the best possible care. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn more about how CoolSculpting can help you achieve your desired body shape.
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kosmodermaclinic · 1 year
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A lush head of hair is a thing of beauty. Who doesn't love have? But stress, lack of nutrition, hormones and even your genes can lead to hair loss.
Now it is natural to lose up to 100 strands on a daily basis. It is part of the natural hair growth and fall cycle. However, if you are losing more than that or hair comes out in clumps, and you see thinning of the hair volume, then you are experiencing hair loss.
6 things to know about hair growth and fall
Your hair shaft grows from the follicle on the scalp. The root or the follicle is located beneath the skin. There are over 100,000 follicles on your scalp. The hair growth cycle has four phases – Anagen, Catagen, Telogen and Exogen. Anagen is the growing phase, and is the first phase of hair. At any given time around 90 percent of the follicles are in anagen phase. The anagen phase lasts between 2 to 7 years – this determines the length of your hair. Catagen is the transition phase. This is when the hair is getting ready to fall. This phase lasts 2 to 3 weeks. This is when blood supply is cut off from the roots. This hair is known as club hair. Telogen phase is the resting phase, when new hair growth takes place below the club hair. This lasts for about 3 months. At any given time 10 to 15 percent if your hair is in telogen phase. Exogen is the shedding phase when your old hair (resting club hair) falls making way for the new strands to push through. It’s ok to lose up to 100 strands a day.
Hair thinning in men and women
The hormone called DHT in men and women can have an impact on the quality of the hair growth. It can lead to hair thinning. DHT leads to follicle constriction, which slows down the hair growth.
In men hair loss is often called male pattern balding – receding hair line and complete baldness on crown and a horse patch of hair from ear to the nape. In women, it is more about thinning in certain patches rather than complete balding. Hair starts to thin around the hair part. Baldness can occur in patches due to alopecia or due to malfunction in the endocrine glands.
Hair transplant as a solution
Hair transplantation is a type of surgery where your own hair follicles are taken from one site and transplanted into the bald area.
The most common techniques for Hair transplant include Follicular Unit Transplant (FUT) and Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE).
In FUT the surgeon removes a 6 to 10 inch skin strip from the back of the head. This is called harvesting hair follicles from the donor area. It is then divided it into grafts of either individual hair or a group of hair. The number of grafts usually depends on the nature of the bald patch.
In FUE however, the surgeon shaves the back of the head and removes (harvests) the follicles one by one. The procedure of planting the graft is same after this for both the techniques.
The duration or the sittings of your procedure depends on the area and severity of baldness.
There is a recovery phase for this surgery is 2 to 5 days. It can be mildly painful, which is expected of any surgery. The transplanted hair falls down in 2 to 3 weeks post-surgery. It takes a few months for the new growth to come – 60 percent of the hair cpmes out in 6 to 9 months.
Who can opt for hair transplant?
Hair experts say that men with more defined balding pattern are better candidates for hair transplant procedure. They have defined receding hairline, and complete loss. Also they are not as impacted by follicle killing DHT as women. Harvesting grafts from donor areas becomes easy and transplants are more stable.
Women,on the other hand, have diffused hair loss and thinning, which means they do not have stable donor areas from where grafts can be harvested. Also the hormone DHT a stronger impact on women’s follicles. So when grafts are harvested from DHT affected areas, the transplanted strands remain unstable. The procedure often fails for women with thinning hair.
There are certain cases where women can opt for hair transplant procedure. Those who have distinct pattern baldness can opt for this procedure. Also women who have lost hair due to trauma like burns, accidents or scarring can go for hair transplantation. Women who have suffered hair loss due to non-hormonal causes can also try hair transplant procedures.
Kosmoderma Skin, Hair & Lasers Clinics are dedicated to medical excellence in the field of Cosmetic Dermatology with international accreditation and facilities. We offer scientifically proven treatments using US FDA approved technology. All our products have undergone extensive research and trials in USA, Europe and India. We pride ourselves in offering safe, effective and affordable treatments with high standards of quality. Kosmoderma gives personalized consults with skin care and uses facial analyzer and 3D imaging of the skin to analyze and personalize the treatments and skin regimen.
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kosmodermaclinic · 1 year
Kosmoderma offers a Weight Loss Treatment in Bangalore
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Are you looking for the Weight Loss Treatment in Bangalore? Look nowhere other than Kosmoderma. This company has got an expertise in all skincare treatments including non surgical weight loss treatment Bangalore. Although losing weight can be difficult, there are a number of non-surgical, effective weight loss options accessible in Bangalore. These procedures are intended to assist people in losing extra weight without the need for surgery or significant lifestyle adjustments as mentioned in non surgical fat loss treatment Bangalore. Procedures like liposuction, radio frequency, cavitation with ultrasound, and coolsculpting are examples of non-surgical weight loss therapies available in Bangalore. These procedures function by dissolving fat cells and assisting the body in eliminating them naturally. The majority of non invasive fat removal treatment Bangalore are rapid, minimally invasive, and downtime-free, making them a practical choice for people with hectic schedules. Modern technology is used, and they are carried out by skilled, qualified technicians. Consider visiting a clinic if you're searching for a non-surgical way of Lipodissolve Bangalore to aid in your weight loss efforts.
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kosmodermaclinic · 1 year
Get a Glutathione Injection for Skin Whitening Treatment from Kosmoderma and get an Instant Glow
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Kosmoderma is committed to giving customers the best skincare services. The Glutathione Injection for Skin Whitening Treatment is one of our most well-liked products. With the help of this potent antioxidant, your skin will look radiant and more even in tone. The experts take great pride in providing this treatment at a competitive glutathione injection cost in Bangalore, making it available to a larger clientele. In order to give the Skin Whitening Treatment the best possible care and assistance, their skilled team of specialists has undergone extensive training. the team provide a variety of different skincare procedures in addition to Skin Whitening Injection to help you achieve and maintain healthy, bright skin. The experts can assist you whether you wish to improve your natural beauty or treat a specific skin condition. Discover the impact that the dedication to excellence and individualised care can make on your quest to better skin. Make an appointment with Kosmoderma right now to book your consultation and experience the advantages of a fairer, more vibrant complexion.
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kosmodermaclinic · 1 year
Get Clear skin with Acne Scars Removal Treatment | Microneedling for Scar Removal Bangalore
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If you are struggling with acne scars, you don't have to live with them any longer. Kosmoderma, acne scars Removal Treatment Bangalore is your solution for all your problems. With our acne scars removal treatment, you can enjoy smoother, healthier, and more youthful-looking skin and boost your confidence. To reduce the appearance of acne scars and improve the overall texture and tone of your skin, Kosmoderma's Microneedling for Scar Removal Bangalore is very effective. The entire process is non-invasive, requires very less time, and its non-surgical that includes a little bit of side effects. The side effects are nothing but the redness and swelling that lasts for few minutes to hour. Make sure that you give us a call and get a free consultation as well as book a appointment to your acne scars removal treatment. To get the best treatment effects, make sure that you will follow all the required routine and aftercare things. This will boost the effects of your treatment more. Book your session at Kosmoderma, the best Laser treatments for acne Scar in Bangalore now!
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kosmodermaclinic · 1 year
Coolsculpting in Bangalore | Fat Freezing Bangalore | Body Fat Removal Bangalore
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CoolSculpting is a fat-freezing procedure that uses controlled cooling to eliminate stubborn fat that resists all efforts through diet and exercise. Each area is treated as an individual unit and hence divided into manageable individual parts so as to give consistent results. The process is such that once the fat cells are frozen, they become brittle and break on their own. These fat cell debris is then flushed out of the systemand this takes an average of 8 to 12 weeks. Coolsculpting weight loss treatment in Bangalore is customized to each patient depending on their body type.
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kosmodermaclinic · 1 year
Full Body Laser Hair Removal Bangalore | Laser Hair Treatment | Kosmoderma
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Hair Removal: for both men and women, commonly called as Laser Hair Removal (though it actually is Laser Hair Reduction), the process involves targeting hair follicles by a laser beam to reduce hair growth. Kosmoderma was the pioneer behind introduction of Fractional Skin Laser procedure for acne scar treatment and the number of procedures that we have performed over time has given us an authority which has helped us win the trust of the thousands of people on whom we have performed various Laser based treatments.
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kosmodermaclinic · 1 year
Melasma Treatment in Bangalore | Treatment for Dark Spots on Face Bangalore
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Do you suffer from the appearance of dark, discolored patches on your face? Your skin may be affected by melasma if you have been over exposed to the sun, have experienced hormonal changes, or are taking certain medications. Kosmoderma's best Melasma Treatment Doctors in Bangalore, offer a range of effective treatments that can help improve your melasma appearance and restore your vibrant, confident appearance. We offer a best melasma treatment in bangalore, and we will develop a customized treatment plan for you based on a comprehensive assessment of your skin, including sun protection, topical creams, chemical peels, laser therapy, or microdermabrasion. A more even skin tone can be achieved using state-of-the-art, safe and effective technology. Melasma should not prevent you from living your life to the fullest. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and take the first step towards clearer, healthier skin and get the best melasma treatment in Bangalore.
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kosmodermaclinic · 1 year
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The skin around the eyes is one of the thinnest in our bodies, making it sensitive to any change, be it external or internal. The under-eye area commonly reacts to changes negatively by showing signs of fine lines or wrinkles, dark circles, pigmentation, or under-eye swelling and puffiness. Among these, sudden wrinkles under eyes are one of the most typical signs of under-eye damage.
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kosmodermaclinic · 1 year
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Facials are an important method of making your face glow. These are often pampering, relaxing, and de-stress techniques that give you healthy skin. But, did you know that the facials offered at your favorite spa vary from those offered by your dermatologist? These are called “Medi Facials”. With the world changing every day, we see advancements in beauty treatments as well. 
Let us help you decode the difference between Medi Facials and regular spa facials.
What Are Medi Facials?
Medi Facials are specific, medical-grade facials that are done by a certified dermatologist using advanced technology, researched protocols, and science-based ingredients. Medi Facials are done using many devices and techniques that include lasers, dermaplaning, peels, and microdermabrasion. These are highly effective as compared to regular facials. 
Medi Facials focus on specific skin problems such as 
Sun damage
Sensitive skin
Aged skin
Types Of Medi Facials
Medi Facials are considered to be very effective in addressing your skin problems caused due to aging, pollution, and sun damage. 
There are different types of Medi Facials such as:
Clean up- This type of facial is ideal for oily, acne-prone skin, and skin with whiteheads and blackheads.
Hydrating facial- This type is ideal for mature, dull, dry, and dehydrated skin.
Illuminating facial- This type of facial works best for dull and dry skin.
Oxy facial- This type of facial helps you soothe, heal, and nourish your skin. Your dermatologist uses various serums for this facial.
Hydra facial- It is ideal for dull and dry skin, which makes your skin clean and fresh.
Pollogen facial- This type of facial is ideal for any age, which uses low-level laser stimulation and exfoliation methods. 
Laser facial- This type of facial is ideal for pigmented skin for toning and bleaching the skin.
What Are Regular Spa Facials?
These are salon facials that are designed to give you a more soothing and pampering experience. These facials simply target the superficial (top) layer of the skin, and the results are temporary. The products used are all chemical-based products, and there is no guarantee that these are of good quality. However, they do provide a temporary glow to the skin. 
How Are Medi Facials Different From Regular Spa Facials?
Medi Facials have become a trend these days due to the advanced technology used and their increased effectiveness in fighting skin problems. Currently, they have been successfully replacing regular spa facials. 
The difference between Medi Facials and regular spa facials depends on various factors such as:
Ingredients used
Regular spa facials use very harsh chemicals.
Medi Facials use safe, high-grade science-based ingredients.
Regular facials are less effective in fighting skin problems such as pigmentation, and age spots.
Medi Facials are fairly more effective and use advanced technology such as lasers, light devices, and exfoliation technology (water jets, etc). 
Depth of skin invaded
Regular facials act and remove dead skin superficially through exfoliation.
Medi Facials act into deeper layers of the skin, which improves the collagen (it is a protein produced in your body, which plays an important role in the structure and function of the skin, bone, and cartilage), and speeds up the cell turnover (it is a biological process of shedding dead skin cells with younger, healthy cells).
Results after the facial
Regular facials give only temporary results.
Medi Facials provide long-lasting results.
Summary of the differences 
Regular facials do more harm than good to your skin.
It strips off your skin due to the harsh chemicals which damages the skin barrier system.
The creams used block the skin pores and cause more breakouts.
There is no specific facial used for specific skin types or skin problems.
Benefits Of Medi Facials
Medi Facials are the most effective procedures to provide a healthy, youthful, glowing skin. There are plenty benefits associated:
It penetrates into deeper layers of skin.
It provides long lasting results.
It uses skin-type specific science-based ingredients
Medi Facials use advanced technology such as lasers, peels etc. which does not erode the superficial layer of the skin.
Within 48 to 72 hours, you can get a glowing, healthy skin.
Within 28 to 48 days, you can get long-term results due to cell regeneration.
These facials are painless and non-invasive.
They provide anti-inflammatory and bacterial benefits to the skin.
Decreases stress and provides relaxation.
Tightens and moisturizes the skin.
Effectively reduces aging signs.
There is no downtime ( time required for healing after any procedure) required.
There are not many side effects apart from the usual redness (which is mild).
Who should opt for Medi Facials?
Any woman can opt for a Medi Facial, since it targets specific problems of the skin. Your dermatologist will take into account your medical history, your lifestyle, current condition of your dermal layer, and your skin goals for the future.
How Often Can You Opt For Medi Facials?
This depends on the results you achieve after a session. Your dermatologist will determine the number of sessions required depending on your skin type as well. 4 to 6 weeks is the ideal period between two sessions in many cases.
Treatments That Fall Under  Medi Facial
Mesotherapy- It is a process that injects vitamins into the dermal layer (middle layer) of the skin using  a microneedle. This helps in facial rejuvenation and skin brightening.
Chemical peels- This process uses mild peeling agents which brighten the dermal layer. It is ideal for women who want to achieve flawless and glowing skin.
Microdermabrasion- It uses high-definition machines to exfoliate the skin. The machine/ tool uses diamond tips to remove the superficial layer of the skin.
Microneedling- This process uses a dermapen or derma roller to apply a platelet-rich serum to the face. 
LED therapy– This process is used for women with early signs of aging. It uses blue and red LED therapy to enhance the benefits of the procedure. 
A healthy, youthful, and glowing skin is every woman’s desire. If you are dealing with an irritating skin condition, or want a younger-looking skin, then you need to have a Medi Facial. 
Contact our expert team of dermatologists at Kosmoderma, and book your appointment for rejuvenating skin treatment.
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kosmodermaclinic · 1 year
Boost your Self-esteem by getting a Natural-looking Lift with Breast Augmentation Surgery
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In order to help ladies accentuate their curves and attain the bust size and form they prefer, Kosmoderma clinic offers Breast Augmentation Surgery in Bangalore. In order to achieve your desired look, our talented team of cosmetic surgeons will collaborate with you to choose the optimum implant type, size, and placement. A safe and effective option to improve your physique and self-esteem is through breast augmentation surgery with Breast Implants Bangalore. Breast implants are inserted during the surgery under the breast tissue or the chest muscle to increase volume and enhance the form of the breasts. To assist you in achieving a natural-looking lift, we provide a variety of implant alternatives, including silicone and saline implants in Mammoplasty Bangalore. We encourage you to get in touch with our clinic to arrange a consultation if you're thinking about having Breast Enlargement Surgery in Bangalore and want to know more about your options. We'll be pleased to assist you with any inquiries you may have and to advise you on the best course of action to take in order to accomplish your objectives in Breast Enhancement Bangalore.
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kosmodermaclinic · 2 years
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Putting some good makeup practices to use makes sense but then, isn’t “naturally so good” the way to go ? In this blog, we will talk about a few things which can help you achieve glowing skin !
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kosmodermaclinic · 2 years
Rhinoplasty Bangalore | Nose Job Bangalore | Kosmoderma Nose Reshaping Bangalore
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Rhinoplasty, commonly known as a “nose job” or “nose reshaping”, is a common surgical technique which many people undertake to shape their nose as per their facial structure. Rhinoplasty is actually the most followed surgical procedure owing to its easier accessibility and of course because a nose forms the most prominent part of the facial looks. Rhinoplasty will be the right pick for you if you have any of the following concerns: Your nose is smaller or larger as compared to the entire facial proportion The size of the nostrils or the nose bridge is not in proportion to the overall nose size The nose bridge has uncharacteristic bumps/depressions The nasal tip is not as per your liking.
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kosmodermaclinic · 2 years
PRP Bangalore | Hair Fall Specialist Bangalore | Baldness Treatment & Best Hair Loss Treatment In Bangalore
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PRP or Platelet Rich Plasma is a regenerative procedure in which growth factors, derived from the own body are injected into the concerned area for treating hair fall, allergies, muscular issues or wherever similar surgical interventions are required. The PRP treatment is used for hair fall, hair loss treatment cases where the hair fall is attributed to nutritional deficiency. The results are significantly visible only in the long term because PRP treatment is about improving the nutritional situation of the cells.
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kosmodermaclinic · 2 years
Post Workout Hair And Skin Care
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Have you ever felt that the workout you do for a healthy body, ends up making your skin and hair look bad?
Website : https://www.kosmoderma.com/
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