slash-fic-recs · 11 years
Hey so I've been losing my mind looking for a link to It Keeps the Stars Apart by thatwasnotveryravenofyou b/c she deleted her livejournal & then I found a link for it but that link stopped working. It's one of my all-time favorite fics ever and I need it like air and I was just wondering if you have a link to it that works?
I have It Keeps The Stars Apart a Jesse/Andrew fic, I think that’s what you mean?
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slash-fic-recs · 12 years
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In honor of new Suits, I present to you a fic that comes most highly recommended, as seen above.
needs must
Author: thatotherperv
Fandom: Suits
Pairing: Harvey/Mike
Category: d/s, au, kink
Summary: When Grammy needs an upgrade in care, Mike knows that the usual one-off gig as a paid submissive won’t be enough. He takes a job he’s been refusing for a while - a long-term, full-time contract.
He expects his client to be a sadistic asshole. He expects not to like it. He’s wrong on both counts.
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slash-fic-recs · 12 years
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I do, indeed. :D
light brought in buckets
Summary: Tony and Steve adopt a young Peter, and Tony handles being a father with all the grace that can be expected of him.
The Life and Times of Anthony Stark: Family Man
Summary: A bunch of ficlets focusing on Tony and Steve being Peter's parents, and their attempt and struggle to be more than a superhero (and somewhat dysfunctional) family with all the Avengers around.
Two Sides of the Coin
Summary: The reactions of Tony and Steve upon discovering that their adopted son, Peter Parker, has decided to go into the family business.
The Avengers' Babysitters' Club
Summary: Tony and Steve adopt Peter. It's hard to finda suitable babysitter, even if you're Tony Stark. (Or especially when you're Tony Stark.)
Summary: Steve and Tony just keep finding new ways to make Peter's life horribly and painfully awkward.
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slash-fic-recs · 12 years
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Sorry for the delay. It's my last week of class so I'm desperately trying, and failing, to prep for finals.
I don't have any high school ones, for some reason, but here're some great college AUs:
***The Student Prince
Summary: A Modern day Merlin AU set at the University of St Andrews, featuring teetotal kickboxers, secret wizards, magnificent bodyguards of various genders, irate fairies, imprisoned dragons, crumbling gothic architecture, arrogant princes, adorable engineering students, stolen gold, magical doorways, attempted assassination, drunken students, shaving foam fights, embarrassing mornings after, The Hammer Dance, duty, responsibility, friendship and true love.
Notes: If you haven't already, you HAVE TO READ THIS FIC. I applied to St Andrews because of this fic.
Heartbreak, Secret Friends, and Stupid Doodles
Summary: Merlin has a secret crush on Arthur, who has no idea who he is. When Arthur has a bad break up, Merlin takes it upon himself to cheer him up. Secretly, of course.
Notes: Just an all-around adorable fic, with a bit of pining to sweeten the deal.
Drugstore Flowers
Summary: Merlin starts to receive lovely gifts (and less-lovely flowers) from a secret admirer.
Notes: Basically, the fic above but flipped so Arthur's the one pursuing Merlin. Very cute.
Laundry Letters
Summary: Arthur attends a prestigious university and seems to have everything going his way… except for an inability to do his own laundry. Mature content herein, etc.
Notes: Have you ever seen that post on tumblr with the notices neighbors write to each other to sarcastically complain without real confrontation? Yeah, it's like that.
Love, Toast, and Post-It Notes
Summary: It was love at first sight, and Merlin knew it - when it came to the flat, that was. Merlin wasn't anything like as clear about the man he was going to have to live with.
Notes: ...I don't know why all my college recs involve passing notes but I hope you enjoy. :D
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slash-fic-recs · 12 years
"A Meeting of the Minds" by CrimsonQuills was an excellent Tony Stark/Steve Rodgers 616-verse fanfiction :)
Yes, it is indeed. :D Thanks for the rec!
A Meeting of Minds AKA Bonding 'Verse
Fandom: Avengers
Pairing: Steve/Tony
Category: series; the Marvel version of Vulcan bonding (meaning extremis comes out to play); Steve is protective; Tony!feels.
Summary: As it turns out, the Extremis hadn't quite finished rewriting Tony's brain. The only potential fix has...consequences.
PS - It says the series isn't complete, but I think it's worth reading as it is since you wouldn't be able to tell there's more if not for the author saying so.
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slash-fic-recs · 12 years
Steve/Tony, some Phil/Coulson and Thor/Loki
Mr. July
“He’s covering himself with his shield,” Tony said. “Just the shield. How do you not understand the momentous terribleness of this occasion?”
Followed by:
Two events were a coincidence, three was a pattern, ten was time to sit up, take notice, and admit that yeah, maybe villains really were trying to rip Captain America’s clothes off. 
can’t buy me, love
Captain America is not a slut for charity.
Turn Around (Three Times Before Lying Down)
Everyone knows that Tony Stark is a playboy, billionaire philanthropist, but what they don’t know is that he’s also a werewolf. When a government agency known as SHIELD finds out, they use this information to force Tony’s hand and bring him into a new elite lycan field team, codename The Avengers Initiative.  Suddenly Tony finds himself playing host to a bunch of lycans, a misplaced God of Thunder and an experimental supersoldier that isn’t as dead as everyone assumed. Can his week get any worse?
Just trust me on this one, since I know a lot of people (coughmecough) avoid werewolf fics automatically. Clint/Coulson is also an adorable side pairing here.
In All the World
In a world where Sentinels, people with five heightened senses, bond mentally and spiritually with Guides, people gifted with empathetic powers, Tony Stark has spent thirty-three years overwhelmed by the emotions of those around him and running from his own. Sentinel Steve Rogers wakes up sixty years out of his own time and struggles to deal with the massive amount of new sensory input while trying to find his footing in a New York very different from the one he knew. When they finally find each other, how will their bond change them?
Three Birthdays
Avengerskink Prompt: The reason pre-serum Steve is so weak and sickly? He’s Thor and Loki’s kid. Sometimes Jotun-Aesir hybrids hit the genetic jackpot (see: Odin), and sometimes they don’t. It’s also the reason he reacted so positively to the super serum; he had all the potential, he just needed a way to unlock it.
Darling Heart
Tony stared at Steve, trying to figure out what his response should be. He had no idea what to do, because people didn’t do that, nobody told Tony Stark they loved him, nobody except for Rhodey that one time and Rhodey had been blackout drunk so it probably didn’t count anyway, and besides—  “Tony,” Steve said, swallowing hard, his face still deathly pale. “Tony, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean—”
On the Record
Tony vs the tabloids is an ongoing battle. These headlines might be the winning shot.
Phil Coulson is Not the Avengers’ Public Relations Manager
From the Avengers Case Files of Phil Coulson: Grocery shopping is necessary, Tony’s a little too proud of his tech, Captain America’s lost on the streets of New York, and sometimes social injustice just happens. Phil Coulson’s the one who’s got to write this nonsense up, and he is not their PR Manager.
Read this if only because it was inspired by this quote from Chris Evans:
“Are you kidding me? It’s insane that civil rights are being denied people in this day and age. It’s embarrassing, and it’s heartbreaking. It goes without saying that I’m completely in support of gay marriage. In 10 years we’ll be ashamed that this was an issue.”
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slash-fic-recs · 12 years
Fandom: The Social Network
Pairing: Mark/Eduardo
Length: 15k
Category: AU but only a little; Wardo controls the weather (like Pudge!); Dustin's a good friend.
Summary: Prompt: Eduardo has always had an affinity with the weather - odd things, like always being warm; knowing when it will rain/snow and it even pays off with friends - Mark is never cold when Eduardo is happy (flip-flops in the snow, for example). But it has never been a weird thing. Until the dilution - suddenly the weather is playing up in a major way, unseasonal weather - spring never arriving! - and odd bouts of weather for the people that have upset Eduardo (for example - Peter's house floods; Sean nearly gets hit with lightening five times and it seems to snow over the Facebook offices). Initially Mark doesn't notice, but everyone else does, and initially there is no obvious connection. Until the depositions and Mark just can't help but notice that the weather seems to react to Eduardo's moods. So Mark has to bring spring back :D
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slash-fic-recs · 12 years
More Steve/Tony + Clint/Coulson
At age fifteen, Steve Rogers had been in love with Tony Stark.
By age twenty, he’d (mostly) gotten over it. And then he promptly became Tony Stark’s fuck buddy.
And the second in the series is the Clint/Coulson side of things:
Phil Coulson was more than halfway through his six year plan, and everything was chugging along nicely.
Unfortunately, he hadn’t foreseen a cocky junior Art major waltzing into his life, or his floor.
(First Impressions Are) A Work in Progress
Tony has a point system for the times he can get Steve to be less than perfect.
A Partial Dictionary Of The 21st Century By Captain Steve Rogers, US Army
Steve is adapting well to the new millennium, and he has the dictionary to prove it.
Where every entry could conceivable have the subheading See: Stark, Tony.
The Beauty Asleep in the Workshop OR Sleeping Tony
In which Tony mouths off to a witch, catches up on his beauty sleep, and learns that True Love might not be such a crock after all. (His status as a princess, however, is still debatable.)
The Iron Beast
Once upon a time, in a tale much like the ones you’ve heard before, there was a merchant, named Joseph. The widower had three sons, all with hair of gold.
The Captain and the Prince
Steve has had a crush on Tony for years. Captain Rogers heads up the castle guard when Prince Anthony returns from his studies abroad. What’s a poor captain of the guard to do when his past crashes into his present?
Would the world spin round without us
Clint is sent to lay low in the English countryside, and Phil is sent along. Falling in love is not really something they planned for.
And I’ll cross oceans like never before
‘Oh, hell no,’ he thinks, looking down at his hands only to be met with furry paws instead of the fingers he expects.
—Or the one where Loki turns Clint into a puppy, and his new condition allows him to gain some startling insights into their resident babysitter agent.
I Am Judas
Marksmanship is not Clint’s only talent, but not every talent is a gift.
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slash-fic-recs · 12 years
Length: good/long
Type: baby; Tony and Steve marry when Tony’s a girl (and when they’re boys, too); daddy!Tony is the best Tony; OTP finds their way together.
Summary: Babyfic! When Tony unexpectedly becomes a parent, his world view drastically changes. And changes. Then it changes again. And then again.
When all of the parallel/alternate are being attacked, Natasha Stark gives her baby over to Tony to take care of before she dies. Tony takes to fatherhood liked you’d expect. (In other words, he’s awesome.)
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slash-fic-recs · 12 years
Steve/Tony Pairing Fic Primer
All the fics that you will eventually read in this fandom. Not to sound indirectly threatening or anything. Just fact.
If I’ve missed anything, let me know and I’ll update.
Ready, Fire, Aim  + its associated sequels/companions
There’s no “I” in “Avenger.”
(I can promise you without hyperbole that this is on every Steve/Tony rec list out there.)
Tomorrow Belongs to Me
Steve wakes up in the 21st Century. He doesn’t think much of it, and it’s dubious about him. He meets a Norse God, joins a superhero team, and feels terribly awkward about the whole momument at Arlington he’s rendered obsolete by not being dead. Meanwhile, Tony is trying to make his mark on history by being the man who finally drove Nick Fury over the edge.
Secrets of a Successful Marriage
Tony Stark lives a double life; he’s secretly the supervillain known as Iron Man. But his loving husband Steve has a few secrets of his own, as Tony is about to discover.
“I’m trying to like you, Tony. You’re just making it very hard.”
(I avoided this fic for so long because the “Joking references to suicide” warning just sat wrong with me. But I read and I loved it and now I know why it’s everywhere you look when you first try to find some Super Husbands fic.)
Team Building Activities
Fury’s a beautiful princess. Clint’s plotting a Communist revolution. Rhodey’s not sexy. Wall-E’s not a documentary. Clint’s not gay but he does give a great blowjob. This fic is not an AU.
Average Avengers Local Chapter 7 of New York City
Steve and Tony accidentally start a national do-gooders association and fall in love.
Honey, I Can See the Stars
The most he’d ever cared about anything remotely related was his uniform, which, beyond the stylistic, was pretty necessary. But now his suit comes from a lab far more advanced than the basement of a Brooklyn antique shop, and the only decision he really gets to make is if his pants are too tight. (They were, but he doesn’t really think they changed them. He doesn’t know why, but he thinks that might have been on purpose.) That being said, he doesn’t know what he’s done to deserve the double take Tony gives him as he walks in the room.
open to everything happy and sad
He wanted to shake Tony, crawl inside him and make him stop hurting himself and hurting the team with all his stupid bullshit. They were tired and covered in smoke and ash and bits of rubble. This was going to happen again and again until Steve ended up in a scene just like this one, except he’d be cradling Tony’s dead body instead of feeling for broken bones.
There is no “I”
The reasons not to join the Avengers were many and varied. The problem was that when Captain America smiled at him, Tony had trouble remembering what they were.
Steve Rogers is a capable leader, a kind and cheerful man, a good friend, a strong role model, and a loyal soldier. He’s also teetering on the edge of suicide.
(Gives you all the Steve feels without overwhelming you with reacting to the PTSD/suicide issues.)
The Last Love Song of Anthony E. Stark
After contracting an Asgardian virus, Tony starts forgetting things. And people. And Steve.
The Roughest Day
Steve is in a motorcycle accident, Tony catches a cold, and someone may be after the New Avengers.
Met the Dodgers
Written for a prompt over at avengerkink: Tony decides that, with his reputation, there’s only one best way to show Steve he’s serious about their budding relationship. Buy the Dodgers and move them back to Brooklyn for him.
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slash-fic-recs · 13 years
Length: 15k
Rating: PG-13
Category: AU; Cas the accountant (it's a temp job okay); John; Anna ships it; siblings; a bit of pining.
Summary: When Castiel's offered a senior position in the Heavenly Host, he decides that before he commits himself he'd better take that holiday on Earth he's always wanted. So he does, and he meets Dean.
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slash-fic-recs · 13 years
Fandom: Sherlock
Pairing: Sherlock/John
Rating: PG
Length: oneshot of moderate size
Category: AU; Reichenbach but spoiler-free; let this break your heart in a whole new way; happy ending; for a given value of happy.
Summary: In the afternoon of May 20th, 2015, Sherlock Holmes starts down the steps of the British Museum and walks neatly into the arms of a dead man. Reversed!Reichenbach, based off of the ACD!canon storyline — no spoilers for S2.
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slash-fic-recs · 13 years
A Somewhat Comprehensive Sherlock Rec List
Something to fill the void as we wait for updates and new episodes.
All of the BBC Sherlock fics that I've read and liked are here. I've also got some more ACD/2009 Holmes recs here.
In my opinion, everything here is worth reading, even if it doesn't sound like something you'd normally go for. I anticipate this will get rather long, so I'll list a few general categories here so you can ctrl f to get where you want to go (since I'm computer illiterate and I can't do anything fancier). The actual links will be under the read more.
Absolutely Have to Read
Post-Reichenbach - not many (yet) - SPOILERS
*s will indicate that I've already rec'd something on the slash-fic-recs blog and am posting the link again so that all the recs are in one post. (And because the fic rocks.) Basically, if you want a slightly more thorough review, one exists on another post.
Absolutely Have to Read
The Paradox Series
So very, very good. Sherlock here obsesses over John he does over the most challenging of cases, but even though that can get a little creepy, he does it out of such all-consuming love that it ends up, if not sweet, then at least as understandable as anything Sherlock ever does.
The Death and Resurrection of the English Language
Summary: Wherein the English language dies, Sherlock mourns it, and John revives a dead tongue.
My personal favorite of the series.
*Shadows on the Wall
John came back from Afghanistan psychic. Spoilers to The Great Game.
So much more than the summary would suggest. The way John falls into Sherlock in this with a bit less of the blind faith of the series 2 finale that, rather than detracting anything, makes John's love and his struggles with Sherlock all the more poignant.
Observations on Sentinels and Guides in Victorian London
A Victorian era AU where Sentinels and Guides are members of everyday society. Starring Sentinel! Holmes and Guide! Watson.
This is a crossover with The Sentinel to some degree, but I had no knowledge of that universe before I read this fic and I fared fine. 
The Republic of Heaven - WIP
Born to a witch and a human, people know Sherlock will be unusual from the start. John Watson, on the other hand, seems perfectly ordinary, except for his dæmon...
This fic is also a crossover, but I again had no knowledge of the source material and I'm loving the fic.
*The Science of Seduction
Sherlock ran a website called The Science Of Seduction, on which he gave advice on the best ways to get laid, wrote blog entries detailing the results of his various sexual 'experiments' and generally contributed to the stereotype of 'every gay man is a sex-mad playboy'. John avoided the thing like the plague. AU in which Sherlock treats sex like he does crime in canon. (I know this'll sound ridiculous, given the summary, but it's really not all that pr0ny. So if that's what you want, this isn't the place to get it.)
*Father Trap
Sherlock and John were married, had two beautiful twin girls and then everything went tragically awry and they separated. Years later, the girls meet at a summer camp.
This is just so cute. And if you're a child of the 90s, it'll hold an even more special place in your heart as a Parent Trap crossover.
Minds Like Ours Dream Up 
  John can't write up the case until he finds out why. He needs to write their story true. [Post The Reichenbach Fall, major spoilers.]
The best post-Reichenbach I've read so far.
The Inexact Science of Miracles 
Alternate ending to "The Reichenbach Fall," in which Sherlock shows up behind John in the graveyard to explain and ask for forgiveness. What John gives him in addition is something far better than Sherlock could have ever predicted.
It started with rumors, and a hashtag.
Dates of Vast Importance 
John made everything comfortable.
The Art of Flat-Sharing 
Everybody likes John Watson. He's down-to-earth and unassuming, and standing next to Sherlock, well... It's no wonder everyone assumes Sherlock's the horrific flatmate.  It's as irritating as any false assumption. Sherlock may be difficult at times, but John is hardly the flat-sharing ideal.
The Plan 
John had a plan, and its name was Get Some Sex. And the capitals were most certainly necessary.
The Adoption of John Watson-Holmes 
Mummy thinks that John Watson is so good for Sherlock that she must endeavor to make sure he stays with her son. If that means she has to force-adopt the man, then so be it. Mycroft is smug. Sherlock is horrified. John is devious.
Want You Here Tonight 
As far as crushes go, this is the one he’s had the hardest time getting over.
How do you Solve a Problem like Sherlock 
A smile spread across Lestrade’s face. “You really could do it, couldn’t you? You could just pick someone out,” he raised a clenched fist, “and drop him,” he opened his fist and, dropping his head, traced the decent of an invisible item until it hit the floor. For a long moment he stared at where he seemed to think it had landed before looking back up and refocusing on Mycroft’s face. “Into your brother’s life.”  Mycroft shrugged and snuggled further down into the comfortably yielding sofa. “A mutual friend here,” he indicated to the left with his glass, “a coincidental meeting there,” a tip to the right gently sloshing the liquid but not enough to spill, “these things can be arranged. It would seem like,” he paused to take a sip, “serendipity.”
(Not in the AU section because I could see this having happened. ;D)
A Matter of National Security 
Mycroft sabotaging John's dates with women because he knows Sherlock and John are made for each other.
Breakfast at 221B 
"Anyway. Enough of my embarrassing sibling brothel stories. Tell me yours." A Sherlock conversation, over breakfast.
"And just what is the plan, Sherlock?" John shouted. "Go to prison? You assaulted a police officer – no court won't convict you." He ran a hand over his face. "What could possibly be worth risking your freedom?"
Action Man 
Although Sherlock is a complete narcissist when it comes to his intellect, he actually thinks he is the ugliest thing to grace god's green earth. John feels the needs to fix this.
Four times John had to erase his voicemail because of Sherlock and one time it was the other way round. 
Taking Exception 
I bet he scared the hell out of you the first time he did that, Lestrade thinks with barely concealed admiration. He wonders about the relative merits of hiring John for the sole purpose of keeping the team in line, and then thinks better of it. "You can't have him," Sherlock says under his breath. "Didn't think so," Lestrade says, grinning.
On the Necessity of Endings 
Sherlock knows he's a difficult roommate; he also knows he's a difficult boyfriend and difficult boyfriends run a high risk of being dumped. He can't stop John from leaving him, but he can make it harder for other people to steal him away. I'd like to see paranoid, panicky, possessive Sherlock doing his best to stamp a virtual MINE sign on John: hickeys, wearing John's jumpers, having him wear Sherlock's scarf, buying matching watches/rings/bracelets, significant touching...
The reason because "it's all fine!" is that before the war, John was very well known in the seediest gay clubs you can imagine. Easy, that's what John Watson was. But the war has changed him and he has shut this part of his life away in the darkest corner of his mind. What happens when he and Sherlock have to investigate smth. at one of those clubs, maybe meet some old... acquaintances?
Barter System 
I'd love something about Sherlock&John's clothing barter system in this verse! Bring on the "Sherlock wearing John's sweaters" fics!
Seventeen Letters 
"I love Sherlock," John says out loud, testing how the words feel in his mouth. It doesn't change anything. Sherlock's still the pillock who fiddled with his computer password.
Excessive force may be... 
“ Excessive force may be necessary. -SH If it’s neccesary, then it’s not excessive. -JW /JW’s phone: picture message received./ Oh that’s nice. Flip me off. Thanks. -JW ”
A Secret Told To The Mouth Instead Of To The Ear 
Sherlock doesn't let himself kiss John when he's on a case.
*Applied Linguistics 
“He wants to shake John by the shoulders, wants to open his mouth and swallow John whole. Wants to marry him.” 
Sherlock searches for the right words.
Cu Sylvatica 
He wonders if this is the tipping point: that moment that everyone seems to be so certain will someday occur when he tosses off whatever exists of his threadbare sense of ethics to live life entirely at the whim of what is interesting and what is not.  He wishes the concept didn't appeal to him so strongly.
(This is a series of fics.)
But Love Is A Voice On The Wind 
Sherlock keeps getting texts from Mycroft with tips on wooing John.
Wool Over Your Eyes 
John has no idea where his woollen jumpers have gotten to. Sherlock does, but he's not telling.
(What happened to this fandom's jumper obsession?)
The Club 
Lestrade, Donovan and Anderson (and maybe the other unnamed members of the Volunteer Drug-Bust-Sherlock team?) are on break and gossiping about Sherlock and John like a bunch of little old ladies. They probably even have weekly meetings.
Like Bad Wallpaper 
In which John discovers that family weddings really are the worst way to spend an evening, and Sherlock solves a mystery.
No Such Thing As "In Between" 
Sarah's pretty sure she qualifies as stupid.
Sherlock and John keep proposing to each other at fancy restaurants for the complimentary bottle of wine and/or desserts that they get in celebration from the restaurant. This makes actually proposing rather difficult.
and stand there at the edge of my affection 
"You've written love letters," Sherlock asserted.
(<3333333 So lovely.)
Acts of God (Sherlock) 
John came to realise rather quickly that Sherlock had absolutely zero interest in their household affairs.
Civil Conversations and Surveillance 
"Oh dear, you like him." Mycroft leans back, laying his free hand on the arm of the chair. "And he does not like you… at least not how you'd prefer him to." -Mycroft helps Sherlock with a certain John Watson problem-
The Love Song of Two Idiots 
The eighth time Sherlock proposed to John, it was on a Thursday afternoon in the middle of a Tesco. And like the seven times before, he got rejected.
The Cure is Worse 
Sherlock needs to test a theory about his nicotine habit. The results are not what he expects.
John moved out because Sherlock was impossible to live with and Sarah was sweet and none of them cared about the things that were broken in the process until well after the fact. That was the foolish thing, and it can't be undone. Sherlock isn't going to set himself up for another rejection.
Birthday Suit 
Sherlock has developed a predilection for nudity around the flat. If he doesn't stop it soon and put some bloody clothes on John is going to have to do something drastic. Like shag him senseless.
Five Times Sherlock Hated Gladstone (and One Time Sherlock Thought Gladstone was a BAMF) 
Sherlock hates Gladstone.
An Addition to the Family 
John rescues an abandoned puppy, and 221b has to adjust to their new occupant.
The Softer Side of Sherlock 
Returning home one cold and rainy night, Sherlock finds a lost/abandoned puppy huddled in the doorway of their building trying to stay out of the rain. He's not crazy about bringing it inside, but he really doesn't want to leave it out there to die of exposure either, so he grudgingly tucks it under his arm and takes it upstairs. Cue John being all O.O "W...T...F?" as Sherlock sets about drying puppy off, building up a fire, and sitting in front of the fireplace with a towel-wrapped puppy in his lap.
(A kink meme prompt as the summary, if you couldn't tell.)
*Theory of Narrative Casuality
Summary: Sherlock and John are BNFs in Sherlock Holmes fandom. Together, they fight crime. (Always.) And write porn, incidentally.
(I don't normally like fics about characters writing fics but this is so good. And the author obviously spent a lot of time working on the formatting so make sure to compliment him/her on it. :D)
The Engagement 
gay!royalty!AU. For ~political reasons~, King Mycroft has his younger brother, Prince Sherlock, betrothed to a foreigner, Prince John. Sherlock is all, "How about nooooooooo" until he actually meets his husband-to-be.
Old Memories And Young Hopes 
The first time Sherlock held a violin, he was six and he already knew how to play a handful of Mendelssohn's Lieder.
Adventures in Babysitting 
  Based off of all the baby!Sherlock in the series that are also a part of this bookmark collection. Eleven-year-old Greg unexpectedly winds up watching a room full of unruly children.
they tell me their secrets (will you tell me yours too)
In Afghanistan, the supplies tell him when they're running low, and the cars always, always tell him when strangers have touched them, and John gets known as having a knack (paranoia, his men call it, but he's never missed a single car bomb) for keeping his men safe.
  On John Watson’s sixth birthday, his mum gave him a flat wooden box to hold his wish stones.
A Priori 
  In which vampires have enslaved humans and control, well, everything. Vampire!Mycroft insists his little brother get a slave -- even though it didn't work out with the dog -- and Sherlock chooses the one guaranteed to irritate his brother the most: an unassuming little doctor with an ugly past and absolutely no style to speak of.
Sequel: White Noise
Summary: John settles into his life with Sherlock as tensions rise for humans living in London.
Here goes 
"Sherlock. He's not looking at Joanna, he's barely paying attention. I thought..." Mycroft's gaze sharpens, on Lestrade's face: Lestrade shrugs. "I thought--she's all dressed up, you know, I--I thought he liked her." "He's busy with the diplomat," Mycroft says with a lift of his shoulders. "I know," says Lestrade dubiously, looking down at his champagne flute.  Mycroft touches his arm, resolving to do that something to Lestrade's throat within the next fifteen minutes. "Greg," he says quietly, "you're around the two of them almost every day. Watch him and see every time he looks her way."
Level 65 Paladin Looking for Group 
"I think I met someone," John says at his next therapist's appointment. "A friend."  "Really?" Ella asks. She sounds pleased, and also surprised. "What's his name?"  John nods. "Really. His name's Sherlock. He -- he plays the same game as me, the online one. We party together."
(John and Sherlock and Scotland Yard and Molly all play WoW together.)
The Heart, and Other Fleshly Organs 
"I have been reliably informed I don't have one." It's true. There is no one more reliable than himself, after all.
Faerie Born 
In a world of sorcerers and magic, Sherlock is a Faerie-born and John, lacking any kind of magical talent, often seems a bit out of place. But he has a gift all his own...
Family Affairs 
  Somehow, young!John gets adopted by the Holmes family.
Magical island AU. I'm silver and you're gold.
John is the best retrieval expert the British Army has, and so naturally it's him that's sent in when some man with little sense of self-preservation keeps getting himself taken hostage - again, and again, and again.
Catch and Release 
Watson is brought into the house after the Lady finds him shivering underneath the front steps after a long rain. He does not remember how long he has been wandering the streets, only that it has been quite a long time since the man with the angry sneer left his front door open, letting Watson take the opportunity to escape.
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slash-fic-recs · 13 years
For the anon who asked for:
Destiel or Chulu, please?
You get both, of course! (And only partially because it's been so long since I posted anything at all. ;D)
Sorry this took so long, anon! I hope you follow me or bookmarked this or check regularly or something so you actually see this.
Hope everyone enjoys the selections!
TItle: The Mirror
Pairings: Dean/Cas, in every variation possible; Sam/various
Rating: R
Length: long but not huge
Category: alternate universes but this is not an AU; fem!Dean; fem!Cas; fem!Sam; babies; soulmates; higher powers love Destiel, too.
Summary: When Dean touches a strange mirror, he's whisked away to one alternate reality after another and it doesn't take him long to realize the universe is trying to tell him something.
TItle: The Request
Pairings: Dean/Cas; Sam/Jess
Rating: PG(-13?)
Length: also long but not huge
Category: AU; angels run a bureaucracy; pining; Dean has angst and is also a cop; Sam just wants his brother to find love.
Summary: When Sam Winchester prays for his brother, Castiel is finally sent on his very first assignment. But what should be a simple love match turns into much more and Castiel finds himself risking everything to ensure the happiness of his extremely frustrating charge.
[By the same author as the first rec.]
TItle: Things Dean Winchester Loves
Pairings: Dean/Cas
Rating: G (maybe there's swearing or something, though?)
Length: medium short
Category: fluff; Dean loves pie.
Summary: Castiel makes a list, Sam gives good advice, and Dean takes a while to catch on.
TItle: Five Lessons Dean Tries Teaching Castiel for Winchester Family Bonding (And One Castiel Figures Out on His Own)
Pairings: Dean/Cas
Rating: PG
Length: a longer medium short
Category: AU; fluff; John's alive and not fond of angels; family bonding; tru wuv.
Summary: In a world where John Winchester is the righteous man, Dean Winchester still gets the angel.
TItle: Cas + Dean 4Ever
Pairings: Dean/Cas; Sam/Ruby
Rating: NC-17, says the author
Length: medium
Category: bad pranks; unintentional meanness; adorable Cas+Sam bonding.
Summary: Dean finds a diary that is like the worst "Do you like me, y/n?" letter in history, Sam helps Castiel with one of the most ill-conceived plans ever, and Ruby is highly amused by everything.
TItle: As You Are
Pairings: Dean/Cas; Dean/fem!Cas
Rating: R
Length: oneshot
Category: cute; applications of Cas being utterly indifferent to sexual orientation; Dean cares, but not about orientation; pining of sorts.
Summary: Castiel quizzes Sam on what Dean looks for in women. Shortly afterwards, Dean meets a beautiful and mysterious girl at a bar. Hijinks ensue. Warnings for sexual references and temporary girl!Cas.
TItle: Jump Start
Pairings: Sulu/Chekov
Rating: PG
Length: oneshot
Category: romance; angst; pining; sweetness.
Summary: Chekov's been telling Sulu he loves him for a long time. Sulu's just never read the signs until now.
TItle: He's Not Your Boyfriend (He's Mine)
Pairings: Sulu/Chekov
Rating: PG-13
Length: oneshot
Category: possessiveness but not in a creepy way; husbands in space.
Summary: Maybe Sulu was a little possessive... but that was healthy.
I also recced some Chulu a while back in this post.
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slash-fic-recs · 13 years
Pairings: Sherlock/John; Jim/Molly (temp.); Harry/Clara; there might be more that I've forgotten.
Rating: PG, I think
Length: a good size to longish
Category: rom-com; fic about characters writing fic; awesome formatting; pining; very cute; Mycroft.
Summary: Sherlock and John are BNFs in Sherlock Holmes fandom. Together, they fight crime. (Always.) And write porn, incidentally.
If for nothing else, read this for the amazing job the author did with the formatting. Each time I was supposed to be moving on to the next part, I'd keep reading the comments because I thought the fic was still going. And she somehow managed to get Gchats in here! Oh, my shipper heart is satisfied.
In any case, this'll help tide you over until series 2.
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slash-fic-recs · 13 years
Pairings: Sherlock/John; Mycroft/Lestrade.
Length: long~ish.
Rating: PG-13 until the last part then NC-17. (Unless you consider talking about sex/kinks merits an R+.)
Category: AU; series; sweeter than it sounds; lots of gay bars; pining.
Summary: Sherlock ran a website called The Science of Seduction, on which he gave advice on the best ways to get laid, wrote blog entries detailing the results of his various sexual 'experiments' and generally contributed to the stereotype of 'every gay man is a sex-mad playboy'. John avoided the thing like the plague. AU in which Sherlock treats sex like he does crime in canon.
- I know this'll sound ridiculous, given the summary, but it's really not all that pr0ny. So if that's what you want, this isn't the place to get it. 
This was just so sweet. Sherlock runs experiments based around sex, John tries not to feel hurt once it's pointed out that he's the only person in Sherlock's acquaintance (aside from Mycroft, of course) who Sherlock hasn't slept with, and by the end we're at the beginning of A Study in Pink.
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slash-fic-recs · 13 years
Length: mid to short
Rating: PG
Category: oneshot; au that follows canon; cute; fantasy.
Summary: On John Watson’s sixth birthday, his mum gave him a flat wooden box to hold his wish stones.
Really just absolutely lovely. I don't know if this is an original fantasy concept of the author or if it's based on something but it was wonderful. Basically, when you have a strong wish, your body creates wish pigment that comes out as stones that you can keep or exchange with someone else. But of course, Sherlock doesn't make wish stones:
He’s not, but my God, can’t Sherlock see that it matters whether or not you care? Even if it doesn’t help you save people, it means that it makes a difference whether they live or die. It means you’re one of them, part of something much larger than yourself. Oh. Oh. For how long has Sherlock lived like this, sure he is the only one of his kind? An anomaly? Unconnected to the rest of the human race.
Read it. You'll be glad you did. :D
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