drunkonduty · 1 month
Hi hi hhihi
I heard you do ships uh
Mark n Eduardo pls :33
Part one
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Eduardo: wear something nice tonight.
Mark: oh really?
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blueskygirl22 · 3 months
Whisky and Flirty/2/Eddsworld/ENGLISH
Tim finish his Whisky and order more whiksy
Pay;Not to much mr.Whisky and Flirty?~
Tim:Nah, head like*Hic*Metal!
Pay chuckle and take last Sip of whisky, he look at Tim and laugh at his drunk-Cute character
Tim:I'm not drunk!
Pay:Okey okey~
(One hours later, Tim and Pag back to Tim's home, Pay lay Tim on his sofa)
Tim:Don't gooo
Pay:I need gooo!
Pay laugh at Tim and walk to door
Tim:I want kiss!
Pay Rolled eyes and go to Tim
Tim:Kiss me!!
Pay:Okey goofball
*Pay kiss Tim, and take away fast*
Tim:I love you!!
Pay:I love you too~
Tim:Want sex?
Pay blush red but have Smirk on face
Pay:Don't ask~
**IN Morning they cuddle up Together, This feel never gonna stop^^**
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recallthename · 1 year
i stg people who say tomgreg are the markeduardo of succession watched a different show than i did. does kenstewey mean nothing to you heathens?
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isaackitty · 2 years
Here a little wip :3
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bilvy · 2 years
guys u should read the markwardo fic i helped write :)
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een4242 · 2 years
I never thought I would love the sight of two people arguing so much…it’s so sweet to imagine them fighting over the definition of their relationship😭
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cavehags · 3 years
we are witnessing the next step in the markeduardo to danjonah to macdennis to tomgreg pipeline 😕
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gaycodependency · 5 years
my brain rn is [lis ep 5] [sean and daniel 😔] [logan veronica TRAGIC] [homoerotic facebook movie] [i love you veronica but do u love me? .. voice crack yeah.] [loganveronica markeduardo parallels] [as long as im here no one can hurt you vl edit] [i don't care if you're angry i care that you're safe! that's all sweet and great but it doesn't really work that way!].... many thots gamers and gays
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eldritchsun · 8 years
AHA I'm having feelings but not currently seeing a therapist so tumblr it is sorry folks To put it in terms of the trade, imagine you're reading a tsn fanfic where it's really uncomfortable because Mark is really treating Eduardo like shit. All the usual tsn angst stops. In the end, Mark drops Eduardo, does the dilution thing or any other "I don't have time for you with facebook" thing. Eduardo is hashtag destroyed, obviously in love with Mark despite being treated like shit, but decides that fuck this, he is a Person That Deserves Better. So when Mark wants to restore a friendship where Eduardo could still take care of him, Eduardo is like No, I'm not gonna lamely hang around waiting for u to have an unmet physical or emotional need so I can make it all better, while you think I am a lesser kind of human. And he cuts off all ties (moves to Singapore/NY/etc). Two years later, Eduardo is with a guy who is nothing like Mark, as a matter of fact, a guy that Mark would absolutely despise if they were to ever meet. But what matters is, they are In Love. Eduardo is feeling better than ever, valued and happy, he's found the man of his life, the One. But he still thinks about Mark, from time to time. he thinks about how the whole ordeal hurt him. He thinks about the nasty things Mark said about him, whether they're true or not, if he should try and change these things about himself if he wants to be a better person. He thinks about how he wasn't good enough for Mark, about how much all that mattered to him back then was Mark. He has to consciously remind himself, he's happy now. He loves his current boyfriend who loves him. What he has with his current boyfriend is love, not the weird one sided obsession he had with making Mark happy, right? He's way better off, Eduardo tells himself, so stop dwelling. Here the fic cuts to a Chris POV, at the fb offices, who is going over Mark's public profile page, looking for PR points to raise. He looks at pictures of Mark and his new boyfriend and suddenly he's reminded of Eduardo. He wonders what Eduardo is doing now, if he knows Mark is with someone else, if he even looks for news about them all at Facebook. Then he wonders if Mark ever thinks about Eduardo anymore. The fic ends there, it's a WIP and there's no more chapters. Now what would be the most therapeutic for me? Write the fic with a happy markeduardo ending? Have someone comment that it's normal for Eduardo to look back but that it doesn't mean anything? Do you think that something like what Eduardo felt for Mark, even tho it wasn't mutual, was True Love and Eduardo is just a stereotypical angst character meant to Dwell Forever Unhappily? Should Eduardo go back to therapy? (Yes) Anyway I don't really now what I'm asking but here's what romantic life is rn translated into fanfic bc why not. Catch me next googling "how to forget unhealthy, toxic one sided love"
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popunkscott · 11 years
Table of Prompts Prompt Five: Loved
He knew he would go to the ends of the earth for his best friend, even if that same best friend would barely go across campus for him. He knew he would give his life, his heart, his soul for him. He didn't think mark was willing to part with any of his. Sometimes he wondered if Mark felt anything for him. Other times he wondered if he could feel anything at all.
He knew he wanted nothing more than to run his hands through Mark's hair, to lay beside him and tell him everything that crossed his mind. He knew he wanted Mark to listen to everything he had to say, to whisper words of encouragement and love until they fell asleep wrapped up in one another. He knew he would never share these thoughts with anyone.
He knew that Mark made him angry. So angry that he wanted to throw his friend against the wall and demand attention. Demand he admit that Facebook would be nothing without Eduardo. That Mark would be nothing without Eduardo. He wanted to slam his lips against Mark's until he understood how much he fucking cared for him no matter how hard he tried not to.
Most of the time Mark made Eduardo wish he couldn't feel anything at all. But once in a while Mark would do something, say something, look at him in a way that made him feel utterly important. Every once in a while Mark made him feel loved. 
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tamagokko · 11 years
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And soon enough, neither will you
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zazzerpants · 12 years
A collection of five drabbles centered on Mark and Eduardo of The Social Network. AO3 mirror here! -----
An arrow that splits is an arrow unneeded Don’t slow down. It’s a rule Mark is determined to live by; when you slow down, you mess up - even worse, you don’t mess up at all. But if you move fast, and break things, you have just as much of a chance to fix them. In most situations. He’s seen it in Eduardo, the aftermath of slowing down. It leaves Mark unhappy, and while he wishes he could say it’s the sight of his friend under such duress that makes him feel this way, as would be the case for any good friend, it turns out Mark is not the greatest friend. Instead of that very human empathy, the “your pain is my pain”, he gets a near-unbearable irritation for several reasons. One, because Eduardo brought this on himself, through the way he feels, absorbs responsibility, and lets his own childishness shine through when he can’t deal with things anymore. Two, because this affects everyone around him, and hinders their ability to manage anything involving Eduardo without kid gloves. Three, because as general productivity and adult conversation lessens, Mark grows frustrated; his frustration stems from both his own inability and inactivity - Eduardo would probably react strongly to an offer from Mark, be it positively (accepting his help) or negatively (pushing Mark back, so far away - saying there’s “nothing he can do”). Either way, Mark’s own failure to react in time to Eduardo’s needs is usually the end of these things. The thing about Mark’s rule, “don’t slow down,” is that you don’t slow down. He can’t. Not for himself, not for Eduardo. Especially not for Eduardo. But it works out; Mark takes off ahead, always at a run, and when he looks back - the few times he does, the few he allows himself - Eduardo is there. And Mark would be lying if he claimed after the first time, he began to expect the pleasant surprises. He never turned around. But it was alright, as long as he didn’t stop, and Eduardo kept following; and Mark stopped looking back - each glance made him more nervous, and while that shadow of himself, of Eduardo, trailing in his footsteps, gave him a greater sense of security than it ever should have, facing forward did not delay the problem, only the reaction. But it works out, and it worked out; it worked out until Mark turned back and Eduardo wasn’t there. It worked out, until it didn’t anymore. And from there, Mark drove it into the ground. From there, Eduardo stopped trying to keep up, because he just couldn’t, anymore. - Move fast. Break things. And sometimes, stop to fix them - if you can. But only when there’s really no other way. Or else you’re just caring too much. Is he caring too much? - But if he slows down, and can’t keep up-- Well, there’s just no point, anymore.
Question the Sun Do feelings die? Eduardo is learning the answer - or answers, especially ones that contradict. The key, theoretically, to killing a feeling, is distance. Creating a distance severs that bond, that attachment-- That vein of unbidden emotion that Eduardo can live without. Feelings are hot, and warm, and burn as long as you let them, but they do not die. They are not rekindled. There is a science. In people, and emotion - it’s all within the brain, part of a science, some great plan. Eduardo is a scientist, but one with finities, finalities; Eduardo is a scientist, but one without closure. And he knows his own feelings, until they change-- Gradually, and then suddenly. - He understands it a little more when he sees Mark again, for the first time. In fact he understands it so well, he loses some understanding of himself. He’s drawn, and itches to gravitate, if only out of habit. Maybe he should be ashamed - a year, a life built on being Mark’s satellite. Eduardo begins to hate - not Mark, no; Eduardo begins to hate how he can’t hate him, ever, ever. - Mark leans into him, and Eduardo’s grasping at straws. You don’t hate me. No, he chokes. But I tried. Mark is silent then, tenses, then shakes it away. At least you did that, he concedes, after a long while. - Eduardo looks on, like maybe this isn’t real, none of it, if only out of habit. (During the deposition glass walls valley larger than his life could afford hoodie strings Beck’s beer losing breath to the wind) Mark has to remind him, quietly, wordlessly: I saw you, thinking, waiting, thinking. I heard you.
Stop Still Eduardo dreams in daylight. These dreams are not clear of shade and shadow; sometimes he sees an absolute nothing, it’s so dark - but he can feel the presence of a floating warmth, long as it lasts, long as he remembers. Sometimes he thinks of Mark. He is not dreaming of him, per se - rather he is invaded, hacked into - in his head, his mind. Again, he’s lost control. If he had it at all. He doesn’t know exactly when “you never asked” became invalid. - Mark hears the rain come before he sees it. First timid patters against the glass, begging permission; he completely misses their transformation into savage, haphazard bullet rounds, scattering amidst the closing sky, frustrated by Mark’s lack of response. He bears through, keys clacking at the same sinister rhythm. Not now, he tells the rain. I’m locked in. - There were plenty of occasions in which Eduardo had asked for Mark’s clarification on things: (Wardo, I need you. Wardo, we did it. Wardo, you’ll get left behind.) The last answer was one he waited for, but rejected both inside and out. Even after, even now, he is small. - (Don’t tell him I said that.) It was a small thing - the words, his voice - and Mark could feel himself collapsing beneath it, going quietly, horribly unnoticed. Who was left to notice now, really? And even then, Mark felt him - dragging them down, holding a high bar, dangling a prize in front of their noses. But he wouldn’t shut him out, and even then, he asked of his Chief Financial Officer: Don’t tell him I need you here with me. - Eduardo defined a broken heart as this: loving someone you can’t trust, anymore. Mark describes the wound inside like so: empty, and unimpressive, and numb until he feels it sigh. They can’t promise things will be the same, but broken pieces yearn - and love - to come together. They’re mending, and building, something incredible, something brilliant.
mousepad, mousetrap Mark is not a robot. Dustin knows this. Eduardo knows this. Most obviously, Mark knows this, but he lets people believe he is one. Mark can feel, just like anyone else. He just doesn’t know what to do with that, most of the time. So he feels. He’s laughed, he’s cried. He’s burned another, and burned himself. Best of all, he’s wanted. He has wanted things, and he’s a little wanted, maybe. - Eduardo has wanted. He has ached, he has hurt, and he has known the loss that comes with wanting something so desperately. Eduardo knows what wanting feels like. It’s only working for what he wants that is so unfamiliar he could die. So he wants, and waits, silent. He knows things won't just come, if he waits for movement, but he hopes. He feels like anything he’s worked for, he never wanted, maybe. - They learn a little, in their time apart. Mark gives names to his thoughts, and thoughts to his voice, again. Eduardo chooses to want, and to work, and to fight for himself, again. And they hope with all they have that they’re changed - Not too much, not too little, but enough - enough to fight.
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starlightiing · 12 years
Can someone help me? I read a fic a while back and I can't find it now. The only thing I remember about it was that Eduardo kept dying. Like a million times. And Mark had the opportunity to "start over" to try and save him.
Can someone point me in that direction? Thanks.
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no-literally · 12 years
Eduardo had tried the psychiatrist thing, during the depositions and right after. He hadn’t liked it—he spent a lot of time babbling uselessly about all the ways he could improve his life, while she just nodded and asked him intrusive questions about his relationship with Mark. It hadn’t lasted long.
Superconnected by oflights
Mark and Eduardo are brought together because they have horrible headaches that can only be cured by proximity. (Of course!) It's totally tropeville, but in a wonderful wonderful way.
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tamagokko · 11 years
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found a new way of making the same mistakes
Wallpapers [1600x1200] [1280x960] [1152x864]
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