Spinning on this infinite road
7K posts
Wolfy, 27, they/them, Norway. This is just a personal blog where i reblog pretty much anything. And whenever i get a new obsession it's usually mainly that. I make sure to tag everything i reblog, but feel free to send an ask if i missed something important! You also may see my twin around tumblr with the url sketch-elf btw. Current obsession: n/a Art tag: Wolfart Blog header made by nenastrology
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
sketch-wolf · 1 month ago
i feel like we as a digital society have forgotten the important rules of the internet
Don't feed the trolls
Never give out personal information
Anonymity is the best defense
Don't click suspicious links
Don't click popups and ads
Just because it's written doesn't mean it's true
You are responsible for your own experience
There is porn of everything, act accordingly
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sketch-wolf · 1 month ago
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Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl
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sketch-wolf · 1 month ago
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was gonna add more but i ran out of steam 😔👎 anyway here’s an infographic on how people with complex dissociative disorders are not that different from you lol
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sketch-wolf · 1 month ago
heads up, folks! it looks like - EVEN AND ESPECIALLY ON YOUR CUSTOM BLOG VIEW!!! - tumblr only counts the first twenty tags! on a post! after this, the post won't show up in that tag, not even on your blog
so if you have a personal art tag but you put it at the bottom of the post under all of the #switch #nintendo #mario #bros #64 etc etc etc bloat tags, it doesn't work.
please put your most relevant tags first! having an art tag that doesn't have all your art posts in it is basically useless, after all
there used to be a saying that tumblr search only counted the first five tags on a post, which is why crosstagging for reach was pointless. tumblr has since updated to count twenty tags - at a cost. any tags after #20 apparently do not show up in that tag on your own blog.
i found this out because i was looking at someone's cool mario 64 art project, and because they put the tag for the project at the very bottom of their tags, the final post NEVER showed up in their tag for the project when i was browsing it ON THEIR BLOG (very different tumblr behavior than it used to be years ago!). i did finally stumble on the final post of the project, thankfully, and realizing what happend, i started counting. tumblr counts the first 20 tags, but tag #21 and all after are useless.
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sketch-wolf · 1 month ago
This made me get up and check my own english copy of the demigod files, which cause i live in europe and it's bought locally is the uk version, and sure enough there it is.
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It's worth mentioning that this book was also heavily branded for the release of the movie with the cover being a movie poster (if you'll excuse the tatterdness of my book):
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and more character posters inexplicably inserted into the middle of it:
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(and yes, it does bother me how they break up the stoll interview)
which thus begs the question of whether "The Inner Circle" might've been added as part of the movie branding?
TA server uncovered a very interesting mystery today:
So, the UK pdf of Demigod Files (or at least the one I have) has this section right at the beginning called "The Inner Circle!" with brief descriptions about characters. The formatting on my pdf for it is a little wonky. Interestingly, the information in it is slightly off - it says Annabeth is 13 and a half while Tyson is 14, but this shouldn't be the case as Annabeth is older than Percy and Percy and Tyson were in the same grade, so Tyson and Percy should be the same age. Also, this book was 2010, with more of a focus on approximate BoTL timeline, so why the descriptions are more focused on SoM timeline there is strange.
Anyways, the important part of this section is this, where the claim that Annabeth is 5'11" comes from:
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(We will casually ignore for now that almost no 13 year old is 179cm/5'10." And also that it is 5'10" not 5'11". But i digress)
So I had previously gone searching for this alleged information that Annabeth is 5'11" and could not find it in a single one of my books. When presented with this part of the PDF, i went to double-check my physical copy of the Demigod Files (US version) and sure enough! The "Inner Circle" section does not exist! It's not in the table of contents and it's not anywhere in the book, at least in my copy.
So where the heck did this section come from and why? Who wrote it (cause there's no notable translation credits)? When was it added? Why is it only in some versions but not others? What do other translations say?
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sketch-wolf · 1 month ago
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Not knitting nor crochet but a secret third thing
(Finally got the hang of nalbinding--here im working with some merino i spun up with a drop spindle)
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sketch-wolf · 1 month ago
sick of streaming platforms' blatant disrespect towards the sanctity of the "watching end-credits while collecting your thoughts" ritual
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sketch-wolf · 2 months ago
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sketch-wolf · 3 months ago
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A Christmas Classic. Doctor Who 4.11 × Turn Left
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sketch-wolf · 3 months ago
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The annual fandom gingerbread cookies are... only two fandoms this year. 😅 I've been having a rough final quarter of the year, and so the cookies @sketch-wolf and I made ended up being from just our two biggest interests for these past months.
Top row, left to right, from Gravity Falls: The three journals, Alcor from the Transcendence AU, and Bill Cipher
The rest are from Hollow Knight:
Second row: The masks of the Knight, Hornet, the Hollow Knight, the Pale King, and the Mantis Lords.
Third row: the Steady Body, Nailmaster's Glory, and Grimmchild charms, a Wanderer's Journal, and a piece of Geo.
Bottom row, all charms: Grubsong, Sporeshroom, Unbreakable Heart, Weaversong, Dreamwielder, and Hiveblood.
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sketch-wolf · 3 months ago
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just a couple of rascals in Sweden
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sketch-wolf · 3 months ago
No matter what a post on tumblr tries to tell you, your moral and ethical stances will never be determined by what you reblog and what you scroll past. Don’t let manipulation tactics force you into doing anything you don’t want to do.
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sketch-wolf · 3 months ago
i was in a thrift shop the other day and they were playing the most unsettling variations of normal christmas music, culminating in this rendition of the 12 days of christmas except it was like 12 guys all singing over each other and going “no!” and interrupting the lyrics with random other phrases until they deadass just started singing 5 golden rings to toto’s africa. can anyone confirm that this is a real song and not that i stroked so hard i astral projected into a universe where everything is somehow worse than it is here
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sketch-wolf · 3 months ago
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sketch-wolf · 3 months ago
Your parents can love you and still be shitty abusive parents. They can mean well and still fuck up. They might fuck up without even knowing it's abuse.
Sometimes I think about how, when I was 5, my dad would make grilled cheese sandwiches and cut them into dinosaur shapes for me. Other times when I was hungry, he would refuse to feed me at all, because he decided that 5 was old enough for me to cook for myself when he didn't feel like doing it.
I think about how he taught me to swim, and fish, and (yes) throw a ball. In the summer, at night, he would wrap me in a huge comforter and carry me around outside to show me the constellations. But I hated being left alone with him because he was often bad tempered, mean to me for no reason, and I couldn't count on him for basic things like food.
Sometimes I think about how my mom raised hell in my high school principal's office in front of multiple faculty members because they weren't complying with my IEP (disability required accommodations). She always saw red if someone else laid a finger on me, even figuratively. When we were at home she screamed at me for things I had no control over and said I was using my illness to get my way.
I think about how she bought me art supplies and paid for lessons for all of my hobbies. She attended every single concert, performance, and game. I don't think I went a day without being told she loved me while growing up, and she constantly told me how proud she was. But I could never trust her mood and she could go from loving mother to terrorizing me before I knew what was happening.
My parents love me but I still flinch if someone in my vicinity washes a dish a little too aggressively. My parents never intentionally traumatized me, but my nervous system never knew the difference. Neither of my parents saw anything they did as abuse; they believed they were good parents. It wasn't until my mom was in her mid 60s that she grasped that her own childhood had been abusive, too.
They're not bad, irredeemable people. They're complex people with a lot of their own trauma who lacked many skills necessary for good parenting. I could hate them for it, but I don't. I'm not obligated to forgive them, and I don't think I have, and I don't know whether I ever really will. My parents damaged me a lot in ways that have affected my whole life, and I still have good memories with them.
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sketch-wolf · 3 months ago
This scene! It's HILARIOUS!
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sketch-wolf · 4 months ago
Hello internet user whose entire concept of feminism comes from tiktok. In front of you are three ancient myths about women. You have five minutes to figure out which one of them was made up in the 1970s. If you choose wrong, you will be ripped to pieces by Maenads.
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