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sirius-potterhead-2005 · 3 years ago
I like to imagine that Remus was from Northern England and, not to play into stereotypes, having a thick accent where he dropped his Ts and used a bunch of northern slang. Along comes posh-knob-Sirius-Black and, for the first few years they’re together, Remus is the edgy kid who Sirius could never be because of how he carries himself and how he speaks and, eventually, Sirius finds himself fancying Remus because of his supposed ‘bad boy’ persona that Sirius has entirely made up himself and no one else sees it. Meanwhile, we’ve got Remus desperately trying to drop his northern accent and read all the muggle and wizard classics in order to impress Sirius because he reckons that he’s got a better chance if he can actually hold an intelligent conversation because Sirius messes about with his friends, not his friends-who-want-to-be-boyfriends.
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sirius-potterhead-2005 · 4 years ago
James: Accio Sirius
Sirius: *remains still*
Sirius: Ha! It didn’t work!
Peter: Ha! James is broken!
Remus: *staring exasperatedly*
Remus: Did no one think to remember that Sirius is a GiAnT fUcKiNg BaLl Of FiRe In ThE sKy?
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sirius-potterhead-2005 · 4 years ago
I’m not sure whether to laugh or cry but I can definitely imagine Sirius having a strop over loads of things because he never really was able to grow up past 21-22 years old and that’s practically a moody teenager. I can just picture some order meeting in 12 Grimmauld Place and Sirius decides that something isn’t right and he throws a tantrum about it. I’m talking door slamming, shouting at people who he doesn’t want to talk to, sticking charms on the door, venting to Buckbeak because no one understands him.
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sirius-potterhead-2005 · 4 years ago
Hear me out: Sirius Black with a sunburn.
He’d be so moody and Remus would be there supplying him with enough aloe vera to drown in whilst laughing and saying “I told you so” and James would just find it so funny that his nose looks like a tomato then Peter would just give him suncream and because Sirius is moody, he just glares at Peter because “it’s a bit late for that now, you spanner!”
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sirius-potterhead-2005 · 5 years ago
So we all know witches and wizards can extract memories and other people can hop into them using a pensive. Well, can you extract a memory of someone else’s memory and put it into a pensive and show other people because if so, in Order of the Phoenix when Harry sees Snape’s memories, he could have snuck into wherever the pensive was being kept at any one time and shown everyone in the school that memory and he wouldn’t have been breaking any promise he made to Snape which I’m pretty sure was only not to TELL anyone-he never said about not showing anyone... Right?
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sirius-potterhead-2005 · 5 years ago
Friendly reminder that the last official quidditch match Harry ever played, he was hit with a bludger and had his skull cracked open by someone on his own team.
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sirius-potterhead-2005 · 5 years ago
Remus: What did you guys want to talk about?
James: We didn’t tell you about this before because we thought you would try and stop us.
Sirius: So we want you to promise not to murder us in our sleep.
Remus: You give me a reason to do that daily, what’s different about today?
Peter: We’ve all become illegal animagi so we can be with you during the full moon...
Remus: ...
Sirius: ...
James: ...
Peter: ...
Remus: Did you all genuinely think I haven’t noticed you taking the exact steps to becoming animagi over the past three years?
James: But we were so subtle!
Peter: We made sure to take extra precautions to ensure we weren’t arrested!
Sirius: I know right, there’s no way anyone could have known!
Remus: There’s no way anyone could have not known!
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sirius-potterhead-2005 · 5 years ago
I feel like there are several phases to liking the marauders and because I think this, it must be shared.
Phase 1: Disliking the teenage Peter because you know how he turns out.
Phase 2: Starting to accept Peter because you can't blame a kid for something they haven't done yet.
Phase 3: Thinking James Potter is all cool and suave. Thinking Sirius Black is punk rock and edgy. Thinking Remus Lupin is a cinnamon roll. Thinking Peter Pettigrew is a useless blob with no personality. Thinking Lily Evans is a precious little princess.
Phase 4: Realising that James Potter is a mother hen in every respect of the phrase who saw the kid with a family who didn't love him, a kid covered in scars and a kid who thought he was pretty useless and decided to be friends with them. Realising Sirius Black is a precious little princess who has the aesthetic of an edgy, punk rock, bad boy but will positively scream if he sees even a tiny spider. Realising Remus Lupin is a BADASS MOTHERFRICKER who is the evil genius behind everyone and in a way bloody terrifying because he never gets caught for anything. Realising Peter Pettigrew isn't a worthless, dry bagel and was able to do all the same magic like becoming an animagi just the same as James and Sirius and excelled in dueling to the point he was able to go against Sirius and duel him while simultaneously faking his own death. Realising Lily Evans is so extremely sophisticated with her hexes and jinxes etc. and is just a cold ass human when it comes to witty banter.
Phase 5: Realising that despite all of this, they are all nerds and dorks and they made a map of THEIR ENTIRE SCHOOL which let me add is a BLOODY CASTLE THAT MOVES, did the most extreme extra homework to become animagi, James doodled his crush's initials on his exam paper, Sirius spent and entire year/book/movie making a dramatic entrance, Remus indulged in one last bit of pranking despite putting childhood feuds behind them (ish) by showing a class of 13 year olds Snape in drag, Peter spent all his time being a supportive friend during full moons that he didn't pay attention to what Remus looked like as a werewolf but just fully accepted him as his friend and Lily... Ok she might be an exception because she is just a badass.
Phase 6: Wolfstar, Blackinnon, Wolfstar, Blackinnon, Wolfstar, Blackinnon, Wolfstar, Blackinnon, Wolfstar, Blackinnon, Wolfstar, Blackinnon, Wolfstar, Blackinnon... etc.
Phase 7: Getting sad at even the happy marauders posts because you see them being happy and then remember IT WILL ALL END.
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sirius-potterhead-2005 · 5 years ago
So we all know about fairytales that have all these magical creatures and enchantments in them, we all grew up with stories like Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Jack and the Beanstalk. Well what if witches and wizards have their equivalent of fairytales that are like muggletales where like everything that is considered normal to them using magic is done by muggles using their various appliances like toasters, dishwashers, mobile phones and they’re just fascinated by these people in the muggletales who are able to put their dirty plates in the box and they press some buttons and they come out clean and this is just fascinating to them like all the magic in fairytales is fascinating to us and I 100% believe that Arthur Weasley would love these muggletales and as a child would want them read to him as a bedtime story every night without fail.
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sirius-potterhead-2005 · 5 years ago
For some reason I have this headcannon of the day after Lily and James died, Peter went to see Remus to tell him that Voldemort was gone but his best friends were dead. This would have firstly, meant that Remus trusted Peter because he had told him and it also gave Peter a chance to rat out (pun intended) Sirius before he could have gone to explain what happened to Remus himself. It would have also meant that if Sirius did turn up then Remus would most likely try to attack him or turn him in for betraying Lily and James. So Remus is asking him questions about Harry and obviously Peter doesn’t know where he is but he makes something up about how if either of them try and save Harry then Sirius will probably kill them because he wants to finish what he started and Remus is just sat there thinking how did we trust him. We thought he was different, it was his life goal to get away from his family and their beliefs. Sirius saw what happened to his brother, was that not enough proof that joining Voldemort was a bad idea? But when Peter leaves, he says he’s going to try and find Harry and rescue him from Sirius and Remus tries to stop him but Peter tells him it’s either his life or Harry’s so then Remus wants to join him but if Remus is there, it’ll ruin his plan so he just says that he doesn’t want to lose anyone else because if he comes out alive and Remus ends up dead then he wouldn’t ever forgive himself so Remus let’s him because he’s not thinking straight and doesn’t have the mental capacity to argue with him so Peter sets out and goes to somewhere he knows Sirius will check and stages the duel and fakes his death and Remus just feels even more empty now because he let him go, he let him die. However, up until the day he saw Peter’s name on the map, he was convinced that Sirius wasn’t bad, or not entirely because all the proof added up that he had betrayed Lily and James but he just wanted to believe that Sirius could be persuaded to abandon Voldemort and the death eaters and Remus himself could have talked him into it if he’d have gone to find him with Peter. But he didn’t. And he had to live with that for almost 13 years.
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sirius-potterhead-2005 · 5 years ago
I keep seeing a bunch of posts that are on about how James Potter, the majestic stag he is, wouldn’t let anyone plan his stag do because of the obvious stag pun but honestly I think him being the absolute goofball he is would want as many bad puns involved in everything to the point where, very much against everyone’s advice (except maybe Sirius who just wanted to see the aftermath of all this... And also probably Peter because he needed to find out what would happen, for science... And Remus because it’s his fault if he gets killed, I stopped trying to interfere after a week of knowing him... And Lily because as long as Remus could get a video of it, she was happy), he managed to get dozens of deer altogether and then very drunkenly attempted to ride them.
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sirius-potterhead-2005 · 5 years ago
Harry is a little sweetheart and Lupin is also a little sweetheart who Harry would never have argued with back when he was in 3rd year but what if in that part where Harry is caught with the map and Lupin is all like “I don’t care if I invented it with your father, you still can’t have it because of Sirius Black” Harry just says “well you have to say the right thing, you just saw that it didn’t work with Snape when he tried to open it without the password” and Lupin is like frick this kid has a point so then Lupin tells him that “Sirius Black is a very talented wizard and could probably figure it out” and Harry comes back with “so Snape isn’t talented, but I thought you had to be smart to be a teacher, then again we did have Lockheart last year” and Lupin is thinking “oh god why do you have to be smart like your mother, would it pay for you to be as unobservant as James just this once” but he’s trying to keep his cool because this is also the guy who ThReW hIs BaG aCrOsS tHe RoOm when asked if he knew Sirius because he cannot lie to save his life and Harry is like “so is that a yes about Snape being untalented because if so, can I get that in writing because I really don’t like him” and Lupin is like “I will pay you good money to be quiet and stop interrogating me because I was best buddies with the guy trying to murder you and if he finds this, I’m sure he will remember the short phrase he needs to open the map now gO tO bEd!!!”
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sirius-potterhead-2005 · 5 years ago
Just imagine McGonagall arriving at Number 12 Grimmauld Place for the first Order meeting and no one knows about the don’t ring the doorbell rule yet because they haven’t experienced the horror that is Mrs Black’s portrait. She is stood on the doorstep and can hear shouting and screaming from a woman who she has met before because after Sirius ran away it was her job as Head of House to tell his parents that Sirius was alive and well, no matter how little they cared. She also hears a boy screaming back at her to shut up except he’s not a boy anymore, he’s a broken, seemingly old man who still thinks he’s 22 because he hasn’t had the opportunity to get any older. She gets questioned as to who she is and when the door opens she is faced with that poor child who lost everything and she just stares for a while until he says “Minnie McG! Been a while. Sorry about my mother, never was a very pleasant woman, though I dare say you know that.” And he’s laughing slightly but McGonagall can tell he’s just not the same and she just hugs him and apologises for ever believing that he was the one who betrayed the Potters and I need to STOP because the feels!
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sirius-potterhead-2005 · 5 years ago
Sirius Black could knit FIGHT ME ON THIS. Not like the magic way, he just did that for starters to get used to it but the proper way, without magic.
It was 2nd year and The Marauders had just found out that Remus is a werewolf. They knew that Remus loved big woolly jumpers and scarves so Sirius brought it upon himself to learn how to knit. He actually got quite good and inconveniently managed to knit his first full scarf in July when no one would wear it but nevertheless, he gave it to Moony anyway. Moony loved it.
Cut to September 3rd year and he’s been practicing up in his room so he just has loads and loads of hats, scarfs, socks and a couple of slightly mis-shaped jumpers because they’re more difficult. Anyway, he stuffs them all in his trunk in hopes of giving them all to Moony gradually because it might overwhelm him if he gave them to him all at once. I mean, how would you feel if someone just turned up and gave you 50 woolly hats?
Sirius gives Moony a jumper, it’s not great but it’s the best one he had managed to make over the summer and Moony is like alright but this is really sweet. After every full moon, Sirius decides to slip Remus a few more jumpers and hats and scarves and socks because he knows that Remus will stop accepting all these things eventually because Sirius has made him loads and you don’t need to spend loads of time doing this for me even though Remus loves the little presents.
Later in 3rd year, Sirius realises that oh gosh I think I’m in love with this adorable boy who is cuddled up in all the jumpers I’ve made him so he tries extra hard to make the jumpers, scarves, hats and socks perfect and knit cool patterns into them. He also learns how to seamlessly fix the old ones that he knows are Remus’ favourites because there will always be a few that are so worn out that they get a hole in them here and there.
When Remus and Sirius finally realise that Merlin’s beard you like me too and start dating, these mountains of jumpers that Sirius has made just become shared because they smell like Moony and the wool Sirius bought was the absolute softest he could find and he then makes everyone a jumper or 10 because everyone needs a jumper.
Cut to Lily announcing she’s pregnant with Harry and Sirius gets so damn excited because he’s already off buying new wool in pale yellows and blues and pinks because pink is punk rock Prongs and your baby will be too. And Sirius is just sat in the Potter’s living room by the fire making little baby hats and socks and it’s just so goddam adorable!
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sirius-potterhead-2005 · 5 years ago
“Sirius was tall and handsome, and younger by far than Harry had seen him in life.” “Lupin was younger too, and much less shabby, and his hair was thicker and darker.”
What if the resurrection stone doesn’t bring a person back to the point just before they had died, but to the point in their life in which they felt the most alive, the most happy. James is described as wearing the clothes he had died in- he was happy, he had his wife and child safe and three loyal friends, well he thought he did. Sirius look younger than Harry had ever seen him- Sirius was probably Harry’s age because Sirius’ happiest memories were probably with his 3 best mates at Hogwarts, before the first Wizarding war started getting serious. Remus was also probably around the same age as Sirius- he had 3 best friends who cared about who he was and not what he was and there was no such thing as a traitor in the group and there were no accusations and things were a lot simpler.
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sirius-potterhead-2005 · 5 years ago
Ok but I’m rereading Deathly Hallows at the minute and it got to the point where one of our two favourite twins... You know what I’m on about (RIP Fred) and I can just imagine that after everything is over, Harry just goes to the Weasleys and is just apologising profusely because he’s a polite little bean and he never wanted anyone to die for him and Mrs Weasley just bursts into tears and Harry is like well frick I think I made it worse but then she just hugs him because it wasn’t his fault and she knows he’s just as upset and do you want some treacle tart because it might make you feel better and I know it’s not the same but treacle tart makes everyone feel better and oH mY gOsH tHe FeElS!!
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sirius-potterhead-2005 · 5 years ago
Nah but I swear the underage wizards can’t use magic outside of school rule is just there to screw over muggleborns or kids who live with muggles because literally, any kid who lives in a house with witches and wizards won’t get told off because the ministry will assume it was the parents because they track magic by location not by person. However, when you’ve got a kid living in an entire muggle area, they’re gonna get caught immediately and this is just a little bit unfair to all them muggleborns out there.
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