shyfeminist · 3 years
If y’all were curious, yes, white gays were harassing a black trans person over this & misgendering her with fingers in their ears
Edit: heads up that TERFs have found this and are clogging the replies with blatant transphobia + misgendering the person in the video. Free blocklist.
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shyfeminist · 3 years
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shyfeminist · 3 years
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shyfeminist · 3 years
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(via jsxbdd7va6a71.jpg (1112×1217))
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shyfeminist · 3 years
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shyfeminist · 6 years
Martin Luther King Jr speech that they will NEVER quote.
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shyfeminist · 6 years
I appreciate Beyonce and Jay-Z trying to fix their relationship, but this idea that we have to fix toxic, harmful relationships needs to…end. There’s nothing wrong with leaving a relationship that’s emotionally scarred you, and if you don’t want to put in the work to fix something that’s taken so much out of you, that’s fine.
I don’t dislike Beyonce or what she’s choosing to do with Jay-Z, but i dislike how widespread this idea that we have to fix these shitty relationships are, i hate that some of our biggest stars are the ones spreading it around.
And I don’t even have to get into how harmful this idea is to the black community :/
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shyfeminist · 6 years
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[them. @them. tweets: My biggest worry was that Angel would get hurt during that scene or that things would get violent, and I’m so relieved she didn’t  #PoseFX Janet Mock @janetmock​ responds: We wanted to show that trans women’s bodies are desirable and not *always* points of trauma/violence #posefx
Laverne Cox @LaverneCox tweets: #PoseFX is telling stories about dating while trans I have wanted to tell for years. Thank you to the entire cast and crew for telling our stories with such authenticity, nuance and truth. This show feels like a revolution.
Darryl Stephens @darrylstephens tweets: Listen, kids. #POSEFX is for us, by us, about us. Do not let this show fall through the cracks and get canceled because “you didn’t know.” Episode 1 is free on iTunes. Watch it, get your people to watch it. Support this show NOW because if you don’t, we may not get another one.
Jackee Harry @JackeeHarry tweets: One of the MANY reasons I decided to watch #PoseFX is how they handle Blanca’s HIV diagnosis. The 80’s were a wonderfully fabulous, outrageously fun & utterly terrifying time. It’s important that we reflect on what the era taught us & better ourselves from those lessons.]
Some celeb tweets regarding Pose!
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shyfeminist · 6 years
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Activists rally for Queens dad facing deportation to China after ICE arrested him during green card interview
Xiu Qing You, 39, of Flushing, has been jailed since he was arrested by ICE last month when he showed up for an interview to get the green card he is eligible for through his marriage to a citizen.
“Yesterday was Father’s Day. A lot of us [were] able to celebrate with fathers, with our husbands, with our sons. But Mr. You was somewhere in New Jersey where he could not be with his family. He was alone in a detention center,” said City Councilwoman Margaret Chin (D-Manhattan).
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shyfeminist · 6 years
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shyfeminist · 6 years
I always drink coffee at home, but this is the kind of thing that makes me want to only support black and brown owned businesses.
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shyfeminist · 6 years
it’s literally considered inhumane to deny our worst criminals food and shelter but y’all wanna figure out if our homeless and impoverished population “deserves” it like 
child molesters are gettin’ three hots and a cot on your tax dollars and that’s fine but the starving single mother and her children down the street should just work harder bc god forbid your taxes go to them?
fuck y’all seriously
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shyfeminist · 6 years
Sex positivity is flat & overwrought. Casual sex can & will re-traumatize you; teaching young girls to have sex before they are ready will create the first red & heavy chasm of sexual trauma, which they will spend the rest of their lives carrying.
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shyfeminist · 6 years
hey, so, i feel weird promoting this, but you know how the collective we of tumblr are always like, someone should write a cookbook that’s actually easy? i did the thing, just in time for gross summer heat/seasonal affective disorder, depending on the hemisphere, to kick in.
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Cooking is terrible, and food is often a massive pain in the ass. Eating is sometimes ok, sometimes a giant drag, and somehow still a thing that you have to do multiple times a day, which seems enormously unfair. This book isn’t going to teach you how to cook, or turn you into the kind of person who hosts effortless dinner parties, or make you more attractive and popular and interesting. At best, it’s going to make it slightly more likely that you manage to eat something in the ten minutes between walking in the door and falling into the sweet embrace of the internet. I’m not joking—a lot of this can be done, start to finish, in ten to fifteen minutes. I resent thirty-minute meals because it feels like about twenty-eight minutes too long to spend on feeding myself. If you’re excited to get home from work and spend an hour cooking dinner, this isn’t the book for you. If you really value authenticity, this isn’t the book for you. If you literally only eat three foods and you’re happy like that, this isn’t the book for you. If you, like me, are tired and depressed and just need to get some food into your face once in a while, this is definitely the book for you. You should buy it. Maybe it’ll help.
anyhow, you can buy it for $5 on amazon (for kindle files) and gumroad (for a pdf and epub), and any money earned goes towards things like paying my rent and buying groceries.
i’m disabled and mentally ill and a single parent, and i’d love to be excited about food, but most of the time, it’s just an inconvenient thing i gotta do to stay alive. i wrote this for people who’re kinda like me. i hope that maybe it helps someone.
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shyfeminist · 6 years
Alright but there’s some CRAZY historical shit happening in brazil right now
our ex-president (and the most popular politician alive here by far) was convicted of a crime and police issued an arrest warrant for him yesterday 
so he basically said “fine, come and get me, i’ll be at the labor union speaking to the people who support me meanwhile” (cause he was running for president again this year and was VERY likely to win)
and so many fucking people showed up and basically barricaded blocks and blocks around the building that police can’t get near him
and police knows exactly where he is so they can’t consider him a fugitive and apply penalties cause he’s technically not breaking the law 
and today after negotiating his surrender carefully he tried to get out and people literally won’t get off the gate??? 
people are literally human-barricading this dude from being arrested  this is WILD 
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shyfeminist · 6 years
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The last survivors of the Mexican revolution, who fought alongside Emiliano Zapata. Some of them are convinced that their hero, who disappeared in 1919, is still alive. Although they’re old and feeble, several of these ‘Zapatistas’ never go out without a gun.
Photographer: Pascal Maître
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shyfeminist · 6 years
the president of nigeria is about to fuck boko haram up and cut his own salary in half and criminalized female genital mutilation
the president of guinea built/is building infrastructure and school and wells all over the country and is decreasing youth unemployment exponentially
the president of cote d’ivoire made school mandatory of children ages 6-16 and banned plastic bags while also building ultra modern trasportation infrastructure
the future is for real in africa 
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