shishirgupta · 3 years
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5 Best Healing Herbs You Should Know
Science shows these herbal power-healers can help ease pain, prevent Alzheimer's, and ward off cancer and heart disease. Here are 5 superhealers you'll want to add to the all-natural section of your medicine.
Read the full article here: https://alliaanceherbal.com/5-best-healing-herbs-you-should-know/
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shishirgupta · 3 years
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The term arthritis is used for over 100 types of conditions that affect the joints or tissues around the joint. Most of them lead to joint pain and stiffness—while some types can impact the immune system and internal organs.Despite being a common health condition in India, arthritis is often misunderstood as it is surrounded by several misconceptions and myths.
It is always useful to learn about this common but painful health condition? How much do you know about arthritis?
Here are 9 common Arthritis myths you should not believe.
Read full blog here:  https://alliaanceherbal.com/9-common-arthritis-myths-you-shouldnt-believe/
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shishirgupta · 3 years
6 Best Breakfast Smoothies to Cure Inflammatory Arthritis Pain
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. This becomes all the more important when your breakfast is your source of power-packed nutrients for overall health. In the end, you are what you eat and that’s what makes a big difference in either stopping inflammation or aggravating it. Inflammation plays an important role in your life especially when you are suffering from inflammatory arthritis. Your mornings start with swelling, tenderness, pain, and warmth in your joints. Along with that, stiffness lasts for hours.
The best way to cure and treat arthritis at home would be to consume herbal supplements that would keep your joints healthy and pain-free. Having said that, a bonus would be to eat healthy and eat right to make sure that you get the benefits of a proper diet to help you heal. A good diet, especially a good breakfast smoothie will help you a long way to protect yourself from inflammatory arthritis. It will also help ease the stiffness, pain, and tenderness in your joints due to inflammation.
What is inflammatory arthritis?
Inflammatory arthritis is a condition that can be used to describe a group of ailments caused by an overactive immune system that consequently results in inflammation. This includes inflammation of joints, stiffness in the knees, and joint pain in the morning. However, inflammatory arthritis can also have ill effects on your connective tissues and other organs. Science says that arthritis is irreversible however Ayurveda, Indian herbs, and herbal supplements have proven to cure inflammatory ailments like joint pain, osteoporosis, and even arthritis.
It is safe to say that there is a lot of scope in curing and healing joint pain, stiffness, and tenderness that derives from inflammation due to arthritis and other ailments through Ayurvedic natural supplements.
As we enter spring and welcome summers, it is the best time to take charge of your joint health as the weather will go easy on your knees and joints. Summers are the best time for healthy, chilled breakfast smoothies. It is to be noted that we will suggest different varieties of smoothies. However, it would be best to include seasonal fruits and vegetables for added benefits.
On that note take a look at some of the best anti-inflammatory smoothie recipes which would help you combat inflammation and inflammatory pain.
Strawberry Smoothie
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Who doesn’t love strawberries? Strawberries are not only delicious but power-packed with anti-inflammatory ingredients. Along with strawberries, you can add cranberries or beets for added nutrients. These rich pink ingredients are natural detoxifiers. Cranberry is known for its anti-inflammatory properties. All you need to do is take a glass of milk, add strawberries, beets, cranberries, and a dash of ginger to get rid of the soreness and stiffness, and blend! This is your go-to smoothie for a delicious, anti-inflammatory breakfast.
Turmeric Smoothie
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Anti-inflammatory dishes are incomplete without turmeric. This sunshine yellow smoothie is a great start to your mornings. All you need to do is whip up mango, pineapple, ginger, turmeric, ice, and milk and you are good to go! Mango and pineapple amp up the sweetness and a dash of ginger and turmeric would help balance the flavor with their earthy taste. This way, there is no need for sweetening agents.
Dragon Fruit Smoothie
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Another great pink smoothie for a healthy, power-packed breakfast, pitaya or dragon fruit is rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents. Not only this fruit is low in calories but packed with iron, vitamin C, vitamin B, and calcium. All of these nutrients are helpful for your joints. The main ingredient for the smoothie is dragon fruit but you can also add a few cubes of pineapple or shredded coconut and ginger with a dash of honey. Sprinkle some flax seeds and voila!
Citrusy Sunshine Smoothie
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This smoothie is not only anti-inflammatory but an absolute energy and mood booster. The main ingredient in the smoothie is avocado which contains stress-fighting glutathione, useful in blocking oxidative damage, vitamin E, folate, and beta-carotene. It will also give the smoothie a creamy texture which is perfect for a smoothie. Another great ingredient for the smoothie is orange or lemon that is rich in antioxidants and vitamins. Add a banana to the smoothie and you will feel replenished, and full of energy.
Typical Tropical Smoothie
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Although the name suggests typical; there is nothing typical about this smoothie as it is a quintessential anti-inflammatory breakfast smoothie. This one works great for summers as it combines the best of the tropical world. For this smoothie add fresh mango or pineapple, turmeric, ginger, and coconut milk. All inflammation-fighting ingredients, packed into one lip-smacking smoothie.
Orange Breakfast Smoothie
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Another great breakfast smoothie loaded with health benefits is-orange breakfast smoothie that has nothing to do with the fruit orange. It is rich in antioxidants as it has the benefits of carrots, lemons, and pineapple. Blend them with the best anti-inflammatory ingredients — turmeric and ginger. They give the smoothie a warm earthy flavor. Carrots and pineapple bring sweetness to the smoothie. Lemon balances the flavor with its citrusy zest. You can add a banana for a rich texture and added health benefits.
All in all, the above-mentioned smoothies are your go-to breakfast alternatives for overall health. All of these smoothies are packed with anti-inflammatory ingredients which will help you combat inflammation and related ailments. Feel free to experiment by adding leafy greens or nuts to the smoothies for overall health benefits. To reap the benefits of these breakfast smoothies is by being consistent and combining them with a dose of herbal supplements every day.
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shishirgupta · 3 years
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Some foods have proven anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that can benefit patients with rheumatoid arthritis. This Anti-Inflammatory Smoothie contains ginger, beets and greens to help reduce inflammation in your body. Let food be thy medicine before it’s too late!
If you want to try natural herbal supplement that helps you to get rid of your pain then try this “JOD RAKSHAK".
Visit Us: https://alliaanceherbal.com/jod-rakshak-natural-herbal-supplement/
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shishirgupta · 3 years
9 Common Arthritis MYTHS You Shouldn’t Believe
The term arthritis is used for over 100 types of conditions that affect the joints or tissues around the joint. Most of them lead to joint pain and stiffness—while some types can impact the immune system and internal organs. 
 Despite being a common health condition in India, arthritis is often misunderstood as it is surrounded by several misconceptions. 
It is always useful to learn about this common but painful health condition? How much do you know about arthritis?
 Test yourself with these arthritis misconceptions and learn the facts. 
 Every Joint Pain is Arthritis:
 Although arthritis is a form of joint pain, other conditions such as bursitis, tendonitis or soft-tissue injuries can lead to joint pain. These are common structures that are near the actual joints that can lead to pain and swelling and feel like joint pain. 
 It might be the case of lupus that is an inflammatory condition that affects many different body parts such as the joints, including the lungs, heart and brain. Similarly, gout is a condition that is caused by a high level of uric acid and leads to sudden pain in the foot and joints. 
 The Weather/Climate Can Impact Arthritis Symptoms
 One common misconception is that arthritis can be aggravated in cold and humid climates. However, this is not backed by science yet. There is a link between warmer weather and arthritis relief, as a warm climate encourages a person to remain more active, but there is no proof that colder weather can trigger the condition. 
 Arthritis Can be Cured
To date, arthritis has been an incurable disease, although the symptoms like pain can be managed and the progression can be slowed down with better treatment options. Nothing has been found successful to treat the disease. 
Since most arthritis types are chronic conditions and meant to be a lifelong process, it is important to gain knowledge and understand your own health condition.
 One should learn how to deal with arthritis symptoms, medications, herbal supplements and other treatment options, pain relief techniques and how to deal and live well with arthritis. 
For Full Article click here: https://alliaanceherbal.com/9-common-arthritis-myths-you-shouldnt-believe/
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shishirgupta · 3 years
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Here we have listed out few home remedies that can help you ease pain and prevent additional damage to the joints and Arthritis.
 Read full article here: https://alliaanceherbal.com/best-home-remedies-for-arthritis-and-joint-pain/
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shishirgupta · 4 years
Whether call it Withania Somnifera, Indian Winter Cherry, or Indian Ginseng, Ashwagandha has been a super health remedy for ages. After all, the benefits of this ancient Indian herb are documented in ancient texts as well as have been accepted by modern science.  
 The name Ashwagandha has been derived from two Sanskrit words—Ashwa which means horse and Gandha which means odour. 
 According to Charaka, the father of Ayurveda had quoted on the health benefits of Ashwagandha—
 ‘One obtains longevity, regains youth, gets a sharp memory and intellect and freedom from diseases, gets a lustrous complexion, and strength of a horse.’
 Ashwagandha is a panacea of most ailments and is known for its rejuvenating and therapeutic attributes. 
 Ayurveda also considers the herb as Bhalya - something which increases strength and Vajikara - something which increases healthy sexual functioning.
 Here we have outlined some top health benefits of Ashwagandha. 
 Easing Anxiety:
 Ashwagandha is known as an adaptogen, meaning that it can help the body adapt to stress. It can improve brain function and help deal with the symptoms of depression and anxiety. Several studies have proved that this herb can minimize the symptoms associated with stress and anxiety. 
This is because of its ability to reduce a stress hormone called cortisol, according to several studies. 
The medicinal herb can help lower levels of cortisol. Some studies have found that the daily doses of 125 mg to 5 grams for 1-3 moths can lower this stress hormone (cortisol) by 11-32%. 
 For Full Article click here: https://alliaanceherbal.com/7-proven-health-benefits-of-ashwagandha/ 
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shishirgupta · 4 years
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Nowadays, more and more people seem to be affected with several health problems. And certainly low blood sugar level is one of them. Being a chronic disease, it can lead to many health problems, if left untreated. Below are listed some simple, easy and efficient remedies to regulate low blood sugar levels: Read full article here: https://alliaanceherbal.com/5-way-out-to-control-low-blood-sugar-levels-at-home/ Follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AlliaanceBiotech?ref=hl
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shishirgupta · 4 years
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Nowadays a large ratio of the population is dealing with obesity. And everyone has a desire to get rid of their weight as soon as possible. Although, there is no magical formula to work overnight, yet nature has offered a number of ingredients which can help you shed your pounds.
Learn some healthy vegetable juice recipes here to shed your Extra Weight Naturally.
Read full article here:  https://alliaanceherbal.com/5-healthy-vegetable-juices-to-shed-your-extra-weight-naturally/
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shishirgupta · 4 years
6 Best Home Remedies for Knee Pain
Knee pain is no longer confined to people in their old age. It disturbs young adults and people in their 30s and 40s. It could happen due to injury or other medical reasons. Although, if it occurs due to an injury, it is more likely to be a short-term condition. Otherwise many suffer from knee pain for a longer time which persists for life. It becomes one of the major reasons for disability in the elderly. Little do they know that it can be cured and the pain can be controlled through some simple remedies at home.
Knee osteoarthritis affects almost 7-8% of the global population.  Contrary to the popular belief, long-term problems can also be cured and their effects can be minimized. Take a look at some effective home remedies that help cure all kinds of knee pain.
1. Strengthening exercise
The process of reducing knee pain must begin by protecting your knee joint. This is possible by doing strengthening the upper leg muscles, also known as the quadriceps muscles. Upper leg muscles are located at the front and sides of the thighs. Light stretching exercises like heel and calf stretch, hamstring stretch, quadriceps stretch can work wonders for knee pain.
Also, gentle exercises like half squats, calf raises, hamstring curl, and leg extensions will help reduce the strain and stress of the knees.
 2. Herbal Supplements
While there are multiple edible solutions for knee pain, herbal supplements are by far the most effective remedy for joint pain. Since these supplements are 100% Ayurvedic, there are no traces of steroids or other inflammatory substances. Herbs like ashwagandha, shudh guggul, and shilajit help strengthening muscles, bones, and nerves.  They are nature’s gift to mankind; the combination taken in the right quantity can give miraculous effects. This is only possible through Ayurvedic supplements. Also, there are zero risks of side-effects.
3. Weight loss
A lot of diseases and medical conditions   begin and develop due to the extra pounds that you were getting in your body. This gives the joints more pressure and works to do. Losing weight helps reduce the long-term effects of knee pain and arthritis. Obesity affects the knees as it increases inflammation in the body. Even if you are slightly overweight, you must start taking care of your health and keep your weight in check. You can start by eating right and exercising daily.
Eat foods that are rich in fiber, fresh, seasonal fruits, and green vegetables. Avoid or reduce animal fat and meat. Consult your dietician or doctor to help you lose weight. They would help you decide how much weight you need to lose exactly. They would also suggest a suitable diet that would not only help you with your weight but also strengthen your knees.
4. Physical activity
Mind exercises again delete the development of osteoarthritis. It is one of the most common causes of any pain. People might believe that physical activities would worsen the mobility of the knees. On the contrary, it would help strengthen the joints.
It is very important to be physically active as it boosts the health of Cartilage tissue regardless of whether or not you are suffering from knee pain. Physical activities like tai chi, swimming, walking, yoga, cycling work wonders for joint-related issues and to strengthen the leg muscles.
If you are overweight and wish to become physically active then you can start with water aerobics which would give equal effect with a lot less strain.
 5. Support and posture
Apart from the multiple things that you’re trying to minimize knee pain you must adopt measures that will help minimize knee strain. This includes standing, sleeping, sitting in the right posture at all times.    Make sure to always use a pillow while sitting to raise your seating level. Avoiding leaning and slouching while you sit. Avoid sinking into low couches and sofas. If you have a sitting job, make sure to stand or walk a little from time to time.  Joints become stiff and thus pains when you sit for prolonged hours. Avoid wearing shoes with broken arches that affect joint mobility adversely
6. Aromatherapy massage
Massaging your legs with oils infused with orange and ginger improves the overall function of knees and reduces pain. According to research, ointments and balms containing ginger, sesame oil, mastic, and cinnamon help reduce stiffness and pain in the knees. It also helps in healing and improving joint mobility. Other Essential oils like Frankincense and myrrh, Lavender, Lemongrass also help ease musculoskeletal pain and knee pain from osteoarthritis. Make sure to always use a carrier oil like almond, jojoba, coconut, olive, or avocado for best results.
 To sum up, the above remedies are easy and convenient. All you need to be is consistent and do them diligently to see positive results.
If you are planning to buy certified natural supplements for joint pain
Visit Our Website: https://alliaanceherbal.com/
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shishirgupta · 4 years
This video is all about how you can prevent arthritis in women. Read this for more information.
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shishirgupta · 4 years
This video is all about how you can prevent arthritis in women. Read this for more information.
Visit us: https://alliaanceherbal.com/
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shishirgupta · 4 years
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Here is how you can prevent arthritis in woman. Arthritis is defined as an “inflammation of the joints.” It can occur in one joint or multiple joints. Knee arthritis can be the fourth most common cause of physical disability in India. If your target is arthritis prevention, start with these important steps and follow for more. Visit our website: https://alliaanceherbal.com/ Follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AlliaanceBiotech?ref=hl
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shishirgupta · 4 years
Arthritis is defined as an “inflammation of the joints.” It can occur in one joint or multiple joints. This condition is triggered by the degeneration of connective tissues or cartilage, which are the shock absorber for the joints. 
According to one report, knee arthritis can be the fourth most common cause of physical disability in India. Nearly 180 million people in India have arthritis and its prevalence is higher than diabetes, AIDS, and cancer.
The nation is on the cusp of the arthritis epidemic, and the ever-increasing cases in India are said to be much higher compared to Western nations. Thanks to the genetic tendency of Indians towards knee arthritis and a lifestyle that leads to the overuse of the knee joints.  
Top of that, it will be challenging for our country to deal with this massive healthcare burden due to the shortage of healthcare facilities and orthopaedic specialists. 
Arthritis in Indian Women: 
In Indian women, the average age for the onset of knee issues is 50 years. Many studies have confirmed that arthritis is more prevalent in Indian women than men. 
 Arthritis is likely to affect different joints in women than men. The hips joints of men are more prone to arthritis while women get it in their knees and hands. 
 As far as women are concerned, there are two major factors which cause arthritis and are beyond your control.  
Hormones: You need to know that the rate of osteoarthritis boosts significantly after menopause in women. Experts believe that it is the female hormone estrogen which causes arthritis. Arthritis might be triggered by the lack of testosterone in women. This is because testosterone is useful for muscle building, and men have stronger leg muscles than women. Strong muscles are important for the knee joint, reducing the risk of osteoarthritis. 
Bio mechanics: It is the way your body is structured that leads to risk for arthritis. Usually, women with wider hips are believed to have a significant effect on the alignment of their knees. This further leads to uneven stress on them, leading to osteoarthritis. Along with this, women also tend to have more flexible joints and hyper-mobility. These two factors add their contribution to the risk of arthritis.
Besides, there are several other factors which cause this joint problem. However, the good thing is that women can take some serious action to manage it. But before you learn how to prevent arthritis, it is essential to know about the other major causes. Isn’t it?
What are the common causes of arthritis?
 Obesity: Do you know overweight people have a greater tendency to develop knee osteoarthritis? Your body weight is carried by your leg joints and knees. So, the heavier you are, the more pressure is exerted on your knees and joints. Hence, being overweight turns out to be another common cause of arthritis. 
 Growing age: Certainly, arthritis can affect middle (and younger), aged people. However, it is still more common among older people. You will find a number of them at a nearby senior care home who are developing joint problems. The reason is quite simple; joints wear and tear with the growing age and thus it is one of the most common causes of arthritis. 
 Wrong lifestyle: If your job calls for heavy lifting or repetitive joint movement and bending, you are at the risk of getting bone injuries or joint problem. And this could develop into arthritis over time. Plus, unhealthy eating habits add to the risk. 
So, there are chances that you might face debilitating symptoms of arthritis-like long-lasting pain, swelling, inflammation, and stiffness of joints. The level of pain experienced might vary from person to person, depending on the causes and health condition. However, there is a lot you could do to prevent it from happening early. Before seeking treatment it is best to learn how to fight back arthritis. 
 Arthritis doesn’t have to impact your active life. If you are having debilitating symptoms or persistent pain, make sure to visit an orthopedic. Your orthopedic can suggest you the right treatment plan. 
Signs that You should see an Orthopaedic Doctor
Pain, swelling, stiffness or discomfort in the joints. 
Experiencing chronic pain for more than 12 weeks.
Affected range of motion.
Feeling unstable while standing or walking
Soft tissue injury is not healing even after 48 hours. 
Having pain in the hip or knee that is worse while carrying the weight. 
 How women can prevent arthritis?
If your target is arthritis prevention, start with these important steps;
Control your body weight: 
 As stated earlier, it is the excess body weight which is best-known and most important risk factors for arthritis. So, start with it right away. Losing extra weight is something you can do to make a difference in arthritis pain. With the pounds dropping gradually you will be reducing stress on your joints, by simply decreasing their workload. 
For this, you can change up your diet; 
Try adding more fiber each day.
Eat more whole grains, fruits, and vegetables.
Cut down on refined carbohydrates and fat.
With these small changes, you can easily maintain your weight and prevent arthritis pain.
Keep your body hydrated: 
Here’s another reason to drink more water. Why? Do you know the cartilage in your joints is made up mostly of water? Hence, when your body is dehydrated, i.e. water gets sucked out of the cartilage, it becomes more easily damaged by wear and tear. So, you need to keep your cartilage healthy by drinking water throughout the day. Make sure you have at least 8 glasses of water daily. 
Avoid high heels: 
Your foot was not designed to be on its toes all day long. For you people, high heels can cause trouble. No doubt, it’s fine to wear them occasionally. However, if you have been using them all the time, stop it right away. It will cause a lot of problems. So, switch to a more joint-friendly accessory, your body will thank you.
Choose non-impact exercises:
Exercising is good for your health. But there are some activities which might predispose you to osteoarthritis and arthritis pain. Yes, this basically includes high impact exercise such as soccer and long-distance running. These add up a lot of stress on the joints. So, if you are doing any such activity, it can wear down the cartilage faster than normal. 
Hence, it is recommended to switch to something lighter like water exercises, which will help you stay active and practice arthritis prevention.
Boost of vitamin D: 
Did you know 90% of Indian women have vitamin D deficiency? 
And vitamin D is important in regulating bone metabolism. 
Women with inadequate levels of vitamin D have a greater progression of osteoarthritis. The exact mechanism is not known, however, it is advised to keep a check on your vitamin D levels to prevent arthritis prevention. You can think of taking herbal vitamin D supplements if required.
In conclusion, it is all about the small changes to your routine and a little care which will help you keeping arthritis pain under control.
Remember, the steps you take today to stay healthier will keep you happier in the later years of life!
    If you are planning to buy certified natural supplements for joint pain 
Visit Our Website: https://alliaanceherbal.com/ 
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shishirgupta · 4 years
Muscle or joint ache is something very common these days. Long work hours, unhealthy eating habits, sudden injuries and many more, contributes to pain in muscles, bones and nerves. Alliaance Herbal understands your agony and brings the best from the nature’s laps- JOD RAKSHAK.
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shishirgupta · 4 years
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Here is how you can prevent the risk of developing high cholesterol level.
There are two types of cholesterol: LDL or low-density lipoprotein and high-density lipoprotein or HDL. LDL is bad cholesterol and HDL is good cholesterol.
It is important to prevent or minimize your bad cholesterol to lead a healthy life. While there are many medications to do that, changes in your lifestyle and diet play an important role.
Visit our website: https://alliaanceherbal.com/
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shishirgupta · 4 years
Best Ways to Gain Weight Naturally
The world has been obsessed with weight loss and fitness. Influencers have taken over social media on how to drop those extra kilos. People are aware of the repercussions of being obese and how important it is to remain healthy. That being said, what most of the global population do not know is that gaining weight is equally (if not more) challenging. People with low BMI or fast metabolism find it extremely difficult to gain weight. People will frail structures can also suffer from numerous medical issues like organ damage, anemia, bone density loss, low immunity levels, and even menstruation problems.
Contrary to popular beliefs, eating and binging on high-calorie foods all day is not going to make you gain weight instead, it might lead to diseases like diabetes, fatty liver, or kidney stones, etc.   A healthy lifestyle works both ways; regardless of what you intend to do with your weight.  
Instead of accumulating unhealthy abdomen fat, focus on gaining muscle mass and subcutaneous fat in a balanced proportion. Gorging on fried and junk food all day will never work for you. This is why it is important to gain weight through an herbal and natural diet and exercise.
 Natural diet:   
No, we are not talking about fish fritters or other forms of fried fish. Include oily fish like tuna and salmon in your meals if you are a non-vegetarian. Salmon is essentially good for hair, skin, and overall health. It is also good for gaining lean muscle mass.
Eat two portions of grilled or well-cooked salmon or tuna every day to bulk up. Other high-protein foods such as eggs, legumes, lean meats, etc. must be included in your daily meals to gain weight naturally.
Whole Fat Milk:
A healthy diet to gain weight is incomplete without whole fat milk. It is enriched with good fats, calories, carbohydrates, and proteins. A cup of whole fat milk contains 150 calories, 13 grams of good fats and carbohydrates, and 8 grams of protein. Protein intake is essential as they help in developing new muscles. Along with that, the healthy fats would help in increased production of testosterone for better muscle growth.
Butter is mostly added to food items to enhance the flavors. Consuming it in moderate amounts would help in sustainable weight gain. There are almost 81 grams of good fats in 100 grams of butter. Add one or two tablespoons of butter to your daily meals to gain weight. It is to be noted that it needs to be consumed in moderation or else could lead to cardiac problems.
Butter contains saturated fats which help in boosting HDL (good cholesterol) when consumed in moderation. It also contains fat-soluble vitamins like Vitamin E, K2, and A.
This nutrient-rich fruit is mostly avoided by people who try to lose weight. It works as a boon for those who want to gain weight as it is rich in calories. One banana contains 105 calories. It also boosts your energy levels instantly.
Also if you plan on working out then banana can be consumed as a great post-workout meal to replenish the body. A great way to consume a banana is to drink it in the form of a shake. Milk and bananas work great for a healthy, bulked up body.
Nuts and Seeds:
Nuts and Seeds are overall healthy whether you wish to lose or gain weight. They are packed with essential nutrients and are high in calories. Consuming nuts like walnuts, peanuts, pistachios, almonds, etc. are a great way your start your day. One cup of mixed nuts has 45 grams of fat, 20 grams of protein, 530 calories, and 20 grams of carbohydrates. It works as a great binge-eating snack. 
Along with nuts, you can also sprinkle some seeds like sunflower seeds, flax seeds, and pumpkin seeds, etc. on your smoothies and shakes to reap the benefits of essential fatty acids.
Soy Bean;
A healthy weight gain diet is incomplete without the essential nutrients of soybean. It is rich in calcium, B-vitamins, fiber, protein, and iron. This makes soybean a high-calorie yet healthy food. 100 grams of soybean includes 36 grams of protein; this makes up for the daily protein requirement for gaining weight. Also, it helps decrease cholesterol levels in the blood.  
All in all, the foods mentioned above can help you build muscles and gain weight naturally. The best way to include them in your diet is to consume more calories than you burn.
Perform strength training exercises daily to put on some healthy pounds. Eat high-carb and high-fat three to four times a day to bulk up.  Along with the weight-gain diet plan, make sure you keep your health in check. As mentioned earlier, healthy weight gain means healthy muscle mass and good fats in your body.
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