sherley · 6 years
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Postcard of Ukraine (Eurovision Song Contest 2018)
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sherley · 7 years
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No matter what place it is the 5th, 9th or first. Patrick is already the Olympic champion, two-time silver Olympic medalist, three-time world champion and that's not all of his titles. Patrick is the king of ice, an example of a real men's skating. Patrick is not skating, he floats over the ice. I'm very glad I could see the skating of Patrick, his ups and downs. I watched his skating the last 5-6 years and I'm sure no such star won't appear on the horizon of figure skating. Thank You, Patrick 💕 Неважно какое место 5, 9 или первое. Патрик уже олимпийский чемпион, двухкратный серебряный призер олимпийских игр, трехкратный чемпион мира и это еще не все его титулы. Патрик уже король льда, образец настоящего мужского катания. Патрик не катается, он парит надо льдом, он влюбляет в себя миллионы людей и заставляет их сердца биться чаще. Я безумно рада, что могла видеть катание Патрика, его взлеты и падения. Я следила за его катанием последние 5-6 лет и уверена, что такой звезды еще долго не появится на небосклоне фигурного катания. Спасибо, Патрик 💕
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sherley · 7 years
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Do you have a dream? A goal? Athletes have it They dream about medals, first places, about the Olympics. But at one point everything is collapsed. The Russians lost the flag and the anthem. We had a grey form. We didn't have a flag holder. But we were not broke. We won medals. And the fans were screaming from the stands "Russia". Everyone knew where our athletes came from. We won. We held our head up and proudly went together on the Olympic stadium.
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sherley · 7 years
It was awesome 😍
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emil congratulates tarjei on his first win since 2013
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sherley · 7 years
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Маленькая сказка большого театра... A little tale of a big theatre
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sherley · 7 years
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Уже очень давно не было таких чудесных, теплых, милых, добрых мультиков с таким глубоким смыслом, который очень важен в наше время. Этот Шедевр (да, именно Шедевр) вызывает бурю положительных эмоций, но на протяжении всего мультфильма тебя так же не покидают грусть и боль. В конце на глазах появляются слезы от нахлынувших эмоций и от того, что ты осознаешь, что потери были и будут в нашей жизни, но ты только не забывай…
It’s the best cartoon of this year. It brings not only good emotions, but you also feel sadness while the whole film. You understand that you lost and will loose your relatives, friends.. But you mustn’t forget them..
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sherley · 7 years
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Finally! It was a great race. I can't stop my tears. He is a hero. After 4,5 years he won. Only 0,7 seconds and Marten Fourcade is the second 🎉 The best from Russia is Anton Babikov, but it isn't a reson to be sad, because TARJEI BØ won this race. It was hard, but this victory is really important for him. And how proud is his brother, Johannes Bø, he said, that it is better, when his brother won, than when Johannes gets victory. It's his comeback 😈
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sherley · 7 years
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It's time for tears, happiness, strong people, heroes, races... In one word... For BIATHLON. Welcome to Östersund, biathlon fans❤❤
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sherley · 7 years
The Mentalist
Тигр, Тигр, жгучий страх,
Ты горишь в ночных лесах.
Чей бессмертный взор, любя,
Создал страшного тебя?
Tyger! Tyger! burning bright
In the forests of the night,
What immortal hand or eye
Could frame thy fearful symmetry?
Tiger, Tiger, Flammenpracht
in der Wälder dunkler Nacht:
Welcher Schöpfer, welcher Gott
schuf dich, der Angst gebiert und Tod?
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sherley · 7 years
Figure skating gives me not only an opportunity to watch strong people and beautiful performances. It also gives me music, which I hear every day 💕
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sherley · 7 years
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What a great beginning for team Norway this week! It’s time to see biathlon every week and to feel the energy of Brothers Bø 😂💪 And this colour of Johannes’ gun. It’s gold! Like his future medals, also Olympic Gold is waited this winter 🔥🌟💪💪💪
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sherley · 7 years
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Вряд ли чиновники и другие высокопоставленные лица, которые приняли решение об отстранении наших лыжников, когда-нибудь поймут, что это такое, когда у тебя отнимают мечту и втаптывают твою честь в грязь, когда все к чему ты шел, в одночасье больше не имеет смысла. Наши ребята шли к победам, не жалея себя, они отдали все ради спорта. И что теперь!? Их отстранили от будущих олимпиад, отняли медали домашней олимпиады... когда же спорт будет вне политики..? After some months it's time to write, because people must see and hear us. It's awful that our athletes are forbidden to take part in next Olympic Games. Alexander Legkov also lost his medals from Sochi 2014, where he has won 2 medals, gold and silver. Now he and his friends are upset and don't have an opportunity to prove, that they don't take doping! People open your eyes! Sport must be without politics!!!
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sherley · 7 years
In a Heartbeat - Animated Short Film (2017)
A closeted boy runs the risk of being outed by his own heart after it pops out of his chest to chase down the boy of his dreams.
© Beth David and Esteban Bravo 2017
It’s here! After a year and a half of hard work, we are both so excited to finally share our film with you. Thank you all for your support and encouragement - this film means the world to us, and your kindness and enthusiasm has made this journey all the more meaningful. It is our great pleasure to share with you this labor of love, and we hope with all our hearts that you enjoy watching it as much as we did making it.
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2REkk9SCRn0 Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/227690432
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sherley · 8 years
Favorite singer. Favorite skater. I think this song would sound good in Mikhail Kolyada's exhibition program.
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sherley · 8 years
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Soon I will say goodbye and with another sport. This spring season 2016/17 in figure skating ends. But first I'll see a great world championship in Helsinki. My favorite skaters will meet on the ice and show what they can do. Meet Patrick Chan, Yuzuru Hanyu and Mikhail Kolyada. Canada, Japan and Russia will fight for first place.
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sherley · 8 years
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And again, my favourite brothers. They are wonderful and great. They show always brotherly love, which has become an example for all of us. Johannes deserved this podium. And Tarjei won himself and showed the best result of the season. I am proud that I can watch it and I am proud of them at the same time.
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sherley · 8 years
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Один из самых ярких и классных моментов после победы на чемпионате мира. Молодцы ребята, заслужили этот хрустальный глобус. Каждая эстафета стала событием, в каждой эстафете ребята выкладывались по полной. Я люблю эту команду. Да, я болею и за норвежцев и за немцев. Но Россия всегда в моем сердце. Спасибо большое 💕 Guys! Meet this team! Wonderful team. Dream team! Thank you very Mich. You are always in my heart ❤
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