Shady Druid's Grove
244 posts
Artist, Critter, Wizard, DnD player ✨️✨️ backup acc @olga-goodluck
Last active 60 minutes ago
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shadydruid · 4 days ago
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Athena, Goddess of Wisdom, inspired by Epic:the Musical and Teagan Earley ❤️‍🔥
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shadydruid · 6 days ago
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Get romanced, Marisha Ray
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shadydruid · 7 days ago
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✨️Commission✨️ Eleazara is a devoted follower of Ilmater, the Crying God. Taking in his teachings of perseverance and mercy, she took on the role of a wandering priest and healer in order to ease the suffering of those around her. Her masked appearance gives her an air of mystery and intrigue, while others might find her hard to trust or looking downright deceitful and troublesome. The simple truth is that she has dreams - literal dreams - that she's chasing, a mystery to solve of a past life she does not remember living through. She's looking for something, and something's looking for her.
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shadydruid · 11 days ago
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✨️Commission✨️ Elia Vinthallen is the last Chronomancer. Having spent her childhood in search of purpose, she went to study at a library, where she stumbled into Chronomancy. After a few decades of study, her library was attacked and burned, leaving her the sole survivor. Over the next few years, she endured being pulled into a completely different timeline, blinded, regaining her sight, and a dragon-human war, ultimately discovering that it was a different version of herself that had orchestrated it all. To prevent something like this ever happening again, she spent 10 years studying to remove Chronomancy from the world and ascend beyond the divine gate, where she then became the Watcher of the Timelines.
Lvl 20 version and a version of Elia I drew in 2023! :
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shadydruid · 18 days ago
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✨️WIP✨️ Athena, Goddess of Wisdom, inspired by Teagan Earley's stunning performance in Epic:the Musical. I have loved Greek mythology since childhood, and Athena has always been my favorite: strong and intelligent at the same time. Perfect ❤️‍🔥
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shadydruid · 21 days ago
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✨️Commission ✨️ Amaya Stormsylph is an air genasi Circle of Stars Druid. She is currently level 16 and is the leader of her party, the Jade Marauders. She is soft-spoken but firm in her decisions and beliefs and is known for being gentle and kind. She has taken down a couple of different chromatic dragons that attacked the party and befriended a bronze dragon. She loves to draw. Her favorite wild animal is the owlbear. Amaya has also gained the favor of Melora and Selune on her quest to stop the demon lord Yeenoghu from consuming Wildemount.
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shadydruid · 25 days ago
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It feels surreal to see another campaign over. I remember finding out about Critical Role back in 2020. I was binge watching Mighty Nein when I got one of the most powerful Inspiration boosts in my life.
I drew this art a long ago, and only a few people in the world got to see it. I would do many things differently now, but hope you'll like it. Without Critical Role (and all of you, of course) I probably wouldn't be where I am now, and for that, I'm entirely grateful. Goodbye, Bells Hells, thank you for everything 💜🖤
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shadydruid · 28 days ago
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✨️WIP✨️ Athena, inspired by Epic:the Musical and art nouveau paintings! I learned about Epic only recently - the day The Ithaca Saga was released, but I was hooked immediately, and I've been listening to it non-stop since then!
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shadydruid · 1 month ago
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shadydruid · 1 month ago
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✨️Ignorant thing. It's always the terms and conditions that get you.✨️
Mizora/Raphael is card 11/14 of my Baldur's Gate 3 Oracle Deck! None of the other characters look at the viewer, but these two. Oh, they look. Straight. At. You.
I decided to change the names of the card into the ones I initially thought of because of this Raphael's line that got stuck in my head:
'I raged - but only for a decade or so - then I waited, ever-watching, for more than a thousand years, for a mistake, a mishap, a misadventure. And whether it takes a hundred years or a thousand, the Crown will be mine eventually. My time will come.'
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shadydruid · 1 month ago
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✨️Commission✨️ Samantha Fife is a snarky, sassy 20 yo Warrior of Light. She fights the demons of Hell on behalf of Heaven. Empowered by an inner angel, she has superhuman speed and senses. Her Light Weapons are holy daggers made of Heavenly metal, and are named Helios & Sol. They chose her and glow bright white when she's using her gifted Powers. Sam is loyal, brave, and impulsive. Her instincts keep her alive in a fight. She's recently discovered her ability to thwart evil by temporarily breaking her foe's magic. How? She's still trying to figure out...
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shadydruid · 1 month ago
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Imogen Temult, lvl 3 and lvl 13!
Now that the Bells Hells campaign is nearly over, how are you feeling? Which campaign is your favorite and why?
I personally still love C2. The stakes were not as high as in C3, it had a focus on personal stories and all of the characters had equal amount of time to shine. I didn't fall for all of them immediately, but ended up loving every and each member of Mighty Nein.
Unfortunately, it didn't happen with Bells Hells for me. For example, I still feel like I don't really know Ashton.
Final Boss battle will be epic, though! I'm sure of it. Can't wait to see what Critical Role have for us next!
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shadydruid · 2 months ago
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✨️Imogen Temult, Exaltant Hope of the Red Storm 🔴🌙
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shadydruid · 2 months ago
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CaitVi my beloved 💙❤️ Arcane is a masterpiece.
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shadydruid · 2 months ago
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✨️Commission✨️ Charlie and Lerissa have been through many challenges together and a large portion of it has to do with dragons. At the start of the campaign, Charlie was just some average guy trying to run a kissing stand to make some extra money and Lerissa was an angry Tiefling in the wrong place, right time, who just so happened to be an amazing kisser. Two-ish years later they were dating and after Lerissa’s adventuring party killed a dracolich and reunited her with her many greats great aunt dragon. They then decided it was time and adorably accidentally propose to each other.
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shadydruid · 2 months ago
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✨️Try to cure yourself, shop around, beg, borrow and steal. Exhaust every possibility until none are left... and when hope has been whittled down to the very marrow of despair, that's when you'll come knocking on my door.✨️
Raphael and Mizora's card WIP! Still not sure about Rachael's side, maybe Patience is better? He knows how to wait.
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shadydruid · 2 months ago
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✨There are times when, like today, I’m very grateful for being in the right place at the right time to make sure that the right people are becoming strong in the ways they need to be.✨️
Tea Party is finally finished!
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