serenquility · 4 years
Staying busy during the apocalypse.
I’ve been crafting. A lot. I am still very sick, and can’t do much other than watch Netflix and move from one chair to the next.
But, I can make super cute things!
I made cactus magnets. Because, cactus.
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serenquility · 4 years
Quarantine, Day 3 of 21
I’m sick.
I’m one of the lucky ones, so far. I’m only dealing with body aches, chills and fever, and a very mild cough. On day 1, I had a bloody nose and terrible gastrointestinal distress (apparently an uncommon symptom).
As of today, my temperature remains between 99 and 100, but hasn’t spiked over 100 since yesterday.
I can still breathe fairly well, and I don’t have any serious…
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serenquility · 4 years
Covid problems.
So, guys. I developed a fever today. Coincidentally after one of the guys in my shop called off with the virus (confirmed) on Monday.
I called my GP, and was told to self quarantine. Drink fluids. Take otc meds. And if it gets worse, call the ER to get tested.
Tbh, it’s not that bad for me. And I’m lucky. If the rumors are true, and it’s been incubating for days, I shouldn’t get much worse…
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serenquility · 4 years
Mental Health Monday 03.09.2020
Mental Health Monday 03.09.2020
Hey! I’m back.
Had some issues I needed to take care of, and my life has been kind of a disaster lately. But you know what? That’s OK. Life happens, and we either learn from it and move on, or we let it destroy us. Guess which one I choose?
This week’s MHM is going to be about choosing happiness and making the best of a really cruddy situation.
Your happiness is YOUR responsibility. If…
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serenquility · 4 years
Wellness Wednesday 01.29.2020
Wellness Wednesday 01.29.2020 - Workout Buddies
Workout Wednesday
The Importance of Having a Workout Buddy/Accountabilibuddy
It’s more fun to workout with someone you can talk to, who can help you -or- who you can help. It makes the time fly so fast!
It keeps you accountable (for the most part). If you have someone nagging you to go to the gym every other day, the likelihood that you’re going to go is pretty high.
You can share experience…
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serenquility · 4 years
BrainWork 01.28.2020
Prompts for meditation and conversation.
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
“A good traveler has no fixed plans, and is not intent on arriving.” – Lao Tzu
Sometimes, it’s not as much about the destination as it is about the journey.
Sure, sometimes you meander off the path. But that gives you opportunity to see new things! And isn’t that fun?
Don’t be too hard on yourself if you veer off…
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serenquility · 4 years
Mental Health Monday 01.27.2020
Taking a break, because sometimes you need to… And that’s ok.
I don’t have any profound advice this week. Nothing exciting.
I need a break. And probably a nap.
And that? Is perfectly acceptable, because I’m not a robot. Neither are you.
You can’t pour from an empty bucket, love. Sometimes you have to take the time to refill. Recharge. Rest.
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serenquility · 4 years
Hiatus this week.
There won’t be any regular posts this week, due to slipping on the ice and busting my derriere.
To those of you who read my blog? I’ll be back soon. Gonna go… Soak. And hide my shame.
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serenquility · 4 years
This is 100% not health food, but I'm going to share it anyway. 01.18.2020
This is 100% not health food, but I’m going to share it anyway. 01.18.2020
Random post for January 18, 2020
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We doin it
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We done did it
Cinnamon rolls on the waffle iron. Yum.
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serenquility · 4 years
Food Porn Friday 01.17.2020
Cauliflower Leek Soup
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Warm and comforting, with a bite!
This light, yet surprisingly satisfying soup has a bite! Leek and black pepper lend a sharp tang to the earthiness of the cauliflower. Add additional veggies for more nutrients, just don’t forget to account for the extra calories!
What You Need:
large sauce or soup pot
sharp knife
cutting board
blender or food processor
measuring cups
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serenquility · 4 years
Wellness Wednesday 01.15.2020
Staying Healthy During Cold and Flu Season
CDC 2019-2020 Season: https://www.cdc.gov/flu/season/faq-flu-season-2019-2020.htm
W.H.O. Flu Prevention: https://www.who.int/features/qa/seasonal-influenza/en/
It’s that time of year again, where the sniffles, coughs, chills and aches run rampant. Have you ever wondered why it’s so bad during the colder months? Spoiler– It has nothing to do with…
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serenquility · 4 years
BrainWork 01.14.2020
Prompts for Meditation and Contemplation
Tuesday. January 14 2020
30 Day Challenge – Waking Up Early
Do you ever find that there isn’t nearly enough time in the day, or feel that if you could just wake up an hour earlier that you’d accomplish so much more?
It can be done, my friends. It. Can. Be. Done. Let’s do the thing…
Days 1-10: You’re going to feel like something…
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serenquility · 4 years
Mental Health Monday 01.13.2020
Mental Health Monday 01.13.2020
Riding the Struggle Bus, and Getting Off at the Right Stop
We all struggle. With a variety of things. Sometimes it feels like we’re going to be on that trip FOREVER!
Good news… Your Stop is just up ahead. Round the bend, and one block to the right. (Or left, I don’t judge.)
It’s important to remember that we can choose our path in life. We can change our destination, at any time we want.…
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serenquility · 4 years
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Food Porn Friday 12.13.2019
Spicy Black Bean Patties
This burger packs a punch. It's spicy, filling, and warm. Serve it on a bun, or on a salad. Send me pictures of how you dress yours!
You'll need:
- food scale
- measuring cups
- measuring spoons
- foil or parchment paper
- sheet pan
- mixing bowl
- potato masher, fork, or food processor
The Fixins:
1 can black beans, about 15 ounces
1 cup fresh spinach, coarsely chopped
1 egg
1/2 cup saltine cracker crumbs
1/2 cup Portabella mushrooms, coarsely chopped
1 tbsp fresh garlic, minced
2 tbsp shredded Parmesan cheese
1 tbsp mayonnaise
1/2 tsp cumin
1/2 tsp chili powder
1/2 tsp hot sauce
1/2 tsp onion powder
1/2 tsp black pepper
1/2 tsp parsley
salt to taste
What to do:
Preheat oven to 325 degrees F.
Open, drain and rinse beans. Line sheet pan with foil or parchment paper. Spread beans evenly on lined pan. Bake in preheated oven for 10-12 minutes. Remove from oven and set aside to cool. Increase oven temperature to 375 degrees F.
In your mixing bowl, gently mix the cracker crumbs with ALL DRY seasonings and parmesan cheese. When beans are just warm, add to bowl. Add egg, hot sauce, garlic, mushrooms and spinach. Mash with fork or potato masher -OR- Blend all wet ingredients quickly in a food processor (do not puree), then add to dry ingredients.
Using your hands, or a rubber spatula, mix everything together well. Just like making hamburgers.
Place a plate on your food scale, and set your measurement to "grams". Put a fresh piece of foil or parchment paper on your sheet pan. You may spray the foil with a non-stick cooking spray if you desire.
Using your hands, divide bean mixture into 100 gram balls (measure with your scale). Form each ball into a patty about 1/2 inch thick, and place on sheet pan. Discard any unused bean mixture - raw egg is dangerous!
Put your sheet pan into a 375 degree F oven. Bake 10 minutes, remove and flip, back in for 10 more.
Remove from oven and eat! Top 'em with fresh avocado and a little tomato for added healthy fats and delicious Vitamin C!
You can allow your patties to cool, and wrap them up if you plan on using them later. To reheat, you can put them on the grill, back in the oven for 10-15 minutes or warm them in a frying pan. The bean patties will keep in the refrigerator for about 5 days. Beyond that they will be dry, and just generally inedible.
Serving Information:
This recipe makes 4 (four) 100 gram (precooked weight) patties.
Nutrition label from VeryWellFit.com
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serenquility · 4 years
Mental Health Monday 12.09.2019
Amor Fati - Embracing Fate
You can’t always control the world around you. But you can control how you react to it.
You can embrace the suck (as it were) and remind yourself that “This Too Shall Pass” - OR - You can get lost in the swirling bilge water that surrounds us daily. Be friends with the bad stuff, and the good stuff will be so, so much better.
The next time you find yourself in a less than ideal situation… Just roll with it. Don’t let it upset you or put you in a funk. Try to focus on something positive instead. Is it easy? No. But it’s 100% worth the effort.
Let’s say that traffic is a total drag. You’re moving less than five miles an hour, and you WOULD have been on time if some idiot hadn’t been on his phone instead of paying attention to the road. You can’t control this. You weren’t in that car to tell him not to be an idiot. What you CAN control is your reaction to it.
- Instead of getting angry or frustrated, put on some music that you really love, and jam out like a fool while you wait for the road to clear. Or throw on a motivational audio book to get your brain in good order for the day.
- Keep some candy or snacks in your car, and have a bite or two of something sweet.
- Focus on the day ahead. You can still be super productive if you rearrange your tasks. This is a great time to do that. You’re sitting still, you have time to mentally organize your day. How awesome is that?
- If you have hands free technology, call someone you like talking to. Being in conversation will make the time pass like water through a sieve. Before you know it, you’re moving again. On your way to where you need to be.
This is just an example, but it’s one that we have all been through. You can apply the ideas here to literally every situation. You just have to find a positive thing to weigh out the negative thing.
There is no moment in time more important than this one. Make the most of it, as though there were no others.
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serenquility · 4 years
BrainWork 12.03.2019
Prompts for Meditation and Conversation
Tuesday, December 3 2019
Try to recall all of the parents' faces in all of the movies you've ever seen, during a scene in which their child is given a glorious gift.
That pure, unadulterated joy. Watching their beloved open a simple present.
Now, take that image. And turn it into a feeling as we go into the gift giving season. Remember how good you felt when someone opened a gift from you, and truly loved it. How awesome did you feel?
Remember that it truly is better to give, than to receive. The gifts we get only give us a moment or two of happiness, but the ones we give last forever in our memories.
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serenquility · 4 years
Mental Health Monday 12.02.2019
Pain is essential. Suffering, is optional.
Without pain or discomfort in life, you cannot fully appreciate peace. You’re going to have pain. You’re going to experience grief, discomfort, annoyances. But did you die? No? Awesome! It’s just another life lesson to learn from.
Can you control the circumstances that caused it in the first place? Yes? It’s a great time to make some positive changes to keep it from happening again. No? Then simply try to let it go. Let it roll. You had no control over it, don’t let it have control over you.
Is it better to dwell in the pain, or to let it pass as a natural part of life and move on to better moments?
Pain, death, sadness, frustration. These are all natural parts of being human. They’re not the fun parts, to be sure. But they do help to form who you are as a person (you cannot always control the world around you, but you can control how you react to it). You can use these little nasties to become better, stronger and more at ease with your Self.
For example, let’s use pizza. Really hot, fresh, delicious pizza. Melty cheese, savory sauce, your favorite toppings and crust style.
You excitedly bite into your amazing treat, only to burn your mouth with the boiling hot cheese. You have a few options here:
- You can be angry, and stop eating pizza forever. Suffering for the rest of your days because of the pain of one moment.
- You can learn from this moment, and resolve next time to wait a few moments for the pizza to cool before enjoying it, making it a much more wonderful experience. Embracing the pain, and using it to become wiser.
I don’t know about you, but I love pizza. And just because it hurt me once, I’m not going to stop enjoying it.
When life hurts you, due to your own deeds or not, it’s not worth giving up. Life is too good. It’s the most delicious slice of pizza you’ve ever had. You just have to give it time to cool.
***Author’s note - I once used sausage biscuits in this situation. But pizza seemed more relatable. What do you think?***
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