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Toby Stephens as Kim Philby CAMBRIDGE SPIES Episode 1
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#he wanted to speak to him but zeus was listening
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#the mortifying ordeal of being known.
#think about this more than I'd like to admit#black sails#john silver#captain flint#james flint#toby stephens
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#yes he's committed many crimes #but he literally has big sad wet eyes.
#sadness in his eyes that you don't even see in Eastern European gay porn#he has captivated me#black sails#captain flint#james flint#toby stephens
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TOBY STEPHENS as James Flint in BLACK SAILS (2014—2017) Chapter V
#none of the things I have to say are in the bible#black sails#captain flint#james flint#toby stephens
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Das Leben nach dem Tod | Die dritte Haut | Das Mädchen, das allein nach Haus’ geht
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Tatort Berlin: Das Mädchen, das allein nach Haus’ geht (2022) | Tatort Saarbrücken: Das Ende der Nacht (2025)
wenn das so endet werde ich verbrechen begehen ihr wisst nicht
#need to get up early but this wouldn‘t leavy my mind so now i‘m making it your problem#just did a berlin rewatch & now i‘ll cry for three weeks straight#at least rubin & karow got to bang first#queuing i just died in your arms tonight as we speak#tatort saarbrücken#spatort#das ende der nacht#adam schürk#leo hölzer#hörk#tatort berlin#das mädchen das allein nach haus‘ geht#robert karow#nina rubin
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fuckers need to learn how to upload at a normal time so i don‘t have to watch the video on the screen of my gyms cross trainer
#blurry cuz i‘m running#as normal about them as always#dan and phil#phil lester#daniel howell#dnp#phan#dnp games
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hello, weiß zufällig jemand wo man alle tatort berlin folgen gucken kann? gibts ein google doc o.ä.?
möchte die mal wieder alle sehen, aber in der mediathek gibts gerade nur super wenig :/
v.a. die folgen mit rubin & am aller dringendsten das opfer
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Felix Leiter x James Bond stans, hello to all five of you.
#honestly shocked by the lack of content#they are such an obvious paring#especially in the books#james bond#felix leiter
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#thank fuck this is anonymous#dan and phil#phan#amazingphil#daniel howell#phil lester#dnp#danisnotonfire#dan howell
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Joa würde sagen mir geht’s gut nach gestern
#shooting my kneecap out would‘ve hurt less#my lawyer will be in touch#(thank you op great edit is what i‘m trying to say)#tatort saarbrücken#spatort#der fluch des geldes#adam schürk#leo hölzer#hörk
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Wenn man etwas liebt (1859 words) by Phoenix1895
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Tatort (TV 1970)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Characters: Leo Hölzer, Adam Schürk, Esther Baumann, Pia Heinrich (mentioned)
Additional Tags: Post-Episode: Das Ende der Nacht (Tatort Saarbrücken), Hurt/Comfort, love confession (sort off), Adam/Esther bonding, Adam needs a hug, Esther too, and she gets it (the hug)
Summary: Später kann er sich nicht mehr erinnern, wie er Leo aus dem Bunker getragen hat.
Alles, woran er sich erinnern kann, ist der Geschmack von Blut und Staub auf seinen Lippen. Esther neben ihm, die die stöhnende Pia stützt.
Leo ist da. Irgendwo nah bei ihm, aber unendlich weit weg.
Die Nacht ist vorbei. aber die Sonne ist noch nicht wieder aufgegangen.
Hey friends, ich hab ne neue Spatort Fanfic geschrieben um die Ereignisse nach EdN ein bisschen aufzuarbeiten 🙈
Ganz dickes Dankeschön an @sentaluise fürs Drüberlesen und das generelle gemeinsame Ausflippen über dieses Ende 💕
#es war mir eine ehre🫡#EVERYONE GO READ THIS NOW#GO GO GO#10/10 fix it (sort of)#i was screaming crying throwing up so now you should too (as a treat)#wenn ep. 7 nicht genau so anfängt bekommt ard ein strongly worded letter von mir
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Dance Dad (33k) by me (15_blossom_15)
“She looked amazing but you yelled at her like she did horrible.” With a scoff, Louis turned back to his mats. “You have no idea how she did, you know nothing about dance.” And that just made Harry even angrier. “I have eyes!” “Well, apparently they’re not working really well, because your daughter was shit for half her practice.” Louis didn’t even turn to face him. Determined Harry walked over to the pile of mats and held on the one Louis was about to pull away. “She wasn’t shit!” he insisted. “If you can’t put aside what happened between us…” “Oh, you’re really that full of yourself, are you?” Louis chuckled, letting go off the mat. “Incredible. I thought having a kid would’ve forced you to reflect a little, but you’re still that same narcissistic arsehole.” Harry's twelve-year-old daughter Lara loves to dance. And he loves watching her. If only her dance coach wasn't Harry's childhood crush/ex boyfriend, who makes Harry feel an immeasurable amount of rage whenever he's near him.
#*holding gun to your head* READ THIS NOW#very important#celine could write romeo & juliet but shakepeare couldn‘t write fics like celine
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Neuer Spatort hat mich tief inspiriert lmao
#had nothing besides crying on my to do list for saturday morning anyway#tatort saarbrücken#spatort#adam schürk#leo hölzer#hörk
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