The Nexus of A Crisis!
289 posts
Independent Patricia Tannis. || 01.22.16 || .Written by Fawn.
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insanesmarts-blog ¡ 8 years ago
I'll be getting back to replies on soon. My schedule has been on & off lately due to personal things & moving but never fear Tannis will be here... just soon. Love you all, Fawn
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insanesmarts-blog ¡ 8 years ago
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   “There’s a fine line between insanity and sanity. I just so happen to be the one in the middle.”
  [ Independent Tannis ]     WRITTEN BY FAWN.
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insanesmarts-blog ¡ 8 years ago
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   “Pah, normally I’d decline what you just said, but you did give me something close to being startled, guess I wasn’t expecting to have company.” She rose up from her seat to walking slowly over to him. Tannis wasn’t really looking for a friend to talk to, let alone have a full conversation with. She was content with her and the ECHO she had befriended over the years, but seeing how ushering someone off that was only meaning well was rude, she had to suppress the urge to do it. Tannis returned the friendly gesture with a nod of her head.
    “Not as busy as yours, I assume. I’m not the one trying to control a dozen babies at the same time. You are.” She stood from her seat, making her way to place the coco in his hands. “Here take this drink, I spiked it with my depression, so it should keep you going for sometime. Besides what’s a holiday without stress.” She laughed nervously, the feeling of pressure build up inside Tannis, making her face grow a lighter tint.
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insanesmarts-blog ¡ 8 years ago
   “No, that’s only for foolish martinet who wants a mess of their operations, unless that what you’re looking for.” Tannis huffed, trying to see the file from another angle. “I’d love to show it to you, but I had one of my fellow men put it up there to keep this project on the secret side until you showed up. It’s a weapon, or blade really, with poison in it’s slice. I had my intelligence to make a sufficient liquid to pour into the metal. With this here liquid.” Ignoring the file for the time being she moved towards her desk making her way over to it and opening the first drawer. Pulling out a small tube glass full with a neon green substance. “It’s small but with one drop of the experiment, it can plague the weapon to it’s power.” She handed it over to Reyna. “Please do not get any on you. You do that and you won’t be able to move for a long time.” Tannis spoke warningly. “Paralysis.” 
"I got the impression there was something you wanted to tell me".
Tannis was too busy to notice the woman. The notes laid out before her in different piles. All odd of how they were formed. Green eyes moved across the words of several pages, muttering something under her breath before the woman’s voice shot through her thoughts. “Oh yes!” Tannis cried abruptly, head snapping up from the notes she was reading. ( What was it exactly she wanted to tell her again? )
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insanesmarts-blog ¡ 8 years ago
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zer0 the assassin
he’s got glowy purple insides, so his scars glow too
the shoulder thing is a tattoo, done by scarring the tissue in a pattern
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insanesmarts-blog ¡ 8 years ago
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finished my replay with axton after 5000 yrs, then immediately started again with maya haha BORDERLANDS GOT ME BY THE BALLS, LADS
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insanesmarts-blog ¡ 8 years ago
A very descriptive and detailed profile of your muse. Repost with the information of your muse, including headcanons, etc. If you fail to achieve some of the facts, add some other of your own! When you’re done, tag 15 other people to do the same!
Name: Patricia Tannis
Age: 30
Gender: Female
Orientation: Asexual OR Demisexual ( haven’t decided )
Profession: Archeologist & Researcher 
( Physical Aspects )
Body Type: Slender
Eyes: Light Green
Skin: Pale
Height: 5′3″
Weight:  94 lbs.
( Family )
Siblings: None
Parents: Unknown
Any pets?: Ceiling Chair named Clork
( Skills )
Physical prowess: 3/10 
Speed: 6/10
Magic: 3/10
( Likes )
Colours: Orange & Brown
Smells: Success, Her Depression & Burning Claptraps 
Food: Apples, Salad & some Rakk meat
Fruits: tbh, any fruit.
Drinks: Hot Coco & Coffee
Alcoholic Beverages: Mordecai’s strong beer 
( Other Details )
Smokes?: Yes ( ), No ( x ) 
Drugs?:  Yes ( ), No ( x ) 
Drivers License?: Yes ( x ), No ( )  
Now tag other 15 people to do it! @rakkaholic || @firstdegreefraud || @hackingpandora || @bloodybluecap || @aseriousshove || @supfirehawk || @asthesoldier || @ampleinnuendo || @whoever else wants to do it!! 
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insanesmarts-blog ¡ 8 years ago
@bloodybluecap || continued.
    “That was for a scientific hypothesis, not some random talk about this undead person, or people. Okay, there’s only one place that has the living dead and it has been in dormant now for five years. And if you’re going to ask no, we can not go. Jakobs Cove is very diseased and I don’t want you to get hurt. You’re demon blood is very valuable to me and I still need to run some tests on it.”
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insanesmarts-blog ¡ 8 years ago
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been battling some Sick art block lately. cool girls are my reason for living and can get me through anything
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insanesmarts-blog ¡ 8 years ago
     ( Did he like that she could combine the two elements or was it something else? ) Nothing said new, unless she saw a smile on a man who normally was allergic to one. His smile wasn’t bad either. She watched as that beard of his lifted up with his lips, revealing a pair of slightly yellowed teeth. She knew how hard it was to be hygienic on Pandora, the struggle to get supplies for toothpaste and even a good toothbrush was hard, but thanks to her young childhood and strict guardians her teeth were in better shape than probably any of the vault hunters. That and she usually never wasted them away with candy or something worse. Tannis couldn’t help but to grin back, showing off of what she was just comparing… it was different to smile. She usually though that each time she did, it would hurt her cheeks and burn a part of her soul, but doing so drunkly didn’t harm a hair on her body. She was fine, which caused her to fully grin, a mouth of white teeth and even a laugh left her.
    “I say it’s plenty fair to me. Usually sneaking around with a near empty bottle is fun to mess with the Crimson Raider’s minds, doesn’t make me think I’m as mad as everyone thinks I am.” She giggled lightly. Though it may look like she wasn’t busy with work, she was still examining the hunter and how he reacted to her loose state. The analysis clearly showing he was more welcoming to her when handed a stiff drink, Tannis could probably say the same if the company was friendly and a well-known friend like he was.
    “See there’s the grump I know.” Lightly using her hand to push against the marksman. “Just don’t drink all of it, sharing is caring—“ She hiccuped, putting most of her weight against the table, making it move back a bit. There was something about the scene that made her want to lay across a bed and finally get a good night’s rest, hell maybe even invite the stick over to keep him warm. It was a wonder how he wasn’t frostbitten yet. Especially since he lived in that tower all the way at Tundra Express.
    She took the bottle gladly, swigging it, not even caring if he carried any type of disease at the moment. Normally she’d cringe and toss the beer away but this wasn’t normal. “Nope, just you.” Tannis tossed her head back, allowing the dizziness that hit her try to ease itself down. She hoped that her nausea would calm down, not wanting to lose the company she tried so hard to persuade to stay.
Just A Drink
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insanesmarts-blog ¡ 8 years ago
     Tannis bit her lower lip, standing at her full height hearing the hunter raise his voice at her. She wasn’t going to be yelled at like a doltish child. She squared her shoulders, the look in her green eyes bold. This was a once in a life time thing and Tannis felt she could yell right back at Mordecai. Grabbing the increasing courage, she opened her mouth to speak but before a word could pass the lanky man rushed past her and to the closest leaving her breathless. Once his back was turned and the for flung open she felt all that integrity evaporate. Gone out the window and into another soul that needed it. Now her shoulder hung low as she gazed at the now bonded father and son. Her heart beating fast, eyes widening with the overcoming sense of sickness.
    She watched Mordecai look over the bird before turning to her again. The beating of her  heart increasing at the stare she could feel glare at her irises. It’s over, Tannis couldn’t hold it any longer. The threat that passed Mordy’s lips was drowned out by the sound of her throwing up on the floor. She didn’t know if it got on his legs or feet, but at the moment she didn’t care. Bending over, heaving like she was a sick mutt in heat.
     “I didn’t do anything to Talon, I know how much that squawking pile of mess means to you. I know.” She breathed out, though her exterior appearance was still sickly white and the sweat that formed now rolled down her temple. As she caught movement from the thin frame of Mordecai’s she couldn’t help but squeak in surprise at his sudden advancements. “He wouldn’t shut up, he kept yapping off that beak of his and the little aves bold enough to insult my goggles. I was forced to put him in the supply closet. At least he was quiet until you came along.”
     ‘ You did WHAT?! ’  An involuntary rise in voice joined the concern and eventual anger that crossed his features. Panic grasped at his chest as a beat barely passed between her confession and his almost frantic hurry to the supply closets. The flimsy door was flung open, banging against another almost identical one beside it, the cries from the young bird becoming suddenly louder. 
     Relief swept over him at the sight of his precious companion, scooping up Talon carefully and holding him close. He took a quiet moment to check the bird hadn’t been injured before purposefully slamming the cabinet door shut and turning back to Tannis.  ‘ If you ever touch my bird EVER again–. ’  The threat fell short but the implications certainly made up for the lack of words.
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insanesmarts-blog ¡ 8 years ago
     She shook her head, the feeling of annoyance rising in her stomach making it boil slightly. Why did this insubordinate child have to bother one of the most busiest scientist on Pandora? Was anyone else trying to make an effort to save the Vault Hunters and help them on their asinine quest to kill everything on the planet. “I’m sure he needs all the help he can, Scooter’s good with cars, I’ll give him that victory but anything else he’s a dimwit.” She scoffed, nearly everyone on this planet was aside from a few she knew of. Some were dead, others very much alive. Clementine wasn’t one of those exceptions though.
     “I don’t hate you. I just highly dislike the fact that you have to bother me when I’m mostly happy. In turn turning my once content mood sour and killing the loneliness that I like.” Tannis paused, taking breath of air, the feeling of liquid running down her nose made it evident that she had a nose bleed. This is what she gets for talking to a child, no less a mischief of one. Quickly moving over she grabbed at a handkerchief that was laid nice on her desk before placing it upon her nose. To help with the bleeding Tannis pinched the bridge of her nose, trying to glare daggers into Clementine for doing this to her.  
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insanesmarts-blog ¡ 8 years ago
@kei-oh || continued.
     When the door opened to the lovely small shack Tannis’s heart fluttered with hope. She had never been in a situation like this and began to note her panic and pain she was suffering at the time. Heart rate increasing, blood pumping, feeling change into something a little more sentimental than the constant state of being annoyed… What was the feeling though? Could it be fear and if so why did it make her want to crawl in a ball and live the rest of her days like that? Not only was blood pouring out of her arm like a fountain her nose did the same as well, cascading down like the lovely little trickles of rain you’d find on metal or a slick flat surface. It streamed down her chin and dripped onto the leather top she wore, even to the blue shirt just below it.
     Quick was how she acted, walking past Kei and to the chair she offered. Her green eyes held a wide afraid look but mentally she was calm collected, like she was watching from another person. The pain was still there and she showed it by cringing and whining with each movement. Tannis didn’t want to look at the wound but her studies and knowledge of the human body begged her. Turning her head she watched as her nimble hand gripped the wound, she could barely see it passed all the blood that covered it. Everything was crimson… her hand her coat, her chin and face. It was like back in the time with the tortures. How she longed for her ECHO to record all of this and see how it would all play out, if only she hadn’t left it home. Safe on her desk, where Tannis silently wished she was.
     “I-I don’t know.” And there it was, the nausea. How did it always have to come around like this, everything was happening, everything was going on a huge coaster ride and Tannis was the one right in front, seeing things spin. Suddenly she leaned forward letting out anything that she might have devoured or drank out onto the floor. The vile liquid burning her throat as it dripped past her lips and combining with the puddle on the floor. “Contemptible people,” she’d spat spitting into the pile of vulgar fluids.
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insanesmarts-blog ¡ 8 years ago
      Can’t say she didn’t try, leaning her head against the bar she listened to the defeating words that the woman spoke. She was no better like the rest, selfish, rude and a criminal. How could anyone think that stealing someone’s life away in a cell was going to help them get what they wanted? Tannis would never bow before Hyperion, it was just so unlike superiority to do that. She was a woman of science, how could they be so cruel to lock her away in a cell and trap her using the thing she loved most. “Like what? What’s worse than my problems, you’re free. I’m caged because of the smarts and intelligence I have. Don’t blame me for my obsession for knowledge and how Hyperion doesn’t know a thing about the Vault and it’s extraordinary power. They just want to take it all for themselves… no better, no better than Atlas or the bandits around, probably worse…”
      The loud rambles and machines mining eridium stab at her ears, it’s a pain to hear all the knowledge that she could learn from the ore got to waste on making weapons an money to kill her friends and the people she researches for. What a seemingly loss of time. “Sure wouldn’t be so lonely.” She’d mutter watching the woman with green intense eyes. She certainly didn’t look all to disguised in a mining operation that was for sure, she seemed more business like. Which surprised Tannis, she didn’t know Hyperion was actually smart enough to fall fora few traps… ( How could they know numbers and money when they could even know a Vault? ) “Alright fine, just if you can when you’re done with whatever you choose to do could you then help me out? I have research to do back at Sanctuary and I have a reward to you if you do take part in my escape.” Her words tried to hold that same tone of hopelessness she was portraying. All an act, she really didn’t feel hopeless but just to trick the other person into helping her escape sooner was all the more on her aid.
Captured. Again.
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insanesmarts-blog ¡ 8 years ago
     She felt like a marked duck waiting to be shot. Of course, she was the only duck there with only the water to accompany her, no less a duck. The hunter no less was a looming umbrage. The tallness that encouraged him would bring her duck self to shiver with intimidation. Just enough to send that one duck to fly away, but in the process fall into the trap the shadow was wanting. A cold shiver ran down Tannis’s back, before attempting to suppress any nausea that had passed by her. Though it was light and barely audible Tannis could hear the small hint of a laugh, granted it did nothing to make her smile in return but in turn make her feel even more uncomfortable. This weird non-organic decided it was fun to take her time away and just start to talk. Granted Tannis did start it, unintentionally.
      “Yeah, is that so?” Even if the Guardian Angel wasn’t face to face with her the thought of conversation was still twisting to her mind. “Yeah well it’s the only thing that accompany me through all my turmoil of the sweet sense of depressing pain. Also note that it also keeps me entertained.” The ECHO would move in response to the owner of it picking up, attempting to see this so called Guardian Angel better. She was young, well defined in robotics, advanced compared to what they had in the backwater of the planet. Pandora was never really a great place to get supplies or anything in general… “Plus all the attachments that I added to it. After all it’s not that hard to make something you own and made better than what everyone else has.”
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insanesmarts-blog ¡ 8 years ago
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    “Oh well, isn’t that boring.” Tannis snorted, no sense of fear in her eyes as she gazed up at the woman. She’s heard tales of this gun-slinging baboon, to which Tannis found no interest in. Quiet frankly, she was much like the rest. “I don’t see how killing anyone is entertaining you’re just wasting time with your pointless life. But I guess that’s what you do. All all you’ve ever know.” Though Tannis wasn’t scared, there was a slight tremble as she spoke and if noticed, shaking hands. Not out of fright but out of nervousness or more likely, the high disliking to social meetings with another being she had no idea about. Tannis would plan to look for her description files later to see who this illiberal deadeye was.
                            @insanesmarts | canon quotes starter call
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                 ❝ cool. i’m gonna murder you if i get the chance           just so you know. ❞
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insanesmarts-blog ¡ 8 years ago
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May0 for the daily & awesome shippers!! :)
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