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scarypostscarcity · 2 years ago
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scarypostscarcity · 2 years ago
tw: police brutality
americans when police murder an average of 3 people a day:
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americans when a balloon is spotted over montana:
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scarypostscarcity · 2 years ago
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scarypostscarcity · 2 years ago
imagine how citizens of Cuba feel when U.S. military aircraft fly kidnapped people onto the U.S. government’s illegal torture facility, or when citizens of Afghanistan saw U.S. military aircraft fly over after 46,000+ civilians died as a direct result of the U.S. coalition with international forces to invade their country 👀 my bad though i feel bad for you pissing your pants over a balloon
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scarypostscarcity · 2 years ago
“In the context of the ecological crisis, Marx’s famous statement takes a sinister tune. ‘Men make their own history, but they do not make it just as they please; they do not make it under circumstances chosen by themselves, but under circumstances directly encountered, given and transmitted from the past. The tradition of all the dead generations weighs like a nightmare on the brain of the living’. This tradition also takes the form of infrastructure and processes that are very active and cannot be just abandoned. The current generation must deal with the existing production/consumption nexus. It cannot get-rid of this overarching socialization by simply retracting on local communities. The transition beyond growth also needs to be addressed materially and institutionally (for example by phasing out fossil-based or otherwise dirty or unnecessary activities) at a level inaccessible to local actors, which is precisely one of the reasons why planning must be considered.”
— Planning beyond growth. The case for economic democracy within limits
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scarypostscarcity · 2 years ago
“There must be something rotten in the very core of a social system which increases its wealth without diminishing its misery”
— Karl Marx - New York Tribune 1859
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scarypostscarcity · 2 years ago
“MLs be like, ‘Oh YoU’rE aN aNaRcHiSt? TeLl Me ExAcTlY hOw EvErYtHiNg WiLl WoRk UnDeR aNaRcHiSm RiGhT nOw!’”
Damn straight we are.
Know why?
Because you have two options: either you have everything planned down to the least minute detail before you pop off the revolution–which I agree is an absurd requirement–or you admit that there will have to be experimentation with new ways of doing things once we’ve overthrown the government.
Now, the thing about experiments is that they fail sometimes.
And the thing about failing to get people the life-saving medicine they need is that they! fucking! DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Since the whole point of revolution is to make people’s lives better, this is counterproductive.
This is the purpose of the transitional state: it gives you a safe environment in which to run socialist experiments with the goal of gradually transitioning to a stateless, classless society. You know, explicitly so that your entire society doesn’t collapse because one single thing went horribly wrong in the massive new social and economic system you decided to build from scratch and release in alpha.
(Also it keeps MI6 from coming in and wrecking your shit so liberal bootlickers can look at it and be like “Another example of how socialism never works!”)
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scarypostscarcity · 2 years ago
Damn comrade you're gonna have to organise a redistribution of the people who asked because I sure couldn't find any
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scarypostscarcity · 2 years ago
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scarypostscarcity · 2 years ago
Petition to the Government of Canada to grant asylum to transgender and non-binary people from any country that has laws hostile to them, including countries historically considered "safe" such as the UK and the USA.
You must be Canadian to sign, but please share
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scarypostscarcity · 2 years ago
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people just pretended the civil rights era ended once they had assassinated enough of the major civil rights leaders
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scarypostscarcity · 2 years ago
Quote of the Day
Socialism is a scare word they've hurled at every advance the people have made. Socialism is what they called public power, social security, deposit insurance, and independent labor organizations. Socialism is their name for anything that helps all people.
—Harry Truman, 1952
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scarypostscarcity · 2 years ago
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scarypostscarcity · 2 years ago
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"Stop Killing Farmers"
Seen in Bulacan, Philippines.
In the Philippines, there have been hundreds of documented killings of peasants, farmworkers, and fisherfolk related to land dispute cases and agrarian reform advocacy since former President Duterte took power in July 2016.
These attacks are not coincidental instances of brutalities, but are part of a systematic program by the most rabid fascist elements in the government.
On December 4th, 2018, the former President issued Executive Order 70, forming the National Task Force to Eliminate Communist Armed Conflict. Since then, this publicly funded task force has released unsubstantiated statements accusing legal organizations and even elected officials of being terrorists. It has consistently red-tagged KMP and other poor people’s organizations as “front organizations” of so-called “communists-terrorists” through press statements, public banners, leaflets, and other activities.
The threats precede arbitrary arrests and killings, followed by more accusatory and mocking statements from officials and government spokespersons.
Memorandum Order 32, in particular, worsened political killings, militarization, and other human rights violations in Negros, Bicol, and Samar regions.
Worse, misuse of the Anti-Terror Law, allows any criticism and opposition to government policies to be construed as acts of terrorism and lead to arrest.
I'm the Philippines, widespread repression and killing of farmers fighting for their right to land is a state policy.
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scarypostscarcity · 2 years ago
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“The publication of a newspaper is a big and profitable capitalist undertaking in which the rich invest millions upon millions of rubles. “Freedom of the press” in bourgeois society means freedom for the rich systematically, unremittingly, daily, in millions of copies, to deceive, corrupt and fool the exploited and oppressed mass of the people, the poor.
This is the simple, generally known, obvious truth which everyone sees and realises but which “almost everyone” “bashfully” passes over in silence, timidly evades.” - V.I. Lenin
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scarypostscarcity · 2 years ago
the like hatred and violence that capitalism has for social democrats–the only ideology with a realistic plan to preserve it in the long term–is so funny. it’s like fox news viewers being treated for covid trying to physically fight off doctors before they can save their lives except if instead of lving in a retirement home in florida and listening to The Racist Hour FM the patient was a loathsome globe-constricting leviathan that devoured 10000 babies a day
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scarypostscarcity · 2 years ago
I’ll take things that never happened for $500.
Via Snopes fact checking:
“We found no sources for this anecdote that were contemporaneous with Stalin's life (he died in 1953), nor from the next few decades afterwards. The earliest recountings of it seem to date from the early 1990s or late 1980s, which is consistent with the following excerpt from a 1988 New Yorker article that attributes it to the mid-1980s writings of anti-Stalinist Soviet/Kyrgyz author Chingiz Aitmatov:
With the new Party line established, editors around the country unleashed an extraordinary torrent of articles damning Stalin. A novelist named Chingiz Aitmatov wrote one of the most powerful. Aitmatov has a distinguished history as an anti-Stalinist. In the early nineteen-eighties, when discipline of all kinds was lax, he managed to get past the censors a novel called "The Day Lasts More Than a Hundred Years," which in elliptical, allegorical ways, attacked the Stalinist legacy, and sold five million copies. Now Aitmatov was free to use language as blunt as he liked. He began with an anecdote:
Stalin called together his closest comrades-in-arms. "I understand you're wondering how I govern the people so that every last one of them ... thinks of me as a living god. Now I'll teach you the right attitude toward the people." And he ordered a chicken brought in. He plucked it live, in front of them all, down to the last feather, down to the red flesh, until only the comb was left on its head. "And now watch," he said, and let the chicken go. It could have gone off where it wished, but it went nowhere. It was too hot in the sun and too cold in the shade. The poor bird could only press itself against Stalin's boots. And then he tossed it a crumb of grain, and the bird followed him wherever he went. Otherwise, it would have fallen over from hunger. "That," he told his pupils, "is how you govern our people."
Aitmatov appears to be the source of this tale, but as noted in the above New Yorker article and a 2008 Reuters obituary for Aitmatov, he wrote in "elliptical, allegorical ways," and his works "often interwove popular myths and folktales to create allegorical themes populated with down-to-earth characters." Aitmatov acknowledged that of himself as well, writing in the introduction to his novel "The Day Lasts More Than a Hundred Years":
As in previous works, here I also draw on legends and myths handed down to us from former generations; together with these, for the first time in my writing career I also use fantasy to form part of the story. But, for me, neither is an end in itself, simply a method of expressing thoughts, a means of identifying and interpreting realities.
Given that Aitmatov is the apparent source for this anecdote, that it did not first appear until some 30 years after Stalin's death, and that Aitmatov was known for his use of allegory, most likely the tale is not a literal account of something Stalin did, but rather an illustrative sketch that Aitmatov either invented himself or heard elsewhere and subsequently attributed to Stalin.”
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