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I libri cascati dallo scaffale | Mainly an Akatsuki no Yona / Natsume Yuujinchou / Yatagarasu blog | I personally don't mind spoilers, but here they are tagged | In order not to take the world too seriously, humour is always my welcomed friend | She/her 🇮🇹
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sayaka19fan · 5 days ago
Mini bonus chapter from volume 45
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Raws were given by a friend. The translation is mine, it should be overall correct:
Stories that couldn't fit into chapter 258
"A conversation when Munduk came in and everyone was cleaning up"
Man n°1: I wonder if His Majesty will marry Princess Yona once the war is over.
Man n°2: A wedding ceremony huh, that'd be nice, I hope it brings better times.
Mundok: …Wait, what are you talking about?
Lili: No, Yona likes someone else.
Man n°1: Huh? Really?
Man n°2: who?
Lili: it's Hak
*Mundok gets shocked*
Man n°1: Hak...the thunder beast?
Man n°2: The former general who came back to the castle...
Lili: Yes, that man, don't get it wrong. I will definitely correct this kind of misinformation!
Mundok: J-Joongi's daughter, it it true? About Princess Yona... and Hak
Lili: Huh, you didn't know?
Mundok: So, are the two of them... lovers?
Lili: No
Mundok thinking: No?!
Lili: They might both have feelings for each other, but they're not ready to go that far yet.
*Side note: Lili's information hasn't been updated since chapter 124*
Ogi thinking: They were flirting in front of me
*Side note: chapter 137*
And then Munduk responds to Hak's words with, "I see.../is that so" (in chapter 258)
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sayaka19fan · 5 days ago
Since he wasn't taken aback from hearing the god's voice even though it was his first (and last) time doing so, I guess he was raised by a priest, being that priest his parent or not.
At Hiryuu's time, his village and tribe know where he came from. If nobody objected to him becoming a priest out of nowhere, there might have been some ground to his claim.
Zeno sees the other dragons of the first generation as his siblings. He has never compared them to his siblings. I guess because he has none.
Uhhhh I don't remember what is exactly in canon, if we even have a canon for this? (I don't think Kusa ever specified but please correct me if I'm wrong) But there are the headcanons that go with something along the lines of: "Zeno was a nomad/raised by priests who either took him from his village or took care of him bc he was an orphan", and also "Hiryuu sought him out after he drank the dragon's blood the same way Yona sought out the current four dragons". And while those are great and all, what happened to Zeno's bio family? Did he have siblings? Were both parents in the picture? Did he even live with his parents or was he raised by a relative?? WHat DO HIS PARENTS LOOK LIKE. WHAT DO HIS HYPOTHETICAL SIBLINGS LOOK LIKE!?!?!?!?! I WANT TO KNOW.
Has it been so long that he's forgotten about them? I feel like his memory would be fuzzy about it, but he'd at least remember something? Then again I haven't been alive for 2000 years so I can't really tell, but Zeno does seem to have a decent recollection of a couple of past events.
Imagine he sees his parents again if/when he dies. I'm waiting for the Kaya and OG dragons reunion personally, but like, what about his blood family/relatives? I wonder if they even know he exists.
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sayaka19fan · 14 days ago
以心伝心(i-shin-den-shin)“communication without words”
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以 = by
心 = heart
伝 = to communicate (actually I've used an older, now obsolete version of this kanji)
The second and fourth kanji character in this 4-character idiom are both 心, which means “heart”.
This idiom refers to heart-to-heart communication; speaking without words.
It is often said that the typical Japanese communication style has a tendency to leave certain things unsaid, to not say every word, and to read between the lines. “i-shin-den-shin” captures the essence of this perfectly. 
This is a special kind of Japaneses idiom known as a 四字熟語 (よじじゅくご、yo-ji-juku-go), or 4-character idiom. As the name suggests, these are idiomatic phrases made of 4 kanji.
They often contain a small life lesson or moral message, similar to English sayings such as “you reap what you sow” and “the early bird gets the worm”.
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sayaka19fan · 19 days ago
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sayaka19fan · 21 days ago
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sayaka19fan · 24 days ago
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Expecting an update of the manga this month per Natsumi Matsuzaki’s X-Twit posts.
I will definitely update this month. This is Chapter 47, the final chapter is No. 48.
I hope there will be an announcement later on that she’ll continue with the third book, “The Golden Raven,” and the fourth, “The Empty Coffin,” where she already drew most of the characters. If I am not mistaken the rest of the chapters for “The Raven Does Not Choose Its Master” is not enough to be compiled in a tankōbon.
Channeling energy to her and inspiration.
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sayaka19fan · 24 days ago
In Japanese, it sounded like that: "It would feel good if we too could fly through the sky.
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about chapter 111 (might be digging too deep with this one lol)
so. I've read the new chapter in two languages, one of them being english, (the other one being russian) and there's definitely a difference I'm interested in between them in one particular line.
This one.
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"Wouldn't it be nice if we could soar through the sky like that?"
In russian, the line is "It's a pity we can't fly like they can."
Of course.. this could mean nothing, just a difference between translations, but... I'm not insane for thinking that those two lines seem to have a different tone between them?
The english one is more casual and dreamy (?), it's something that everyone thought at one point, because yea, obviously it would be super cool if we could just fly like birds or butterflies rather than spending cash money to fly on airplanes.
And as for the russian one. Call me insane, but those dresses they're both wearing look an awful lot like a patient's dress. And if, they actually were being held in that laboratory, then the russian translation would line up perfectly. "It's a pity we can't fly like they can..." "...If we could, we would be able to leave."
again, realistically this means absolutely nothing and im probably reaching too far with this but I just wanted to mention this. I think differences between translations are interesting, although again, the only version that would matter plot-speaking, would be the japanese one as it's the original.
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sayaka19fan · 24 days ago
saw a woman comforting her sobbing child saying “i already told you, you have to keep looking forward, looking back just gets you hurt” and i thought she was sharing a beautiful life lesson about the importance of letting go of regret and resentment. but it turns out the kid just wasn’t looking where he was going and ran into a wall
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sayaka19fan · 28 days ago
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Happy Birthday my King Soo-won <3
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sayaka19fan · 1 month ago
ren in the suddenly, a love story arc angsting over sho and kyoko being connected by a red string of fate or whatever just because they happen to run into each other a couple of times is so funny because. ren. ren. you met this girl when you were ten years old. after an entire decade, she just happens to join the very agency that you work at. despite you being mr. untouchable himself, japan's number one actor, the two of you still keep getting thrown into situations where you're forced to spend time with each other. the ring-doh set. that time when she was assigned to be your substitute manager. the both of you were cast for the same drama. you've never been in love before and when you finally do, you fall for her. this girl who you met when you both were children. (and unbeknownst to you, she has been giving you love advice this entire time.) ren stand UP i'm pretty sure sho is the least of your worries!!
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sayaka19fan · 1 month ago
Was it a Chinese or a Japanese stage play? It's my first time reading about it.
Hey we never heard how the HnG stage play was! Will you blog about it soon? 👀
!!!! I totally forgot to post here, didn't I? And here we are months later, with the bluray about to come out, and I'm so far behind on my sub lol. BUT I'M GETTING AROUND TO IT.
Anyway, it was???? So good??? The songs weren't broadway-level or anything, but they were so catchy and stuuck with you, and everyone looked amazing in costume. Absolutely 10/10 casting all around.
You'd think it would be difficult if not impossible to create a musical around a board game, and I'm sure it WAS difficult, but they made it look effortless.
Probably my only complaint--albeit an understandable thing--was that the play only covered up to just before the insei arc, ending with Hikaru taking the insei exam. The cast reminded us all that they wanted to continue and that a continuation would hinge on how well the DVD sells.
If anyone wants to support the series by buying the physical disc, it's coming out Feb 28, 2025, and you can pre-order it on Animate here (can probably get it shipped via a service like Tenso if you live overseas).
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sayaka19fan · 1 month ago
NASA: we used to have 9 planets but we now only have 8 Pluto: Stop telling everyone I’m not a planet! NASA: Sometimes we can still hear its voice
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sayaka19fan · 1 month ago
Except that this line is made up in the translation to sound cool.
On my monthly Banana Fish Reread. Ash’s death was predicted from the very first volume (his life with Eiji was short and happy). I’m gonna be SICK
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sayaka19fan · 2 months ago
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sayaka19fan · 2 months ago
師走 (shiwasu) "December" (archaic)
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Like many countries, Japan uses a 12-month calendar. The names are very simple. January is literally "Month one" 一月, February is "Month two" 二月, etc.
However, before the Meiji Restoration (mid-1800s) it was common to use an older 12-month system. These months’ names referenced the weather and the seasons (similar to the French Revolutionary calendar).
December is 師走.
師 can refer to a teacher, a mentor, often in a religious sense. In this context it means a monk.
走 means "running".
In December, monks are super busy preparing for the New Year's festival, hence why the last month of the year is literally "the month of running monks".
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sayaka19fan · 2 months ago
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THE APOTHECARY DIARIES (2025) 25. Maomao and Maomao
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sayaka19fan · 2 months ago
"Haru no Tokoyami", the short story about Ukigumo, Asebi's mother, has become available from today.
You can check it out if you want.
Source: Yatagarasu Series' main account.
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