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South African Founder of NewWorldOrder ™Average attracts average so be PHENOMENAL Qualified Fitness Coach/Trainer. Strength and Conditioning student
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saunders-v · 5 years ago
I promise I didn’t sleep One hour with the lovely @beth_watherston Helping my body recover after all the volume I’ve hit this month P.s I had a nap in this and didn’t actually kick of scream Happy Saturday People #athlete #olympicweightlifting #weightliftng #weighttraining #discipline #fitnessdedication #chasingkilos #goals #lifestyle #massage #recovery #cupping (at Bounce Gym - New Malden)
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saunders-v · 5 years ago
Gym Magic 101 _______________________________________________________________ Vid cred: @degorianz Tiktok got me acting like a magician. Hopefully some people get this magic trick _______________________________________________________________ #gymmagic #tiktok #tiktokuk #gymmeme #londonfitness #personaltraining #deadlift #gym #workout #fitness #training #bodybuilding #fitfam #muscle #strong #instafit #fitspo #trainhard #womenwholift (at London, United Kingdom)
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saunders-v · 5 years ago
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Went to Manchester Saw the Stadium Left #manchester #manchester_united (at Old-Traffod Manchester United)
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saunders-v · 5 years ago
What’s CrossFit taught you.... _______________________________________________________________ So I’ve been doing CrossFit for about a month now, likely fully CrossFit One thing I’ve learnt is no matter what you can do it still hurts 😂 I’ve had some awesome workouts but this one right here is one of the hardest Every 2 min Unbroken DT @60kilos 12 Deadlift 9 Hang P.Cleans 6 Shoulder to overhead Hold on to the dam barbell and don’t let go was the coaching instructions _______________________________________________________________ #personaltrainer #healthylifestyle #weightloss #CrossFitUntaken #CFU #CrossFit #CFUGymJourney #crossfitter #crossfitlife #weightlifting (at CrossFit Shapesmiths)
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saunders-v · 5 years ago
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Champions of the world What a time to be alive, what a day out with this awesome crew. That will be imprinted in the brain for sometime to come Proudly South African #rwc2019 #springboks #worldcup2019 #friends #southafrica #saturday @shannonlauwrens @jax_meg3 @wesley_ramsay @jayalbz11 @kierenstax @saunders_v (at The Garden Shed Pub)
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saunders-v · 5 years ago
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Welcome back Friday the 1st of November I’m officially launching @prodigyperformancept I’ve been in this game a while now, and over the last few months I’ve been putting together a fitness specific account, now this account will be a personal and fitness will happen on it but the goal is to separate them So if you have time and want to keep being involved in the fitness part of my life follow @prodigyperformancept because that where I will be doing a lot of the fitness/science stuff Happy Friday (at Wimbledon, United Kingdom)
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saunders-v · 5 years ago
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2 0 . 3 _______________________________________________________________ My IMMEDIATE response to seeing DEADLIFTS and HANDSTAND push ups I believe you’ll see a lot of SUCCESS for the SHORT and STRONG people. This doesn’t mean tall people won’t do well but for us short people it’s QUICKER to move the bar and the arms. I’m smiling now, but my LOWER BACK and SHOULDERS are already heavy which means one thing and one thing only, I’m gonna be in PAIN all weekend lol. Be smart and enjoy it _______________________________________________________________ #20point3 #crossfitopen #deadlifts #hspu #gettingstronger #gymnastics #crossfitter #workhard (at CrossFit Shapesmiths)
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saunders-v · 5 years ago
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P L A Y I N G A R O U N D _______________________________________________________________ Phot Cred: @miaborca Outdoor shoot from a couple months back. Hope you all having a lovely week so far. _______________________________________________________________ #hardwork #dedication #fitnessmotivation #fitness #fitnessshoot @saunders_v @nike @niketraining (at Wimbledon, United Kingdom)
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saunders-v · 5 years ago
F L E X F R I D A Y _______________________________________________________________ Want a back burn out. Try this complex 10 Bar Muscle UPS 10 Chest to Bars 10 Trx Rows Hit like and save on this one _______________________________________________________________ Filmed by @dan.kiim #flex #instafitness #gym #trainhard #mensphysique #dedication (at Bounce Gym - New Malden)
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saunders-v · 5 years ago
W A C K Y W E D N E S D A Y _______________________________________________________________ Here is my session from yesterday which was done @bouncegym yesterday’s session consisted of A) 6 Push Jerk 10m Handstand walk B) E.M.O.M 20 min 30s on/ 30s off 1) double unders 2) handstand push up 3) box jumps 4) push ups Yesterday’s session was all about quality and ensuring the reps were consistent throughout _______________________________________________________________ #nopainnogain #traininsane #fitforlife #fitness #hiitworkout #crossfit (at Bounce Gym - New Malden)
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saunders-v · 5 years ago
J U M P I N G O F F T H I N G S _______________________________________________________________ Throwback to Croatia when the inner dear devil came out. Jumping off the cliffs in Croatia Take me back and let’s do it again _______________________________________________________________ #beautyblog #allaboutbeauty #split #splitcroatia #travelphotography (at Croatia)
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saunders-v · 5 years ago
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M O N D A Y F I T N E S S T I P S. _______________________________________________________________ 3 tips for you 1) Never Skip a Monday Monday is the day that sets the STANDARDS for the week, Monday should be COMPULSORY 2) Meal Prep Prepare your food for the next couple days, use Sunday to meal prep 3) Be your OWN motivation Inspire YOURSELF to do BETTER and be better ______________________________________________________________ #SMOKETREESSMASHPBS #mondayfitness #fitnessmonday #hattingenanderruhr #hattingenaltstadt #gymmotivation (at London, United Kingdom)
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saunders-v · 5 years ago
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“Let’s take a photo” @shannonlauwrens _______________________________________________________________ This is my honest reaction to Shannon asking for 1000 million photos before a night out I’m having the least productive Sunday I’ve had in a couple weeks, resetting and refreshing for the new week ahead. _______________________________________________________________ #sundayinlove #sundayritual #photo #canon #noondaystyle #motivation #natural #day (at London, United Kingdom)
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saunders-v · 5 years ago
Find a gym at a pool party and go train.... _______________________________________________________________ @shannonlauwrens @saunders_v @bhmallorca #legday #goals #gains #aesthetics #exercise #natural #lifestyle #gymlife #powerlifting #king (at BH Mallorca)
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saunders-v · 5 years ago
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We high and we float with the breeze ______________________________________________________________ #SMOKETREESSMASHPBS #happiness #instagram #celebration #dress #rockinriver #festive #photoshoot #photography (at Suburban Bar & Lounge Wimbledon)
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saunders-v · 5 years ago
F R I D A Y F I T N E S S @bouncegym #FridayFeeling #FridayFitness #weekendvibes #reebok #fitbitversa #sweatsesh #sweat #superpower #dancecardio #dance #hiit #hiitworkout #fitnessfriday (at London, United Kingdom)
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saunders-v · 5 years ago
F R I D A Y F I T N E S S @bouncegym _______________________________________________________________ Not gonna lie, I didn’t train this week due to me being ill but I found this compilation I had on my phone and kinda thought might as well use it Fitness doesn’t have to be boring and repetitive but keep it fun, because I like to keep it fun and cool Happy Friday because I’ve needed today so badly, it’s been a loooong as week _______________________________________________________________ #workingoutrocks #crushyourgoals #youareworthit #getphysical #healthychallenge #selflove #fridayfitness (at London, United Kingdom)
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