sandra-hippologic · 2 days
Top Treats for all Horses in Clicker Training
Here are some ideas that never crossed my mind, but these are all tested on real horses and real clicker training. For all horses: healthy horses, but you an also find treats for laminitis/ EMS /IR horses, too.
Are you curious what other people use as reinforcers (food rewards) in their horse training? I asked around in my clicker community. Here are some ideas that never crossed my mind, but these are all tested on real horses and real clicker training. For all horses: healthy horses, but you an also find treats for laminitis/ EMS /IR horses, too. Personally, I like dry, chunky reinforcers that are…
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sandra-hippologic · 3 days
WIN a free one-hour Clicker Training Assessment
Enter my giveaway for a chance to WIN a free 1-hour clicker training assessment with me
https://kingsumo.com/g/1jzk483/win-a-1-hour-equine-clicker-training-assessment-wprofessional-clicker-coach I’m crossing my fingers, that you’ll be one of 5 winners! You deserve it, as loyal subscriber to my blog!Happy Horse training! You are the trainer!Sandra
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sandra-hippologic · 5 days
Teach your horse to "Walk On" and "Whoa" with clicker training
Here is how you can clicker train your horse to listen to your cues Walk On and Whoa in a few training sessions. Consistency It’s important to be very consistent with your training. the more precise, consistent and consequent you are, the faster your horse will understand what you want. How to start The horse owners who forget to start with a clear goal, will end up struggling a bit further…
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sandra-hippologic · 1 month
Do you need a Clicker Training Buddy system?
Want more Clicker Training? Need Shaping Plans and a Schedule? At Liberty Exercising your horse is one of our dreams? Join us in September!
When you have your horses at home, you have paradise! The biggest challenge (training wise) seem to actually go out there and do some fun clicker training stuff with your horse, right? Horses at Home: Paradise? So many chores to do, hay to order, repairs to be done…. Many horse owners tell me they struggle with time: they don’t seem to have enough of it…. Is that you? Do you train more, or…
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sandra-hippologic · 1 month
When I was about to give up....
The hardest part of clicker training your own horse is when you hit a low in training… Nothing seems to work, your horse gets frustrated, you get frustrated… You feel stuck! It happens to everyone! And … when you’re in a dip, it’s hard to see a way out. It’s hard to believe your horse (or other animal) will ‘get’ it and you’ll be soon on your way upwards I’ve had this happen clicker training…
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sandra-hippologic · 1 month
Motivate your Horse to Move: Exercising your Horse with R+
When you want to exercise your horse, it's all about motivation... When your horse is not motivated, internally or externally, he won't move. In other words: when movement has no function (benefit) he won't spent energy on it.
When you want to exercise your horse, it’s all about motivation… When your horse is not motivated, internally or externally, he won’t move. In other words: when movement has no function (benefit) he won’t spent energy on it. Internal Motivation to Move When you learn about internal motivation you can influence your horse to move in training, too. What horses experience in their body, I refer to…
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sandra-hippologic · 2 months
Clicker Training Horses: Key Lesson Mat Training
When you start clicker training after a long break, it’s a good ide to give your horse a ‘refresher’ session in which the criterion is really low. You might even have to start at step 1 in your shaping plan if needed. No worries, your horse will remember his previous training quickly and soon you can ask the same criteria as where you left of his education! What mat to use? You can use almost…
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sandra-hippologic · 3 months
5 Tips to Teach Your Horse a Reliable Recall
5 Training Tips to Teach Your Horse a Reliable Recall. Start teaching this today!
Learning to come when called, recall, is not often a behaviour that is taught to horses. It’s often a basic requirement in dog training and forgotten in horse training. After all, most of the time we want to have horses ‘under control’ and they are on a lead rope. However with positive reinforcement we can teach a horse to respond to his name and come when being called: a recall. Teaching your…
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sandra-hippologic · 3 months
(via How to get your horse out of the pasture effortlessly)
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sandra-hippologic · 3 months
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(via Exercise Training Plan for the Recovering Laminitic Horse) Your horse is overweight and you're worried. Your vet recommended Exercise, but... where do you find a good Exercise Training Plan for you horse?When you Google, nothing seems a fit. You're right, they are too generic. Here's what you need to write your own Exercise Plan, tailored to YOUR horse!Happy Horse Training, you ARE the trainer!Sandra
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sandra-hippologic · 3 months
Exercise Training Plan for the Recovering Laminitic Horse
When your horse foundered and is recovering you've probably got advice from your vet: exercise your horse more, get him fit and put him on a (restrictive) diet. Where to find an Exercise plan? Can you make one? Yes, you can!
When your horse foundered and is recovering you’ve probably got advice from your vet: exercise your horse more, get him fit and put him on a (restrictive) diet. When you’re a clicker trainer you might not want to lunge or round pen your horse and riding isn’t yet an option. Or, you have a non ridden horse, that you need to get in shape. The first step is to create a tailored exercise plan for…
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sandra-hippologic · 3 months
Does your Horse need more Core Strength? Train crunches with clicker training
Teach belly lifts/crunches with clicker training. Here's how
Do you want to teach your horse to engage his abs, so his back comes up and he can use his hind legs better? Crunches or belly lifts are a good exercise. It can help improve a swayed back, just like it did with Kyra.Here’s how you train this with positive reinforcement (instead of pressure on the sternum with your finger nails!). Be kind to your horse! How to Teach Your Horse to do Crunches with…
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sandra-hippologic · 4 months
Training Plan Exercising Horses with Positive Reinforcement HippoLogic In this HippoLogic Masterclass you'll get 3 foundational pieces of an proven exercise program to get your overweight horse back in shape and transform him into a happy horse that loves to move.  If you struggle with consistency or don't get the results you want for your horse, this is for you! You might miss one or more of these foundation pieces that are your Key to Success in Horse Training.  You'll walk away with complete clarity about your next step to get your horse in shape.  I cover: Training Plan for Exercising your Laminitis or Overweight Horses  Shaping Plan Example training videos HippoLogic At Liberty Rectangle 
 How to start At Liberty with Your Horse 
How to start HippoLogic Rectangle 
Pitfalls of using circles, like lunging and round penning 3 Fundamentals to a successful training plan for your horse 
 Apply for the HippoLogic Clicker Training Academy: https://forms.gle/8md1u73inedfmtvu9 
 HippoLogic's Mission: 
 Building a supportive online Clicker Training Community to help you become an autonomous clicker trainer and get the things you wish from your horse with 100% R+! 
Helping horse lovers get the results in clicker training they really, really , really want. With ease and joy for both horse and human. I do this by connecting equestrians to their inner wisdom and teach them the principles of learning & motivation (=Logic/science) so they become confident and skilled to train their horse (=Hippo/horse) in safe and effective ways, so they can enjoy their horse more.
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sandra-hippologic · 4 months
Training Plan Exercising Horses with Positive Reinforcement HippoLogic
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sandra-hippologic · 4 months
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(via Easy 3-Step Grazing Muzzle Training for Horses)
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sandra-hippologic · 4 months
Easy 3-Step Grazing Muzzle Training for Horses
Train your horse to wear and use a grazing muzzle without frustration or trying to get it off in 3 easy steps
For different horses over the years I used different brands of muzzles. Each brand has their own fit, material and shape. More muzzles with different fits have become available in the past decade. Try which one fits your horse and your purpose best. The most important thing is to Set Your Horse up for Success and to train your horse to use the grazing muzzle. Muzzle Training in 3 Easy…
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sandra-hippologic · 4 months
3 Steps to Successfully build an Exercise routine for your Overweight Horse or Whoa-Horse
[5 min read] When your horse hates exercising... There are 3 things you can do to help your horse enjoy your exercise regime, and building a bond at the same time.
When your horse hates exercising… There are 3 things you can do to help your horse enjoy your exercise regime, and building a bond at the same time. 3 Steps to Easy Movement Training Here’s how you do it: Make exercise EASY Make daily exercise FUN Make it predictable, in a GOOD way 😉 3 Tips to Succeed and accomplish your GOAL It’s really simple and this makes it easier to implement an…
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