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salemqz · 5 months ago
Know what? Why not with the small "fandom" I have
Please reblog if YES so your followers will know!
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salemqz · 5 months ago
Amelia Basics/Home Island
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Amelia is one of the first people newer player get to meet when they first sign in. She has been the (optional) tutorial guide since 2016 with the introduction of Monkey Wrench Island and continued to be one with the replacement of Snagglemast Island in 2019, which is no longer the tutorial as of 2024. It is "replaced" with a very short "tutorial" which gives the players the new club house.
Amelia lives (and owns) home island even having her own statue in the center.
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She also runs the shop/store; selling outfits, items, pets, and decorations for the club house that the player owns. She lives in said shop with her own clubhouse being the second floor.
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Amelia has some references to islands from as far back as Nabooti and as recent as Fairy Tale Island. A good few are visual but others are...teas. (Not joking, being genuine.) I'm also pretty sure that a few of the sprites come from Poptropica Worlds (rip) but that's getting off topic.
When interacting with/looking through the room (working left to right, bottom to top) we learn:
She owns home island (and has so for a while.) Amelia is rich from adventuring so much, but is not in retirement, this is merely a job she's wanted to do for a while and is now able to take time off.
The golden apple is from Mythology meaning she took it from the tree of the gods with no consequences? And didn't take a bite so... nothing magical yet?
There are several teas on this selves and they all come from different islands. In order: Fairy Tale Island, Wild West Island, Mythology Island, Nabooti Island, and one mini game; Legendary Swords.
The tea pot is one of the matching ones from Arabian Nights. No clue how she got it...maybe there was three and she just so happened to take one?
She has a trophy that she won in a big race. I'm going to assume this is a nod to Monkey Wrench Island or a similar race. Wiki says it's after Monkey Wrench so, okay?
There's a photo of her winning it right next to the trophy. The Red Baroness is in the background and is not happy. She has wrench so possibly before but the shoulder pads say otherwise.
She, at some point, got her face commissioned by the artist in Escape Pelican Rock Island and/or was in prison. I would say she went to prison but her head would need to be colored for that, but she did smuggle tea out of there...sooo 50/50
She is friends with the famous adventure Xavier Pendragon (which little is known about) but according to wiki she used to be his pilot before she, herself, followed in his footsteps and became an adventurer.
Above the entrance to her room is the head of Dragotank from Astral Knights Island, he was a mini boss/distraction on the fire planet.
Now her packed with unicorns and rainbows (🏳️‍🌈?👀.) It is something she is a bit embarrassed about but indulges herself in it. We can't access this room right away, we have to do her mini quest to do so. Our character even comments, "This is all very....extra."
There is a golden trophy on her shelf of a weird slug/bug, well it's official name/species is Chthonians. It is a reference to Poptropica Worlds, specifically Crisis Caverns Island. This is the trophy you earn when completing it, meaning she's gone there and won the island. However our character doesn't seem to know what this is.
There are two shirts hanging on her windowsill, one is a plain red and the other has the same design as the hoodie in game titled, "Rainbow Ride." All I am saying the implications are there.
In the photo pinned on the corkboard, we see Amelia taking a photo of baking session. In the background is two girls ; one is wearing glasses and using her magic to torment the other girl who is being attacked by flying gobs peanut butter. (Despite my search, i couldn't find an identity for either of these girls. There was a hypothesis that since Rumpelstiltskin and her have the same color magic, personally, I don't believe this theory. There's another one about the person being attacked with peanut butter is speculated to be the Red Baroness, but I doubt it.)
Now getting to the top section, Amelia's kitchen is kind of a wreck. She has dishes stacked up in the sink, tea kettle on the stove, books on the fridge(?), and a trash can that looks like it would overflow. Our character comments, "Amelia's kind of a slob..." Props to her for the fire extinguisher though.
She has a conveyer belt in her house, that runs boxes across the screen. It is told by our character that it is shipments, no one knows where they come or go from. They kinda just exist.
So I thought this was a reference to Counterfeit Island but looking at it closer it seems to be Amelia looking at a container with magical lipstick. It poofs purple when you touch it. The wiki stated it was Rumpelstiltskin's lipstick, I don't remember him having it, but pop off king.
I think this ties back into 16. Its a diaphragm of Rumpelstiltskin and it seems like she's trying to figure out something about him. The wiki doesn't mention anything other than Amelia is wary of magical creatures.
This was a fun dive, definitely learned a lot more than I imagined I would.
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salemqz · 5 months ago
Not to be insane or anything....
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But these two have my mind and I doubt they'll leave anytime soon.
Left to right is; Amelia and the Red Baroness. They are from an old flash game called Poptropica. (RIP)
They were first introduced as rivals in the old tutorial called Monkey Wrench Island.
They got more background as the game updated and the home page got more developed, so did their story. However due to financial struggles, the company had to shut down.
Neither of their stories were lost to time, just now much harder to find with a mix of wiki, videos, cool math games, and a little bit of flashpoint.
I'll go into an in-depth dive on these characters in separate posts because nostalgia and they're just so darn cool. But first, proper research!
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salemqz · 7 months ago
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salemqz · 9 months ago
If you have Spotify reblog this and tag what your number one song on your “on repeat” playlist is.
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salemqz · 10 months ago
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salemqz · 10 months ago
Yes I'm a writer. Yes I'm looking at tumblr instead of writing
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salemqz · 10 months ago
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he had to run one lap
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salemqz · 11 months ago
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salemqz · 11 months ago
Low-key? Want to post writing that I'm proud of.
Problem? Too anxious.
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salemqz · 2 years ago
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[id: a light purple userbox with a pastel purple border and pastel purple text that reads “this user feels random outbursts of strong connections to people in medias they enjoy.” on the left is an image of a purple heart. /end id]
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salemqz · 3 years ago
You were funny but supporting the murder of people for convenience is gross
I don’t know what this is a reference to but I want to make it absolutely clear to my audience that I absolutely support the murder of people if it makes your life more convenient
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