s4lt-p3pp3r · 11 days
rip james earl jones
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s4lt-p3pp3r · 18 days
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midwest dad miku serving at the neighborhood bonfire
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s4lt-p3pp3r · 21 days
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felt like a good time to bring this back
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s4lt-p3pp3r · 21 days
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why do gay people have to be weird
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s4lt-p3pp3r · 29 days
I fucking hate it sm when people say “it’s not that serious” when it comes to people walking and parking on a bike lane (or saying that to anything) cuz it kinda is.
I grew up and still live in the suburbs but I was and still am in and out of the city (NYC to be exact) for school, work, visiting family, etc and normally took my bike cuz I didn’t have a car, anyone to take me and/or didn’t want to pay for public transportation cuz it could cost a bit at times and if you live or have visited NYC before you know that people could give less of a fuck of what you are doing or who you are to actually stop and give a shit.
People will always park and walk on the bike lanes thinking that no one is using them or that those on the bikes will care but we really do. I have almost been hit by a car or almost have hit a person or car because they decided to park or walk on the bike lanes. Like i understand that the sidewalks can be crowded at times but please don’t use the fucking bike lanes ur not a thing with two wheels.
they also walk or cross the street or drive while being on their phones and because of this I have almost hit others and people’s cars (and have unfortunately been hit and hit others cuz of this) and they just don’t watch what they are doing and most of the time come out of nowhere and I don’t have enough time to stop or I’m going too fast and can’t stop on time because they weren’t paying attention to see that I was coming. I will say I am at fault here cuz I should know to slow down if I see others at a crosswalk but yall should fucking know and understand to not cross or at least look up to make sure that you aren’t going to get hit by something while crossing and not staring at ur phone the entire time.
Ive never said anything to anyone in person abt it like if I almost hit someone or a car or if they almost hit me and the person was not paying attention ill say sorry but not anything abt them not looking cuz Im scared that they’ll hit me or something even though that’s kinda unrealistic (but could happen it’s fucking NYC) but I’m going to if something happens again cuz holy shit I’m not paying ur hospital bills cuz you can’t get the fuck off ur phone and pay attention to ur surroundings.
people please just remember to not walk or park on bike lanes, stay off your phone while driving or being on the sidewalk/close to a road, not use ur phone while driving and crossing the street, make sure that the light is green before you cross and stay off ur phone and look both ways before doing so.
I promise that most people on bike lanes actually riding bikes that yell at you for being or parking on bike lanes aren’t assholes but just sick and fed up with almost or actually getting into accidents and having to pay for their medical bills or someone else’s just because the other person wasn’t paying attention or caring abt others.
Srry abt my shitty grammar and writing but I’m actually fed up and tired of this I need to go back to sleep before i actually lose it.
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s4lt-p3pp3r · 29 days
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"You got this, kid"
link for the uninitiated
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s4lt-p3pp3r · 1 month
Yeah I’ve officially lost it
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s4lt-p3pp3r · 1 month
pt2 to this post and once again, spoilers.
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When entering the code “THERAPRISM” this is what comes up. A sign comes up that reads, “IN CASE OF ___ DO NOT USE ELEVATORS” The code written on the sign I was able to decode and it reads, “THE OLD ONE”. I am unfamiliar with what “The old one” is and when searching it up I was unable to find anything about it, but from the image about I can guess that it is likely a monster from Bill Ciphers world or an entity that lives in Gravity Falls.
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When entering the code “TAD STRANGE” this is what comes up. A video appears on the screen of someone slicing up 2 types of bread. I am unsure of what this means at the time and am unable to find anything about the video or if it is posted anywhere on the internet.
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When entering the code “T J ECKLEBURG” this is what comes up. On the screen a message is displayed reading, “NEVER MENTION THAT NAME AGAIN”. At the moment, I am unsure of what he has to do with this but when Soos was fixing the wires, one of his dialogue lines was a link to a copy of the novel, “The Great Gatsby” by F. Scott Fitzgerald and T J Ecklebrug is mentioned in the book, leading some to believe that there might be a code inside the book that relates to the man.
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When entering the code “ROBBIE” this is what comes up. TImages of a chat room of conversations between Robbie and Thompson discussing that Robbie needs a ride when wanting to go hunting for Bill Cipher. After they get back they discuss what happened, Bill apparently showing them how they die and Robbie telling Thompson to delete the video he took when they were there. The last image shows Bill chasing the two, trying to catch them.
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When entering the code “BLENDIN” this is what comes up. A message appears on the screen and reads, “TIME AGENT LOST AND PRESUMED INCOMPETENT”. This most likely refers to the character Blendin Blandin who was a time agent from the future that lost his job because of the actions of Mabel and Dipper.
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When entering the code “BLANCHIN” this is what comes up. When clicking the button it opens a link to YouTube, playing the video titled “HOW TO BLANCH VEGETABLES” by American Heart Association. This most likely refers to the song “Straight Blanchin” from the show.
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When entering the code “BABY BILL” this is what comes up. An image of an ultrasound appears with what seems to be a baby Bill inside with a bottle and pacifier. I don’t know what this means and I really don’t want to.
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When entering the code “BILL” and/or “BILL CIPHER” this is what comes up. When clicking the button it opens a link to YouTube to a video titled, “Sesame Street - Jazzy Triangle Meets A Square Square (1969)” posted by Tiny Dancer.
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When entering the code “CIPHER” this is what comes up. When clicking on the button it opens a link to Wikipedia, giving the definition of a triangle.
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When entering the code “DEATH” this is what comes up. A message appears on the screen reading, “LIFE’S GOTH COUSIN”.
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When entering the code “LIFE” this is what comes up. A message appears on the screen that reads, “LIFE: 72% COMPLETE. NOW LOADING: DEATH”. At the moment, I am unsure what this means but I can guess that 72% represents the age of someone, and death meaning that they will die/have died at the age of 72.
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When entering the code “SORRY” this is what comes up. It is a photograph of Ford and Fiddleford, also known as Old man McGucket from when they were in college. On the back it explains McGuckets time at college, more specifically a time when he came up with a theory that the universe is a hologram and got laughed at for thinking this. His roommate, Ford, helped him prove this theory and the two became friends by doing this.
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Using any form of Gen Alpha slang gives you a death threat.
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When entering the code “LOVE” a fake romance book comes up with an audio recording of it with the love interest character being Bill. I’m too scared to listen to it to find any codes if there are so if your brave enough go ahead.
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When entering the code “GIDEON” this is what comes up. An audio recording comes up of Gideon humming a song that I am unfamiliar with and at the end whispering “I love you forever Mabel.” at the moment I am unsure if this audio is posted somewhere on the internet and/or in the show and have not found anything sreaching it up.
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When entering the code “SCARY” a fake book comes up with an audio recording that i being told through the perspective of an unknown person.
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When entering the code “ALEXHIRSCH” this is what comes up. When clicking the button it opens a link to Google with “flannel” search. Alex Hirsch is the creator of Gravity Falls and voice actor for Bill Cipher and is known for and commonly seen wearing a flannel shirt.
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When entering the code “GOD” this is what comes up. A video appears on the screen of an axolotl swimming past a Bill statue, most likely referring to the extra-dimensional powerful Axolotl.
I also know that the codes “SOOS” and “WEIRDMAGEDDON” work but unfortunately the site has crashed for me. I’ll see if I can get it working again tomorrow but for now that it.
Again the website is thisisnotawebsitedotcom.com and the password is “T.J. Eckleburg”
spoilers for the website thisisnotawebsitedotcome.com aka the new gravity falls website
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Pages and messages I found clicking around on the site. At the bottom of the third page you can see a message that needs to be decoded
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Personally, I’m not familiar with the alphabet used in gravity falls by Bill and I have tried searching it up, but I have not been able to decode it.
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On the website there is a screen and a bar below it where you can enter words, being used to enter codes.
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When entering the code “DORITO” you first see a spinning triangle slowly getting larger before turning into the image seen above, an eerie image of what i believe to be Bill Cipher.
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When entering the code “BLINDEYE” this is what comes up. It seems to be repeating “WKHBOOVHH” and “WKHBOODOOVHH”. I am unfamiliar with what this means. I tried looking it up but didn’t find anything on it.
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When entering the code “BOOK OF BILL” this is what comes up. “HIDE IT UNDER SHIRT DURING PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE”. I am unfamiliar with what this means. I tried looking it up but didn’t find anything on it.
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When entering the code “DISNEY” this is what comes up. “RAT.GIF CENSORED FOR YOUR PROTECTION” I am unfamiliar with what this means. I tried looking it up but didn’t find anything on it.
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When entering the code “BABBA” this is what comes up. It is an audio recording of Dipper speaking in the beginning to him before starting to sing. This is the same audio as the video posted on May 27, 2021 by TheMysteryofGF on YouTube. Here is the link to the video:
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When entering the code “STAN” this is what comes up. When clicking on the button to enter the code, it takes you to eBay and searches up different things every time. These aren’t random searches, but it is searching up different items that Grunkle Stan owns, like his 8-ball cane and brass knuckles.
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When entering the code “PINATA” this is what comes up. It is a video of a young girl hitting a Bill Cipher piñata in an attempt to break it, a man standing behind the piñata as she does so. I am unfamiliar with the video and the people in it and when attempting to search it up, I found nothing on the people in the video or anything about the original video.
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When entering the code “DIPPER” this is what comes up. A letter first appears and if you continue to search “DIPPER” over and over, the message changes and begins to turn darker, possibly burning up. I believe it to be a letter from Bill to Dipper telling him that there are secret codes written in the book that can only be seen when staring into the sun for 13 hours, but this is most likely false as if someone were to do this it would cause permanent eye damage and possibly turning the person blind. If this is a message from Bill to Dipper, he is likely trying to get Dipper to look at the sun and turn him blind.
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When entering the code “MABEL” this is what comes up. When first clicking it, it adds a a sticker to a random place and continuing to click it adds more stickers until it says on the screen “LAB NOW FULLY MABELIZED”.
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When entering the code “FORD” this is what comes up. It appears to be a file on the man, talking about his high I.Q. and how he was able to impress those he was with, checking the box for finger donor. At the end of the file, there is a sentence that is blacked out. The blacked out sentence reads, “If I could kidnap him and bring him to our secret cloning lab”. I don’t know who created the file or who “the team” is.
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When entering the code “WADDLES” this is what comes up. When clicking the button to enter the code it brings you to a website called pigplacementnetwork.org, a website that is used for pig placement and pig adoption.
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When entering the code “PACIFICA” this is what comes up. It is a note that was placed in a book, most likely the book of bill written by Pacifica. In the note Pacifica writes that no one should make a deal with or worship Bill Cipher, being forced by Mabel to do so.
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When entering the code “WENDY” this is what comes up. It is a note written by Wendy placed in a book, most likely the book of bill. In the note Wendy writes that she wrote a way to ward off evil triangles, likely referring to Bill Cipher, in the bottom right corner of the book. On the bottom right corner of the page there is a hand obviously meant to be a joke. I am unsure if she is referring to the corner of the note or a corner on the actual book and have not found anything at the moment to say that she wrote on the actual book.
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When entering the code “FIDDLEFORD” and “MCGUCKET” this is what comes up. When clicking on the button it brings you to YouTube, playing the official music video of “Cotton Eye Joe” by Rednex. This is likely a reference to the character Old Man McGucket from the show.
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When entering the code “PLATINUM PAZ” this is what comes up. A story about Pacifica comes up that reads,
“Pacifica stormed into her palatial bedroom and slammed the door so hard her chandeliers shook. (There were at least 3 chandeliers in Pacifica’s room, including a teensy chandelier over her nightlight.) She buried her head in a velvet pillow and screamed for an inhumanly long time, then flopped over and stewed at the painted cherubs on her ceiling. It wasn’t FAIR. After everything she did for her parents- get up at 5 for fencing lessons, beauty pageants, fox-hunting, butler-hunting, cleaning up the black feathers after dads weird “grown up masquerade parties”- THIS is how they repay her? HER! PACIFICA ELISE NORTHWEST?!
It had been a rough summer for Pacifica- first she came alarmingly close to losing a Party Crown, then her golf skills were called into question, and now her parents grounded her for literally saving the entire family from a Category 10 ghost and shut off the spigot on her caviar tap for rest of the year. What was she supposed to eat now? Dog Food? She angrily opened her mini-fridge and pulled out an UpperCrustablesTMbrand snack pack and angrily spread the caviar on the tiny baguette. “Ugh, why does it come with this dumb little stick? The caviar always gets stuck in the CORNERS!”
She looked at a napkin where Dipper had written the shack’s phone number in case killing the ghost might have created a “double ghost.” Ha! As if she would put HIS number in HER phone.
Everything in her life used to make so much more sense before those PINES twins came along and screwed everything up. That stupid Mabel and her baffling, undeserved confidence. That know-it-all sweat stain Dipper who’s giant head was always butting against hers. Something about Dipper’s words had knocked over a domino in her mind that started a chain reaction that was causing her whole identity to come crashing down. He told her she had potential to change into…a better person? How do you become a better person when you’re already the best person? It didn’t make sense!
Thinking about it exhausted her, and soon, her eyelids began to droop.
Soon she was...
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In Pacifica’s dream, she was freshening up at a party washing her hands when she noticed something... red swirling in the drain.
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An overpowering sense of guilt swelled inside as she fled to the ballroom for help, where she spotted her friends gossiping by a tapestry. She tried to flip them around, but when she grabbed their shoulders, they fell over, flat, They were... cardboard? She turned to her parents, and they fell over flat too. The entire party was filled with flat, 2D people, everyone was fake. Blood began to fill the ballroom, pouring from the clock, from the paintings, from the ceiling. Why was this happening?! She raced through her manor in a blind panic, when she discovered she was no longer in the mansion, but outside in Gravity Falls. When she looked down, she realized she was now 100 feet tall, and every step she made was wrecking the town. She knocked over the mudflap factory, polluting the river. She knocked over the orphanage, sending coughing soot-covered children out into the cold.
She kept apologizing, but she was too big, too public, every step hurting more and more people. Everyone could see that the town’s problems were her fault. She was a monster. She always had been. She always would be.
Pacifica started sobbing and suddenly, she was a little girl again, hiding behind the vine-covered tombstones in the graveyard behind the Manor after another one of her parents fights. The graves of her ancestors loomed above her like gargoyles, great Northwests in history. What would they say if they could see her like this?
One of the statues slowly turned to face Pacifica. It was Nathaniel Northwest.
“Get a hold of yourself. You’re a Northwest, people can’t know you leak shame-water.”
“You’re right,” Pacifica apologized, and hastily took out her compact to clean her smeared makeup. She cursed as she saw how dishevelled she was.
The statue watched her like a cat hungrily watching a mouse.
“You have a lot of anger, don’t you.”
“Anyone whose not angry is an idiot. There’s so much to be mad about.”
“Yes. Anger is good. Anger is useful. Who are you angry at, Pacifica?”
“Everything was better before the PINES came to town...”
“You know, I might be able to help with that... there’s something I want. The Mystery Shack is going to be getting some new merchandise very soon. A small snow globe, nothing anyone would miss. If you could shoplift it for me, I could guarantee things would change. You’d never deal with the Pines again...”
Pacifica closed her compact. Would that fix everything?
“It would be so easy... all you have to do to get your old life back is shake...my...hand”
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Slowly she reached out to shake- then abruptly stopped. Something was off.
“My old life... wasn’t really mine, was it? All I ever did was follow my mom and dad. Maybe... it would be better to...make a new one.”
This had always been true... in the past.
His hand extended toward her. Looming. Trembling. She remembered a time when a hand extended toward her, offering a free snack in the back seat of a car.
Pacifica’s face relaxed. She knew it was cliché, but she knew she had to do it. She slowly extended her hand. Just as the giant lichen-covered hand was about to close around hers like a cage of stone fingers, she swung her arm up and behind her head.
“Too slow!”
The statue shook with rage, sending cracks from its hand all the way up to its shrieking head. It crumbled apart in front of her, screaming in pain.
Pacifica awoke with a start, panting. The clock in the hallway had struck 3 AM. She was covered in sweat. What had she been dreaming about? She couldn’t remember. She didn’t want to remember.
She wasn’t quite sure why, but she removed a tapestry that she’d always had on her wall. Something her family had no doubt looted ages ago- of a glowing triangle over the mountains. She rolled it up and put it in the closet and locked the padlock. Maybe she should hold onto Dipper’s number just in case. She entered it into her phone and felt an odd sense of calm suddenly wash over her. It was quiet once again in Northwest Manor.
Pacifica slept better than she had in years.”
What happens in the story takes place after the ghost incident at her home. Pacifica is upset at her parents and blames the Pines for causing her trouble. When she falls asleep, she has a nightmare being controlled by Bill Cipher that causes her to break down and Bill to offer her a deal, using her pain in an attempt to manipulate her into accepting his offer. At first Pacifica considers it but then tricks Bill and declines his offer, waking up soon after.
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When entering the code “AXOLOTL” this is what comes up. A message is displayed on the screen reading, “YOU ASK ALOTL QUESTIONS”. The code “ACOLOTL” most likely refers to when Bill Cipher was ‘destroyed’ in Stan’s mind. Before Bill is believed to die in Stan’s mind, he speaks his last words to Stan, but they sound like a bunch of gibberish. When the clip is reversed, we can hear what he actually says to to man. “A. X. O. L. O. T. L.! My time has come to burn! I invoke the ancient power that I may return.”
I can’t add any more images so will start making a pt2 just give me some time and I’ll have it up in the next few
Once again the website name is thisisnotawebsitedotcom.com and the password to get in is “T.J. Eckleburg”
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s4lt-p3pp3r · 1 month
spoilers for the website thisisnotawebsitedotcome.com aka the new gravity falls website
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Pages and messages I found clicking around on the site. At the bottom of the third page you can see a message that needs to be decoded
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Personally, I’m not familiar with the alphabet used in gravity falls by Bill and I have tried searching it up, but I have not been able to decode it.
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On the website there is a screen and a bar below it where you can enter words, being used to enter codes.
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When entering the code “DORITO” you first see a spinning triangle slowly getting larger before turning into the image seen above, an eerie image of what i believe to be Bill Cipher.
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When entering the code “BLINDEYE” this is what comes up. It seems to be repeating “WKHBOOVHH” and “WKHBOODOOVHH”. I am unfamiliar with what this means. I tried looking it up but didn’t find anything on it.
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When entering the code “BOOK OF BILL” this is what comes up. “HIDE IT UNDER SHIRT DURING PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE”. I am unfamiliar with what this means. I tried looking it up but didn’t find anything on it.
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When entering the code “DISNEY” this is what comes up. “RAT.GIF CENSORED FOR YOUR PROTECTION” I am unfamiliar with what this means. I tried looking it up but didn’t find anything on it.
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When entering the code “BABBA” this is what comes up. It is an audio recording of Dipper speaking in the beginning to him before starting to sing. This is the same audio as the video posted on May 27, 2021 by TheMysteryofGF on YouTube. Here is the link to the video:
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When entering the code “STAN” this is what comes up. When clicking on the button to enter the code, it takes you to eBay and searches up different things every time. These aren’t random searches, but it is searching up different items that Grunkle Stan owns, like his 8-ball cane and brass knuckles.
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When entering the code “PINATA” this is what comes up. It is a video of a young girl hitting a Bill Cipher piñata in an attempt to break it, a man standing behind the piñata as she does so. I am unfamiliar with the video and the people in it and when attempting to search it up, I found nothing on the people in the video or anything about the original video.
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When entering the code “DIPPER” this is what comes up. A letter first appears and if you continue to search “DIPPER” over and over, the message changes and begins to turn darker, possibly burning up. I believe it to be a letter from Bill to Dipper telling him that there are secret codes written in the book that can only be seen when staring into the sun for 13 hours, but this is most likely false as if someone were to do this it would cause permanent eye damage and possibly turning the person blind. If this is a message from Bill to Dipper, he is likely trying to get Dipper to look at the sun and turn him blind.
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When entering the code “MABEL” this is what comes up. When first clicking it, it adds a a sticker to a random place and continuing to click it adds more stickers until it says on the screen “LAB NOW FULLY MABELIZED”.
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When entering the code “FORD” this is what comes up. It appears to be a file on the man, talking about his high I.Q. and how he was able to impress those he was with, checking the box for finger donor. At the end of the file, there is a sentence that is blacked out. The blacked out sentence reads, “If I could kidnap him and bring him to our secret cloning lab”. I don’t know who created the file or who “the team” is.
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When entering the code “WADDLES” this is what comes up. When clicking the button to enter the code it brings you to a website called pigplacementnetwork.org, a website that is used for pig placement and pig adoption.
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When entering the code “PACIFICA” this is what comes up. It is a note that was placed in a book, most likely the book of bill written by Pacifica. In the note Pacifica writes that no one should make a deal with or worship Bill Cipher, being forced by Mabel to do so.
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When entering the code “WENDY” this is what comes up. It is a note written by Wendy placed in a book, most likely the book of bill. In the note Wendy writes that she wrote a way to ward off evil triangles, likely referring to Bill Cipher, in the bottom right corner of the book. On the bottom right corner of the page there is a hand obviously meant to be a joke. I am unsure if she is referring to the corner of the note or a corner on the actual book and have not found anything at the moment to say that she wrote on the actual book.
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When entering the code “FIDDLEFORD” and “MCGUCKET” this is what comes up. When clicking on the button it brings you to YouTube, playing the official music video of “Cotton Eye Joe” by Rednex. This is likely a reference to the character Old Man McGucket from the show.
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When entering the code “PLATINUM PAZ” this is what comes up. A story about Pacifica comes up that reads,
“Pacifica stormed into her palatial bedroom and slammed the door so hard her chandeliers shook. (There were at least 3 chandeliers in Pacifica’s room, including a teensy chandelier over her nightlight.) She buried her head in a velvet pillow and screamed for an inhumanly long time, then flopped over and stewed at the painted cherubs on her ceiling. It wasn’t FAIR. After everything she did for her parents- get up at 5 for fencing lessons, beauty pageants, fox-hunting, butler-hunting, cleaning up the black feathers after dads weird “grown up masquerade parties”- THIS is how they repay her? HER! PACIFICA ELISE NORTHWEST?!
It had been a rough summer for Pacifica- first she came alarmingly close to losing a Party Crown, then her golf skills were called into question, and now her parents grounded her for literally saving the entire family from a Category 10 ghost and shut off the spigot on her caviar tap for rest of the year. What was she supposed to eat now? Dog Food? She angrily opened her mini-fridge and pulled out an UpperCrustablesTMbrand snack pack and angrily spread the caviar on the tiny baguette. “Ugh, why does it come with this dumb little stick? The caviar always gets stuck in the CORNERS!”
She looked at a napkin where Dipper had written the shack’s phone number in case killing the ghost might have created a “double ghost.” Ha! As if she would put HIS number in HER phone.
Everything in her life used to make so much more sense before those PINES twins came along and screwed everything up. That stupid Mabel and her baffling, undeserved confidence. That know-it-all sweat stain Dipper who’s giant head was always butting against hers. Something about Dipper’s words had knocked over a domino in her mind that started a chain reaction that was causing her whole identity to come crashing down. He told her she had potential to change into…a better person? How do you become a better person when you’re already the best person? It didn’t make sense!
Thinking about it exhausted her, and soon, her eyelids began to droop.
Soon she was...
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In Pacifica’s dream, she was freshening up at a party washing her hands when she noticed something... red swirling in the drain.
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An overpowering sense of guilt swelled inside as she fled to the ballroom for help, where she spotted her friends gossiping by a tapestry. She tried to flip them around, but when she grabbed their shoulders, they fell over, flat, They were... cardboard? She turned to her parents, and they fell over flat too. The entire party was filled with flat, 2D people, everyone was fake. Blood began to fill the ballroom, pouring from the clock, from the paintings, from the ceiling. Why was this happening?! She raced through her manor in a blind panic, when she discovered she was no longer in the mansion, but outside in Gravity Falls. When she looked down, she realized she was now 100 feet tall, and every step she made was wrecking the town. She knocked over the mudflap factory, polluting the river. She knocked over the orphanage, sending coughing soot-covered children out into the cold.
She kept apologizing, but she was too big, too public, every step hurting more and more people. Everyone could see that the town’s problems were her fault. She was a monster. She always had been. She always would be.
Pacifica started sobbing and suddenly, she was a little girl again, hiding behind the vine-covered tombstones in the graveyard behind the Manor after another one of her parents fights. The graves of her ancestors loomed above her like gargoyles, great Northwests in history. What would they say if they could see her like this?
One of the statues slowly turned to face Pacifica. It was Nathaniel Northwest.
“Get a hold of yourself. You’re a Northwest, people can’t know you leak shame-water.”
“You’re right,” Pacifica apologized, and hastily took out her compact to clean her smeared makeup. She cursed as she saw how dishevelled she was.
The statue watched her like a cat hungrily watching a mouse.
“You have a lot of anger, don’t you.”
“Anyone whose not angry is an idiot. There’s so much to be mad about.”
“Yes. Anger is good. Anger is useful. Who are you angry at, Pacifica?”
“Everything was better before the PINES came to town...”
“You know, I might be able to help with that... there’s something I want. The Mystery Shack is going to be getting some new merchandise very soon. A small snow globe, nothing anyone would miss. If you could shoplift it for me, I could guarantee things would change. You’d never deal with the Pines again...”
Pacifica closed her compact. Would that fix everything?
“It would be so easy... all you have to do to get your old life back is shake...my...hand”
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Slowly she reached out to shake- then abruptly stopped. Something was off.
“My old life... wasn’t really mine, was it? All I ever did was follow my mom and dad. Maybe... it would be better to...make a new one.”
This had always been true... in the past.
His hand extended toward her. Looming. Trembling. She remembered a time when a hand extended toward her, offering a free snack in the back seat of a car.
Pacifica’s face relaxed. She knew it was cliché, but she knew she had to do it. She slowly extended her hand. Just as the giant lichen-covered hand was about to close around hers like a cage of stone fingers, she swung her arm up and behind her head.
“Too slow!”
The statue shook with rage, sending cracks from its hand all the way up to its shrieking head. It crumbled apart in front of her, screaming in pain.
Pacifica awoke with a start, panting. The clock in the hallway had struck 3 AM. She was covered in sweat. What had she been dreaming about? She couldn’t remember. She didn’t want to remember.
She wasn’t quite sure why, but she removed a tapestry that she’d always had on her wall. Something her family had no doubt looted ages ago- of a glowing triangle over the mountains. She rolled it up and put it in the closet and locked the padlock. Maybe she should hold onto Dipper’s number just in case. She entered it into her phone and felt an odd sense of calm suddenly wash over her. It was quiet once again in Northwest Manor.
Pacifica slept better than she had in years.”
What happens in the story takes place after the ghost incident at her home. Pacifica is upset at her parents and blames the Pines for causing her trouble. When she falls asleep, she has a nightmare being controlled by Bill Cipher that causes her to break down and Bill to offer her a deal, using her pain in an attempt to manipulate her into accepting his offer. At first Pacifica considers it but then tricks Bill and declines his offer, waking up soon after.
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When entering the code “AXOLOTL” this is what comes up. A message is displayed on the screen reading, “YOU ASK ALOTL QUESTIONS”. The code “ACOLOTL” most likely refers to when Bill Cipher was ‘destroyed’ in Stan’s mind. Before Bill is believed to die in Stan’s mind, he speaks his last words to Stan, but they sound like a bunch of gibberish. When the clip is reversed, we can hear what he actually says to to man. “A. X. O. L. O. T. L.! My time has come to burn! I invoke the ancient power that I may return.”
I can’t add any more images so will start making a pt2 just give me some time and I’ll have it up in the next few
Once again the website name is thisisnotawebsitedotcom.com and the password to get in is “T.J. Eckleburg”
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s4lt-p3pp3r · 2 months
i fucking hate cantaloupe
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s4lt-p3pp3r · 2 months
Just saw the Deadpool and Wolverine movie and HOLY SHIT.
Ngl a lot was happening at once but it’s a fucking Deadpool movie with Ryan Reynolds writing and producing that shit so what else do you expect
Anyone wanting to watch it or is interested in doing so I would totally recommend if ur a Deadpool fan or Wolverine fan or both
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Also got these earrings from the theatre and I’m obsessed
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s4lt-p3pp3r · 2 months
kratt brothers when they see an animal
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s4lt-p3pp3r · 2 months
They are so much like their animated characters and I am HERE FOR IT
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s4lt-p3pp3r · 2 months
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s4lt-p3pp3r · 2 months
I understand
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s4lt-p3pp3r · 2 months
I’m so fucking excited to see the new deadpool movie like holy shit the amount of spoilers ive seen on tiktok and tumblr don’t even upset me they just make me wanna watch it even more.
I rlly wanna get the popcorn bucket with the deadpool and wolverine figures on the side of it cuz it looks so fucking cool like who wouldn’t want that? I kinda wanna get the popcorn bucket with wolverines head (we all know which one I’m talking about) cuz I think it would just go well with my collection of random marvel shit I have since now deadpool and wolverine are finally part of the MCU.
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I also got a wolverine lego set that I’ll build today so when I do that I’ll post it on here
Also my face is burned rlly badly and I don’t have aloe so idk what to do it hurts sm 😭
anyways yeah stay hydrated make sure to have AT LEAST 3 meals a day and bye-bye! :D
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s4lt-p3pp3r · 2 months
I just ate the best shrimp of my life but now I feel like I’m gonna shit myself or throw up maybe both please help
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also for some reason my suits phase is coming back but I’m not upset
okay that’s it bye 🧌
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