rustyhorses12art · 2 years
THE NaruSaku Factory : About
Heyo everyone! It’s been many years since we started this blog and began archiving NaruSaku content to the best of our abilities. As the Tumblr population has ebbed and flowed, I realize some people may be unaware of our goals here.
NaruSaku Factory was created in 2014. Its purpose was to gather and store all NaruSaku art, fanfiction, videos, headcanons, just another everything so that NaruSaku fans could “go back in time” and see old NaruSaku content.
Unlike other social media platforms like Twitter of Facebook, Tumblr is one of the best platforms to store content and information for long periods of time.
A second purpose …
At the end of 2014, NaruSaku fans faced great backlash and harassment from people outside of our NaruSaku fandom. For many many months, #NaruSaku was completely unusable and full of people attacking, critizing, crosstagging, and stalking people who continued to ship NaruSaku after the NaruSaku ending.
Many NaruSaku fans were understandably hurt and pushed away due to this.
So, for the purpose of protecting NaruSaku fans and continuing to provide away for them to see NaruSaku content hatred free, we upped our posts a day and tried to support and host events to keep NaruSaku fans engaged.
It worked …
Much to our happiness, it worked. NaruSaku Factory has and will always be a place for NaruSaku fans to come and review all the NaruSaku content Tumblr has to offer.
NaruSaku Factory is not a personal blog. It is a giant library and we admins are the librarians. :)
We hope you have enjoyed NaruSaku Factory over the years and if you’re new to Tumblr or our blog, feel free to surf its many pages for all the NaruSaku content you could wish for!
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rustyhorses12art · 3 years
Sorry while I stop to use tumblers I loved to continue supporting people’s crafts, drawings, fandom, and very interesting story. I was busy and then I was lonely but I had have pet named Wisky the dog. He was bad and good dog he tried attention to me into his ingenuity. Maybe save this my story and picture my dog made me not lonely anymore. Thank you!
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rustyhorses12art · 4 years
Wow how to re draw this Salior Moon artfa
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really wanted to do this one! worth a night without a sleep ~
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rustyhorses12art · 5 years
Amazing sketch with shadows
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Tree Sketch by Shin jong hun
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rustyhorses12art · 5 years
My heart melted. I will love NaruSaku forever. Who will be agreeing for liking this digital drawing?
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Haven’t drawn so much Narusaku in months haha, time for some Sasuhina!
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rustyhorses12art · 6 years
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My Loki Cat!
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rustyhorses12art · 6 years
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Awesome!! I brought that Evangelion series: You Can (Not) Redo from shippers delivery 🚚! I feel to happy myself and out of my space world! I can’t wait for see a movie, Television, whatever! 👅

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rustyhorses12art · 6 years
Aww, I love her because she’s been my favorite when I saw her in the manga book.
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rustyhorses12art · 6 years
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I love my Cat Loki because I love a character from Thor and he was too hottie then Thor!
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rustyhorses12art · 6 years
Some Photoshop Tips
I’ve been getting quite a few asks about the process for the patterns in my stylized artworks, so I decided to put together a couple of tips regarding them. 
Firstly, what you need are
Most of the patterns I use are custom brushes I made, such as those:
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For the longest time I was convinced making brushes must be super extra complicated. I was super extra wrong. All you need to start is a transparent canvas (2500px x 2500px max):
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This will be your brush tip. When you’re satisfied how it looks, click Ctrl+A to select the whole canvas and go to ‘define brush preset’ under the edit menu
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You will be asked to name your new glorious creation. Choose something that describes it well, so you can easily find it between all the ‘asfsfgdgd’ brushes you’ve created to be only used once
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This is it. Look at it, you have just created a photoshop brush. First time i did I felt like I was cheated my whole life. IT’S SO EASY WHY HASN’T ANYONE TOLD ME 
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Time to edit the Good Boi to be more random, so it can be used as a Cool Fancy Pattern. Go into brush settings and change whatever you’d like. Here’s a list of what I do for patterns:
- under Shape Dynamics, I increase Size Jitter and Angle jitter by 5%-15% 
- under Brush Tip Shape, I increase spacing by a shitload. Sometimes it’s like 150%, the point is to get the initial brush tip we painted to be visible.
- If I want it to look random and noisy, I enable the Dual Brush option, which acts like another brush was put on top of the one we’ve created. You can adjust all of the Dual Brush options (Size, Spacing, Scatter, Count) as you wish to get a very nice random brush to smear on your  backgrounds
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The result is as above. You can follow the same steps to create whatever brush you need: evenly spaced dots that look like you painted them by hand, geometric pattern to fill the background, a line of perfectly drawn XDs and so on. 
—  PATHS  —
But what if you want to get lots of circles made of tiny dots? Or you need rows of triangles for your cool background? Photoshop can do all of that for you, thanks to the magic of paths.
Typically, paths window can be found right next to Layers:
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Draw whatever path you want, the Shape Tool has quite a bit of options. Remember, paths are completely different from brush strokes and they won’t show up in the navigator. To move a path around, click A to enable path selection tool. You can use Ctrl+T to transform it, and if you move a path while pressing Alt it will be duplicated.
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Now, pick a brush you wish really was in place of that path you’ve drawn and go to layers, then choose the layer you want it to be drawn on. Then, click this tiny circle under the Paths window:
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Then witness the magic of photoshop doing the drawing for you while you wonder how tf have you managed to forget about this option for the past 2 years 
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You can combine special brushes and paths for all sorts of cool effects. I mostly use them in backgrounds for my cards, but you can do whatever you want with them.
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I hope that answers the questions for all of the people who were sending me inquires about the patterns. If you have any questions regarding this or any other Photoshop matter feel free to message me, I’m always up for complaining about how great and terrible Photoshop is C’:
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rustyhorses12art · 6 years
New Year Eve for 2019!!!!!! #year #happynewyear2019 #happyyeareve https://www.instagram.com/p/BsFA2EQgBKh/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=mgt5hzn7rw4u
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rustyhorses12art · 6 years
The cat, Loki, ignored me, huh? He loves hiding in my planets. #me #cat #lovecats😻 #cats_of_instagram (at Westchester, CA) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bo4hL3NgUrA/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=14ajdck3ov4l7
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rustyhorses12art · 6 years
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I am reading this Webtoon again. #webtoon #iloveyoo #linewebtoon #mydearcoldbloodedking #mydearcoldbloodedking linewebtoons webcomic #unordinary #boyfriendofthedead #eggnoid #letsplay #lookism #sirenslament # ecstasyheart #luminethewolf #nightmarefactory #daysofhana #ohholy #orangemaramalade #hanaxharu #hanaandharu
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rustyhorses12art · 6 years
H ahaha! Trust me, you don’t want a curly hair because I have struggled with my beautiful curly hair.
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Everybody wants what they don’t have.
Read My Giant Nerd Boyfriend on Webtoon!
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rustyhorses12art · 6 years
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MDCBK Kozuke and Mei are my favorite characters and sometimes couples. I am still shipped Katsu and Mei #mdcbkart #photographer #photoart #kozukexmei #kozuke #kiharamei #katsu @lifelight_comics
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rustyhorses12art · 6 years
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I love them because they are my favorite couples character from MDCBK.
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rustyhorses12art · 6 years
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My cat is male and named Loki ❤️❤️ from Thor characters! He is very evil and loves me. #catwhiteandblack #catloki #mycat #mypetcat (at Westchester, Los Angeles)
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