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rootsandwings · 23 days ago
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Calla Lily, Spring 2025
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rootsandwings · 4 years ago
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rootsandwings · 6 years ago
Holding Fourth
Do the deer know it’s the Fourth
of July? I saw two babies nosing
through the underbrush just as
as many millions fired up the grill
and behind a teary rain flowing
down the cheeks of bullet proof
glass in DC an indecent bully held
our pupils hostage. Do the kids
in cages know it’s the happy birth
day of Lady Liberty? The Home
of the Brave and the land of
the Free? Are only these lines
backwards or is the whole damn ship
of state sinking into the quicksand
of the small, small man who’s commandeered the tanks to news-
feed his monstrous bitter deeds.
Sophia Naz, July 4th 2019
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rootsandwings · 6 years ago
April Fools
Why does April make fools of us?
Is it the giddy rush of color across
the plush green cheeks of hills
marching’s past, it’s April! The thrill
a lady in waiting to become
a summer lover languid in robe
of blue twilight that takes forever
to come off. (G)listen, to April, trill
of that ephemeral whistle
between the eardrums, the bird
that bears every season but wears
a magical plumage on the page
As swans of calla lilies sing in spring
Poets fed on cruelty spread their wings
Sophia Naz
April 1 2019
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rootsandwings · 6 years ago
When they ask why you are feeling blue how can you explain
that it’s not just the fat lip that was presented
wrapped up in a fig leaf of filial duty on
your eleventh birthday
It’s all the veins of the broken rivers tattooed daily on the bodies of women
who pass by wordlessly as if they were water
and the world a cold sieve that slices them
through and through and moves on
without a second glance
How can you explain that you can’t move on
that your feet are stuck in the mud of this indigo
that you want to fossilize your bones into the purest lapis
crush them in the rigor mortis of your skull-bowl
make an indelible pigment for the soles of the silent ones
so that they may flash their feet at their tormentors
and a blinding blue eye may strike like lightning.
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rootsandwings · 6 years ago
I interrupt
an Orange Ogre’s egregious excess
of awful untruths
To affirm
that there is only one
National Emergency
and his name
is Donald Trump.
©️Sophia Naz
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rootsandwings · 6 years ago
Tiny Love
Tiny Love
Tiny as the ruby
teeth of pomegranates, 
beauty that bites
when least expected
Little slip of a love
making no sense of fall 
leafing through last season’s threads
Takes you by the bit
Tiny like grit, holy Braille 
blinding your tongue 
Tiny as wet letters of rain
late into the night, setting type 
until dawn, hot off the presses
rose disrobed
Itty bitty atomic love
quick as lightning 
to render dumb
Strikes you, the bait
a crumb of sugar,
love lies in wait, patiently ...
©️Sophia Naz
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rootsandwings · 6 years ago
Nominated for the Pushcart for the 2nd Time!
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rootsandwings · 6 years ago
For Meena Alexander
For Meena Alexander, 1951-2018
You unrolled a bed 
of language, a midnight train
to 68th and Lex-
icon to pull out all
the pins, become seamless 
address to clothe exile, lucent
geography, seismic mouth
The poems, boxed up alive
in thin coffins of books
are not just your voice
leafing on a  perennial 
celluloid Spring, rising 
incense in a poet’s skull
they bowl a world 
mulled words stretch 
marks of a birth, the bird flown
and we your nest of kin
read the claws’ Braille, feel 
the electric thrill, our minds blown 
by the feathers breathing on our skin. 
Sophia Naz
21 November 2017
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rootsandwings · 6 years ago
The amazing Professor Al Filreis and Douglas Kearney do a close reading of my poem, Habeas Corpus.
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rootsandwings · 6 years ago
Solitary Japanese plum
scarlet plumage rustling softly
wore out her sleeves as a geisha 
from April to Autumn 
When the season takes its leaves 
passion cooling
umeshu sours to vinegar
rumors ripen on 
The grapevines, a chorus joins in,
no longer marooned, each soliloquy
burnishes its tenor, ruby throats of turncoats 
crescendo in symphony.
©️Sophia Naz
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rootsandwings · 7 years ago
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rootsandwings · 7 years ago
Magical Problems & Their Solutions
The broom is stuck in sweep mode
Eye of Newt Gangrene is out of stock on Amazon
Your coven has worked themselves to the bone trying to keep up with millions of orders for Trump Voodoo Dolls
Melania just ordered a life size version along with one hundred and thirty one thousand pins
There is no doubt she will sink them in
your titanic presidency
from coast to coast there’s Stormy
weather come calling
Oh and one more thing
There is no witch hunt. We witches do not hunt. We haunt.
©️Sophia Naz
August 23 2018
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rootsandwings · 7 years ago
The Marriage of The Foxes
One bright blue day he came out of nowhere, his flame-tail curling question hooked you, child hungry for a fairy tale of feather and fire
that day you remember it rained while the sun was shining bright as a newborn’s eyes seeing everything for the first time
and still the red fox sat there unmoving as if waiting for a sign a meeting of meaning or was it madness? In the sky there were
raindrops dancing with the sun burning in their bellies, blinking time is an eclipse and you penumbra, alone with a legend
fan with feather quills the rebel   skies whose magic is a marriage of silver foxes, filled with spring- fire makes love to water, sings
Sophia Pandeya
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rootsandwings · 7 years ago
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rootsandwings · 7 years ago
(After Naomi Shihab Nye)
And here I was, so proud to be
the proverbial promethean
wordsmith so volatile as to fire
off lines like shooting stars
the light of lines captive as
fireflies in a summer’s night jar
Little did I know it was the dark
earth that was flammable beyond
wild imagination, that it would lay
my years of toil to waste
And so for the sins of humanity
or rather the oily oligarchs
I have paid richly in the coin of loss
The sole dividend of this pain
is poetry.
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rootsandwings · 7 years ago
Like cats to milk Ducks to water Hummingbirds to nectar Gamblers to dens Bees to pollen Babies to breasts Drunkards to wine Stars to night Kites to wind Squirrels to hollows Eyes to rainbows Owls to darkness Eyelids to sleep Lilies to lakes Canoes to rivers Ships to oceans Snow to mountains Clouds to skies Seeds to earth Pens to paper Ants to sugar I take
to your lips.
Sophia Naz
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