Courtin Cowboys Music
SO! As someone who has tried to play/make music a large portion of their life, and as someone who knows almost zero about the process that goes into music composition and the potential licensing of said music; I need to talk briefly about how fucking amazing I think the music in CC is.
Like the menu theme? It starts off how you'd expect the music to a "Wild West" themed game to sound like. All thats missing is that Chuck Norris-esque fucking guitar sting that plays when people are staring one another down, lmao.
But if you hangout on the CC menu for a sec the song turns from the stereotype of a western themed song to being an absolute BANGER. I was legit on a call with someone when i played CC for the first time and I was BOPPING to the menu. Like I legitimately would have just stayed on that screen listening to the music for hours if I didn't call with my friend whom i promised my live reaction to the game.
It could also be the fact I've grown up in a very farming/ranching area (aka i've seen cowboys aplenty) but like the fiddle that is used in the music as well as the fun rhythm that the usual background music has is just so delightful, even when you're staring down the barrel of Jak's shotgun.
Also and this is probably just my own nostalgia talking but the music in CC reminds me just a tad of the market music played in the mobile game The Arcana. And boy howdy have I always loved that music. Like it's simultaneously relaxing and also hypes you up.
Anyway, pls appreciate the work Fish, JD, Bones and the other Devs put into the game.
#I happy stimmed writing this bc the music makes me so happy#courtin cowboys#courtincowboys#mr fishess#lovers trophy#visual novel#murder sim
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Today I think about Dijon cupping my face in his hands and kissing me to get me through the day
bc I deserve it
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Me OMW to give my Wife/Husband my undying love and affection
#courtincowboys#dijon my one true love#dijon kirkpatrick#magnolia#cc mags#courtin cowboys mags#courtin cowboys vn
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Just wanted to express my love for Jade, thanks for creating her. She's really fighting w Mags as my favourite. I wish we could've gotten closer to her and that she had a longer route. I don't even know her birthday ;-;
Thank you!! She's definitely my favorite girl I've made to date! I think she's really delightful, and I would love to work with her again someday, though I think I'll keep her non-murderous, so anything I do with her would probably be rather different in tone from my normal work!
#jade is 2nd best girl imo#jade rosmerta ramirez#jade courtin cowboys#courtincowboys#I love her to bits tho#mwah mwah
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#not my art#source: sacrifcs#vils art#courtincowboys#courtin cowboys vn#courtin cowboys#florence courtin cowboys#jak courtin cowboys#will courtin cowboys#dijon kirkpatrick#dijon my one true love#foams at the mouth
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I am completely normal about the thought of Dijon running his hands through my hair......
....my head laying on his chest or his thigh....
....completely boneless
yep super normal!
#i am very normal about this#Dijon my love#dijon kirkpatrick#courtincowboys#magnolia#jak harasi#courtin cowboys vn#lurking for love
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mad props to all the game devs for making such fantastic art. I mean... have you seen the backgrounds in CC? *swoons*
#courtincowboys#courtin cowboys#courtin cowboys vn#the bastard#jak harasi#dijon kirkpatrick#magnolia
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This is a Western Themed Hellhole for the Gays the Theys and the Generally Disturbed.
If you’re a minor pls leave
I will be making many many posts about Courtin Cowboys which IS and A D U L T GAME
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Inosuke College AU
Word count: 1,350

Major: Kinesiology
Minor: Psychology
Sports: Judo, Rugby
Clubs: Tanjiro signed him up for a ceramics club, and he goes only to try and one up him (Which is not the point of the club at all smh) but he attends every meeting without fail.
He's that dude that walks into the lecture hall wearing the most outrageous and eye-catching outfits
You just can't help but see him and instantly know what he's like to talk to
Neon orange athletic shorts with a hawaiian shirt so stereotypical it makes your eyes twitch in displeasure
Add some burkenstock sandals worn with mismatched socks and you have Inosuke
Just by looking at him you know he is quite the personality to work with
And he is, but he is intelligent and definitely pulls his weight in projects
Will chastise his classmates if they get injured while doing the more active labs
But he does that while tending to their injuries so you know he cares about their wellbeing
It's quite sweet of him!
Well it would be if every 3rd word wasn't a swear
That doesn't mean he has terrible grades though.
No he actually does quite well in his courses and there's one simple reason as to why;
he's genuinely hard working
Which surprises nearly everyone who sees him.
But that only makes him work harder
You see Inosuke decided to actually get an education for the simple reason that everyone assumed he was too stupid to do anything with his life
He originally wanted to do Zoology but then he realized that he has too much energy, which ends up scaring off most animals
Which defeats the whole "study of animals" part of Zoology
Of course his Mom was in his corner despite this, really only wanting her son to be happy and find his own success
So he wouldn’t make the same mistakes she did in her youth
Inosuke actually got advice from his mom which helped him settle on Kinesiology as his degree
But once he settled on his degree he was set in stone
His pseudo-step dad offered to pay for his schooling but Inosuke said "I would rather swallow a truck whole than be indebted to you"
And then took out a shit ton of loans to pay for everything
Which only amused his pseudo-dad and made his mom worry a tad
He manages to work a part time job flipping burgers over the summer which was enough to let him pay for his books and meal plan outright for the first year
And yet despite seeing him bust his ass to be able to go to school people still tried to dissuade him from doing anything further with his life
Which only made him work harder
His whole attitude towards school is "man this sucks but also fuck anyone and anything that tries to make me quit: No You"
Inosuke even takes pride in the dropped jaws that come from seeing him at the top of his courses
The boy has never once gotten lower than an 80% on an assignment
He does best in his statistics course simply because both Tanjiro and Zenitsu are also enrolled in that block
Inosuke is competitive
In his other courses nobody stirs up that aggressive competitive spirit like Tanjiro and Zenitsu do in their shared Stat course
And with the pair of them around him, Inosuke feels the urge to out do both to the point where he likes to imagine their feelings of inferiority will crush them like a 1 ton block of the densest concrete imaginable
Inosuke actually made Zenitsu stop breathing from sheer shock and awe when he realized what Inosuke's minor was
Psych is Zenitsu's major (the duo don't share any courses for psychology so they didn't know until then) and it caused Zenitsu to go on a rant to the effect of, " to think that pig headed idiot is doing better than me, that must be a lie! LIAR"
That rant made Inosuke laugh so hard he fell off the table he was sitting on
He actually bruised a rib because of it
It remains Inosuke's favourite memory of Zenitsu because of this
And he wants to see how else he can make him turn purple with rage
Hence he often comes up with weird ways to try and express his perceived academic superiority over his friends rivals
Zenitsu falls for the weird competitive schemes Inosuke comes up with
Tanjiro decidedly does not, in fact he doesn't really care so long as nobody actually gets hurt
Does that stop Inosuke from trying to outdo him? N o p e
If Tanjiro gets 96% on an assignment Inosuke must get 100%
What can I say Inosuke is a competitive guy
And it works for him as motivation
Maybe a little too well if Inosuke has anything to say about it
(He was embarrassed bc he got called out publicly at his grad ceremony for not just outstanding academic excellence but by the elderly head of the department for "being the Kinesiology student with the highest grades since the founding of the department" )
The metal he received from the department head totally does not hang on the wall in his mom's house
Speaking of competitive spirit at school
He trains really hard for both Judo and Rugby
Its a great way for Inosuke to burn off both his aggression towards all the frustrating people he's stuck interacting with and his pent up energy
Kicking ass just makes his temperament a lot easier to deal with for others and he will use ' sports practice' excuse to leave whatever social situation he doesn't want to be in
He just really likes contact sports okay
And by God is he good at them
Like takes home trophies and metals kinda good
Which also aren't being kept at him mom's house where he definitely doesn't have displayed where she can see them and be proud of him
However due to his tendency to be aggressive with the intensity of interest he has in things
Tanjiro signed Inosuke up for a ceramics class
He thought that Inosuke would do well with something relaxing to do while still keeping it tactile enough to keep him interested
It did not go over as well as Tanjiro had hoped
But despite this Inosuke still goes to every single club meet up without fail
Is he good at it? No
Is Tanjiro? Definitely
Does that make Inosuke steaming mad? Yep
Inosuke generally sucks at making clay things symmetrical
So every plate or bowl or vase he makes ends up lopsided
Inosuke will die before he admits to Tanjiro that he was glad for being signed up after he gave his Mom the successful first mug he made and she smiled brighter than she had in years
It was bright green with blue and purple childlike butterfly drawings on it and the glaze wasn't spread evenly so it looks a little patchy
And the handle is proportional too large and thin for the cup itself
But Inosuke's mom loves it more than any other mug in the house
And now every time he goes home to see her and she uses that mug, he finds himself quite happy
But he will deny it thoroughly.
All in all he loves getting the chance to go to College
He may hate the judgy people he's forced to encounter regularly but Inosuke does adore the chance to learn and explore new interests
Not to mention the people he gets to interact with
Even if he knows the debt will weigh heavy on his bank account for a long while.
He still thinks it was all worth it.
#inosuke hashibira#demon slayer#demon slayer au#demon slayer inosuke#demon slayer modern au#inosuke hashiriba college au#demon slayer headcanons
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Copper and Iron
Synopsis: Y/N finds themself working as a volunteer in an experiment being done by a famous Robotics company. An experiment on a new AI program meant to allow their autonomous androids to have emotions. However what both Y/N and the researchers didn't anticipate was for their new experiment to fall in love with her human.
Ship: Hinata Hyuga x gn! Reader
Word Count: 9,320
Warnings: Yandere, Emotional abuse,Toxic Relationship, Manipulation, Gaslighting, Blood (from a broken nose)
There are many factors that go into creating something truly magnificent. Often it takes ingenuity, a creative touch, patience, and a lot of perseverance. Not to mention bravery. Sometimes the creations are timeless, whether that be for a practical purpose like the invention of the light bulb or for a more spiritually fulfilling purpose like music. Despite this innovations such as these change form slightly as time progresses, however if one were to go back and look at something like a table from as far back as physical historical artifacts can be found, it can still be recognized for the purpose that it serves. Whether the table is made of plastic from 100 years ago or even Dysprosil from modern day. However none of that matters in the long run, because as previously stated time continues moving forward and so does innovation. It is very rare that the best inventions are ever made, after all the best creations are always the ones where eventually society can no longer live without them. Imagining a world where the thing an individual is most dependent on is missing, is quite often devastating. That is especially the case when it comes to the newest form of AI technology. And it is on that note that our story truly begins.
The towering building of Baseline Robotics™ glimmered as the rolling holographic advertisement displayed along the outside shifted to the customary greeting message as the doors unlocked before Y/N. Walking into the surprisingly empty lobby they immediately noticed that the interior decorations seemed to be going for a theme of alien hospital. Everything seemed to be white or a reflective silver and it was very nearly maddening in it’s sterility. However what caught Y/N’s attention was a stiff pure white couch that laid empty. It seemed like nobody had ever sat down on it, whether that be from fear of staining it or how uncomfortable it appeared to be was yet to be determined. Despite this observation Y/N sat down, albeit hesitantly. Soon people began to enter the building and walk down one of the two brightly lit hallways, turning either immediately left or the right while not a single person entered the large door at the end of the middle hallway.
They had never been to Baseline Robotics™ as they never really saw a need to before now. AI was an essential part of society and for that Y/N was grateful that robotics companies existed. Without the people who can make the AI that is essential to daily tasks like driving, or customer service life would be far more difficult. And thus cities like Canphia wouldn’t exist. However recently Baseline Robotics™ had begun the shift from functional robots and computer programs to fully autonomous androids. Androids of course had already existed for a few years short of two centuries, but never had they ever looked so realistic. The only thing preventing them from being fully human was the lack of emotions. But since most androids were expensive and thus they were employed as nannies and maids in only the richest households. Being able to get angry or excited would make them neglect their duties and so nobody ever considered creating an android capable of emotions. And thus Y/N had never even considered going into the Baseline building. Besides what would a college student ever need with a robot servant.
“Greetings! How can we help you today?” A robotic voice asked Y/N as it wheeled closer to them.
“I’m here to answer the ad requesting volunteers for an experiment,” Y/N responded carefully.
“Follow me!” The robot chirped as it turned abruptly towards the hallway behind it, eventually both Y/N and the robot reached the door that nobody else had entered. The robot whirred softly as it unlocked the door in front of it,”Please enter and someone will be with you shortly.”
“Hello, you must be here for the experiment. I’m Researcher Ino, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” The young woman was grinning excitedly at Y/N as she extended a hand towards them.
Reaching a hand out to shake Ino’s Y/N introduced themself quickly before they were suddenly being taken down a hallway by conveyor belt. It led down a series of short confined hallways before abruptly opening up into a large production floor similar to the ones that create cars.
“So Y/N before we get started with the paperwork I’d like to ask you some quick questions,” Ino hummed as she looked over the documents displayed on her Holo-Cast.
“Go ahead Ino.”
“Why did you want to sign up for this?”
“Well…” Y/N hesitated, to say they were embarrassed at their reasoning for signing up was an understatement, but figuring honesty was the best way to go they continued to speak. “I moved to Canphia about six months ago and it’s been very hard for me to make any meaningful relationships so most of my free time is spent alone at home. I figured that since I don’t really ever do anything I could dedicate my spare time to assisting the behind the scenes science that goes into creating the AI we depend on.”
“Is there anything in particular that’s been preventing you from making friends?” the researcher inquired pleasantly.
“If you haven’t noticed yet I have a difficult time speaking Katlior so it’s harder for me to communicate.” Y/N confessed with a light shrug as they entered Ino’s office.
“Well Y/N I believe that you will be a perfect candidate for the experiment. With your help we might be able to finally take the last step in advancing AI technology. Welcome to the team.”
It had been eight months of working with Ino and Y/N was excited to finally see what all their work was being put towards. If someone asked them if their time spent in the labs was helpful, Y/N in all honesty would have answered no. All they did was take silly personality quizzes about themself and their relationships that inevitably lead nowhere interesting or have conversations with the same four bot programs. The strangest things that they encountered in the lab however were the days where Ino would sit with Y/N and eat a meal while they discussed normal things for two people who are getting to know each other, like hobbies, interests and ideal types of all things. And what made this the strangest of the lab days was the fact that Ino would always take notes during their conversations, so the conversations were always a little awkward.
Nonetheless Y/N was excited as earlier today Ino had mentioned that they needed to come into the lab a day early. She wouldn’t tell them exactly why they needed to come in but she sounded very excited and that made Y/N excited.
By the time Y/N had arrived at Borderline Robotics™ Ino was very nearly bouncing off the walls from how exhilarated she was at what she was about to unveil to Y/N. When they walked in she immediately jumped on them, wrapping an arm around Y/N’s shoulders while talking a mile a minute. “Ah you’re here! I called you in because we’re finally ready to begin the next stage of testing, and I have a feeling you’re going to love exactly what this stage entails. So if you would follow me I need to brief you on exactly what you’re about to experience so you’re prepared for this breakthrough. Okay let’s go!”
“Ino where exactly are we going? Isn’t the lab the other way?”
“Yep but today we’re going somewhere else.”
“...I’m so confused,” Y/N shook their head as they walked down the otherwise silent hallway. Ino grinned as she unlocked a door leading to a spiraling staircase and ushering Y/N to follow her down.
“We need to go to the lab with the highest security clearance today, after all it’s not every day where you get so far in creating the first autonomous AI with emotions. So yeah, in case you haven’t figured it out yet, that’s what all the testing has been for Y/N. We want to be able replicate emotions in our autonomous AIs. So the information you gave us was used to create a personalized android based off of characteristics that you favored in the tests, and from that we created a personality for your android. She is as realistic as possible and fulfills the purpose you wanted, with a little extra thrown in too!” Ino was still talking very quickly and when combined with the endless winding of the staircase it served to only further disorient Y/N.
Frustrated at their lack of comprehension on the topic Ino was babbling on and on about Y/N grabbed Ino's arm and stopped her both from talking and walking. “Ino please slow down, I'm not following. What purpose did I ever say I wanted an android for?” Y/N said exasperated. Ino blinked at them, her mouth falling into an open o shape.
Looking away from them she flushed, when she spoke her speech had slowed down considerably, “Well you didn't explicitly say you wanted her to have a particular purpose but I assumed that you would like it if her purpose was to be a companion for you. You did say that making friends was hard due to your limited language skills so with her you would always have a friend. And on top of that we also gave her the ability to speak every known human language, so no matter where you go with her, she will always be able to help you with the language of that country.” She looked back at Y/N with a shy smile and continued, “She is going to be a complete sweetheart to you. I can tell you that, I programmed her personally. If all goes well with us fully waking her up, you and the other participants will all be able to take home your personalized android to continue testing. Our goal is to see if it’s possible to have an android with a near full range of human emotion that would allow them to do jobs that are stressful, dangerous and need careful action, while still maintaining the capability to de escalate and comfort those in need. Like… search and rescue paramedics or firefighters! And by having willing participants take the androids out and fully immerse them in day to day life, it will definitely prove if it’s possible.”
“What happens to her if the experiment succeeds? After it’s over I mean. Will she be scrapped?” Y/N said as they stared at the door at the bottom of the stairs.
“Of course not Y/N-san, she would continue living just like how she was before the end of the experiment, minus all the mandatory testings she needs to undergo… Oh that reminds me, before I introduce you to her there are some things you need to know, you know rules and the like,” she said now slowly descending down the remaining stairs to the door. Y/N now relieved at knowing what was about to happen when they entered the lab, followed after her, ready to listen intently to the rules they needed to follow.
“So first of all since this is an experimental form of AI you are going to have to bring her in biweekly for the first four months for little check ups, as there might be some problems with either the physical body she inhabits or glitches in her programming. If you happen to find any before the next check up feel free to bring her in before then, and we’ll fix her right up! Number two, she needs to be charged every 32 hours. She is able to use the solar panels embedded into her skin to self charge in direct sunlight but if she doesn’t get any direct sunlight and her battery starts to get low, then you will have to plug her in. Number three, while charging with the cord in she is not to do any energy consuming activities, so laying down or sitting are the best options. Light activity such as walking a very short distance is possible but not strongly advised, listening to music or watching children’s television shows will be fine, just make sure she won’t be processing any heavy amounts of information or moving too much. The last thing is less important for you to know but nonetheless, number four she is waterproofed so she is able to interact with water without being damaged. However just because she can wash dishes, walk in the rain and shower does NOT mean she can be fully submerged in water. So no baths or going scuba diving with her. Wading in a pool or lake is possible although not recommended.“
Y/N nodded sincerely as they programmed the instructions into their Holo-Cast so they wouldn’t forget them after leaving the lab, and despite their focus and serious diligence in recording the rules Ino could tell that they were excited. After all they were barely containing a smile as she opened the door to the room where the androids were all just awakening. Y/N looked up from what they were doing as Ino motioned for them to follow her into the room.
Once in the room Ino quietly greeted her two fellow researchers as she guided Y/N past all the other pairings in the room and over to the single lone android. Ino stopped a few steps from where the android was sitting on the table, there was nothing on the table beside her but the blanket that at one point covered her body before her awakening. Disappointed but not surprised, Ino nudged Y/N forward to meet her while she went to go get the bag of the things the android would need, “Hinata, I have someone here to meet you.” She said, causing the android to turn her head and look at the pair.
“Hello, I’m Hinata,” she said inquisitively.
“Hello Hinata, I’m Y/N. It’s nice to meet you,” Y/N responded enthusiastically albeit they did feel slightly uncomfortable due to the others around them already having extensive conversations.
“Hi!!” Hinata said enthusiastically, she seemed to be a very bright and nearly childlike person and that made Y/N smile softly at her. They truly didn’t know what to say to Hinata and thus their conversations were short, and the silences between them long.
Ino soon returned with a very large duffel bag and handed it off to Hinata’s waiting arms, “You’re going to be living with them from now on Hinata, that means you can leave the lab!” Hinata looked at Y/N intently and nodded slowly. She was starting to realize what the humans wanted from the other androids and she was wondering if Y/N was the same way.
“Y/N one thing before you leave, feel free to bring her by anytime you want. We’d all love to see how you’re both doing. Okay?” Ino interjected as Hinata put on her jacket so the pair could leave. Y/N smiled graciously as they agreed to stop by sometime soon. And with that they left with Hinata in tow.
The pair were silent as they ascended the stairs, not a word was spoken between them until they got outside of the building at which point the bubble of awkward tension burst between them. Hinata reached out in a move that mirrored the one that Y/N did to Ino not even a half hour earlier. “What am I to you Y/N? I know all of us were created with a role in mind and I want to know the one you think I’m going to play.” Hinata said intensely, her eyes were locked on Y/N as she spoke.
“It’s embarrassing to admit but I want you to be my friend. I moved here a year ago and despite spending time with my classmates after lectures I haven’t been able to make any real friends by myself due to a strong language barrier between us. I can understand if you-”
Y/N had looked away from Hinata in shame while they spoke and they only looked back after Hinata’s once hard and quite frankly intimidating voice softened, “Do you really mean you want to be friends? You’re not going to make me into a servant or something?”
Y/N blinked in shock at how quickly her attitude changed but nodded with a smile, "No Hinata, I’m not going to make you my servant. I want to be friends, although in all honesty I wouldn’t mind if you help with chores sometimes…” They trailed off as Hinata laughed brightly. She intertwined their hands and swung them back and forth as they walked away from Baseline Robotics™.
“Can we go to a zoo? I want to see a real life hippopotamus Y/N!” Hinata asked excitedly. Y/N nodded as they giggled, Hinata was just so full of wonder at everything and it was endearing.
“Of course we can Hinata, you little sweetheart.”
They hadn’t gotten more than a block away when Y/N’s Holo-Cast lit up with a call from Ino. It was strange that Ino was calling them so soon after leaving but thinking it might be important Y/N picked up the call. As soon as they hit the receive option Ino’s frantic voice was heard, “Oh thank goodness you’re okay! You need to bring Hinata back here right now for deactivation befo-”
“Deactivation? Ino what the hell are you talking about? Hinata hasn’t done anything to me other than hold my hand,” Y/N said while looking at Hinata who looked just as confused.
“The other androids, they just... flipped out all of the sudden and attacked the volunteers. Most of the humans were sent to the emergency room from the damage the androids caused. We were supposed to have a program put in that stopped them from harming their humans unless they were in direct danger but the volunteers were all just trying to leave to go home and the androids just went crazy unprovoked… Y/N are you sure Hinata isn’t going to-”
This time Hinata cut Ino off, “Why would I ever want to hurt my friend Researcher Ino? We are even going to the zoo together, I really want to see a real life hippo! Please don’t take me away from Y/N, i really like them… ” Hinata was pouting at the idea of not getting to spend time with her new best friend when they had met.
Ino paused her pleas as she realized that Hinata must have not seen Y/N as a threat judging by the behaviour Y/N described and the way that Hinata spoke of them.
In shock from Hinata at all but admitting that she would have lashed out in anger had their conversation gone differently, Y/N looked at the small form of Hinata who was now crouched down and cooing at a pigeon, having been distracted from the conversation at hand by the small avian’s appearance. “She doesn’t seem to want to hurt me,” Y/N thought, “And if she was going to do it she would have done it when everyone else did. Plus she acts a lot like a child, so I doubt she would do it now.”
Ino sighed, “It’s your limbs that are at stake here. Fine, if you feel safe, then...carry on your way then.”
The last thing Y/N saw before the call ended was Ino shaking her head in disbelief. With a chuckle Y/N called out to Hinata, “You heard the woman! Let’s roll out.”
“Okie Dokie!” Hinata affirmed, reaching for Y/N’s hand once more. Swinging their intertwined hands between them as they walked to the zoo.
Two weeks later Y/N and Hinata went in for the first scheduled check up, where amazingly Ino found the same abnormalities in her code as the other androids displayed; and yet she still didn't attack Y/N. Outwardly there was no evidence of violent tendencies anywhere in Hinata. “But the code doesn't lie, so what made her refrain from attacking Y/N?” Ino thought aloud as she watched the physical portion of the check up from a safe distance.
Everything seemed to be going how it should be going and despite the excitement her colleagues were showing at having a working android, Ino thought that she needed to be deactivated like the others or at least reprogrammed.
When the other researcher finished with Hinata, Ino got an idea. The best way to find out a person's reasoning behind their actions is the simplest way. To ask them. She took a deep breath and walked over, rehearsing what she'd say in her head on the way over. Putting a hand on Hinata’s shoulder Ino carefully asked her the question all the while trying to not to give away her true intentions.
“Hello Hinata I'm happy to report that the physical evaluation shows you are in perfect condition, Y/N must be taking good care of you," That got a smile and a pleased nod from the android. Ino patted her shoulder and continued, "But I do have a question for you in regards to your code. You see when we were looking at your coding today during the psych testing, we found the same anomaly that caused the other androids to attack their human volunteers, in you, and yet you were the only one not to attack anyone. So I figured I'd ask you what all us researchers were thinking, why didn't you attack Y/N?”
“They wanted me to be their friend, and I wanted to be their friend too! Friends don't hurt friends Ino,” Hinata said cheerfully. She looked towards Y/N like a child looking to their parent for affirmation of their good behaviour. Y/N smiled at her and squeezed her hand as they watched Ino take notes.
“Well as much as I would like to take out that particular section of code that created the violent behavior, I have been ordered by the higher ups to leave it in as they don’t want to potentially compromise Hinata. Plus if she says she’s not going to act on it, I suppose we'll just have to trust her," Ino gave a good natured smile directed at Hinata before continuing, "However I will implement a tell that would allow you, Y/N to see if she's getting to a state where she would act violent.” Ino said as she plugged some of the cords that were laying next to the table Hinata was sitting on into the nape of Hinata's neck; quickly pulling out a tablet, Ino typed out a sequence of numbers and letters before setting the tablet back down. Turning back to the pair she grinned, "and now we wait for it to upload, Hinata just make sure to lay down otherwise your balance could get a little wonky. You'll undergo a quick recalibration of the senses and all that, and then you're free."
Hinata nodded and laid down carefully, Y/N kept a hand on her back to help guide her down. Their face betrayed a look of shock and a hesitation that looked closer to fear than worry to Ino as by now Hinata's eyes had turned a milky white to allow for the update to her code to complete.
"Don't you worry about the eyes Y/N, that's supposed to happen. Any update to her code or recalibration of her senses will limit her sight in order to not overwhelm her in the process. You probably haven't had to charge her using the cord yet but you'll notice her eyes will do that when charging as well."
Y/N shook their head, shaking the image of Hinata sitting in a dark room looking limp with wires coming off her body and her eyes as empty as a corpse. In a quick attempt to permanently banish the thought from their brain they looked at Ino and spoke once more. “And what is the tell you put in, Ino? You're being very vague…” Y/N inquired, wary.
Ino handed Y/N a sheet of paper as she spoke, “Her hair will lighten when she’s in a bad mood, and darken when she's in a good mood. The lighter it is the worse her mood is, the darker her hair is the better her mood is. If she's sad, it will have blue in it. And embarrassment will create a pink tinge to the tips of her hair. Both of the last two are because she has no fluids to convey those types of emotions, and with plenty of deliberation between the researchers we determined they’re both essential."
Y/N was not convinced that this whole "tell" thing wasn't a predetermined plan instead of the on the fly programming that Ino was trying to make it look like it was. After all why else would she have a sheet of paper already printed off with a comprehensive guide to the colouring of Hinata's hair?
Realizing that Y/N had caught on, Ino hurriedly got Hinata unhooked so that the pointed look Ino was being given wouldn’t turn into another question, "Okay you are both ready to go, see you in two weeks.
“Y/N can we watch Iron Man again? Pretty please?” Hinata whined.
“No, but only because you were whining again. Remember what we talked about Hinata, we don't whine to get what we want.” Y/N chided as they put on their coat.
Hinata slumped down in the chair, she was disappointed in herself for making Y/N upset at her again. She was really trying to act more sophisticated and not like a toddler but everything was so new to her and she wanted to see it all, but it was just so hard to curb her enthusiasm for life when her wants were sidelined to more important things. But she would have to try harder so that Y/N wouldn’t be upset at her anymore.
“Hinata! Sweetheart, I know you’re sulking out there. Get up and come put your shoes on so that we can go out, my friends are waiting for us at the restaurant and I don’t want to be late,” Y/N called out from in front of the door. Standing up, Hinata smoothed the wrinkles out of her clothes and walked over to where Y/N stood.
“Hello Sakura. How are you?” Y/N stood with Hinata beside them as they greeted the back of a person.
The woman turned to face Y/N as if she was surprised that they had spoken to them, when she locked eyes with Y/N she immediately began to smile. Sakura stood up, her short pink hair bouncing as she pulled Y/N into a hug,“Y/N! There you are, it felt like you were never going to meet up with us again. Sai and I were missing you.” After pulling away she looked at Hinata and spoke again, “Who’s this Y/N?”
Y/N grabbed Hinata’s hand as they spoke, “This is Hinata, she’s my friend and roommate.”
Hinata was pleased by finally being acknowledged by Sakura, she smiled timidly and waved at the girl, the ends of her hair shifting to a rosy pink , “It's nice to meet you Sakura.” Her voice was gentle when she spoke, she really wanted to appear as mature and polite as possible so that Y/N would be even more happy, so she let Sakura tug her down into the seat next to her.
Y/N sat across from her and immediately turned to talk to the person next to them. His voice was deep when he spoke and had a strange way of pronouncing Katlio that led Hinata to believe he must be foreign, and therefore probably the Sai that Sakura mentioned.
Sai had fully black eyes and his arms were covered in slowly morphing tattoos. Hinata was shocked, she didn't know that humans could come out like that, it made her feel very strange, she couldn't quite place the emotion she was feeling when she saw the human.
What she did know was she absolutely hated the way that Y/N was looking at him.
“Examining his tattoos Hinata?” Sakura teased from beside her, “They are really cool I will admit. But still tell us about yourself. Where are you from, how did you meet Y/N, you know all the good stuff.” She tossed her hair as she spoke although it didn't go very far due to its cropped length.
Y/N spun their head to look at Hinata directly in the eyes, they were silently pleading with her to not reveal that she was an android. Hinata didn’t like knowing she had to lie but she understood that she needed to do it to keep Y/N happy. So after sending a reassuring smile to Y/N she turned back to Sakura. Carefully and with practiced grace, as if she was a spider moving across the strands of it’s web to trap a still fluttering butterfly, she began to spin her lie, “Well…it’s not a very exciting story guys. I was born in Canphia but moved away when I was really young. I recently came back to the city and the two of us met through a mutual friend not too long ago and we hit it off. Y/N asked if I wanted to be their roommate after they found out I was looking for a place.” Hinata shrugged nonchalantly after she spoke, Sakura seemed pleased with her answer and thus turned her attention to Sai. Hinata immediately looked over at Y/N with the hope that she did a good job.
Y/N smiled at her in relief and thinking she looked a lot like a puppy reached over and ruffled Hinata’s hair. So far, having Hinata around was going really well for Y/N because even though they still weren’t the best at Canphia’s unique language they got confidence in knowing that they had someone who would always be able to help them out.
When Y/N and Hinata arrived home from the diner, Hinata grabbed Y/N’s hands and stopped them from going inside the apartment. When they looked at her in confusion she giggled nervously, the tips of her hair going light pink for the second time that day, “I saw something in a drama and I want to try it. May I Y/N?” She tilted her head in inquisition and waited for their answer.
“As long as it’s not going to hurt anyone then sure,” Y/N responded.
Hinata smiled at them, went up on her tiptoes and placed a gentle, lingering kiss on Y/N’s forehead, “It’s not because I love you, it’s because I love only you. If it’s not you then I won’t have anyone else.” When she pulled away she was smiling very brightly, she had been wondering why the men in movies always did this sort of thing to people they like, but after doing it herself, she could completely understand why. It felt really nice to show affection like that, so much so that it created a small fluttering deep inside her chest.
After a beat of stunned silence Y/N blinked repeatedly at her as they spoke, “Are you quoting an old romance drama at me? Remind me to no longer watch sappy shows with you.” With a good natured eyeroll that Hinata could tell wasn’t genuine annoyance, Y/N dragged her inside.
Hinata and Y/N had been meeting up with Sai and Sakura every Saturday for months now and although the number of people who attended, the food ordered and the conversations had were always different, the one thing Hinata could expect during these times was to be ignored by the group of humans and only used as a translator by Y/N. She was always kept at an arm's length and unless she forcefully inserted herself into the conversation nobody would seem to notice she was even there, not even her best friend and roommate, the beautiful shining and incredibly social butterfly, Y/N.
They used to do almost everything together. From grocery shopping and cleaning, to going out to the movies Hinata and Y/N were inseparable, no matter what they were doing they would always make it fun. Nothing was done around each other without trying to make the other laugh. Throwing popcorn, random tickle fights and long cuddle sessions on the couch when Y/N had a stressful day. Hinata cherished all of the moments they spent together, but now Hinata was not sure Y/N felt the same.
But then it changed.
Soon Hinata practically had to beg for a simple good morning from Y/N. They had been coming home from school and immediately retreating into their room. They didn’t come out for anything and the light would stay on until very late into the night. Hinata tried everything to get their attention and yet no matter what she did none of it mattered because they never saw it. It was like she didn't even exist to her butterfly anymore.
Afterall what is the spider who must stay grounded on her web to the butterfly with the freedom to explore not only the skies but the world below.
She even had to go to her last biweekly checkup without them, and those days were always spent together no matter how busy Y/N was.
Then just that morning Y/N had asked Hinata to come with them to lunch and she was ecstatic, she dressed up nicely and did her hair just the way Y/N liked it. Soft bangs styled to frame her face, with the rest of her hair cascading down her back, it was perfect for them to run their hands through, but that same hair which was normally a deep purple, nearing black was now a striking platinum blonde.
She was at one point during the walk to the diner, hopeful that her relationship with Y/N would go back to normal and yet here she was still being ignored after months of the same torture over and over again. And any hope of waiting for things to go back to normal was crushed as the new guy, Neji wrapped his arm around Y/N's waist. He had been flirting with Y/N the whole time and what was making it positively intolerable was the fact that Hinata had to keep translating the flirtatious comments to Y/N.
And what made it worse were the reactions Y/N gave. With every laugh and turn of their head to hide their flustered face, or the casual touches that Y/N would reciprocate Neji’s advances with, Hinata felt a sharp pain in her chest. Like a knife being shoved in and twisted. Hinata was starting to resent her creators for giving her the capability to feel. What exactly she was feeling was a mystery to Hinata but she knew that it hurt. It hurt a lot.
After over an hour of being positively miserable Hinata had finally had enough. Abruptly standing up she stormed out of the diner. As she left she accidentally knocked over the chair she was sitting in and the clang of the metal chair hitting the floor caused the conversation at her table to screech to a halt.
Y/N was extremely embarrassed by her behavioural changes and they apologized for Hinata. Excusing themself, they picked up the chair as they left, catching the door before it shut, thus the bell failing to ring again. When they got outside they were greeted with Hinata leaning against a light post while pouting. Normally Y/N would have simply talked to Hinata about her terrible behavior but they had never seen her hair such a stark white before. Sure they'd seen her hair a light brown or even a natural looking blonde but never white, immediately getting concerned and scared, Y/N walked around to the diner's alleyway where they could still see Hinata while not allowing her to see them. Y/N commed Ino on their Holo-Com to make sure she was available for an emergency visit.
Hinata was even more miserable now, she was alone in the middle of the day and she had nothing to do. Now she couldn't even send dirty looks to that Neji guy who kept flirting with her Butterfly. The street was mostly silent save for the passing of vehicles along the road, which was a blessing. At least she had the quiet rhythm of the late afternoon traffic to help calm her down. Brushing her now blue bangs out of her eyes, she started to count the cars passing her on the street. At least that would give her something to think about other than Y/N and that stupid human man flirting with each other.
Behind her the door to the diner opened up, the bell above the door rang and soon the sound of footsteps followed. Whoever it was moved towards where Hinata was standing, watching the movement along the busy street. The footsteps stopped behind her and immediately Hinata knew who was standing there.
“Hey Himiko right? After you left Y/N followed, have you seen them? I just want to see how-” Neji cut himself off as Hinata slowly turned around, something wasn't right with her eyes. They were soulless, empty, and not at all human. Neji staggered back as Hinata began to smile, a smile that didn't reach past her lips.
Hinata walked towards Neji, enjoying how he was trying to pretend he wasn't scared of her. In a split second of panic Neji wound up and punched Hinata in the throat only to be met with something rock hard that hurt him more than it hurt Hinata. But that was all Hinata needed. In the blink of an eye Neji was on the ground, his nose broken and bloody.
Y/N was watching this from around the corner in shock. Hinata with her snow white hair had just sent a man crashing to the ground with blood pouring from his face. She stood over the now unconscious Neji, blood dripping from her knuckles. Y/N was shaking in fear when Ino picked up the com they had sent.
“Come here now,” Ino said before hanging up.
Y/N nodded and walked toward where Hinata was. They stood beside her and offered their shaking hand. “Hinata how about we go for a walk together okay? To clear our heads, maybe we'll go see our friend Ino.” Y/N said tensely. At this point Sakura had seen Neji and was rushing out to go help him thus Y/N felt comfortable leaving him.
Hinata on the other hand was excited, she hadn't seen Ino in a while and her Butterfly wanted to spend time with her again. Clasping their hand in hers, they began to walk toward Baseline Robotics™. Y/N wanted to vomit due to the sticky feeling of Neji's blood on their hand.
“So you're concerned because her hair turned white after you spent over an hour using her as a translator so that a guy could successfully flirt with you? And then she punched the same guy who was flirting with you after already being incredibly annoyed by him. Y/N you realize how ridiculous that is right? Hinata did that because she was jealous and didn’t know better than to lash out physically, especially since from what you said he threw the first punch. That registered to her coding as an immediate threat, so of course she removed the threat by incapacitating him,” Ino said as she sipped her smoothie. With a chuckle she set her drink down and motioned to Hinata who was playing with one of the robotic hands on the table while listening in.
“Y/N we made Hinata specifically so that she could emulate human emotions while still being fully autonomous. You have to remember, she's comparable to a puppy, she has you and that's about it at the moment. She probably feels very protective of you since she doesn't know anyone as well as she knows you, and because of that she is very attached to you. So when you bring her places with you and then ignore her in favour of other people it irritates her. Just like how you'd feel if the person you love was ignoring you constantly. She may have copper wires instead of iron in veins but she is essentially human so treat her that way. Then everything will be fine and you won't face that problem again. Okay?”
Y/N nodded relieved and mildly embarrassed, walking over to Hinata who was listening intently to the conversation. “I-... I think that I owe you an apology Hinata. How I treated you today was unfair, and I swear I won’t allow it to happen again. Come on sweetheart let's go home, we can watch your favourite movie and cuddle, just… let me make it up to you?” Y/N said as Ino's words replayed over and over in their head.
Hinata grinned widely, her hair slowly darkening at the roots, turning her whole head black once more, the bangs however still remained tinted blue, but in the dimmed light of the lab it was near impossible to notice. She dropped the disembodied arm and grabbed for Y/N’s hands and as the pair made their way home one thing in particular about what Ino said stuck out to Y/N. Did Hinata really do that to Neji because she was in with love Y/N? Y/N didn't really believe it, after all why would she, they were friends.
Another lunch over and Hinata was excited to go home so she and Y/N could hopefully watch a movie together. Over the course of the week Hinata had been formulating a plan, a plan that she carefully acted on all throughout that day’s lunch meet up. She was just waiting for Y/N to come out of the washroom so they could leave when Sai and Sakura came over to say goodbye after lunch.
“Hey Hinata before we go, we wanted to remind you to tell Y/N that next week we’re going to eat lunch at the cafe closer to campus. Oh and one more thing... thank you for giving us our Y/N back.” Sai said with an uncharacteristically soft voice before Sakura managed to drag him over to her bike.
Hinata's hair lightened in the blink of an eye at the comment Sai made, she was on the verge of starting to scream at the pair when the familiar voice of Y/N interrupted her, “What did they say about me? I heard my name but couldn’t quite catch anything else” they asked sweetly.
She plastered on a fake smile and shook her head, “You don’t want to know.” She laughed awkwardly and held out a hand for Y/N to take. Y/N frowned and took hold of her hand as they walked back home.
“What. did. they. say. Hinata.”
“They told me that I was ‘too good to be stuck hanging around’ you,” Hinata sighed deeply, really uncomfortable with saying it.
Y/N had been getting more and more suspicious of Hinata with every weekly lunch meetup. It seemed as though every time that Y/N didn’t understand a remark made about them during those times Hinata would frown and look away as if she was in pain. If they pressed her to say what she'd heard she would confess that the people they were with were insulting them. At first they didn't believe it but now they were starting to believe her, since they stopped getting invited group activities with their so called friends.
Y/N was actually getting lonely from the lack of contact they were getting in the brief amount of time they were actually invited to go and meet with friends. But the greatest sting was when not even a week after their exams finished, the people that Y/N thought were friends had ditched them. And the one person they thought they could rely on was being distant.
It was getting harder to fall asleep every night as the hole in their chest just kept eating away at Y/N, telling them that all their worst fears were true. They had cried themself to sleep as many as six times in the past two weeks. The worst part however was just how exhausting the isolation had become.
The clock read 3:45AM and Y/N was just starting to fall asleep when a loud crash was heard from out in the living room. Thinking it was an intruder, Y/N immediately thought of Hinata and how valuable she would be if some devious rival to Baseline Robotics™ had found out about her existence. Leaping out of bed in a panic to protect her, Y/N grabbed a heavy book and slowly crept their way into the kitchen. The noise continued while Y/N made their way to where the sounds were originating from. Once in the kitchen they continued to creep forward into the living room where they flicked the lights on ready to attack the intruder; only to see Hinata now standing over a now completely decimated roomba.
“Hinata? What the hell are you doing to our roomba!” Y/N whisper yelled, Hinata only pouted in response and raised her leg presumably to stomp on it again. With a sigh Y/N put the book down and looked at Hinata in the eyes, they were fed up with life, exhausted, angry and very willing to take it out on her, “I'm going to ask you this one more time. What the fuck. Do. You. Think. You're. Doing?”
Hearing the anger in Y/N's voice Hinata lowered her leg and the colour blue creeped into her hair, “I missed you and I wanted to see you again without having to be around those... humans,” she said softly.
“But what does that have to do with the roomba, which, need I remind you, is nothing but a vacuum?” Y/N whisper-yelled, they were so very confused.
“Because you love it more than you love me,” Hinata screamed. She paused and ran a hand through her deep blue hair in an effort to calm down before she spoke again “Ever since you got it months ago you've been ignoring me, you said when we first met that you wanted to be friends. Now you ignore me unless you want to go see those humans you call friends when all they do is insult you to your face when they know you can't understand them. I hate the fact that despite being used as nothing more than a translator by you, I still can't find it in me to stop loving you… You're my whole world but I know I'm not yours and that scares me. I'm scared that you will leave me all alone…” Hinata hung her head, if she could cry, she would have. She walked off into her sparsely decorated room and shut the door with a heavy sigh.
Y/N was left alone once more and as they stood in the oppressive silence of the living room, they realized just how much they messed things up. Their priorities clearly hadn't been straight in a very long time and instead of being the person Hinata needed, they were selfish and used her. “But even though all that, she still cares for me…” Y/N said in muted shock, a hand rushing to cover their mouth, it was sickening to realize, and Y/N’s stomach lurched at the thought. They attempted to look at the floor but everything blurred as their eyes filled with tears. All those feelings of abandonment, of isolation, of loss and desperation; like a butterfly desperately searching, flying high and low to find a particular flower to feed off of, these past few weeks could have been avoided if they had simply looked to their side where Hinata was waiting for them. Hinata, the shy violet that was consistently rooted in Y/N’s life even when they willingly became blind to her.
Y/N didn't see it before but they truly did love her more than anyone else. And all that it took to come to this realization was facing the potential loss of the only person to still love Y/N even after countless weeks of neglecting both Hinata’s emotional needs, and their own.
With a newfound determination they looked towards where Hinata's room was. The hallway leading to the bedrooms was still dark but despite this Y/N traversed it with the familiarity of their many months with each other, they needed to make right what they nearly completely messed up.
Knocking on Hinata's door Y/N called out to her, “Hinata, sweetheart, I'm sorry. I want to apologize to you, I haven't been treating you very well recently and I'm so sorry for that. I got so excited by the idea that I would end up with more friendships than before and I ended up using you. I realize now that I made a huge mistake. The people who I wanted to impress the most turned their backs on me and instead of spending time with you I became a recluse. Everything I thought I knew about the people I cared about was a lie. And I've been so damn blind to all the signs around me that even though I knew that you loved me, I never even realized that this whole time, I loved you back. Avoiding you even though you were the only person who was ever truly my friend was the biggest mistake I could have ever made. And I did it… I don't expect you to forgive me… I just- ... I just really want you to know that I am so sorry for how I've treated you, I never deserved to have someone as kind as you in my life.”
Y/N's face was hot with shame as tears rolled down their cheeks. Their strength was suddenly missing from their legs and they slid down the wall next to her bedroom door that they had been using as a crutch.
When the door opened Y/N heard soft whimpers that weren't their own, in the doorway stood Hinata looking like she was on the verge of tears. Everything was silent for a moment as the pair just stared at each other. Y/N knew that in that moment if Hinata could cry, she would have been.
“I-I forgive you Y/N. But y-you have to promise me th-that you won't do that to me ever again. I would never leave you all alone, so if you're feeling upset you could always talk to me. Just don't shut me out again okay?” Hinata hiccupped. She knelt down and put her head on Y/N's shoulder and an arm around their side as tears continued to make their way down Y/N's cheeks. “One more thing… I want you to say that I'm yours. Like they do in all the dramas.” she said gently, she wanted to improve the mood somehow and at the moment that seemed to be the best way to do it.
“I will, but only if you're going to do the same,” Y/N murmured as they clung onto Hinata's pyjamas.
Hinata's arms reached around and pulled them into a warm and tender embrace, allowing Y/N to take comfort in finally seeing that they were not alone at all. The duo stayed just like that until Y/N became tired enough that they fell asleep, their hand still bunched up with a fistfull of Hinata’s nightgown.
When the beginnings of the golden light of the sunrise entered their apartment Hinata couldn't help but look down at her sleeping lover. They looked so peaceful, so sweet, so pretty, so delicate, just like a little butterfly; lying there with their head on her lap as they clutched onto the hem of her nightshirt in their sleep. Hinata wanted to live in that moment forever. The warmth of the sun hitting her face made her feel energized and the soft fluttering feeling was back, much stronger now, like the beating of one thousand pairs of wings. This time it filled her up so completely she imagined that she had lots of little birds flying through her chest. As silly as it sounds, to Hinata anything and everything felt possible in that moment.
It was wonderful, although a small dark flicker passed through her mind. She didn't let it affect her pleasant mood though, after all she did spend so much time carefully weaving her little web. It had taken months for her to carefully weed out the people who were taking her Butterfly from her. Hours upon hours of listening to meaningless conversations, waiting for a phrase that could be twisted around to become insulting or demeaning and then relaying that information back to Y/N in her native tongue. And all of it so that they would realize that she was the only person for them. They didn't need anyone else if she was by their side.
It was so adorable that they maintained their naïvety throughout their life, but it was also just as dangerous. If she was able to manipulate Y/N so easily then who else would see that and try and take them away from her. Especially because they fell for every word she told them hook line and sinker without suspecting anything at all.
“Yes it is far safer for them to have only me,” she thought as she stroked Y/N's cheek with her thumb. And yet it still weighed heavily on her mind, afterall she was taught that lying to the people she cared for was very, very bad. She didn't like that she was forced to do such a thing to the person she loved more than anything else, but plenty of relationships where one person lies to the other work in movies. After all love is stronger than everyone and everything that would attempt to get in the way of it. Hinata knew that they would be an example of this now that she finally had Y/N all to herself.
Hinata hummed a soft tune as she picked up Y/N to put them in their bed. They were soon gently slipped under the covers with it, tucked snugly around their body.
Sitting next to them for a moment Hinata lingered a while, they looked positively delectable afterall. Irresistible in fact. So gathering what courage she had and mixing it with that light floaty sense of contentment she felt, Hinata leaned down and with a soft smile kissed Y/N's forehead as they slept. Torn between wanting to surprise them when they woke up and staying to watch them as they slept; eventually after much deliberation the android stood up to go make them breakfast.
Savouring the moment for a little longer she pet Y/N's cheek fondly, as she thought aloud, “Ino was right, we aren't so different at all. In fact we are perfect together. Copper and iron.”
#hinata hyuga#hinata hyuuga x reader#yandere naruto#yandere hinata hyuga#yandere naruto x reader#neji gets f*cking decked#yandere x reader#naruto reader insert#ino yamanaka#naruto au#gn!mc#gn!reader#gn! mc x hinata
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Something is in the works
Its a little different than the last few things I've posted, but ... i'm sure it is something you all might enjoy. 😈💕
Check under the cut for a hint

#wip intro#upcoming fic#admin speaks#this fic is a lil old but it still slaps with the updates#hints for what's next
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He’s just baby
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Fun FMA manga fact:
This isn’t mentioned in Brotherhood, but the reason Roy and Riza came to Resembool scouting out the Elrics is because someone fucked up the ages on Ed and Al’s file.
Literally Roy and Riza are riding in the back of some horse-drawn carriage into Resembool chatting with the driver like “yes we’ve heard rumors of two alchemist brothers here, Ed and Al Elric ages 31 and 30 respectively. Do you know where they live?” And the driver pretty much answers with “lol what? Those kids are like 10.”
Except now Roy and Riza are already THERE so they decide “Fuck it. Let’s pay a visit anyway.”
So everything that went down in the series is thanks to some mysterious fuck up in the Amestrian Intelligence Department and I salute that person.
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Dating Headcanons for Aomine and Kagami
In honour of my dear friend Jackie @todorokibois finishing her rewatch of Kuroko no Basket, and the accompanying Ace Brainrot she has as a result, I have made this. Is it stupid long? Yes. Did I have fun making it? Yep! Am I going to have her screaming at me tomorrow? Absolutely! Anyway! Enjoy this monster of a headcanon folks!
Aomine Daiki x gn!reader x Kagami Taiga
Wordcount: 2,540
Kinda an awkward fellow at first
He has the emotional awareness of a brick wall so he's not exactly the most in tune with his or others feelings
It would take quite a bit for him to even realize he has feelings for you
Oh man but once he does?
All those feelings he was denying or ignoring hit him hard and all at once
As if Daiki got hit by a bus (a bus made of feelings)
Once he has acknowledged that he likes you
Well, then he gets a little more awkward
Because he has no real clue what he is doing
He has asked Momoi about what he should do, considering she's the more emotionally aware one of the pair
But her suggestions largely consist of classic and almost stereotypical wooing gestures
So with her generic advice in mind
He will buy you flowers and ask you if you would meet him for coffee at "that one place you say you like"
(Like he totally doesn't remember the exact name, location and your regular order after you mentioned it a couple times)
Once you'd get there he would have your drink already ordered, with a nice snack for you there too
And as you sit down to chat and eat, he would hand you a nice bouquet of your favourite flowers
And ask you if you would like to go on a date with him sometime
If you don’t want to see a flustered Daiki, don't mention how this meetup for coffee could be a date.
He will have steam coming out of his ears, because he will internally malfunction.
Daiki will actually be genuinely suave once he figures out he doesn't need to be so performative all the time
You like him for him, not because he acts like a character from a shojo
Honestly there's nothing he enjoys more in this relationship then getting to see you smile
Listens to you so well, he is always attuned to you.
He will play every gift he gives you off as if he didn't remember you talk about how much you loved that piece jewellery because it reminded you of something a character wore in a few episodes of your favourite childhood cartoon one time 2 months ago
And he definitely didn't pick up extra jobs in order to get the cash to pay for it
No way, it was completely a coincidence.
As you may have guessed, the ever blunt and arrogant Aomine Daiki's love language is gift giving
He just wants to see you smile
And if making or buying you a little trinket just because it reminded him of you will do that then so be it
Daiki would honestly pay any amount of money or spend any amount of time if it meant he could make sure you felt loved
Dates are often spent with the two of you just chilling around the house
Netflix and take out on the couch while you wear your PJs? His favourite way to spend a Friday off
Dates where he tries to make you dinner from scratch? Yes please, he wants to impress you through your taste buds. (Which doesn't always work the way he wants)
But he does love to take you out for lunch or dinner
He will offer to pay for everything anytime you go out
Speaking of paying even if you insist on going Dutch
He is absolutely going to attempt to pay before you can even get your wallet out
It honestly becomes a game for you two to see who can pay for dinner first.
The only time he actually lets you pay on a date if say you're going to be driving some distance for a special date
Then he's chill if you pay for the snacks while he pumps gas on your way to that festival in the next city over you both wanted to attend.
He tries so hard to be a gentleman around you
You make him more humble, and he wants to be the best version of himself possible for you. Because you make him want to put in the effort to better himself.
But all that goes out the window the moment you attend one if his games
Then his usual attitude gets even worse, he becomes an actual monster when he plays on the days you watch
The pride he feels when winks at you as he scores the final basket of the games.
Its subtle but its his way of saying "See that babe? That was for you"
This man also lives for post games smooches
His team hates it (they're jealous because you two are so damn cute)
But he will always press his forehead to yours, and ask breathlessly if he can kiss you
Once you say yes, he leans in slow and with a ghost of an I love you resting on his tongue shows you just how he feels
His hands steady on your waist, holding you close as his lips press against yours and takes your breath away. The way you some how always manage to take his away every time he looks at you
When he pulls away for a breath, your noses touching, your lips still millimeters apart, he will tell you that he loves you
All in all, he may not know exactly what he's doing, but man is Aomine Daiki in deep. He wants nothing more than to be the light in your life that you've become for him. Please take care of this Ace's heart, he's trying his best for you.
Taiga is genuinely intense when he likes you
To the point where the moment he knows he likes you, you know too
Now to other people they may think its embarrassing, but he honestly doesn't care
Once Taiga's sure of his feelings for you the man could care less if other people knew
Because why should he hide away how he feels for the sake of other people
Arm wrapped around your shoulder as you walk beside him
Always offering to help you out even if it makes him go far out of his way
Actually telling you straight to your face that he's doing all these things because he has feelings for you and wants you to reciprocate them
Taiga really can be a tactless dumbass sometimes but, hey at least its cute how he's trying to woo you
He wouldn't immediately ask you out though
No he saves that for when he's sure you reciprocate those feelings
Because let's face it, if Taiga likes you, you're most likely already his friend
So when he attempts to pursue you romantically, it is literally everything you could want
He'd honestly know just how to not only fulfill the things he knows you want and even daydreamer about having in a partner while still making it genuine to who he is as a person
Now his love language is absolutely Quality time
So when you two are hanging out together, you have his undivided attention
Taiga honestly would schedule time in his training regiment's schedule when he's preparing for tournaments
Even if its just a 30 minute phone call
He sticks to it
And when you do start dating, he ensures that you go out on a date once every two weeks, minimum
Stay in dates are accepted and appreciated
In fact it was on one of those stay in dates where he asked you to be his significant other
He also texts you quite a bit
Even if its just to say "I know you're busy but make sure you remember to stay hydrated"
Or to send you a cute picture of #2
When you do go out, its usually to do some fun or spontaneous event
A pottery class? Sure why not
Rock climbing at a gym? Let's try it out, maybe you'll even catch each other falling so you can make a corny ass joke
A Tango class? Why not! It could even help with his footwork in basketball
Taiga just wants to spend time with you so he s down to try anything you want at least once
So as long as you're excited for it he'd be happy to accompany you
Even if its just to go get groceries.
He's not terribly jealous by himself, but sometimes if you're out on a date and he's feeling like he hasn't seen you enough in recent weeks
He might steal your attention back from whomever you were speaking with.
Will take you to professional level basketball games
Heck one time you two went to see the Harlem Globetrotters and it was one of the best nights of his life
The both of you were amazed by the tricks and laughing along with the jokes.
You both even got a signed ball after one of trick shots ricocheted off the rim of the basket hit him on the head.
You two have a custody agreement for that ball by the way
But hey that was the risk of sitting court side, and at least it was a great memory
By the time you two left the gym, your cheeks hurt from smiling so widely
And as you two discussed the event as you walked back to his car, the streetlights hitting your face just right
In that moment he realized that he was absolutely and intensely in love with you.
It was honestly really sweet. But did he tell you how he was feeling? N o p e
But speaking of basketball
You are invited to every single one of his games
He wouldn't be mad if you couldn't come to every one, but he hopes that you would come support him at his big tournament games
On the days you go, he plays about 1000 times better
Riko loves those days because he listens to her and the Hyuga when they propose strategies without complaint
She especially likes it because he never loses when you show up
Yes she does ask you to go to every game and practice Seirin has.
And after every game, he takes you out for dinner. Even if its just at a 24 hour fast food joint. You two share a meal after each and every game you attend
He honestly looks forward to those times more than the actual games sometimes
Taiga isn't the type for extreme PDA but you bet your ass he loves to kiss you
No matter where you are, if you’re out together, he's giving you kisses
His hands resting on your cheeks, delicately stroking your skin with his thumbs
As he tenderly presses his lips to yours, passion and adoration oozing from his kiss
Because even though he has a hard time saying how much he loves you
The emotions he can't quite find the right words to say all come through with every press of his lips against your skin
All in all, dating Taiga would be fantastic, he's caring, considerate and always confident in both you and the relationship.
Now let's start off by saying Taiga becomes so much more jealous when he realizes Daiki is also pursuing you
The pair immediately turn it into a competition
If one of them buys you lunch, the next day the other is taking you for an expensive dinner
Taiga asking you to go to one of his games again? Sorry Daiki already asked you to go to his on that day
Daiki asking if you wanted to watch a movie at his place? Nope! Taiga bought & gifted you tickets for the concert your favourite band was putting on and had asked you to go with him months ago
Lord help you if they're playing against each other
Both will show off to the point its detrimental to their teams
You thought they were intense before? HAH! The tension between them is almost crushingly heavy now
(There's a reason for that) They bet that whoever won would be the only one to take you out for a month and the other person can't even ask.
Yes that bet is dumb
Yes their coaches kicked their asses for how they're behaving
After that they realize that maybe they shouldn't fight over you like you were a prize to be won
Because they both notice how much seeing each other fight like that hurts not just their relationships with you
But how it hurts, you in general
So with heavy and begrudging hearts they set their romantic rivalry aside
And come to you hearts in their hands and ask you if you'd give them both a chance
Because they recognize that at this point, if you haven't picked one of them
You probably aren't going to choose just one of them
And they would be damned if you chose to just walk away because of how they were acting
So after some explanations of their jealousy towards the other boy on their parts
And you willing to forgive their weirdness
You are now the happy owner of not one puppy of an Ace as a boyfriend.
But two doting Ace boyfriends!
Their individual relationships with you are mostly the same as above
But there are a few throuple dates, where you all go do something together
Heck sometimes the boys will do something without you and have little boys dates
By god can they be protective of you
Creepy old man staring at you? Taiga and Daiki are already glaring at him like nobody's business
Getting hit on and are uncomfortable? Daiki is dragging the person outside to beat the shit out of them while Taiga makes sure you're okay and feeling safe
They actually make a great team in terms of the relationship. Working in tandem to make sure you're happy, healthy, safe and feeling loved
The cuddle piles you find yourself in, are exquisite
Your back smooshed against Taiga's chest and Daiki's head resting on the top of your head while he holds you tightly
Who needs a blanket anymore? Certainly not you my dear, you have two very hot Aces to keep you warm now!
And you bet your ass those two will eventually end up kissing each other
Because well their competitive spirit towards each other never truly went away
Now their competitions look more like "who can kiss our significant other more"
(BTW the score for that one is Daiki III Taiga II, because Taiga fell asleep 3 hours before you and Daiki did the last time they played that game. Taiga still hasn't forgiven his brain for that)
The boys eventually come to terms with the fact that they think the other is hot, and sometimes (ie. Most times) they want to kiss.
They will absolutely deny it if asked by anyone but you. Because they don't mind you seeing them smooch, because then you may join them in the makeout session.
They may say they're as straight as an arrow, but every arrow has some flexibility to it under the right circumstances.
All in all its actually a really healthy poly relationship, once they get their heads out of their own butts that is
#aomine daiki#aomine x reader#aomine x kagami#kagami taiga#kagami x reader#knb#knb headcanons#kuroko no basket#mutuals#attacking my mutuals
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Jackie really does have a type (it's Flamey Boys, her type is Flamey boys)
#mutuals#roy mustang#zuko#dabi bnha#sasuke uchiha#itachi uchiha#shoto todoroki#yes this is a call out post#touya todoroki
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a couple of fancy dress boys for halloween (ft. noya embracing his role) 🧛♂️🌕
#ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh#GOD DAMN THEY"RE HOT#idk if i want to take the place of Noya or Asahi more
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