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Light Your Essence
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rita924 · 4 years ago
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“Whatever we face, may our bodies of water cleanse our fear with the courage to stand in our faith and truth, declaring our independence as stewards of earth” ~Rita Hallak 🙏🏻🌊✨🕊
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rita924 · 5 years ago
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True Connection 
Have you ever felt an instant connection that takes your breath away? Have you ever taken a road trip with someone and had a long silent moment that felt like music to your ears? Do you have someone who unsolicitedly completes the sentences for you? That “true connection” is not someone you spend time with out of convenience or who would require you to wait on their time because ‘time’ doesn’t seem to exist when you are together. . A true connection is being content while looking within yourself because you know that person will still love you and always be at your side. That person becomes the yin to your yang rapturing your thoughts throughout the day, a warm fleece blanket covering you up on a cold winter day, a hot soothing tea that heals your soul and gives you a warm fuzzy feeling that everything will be ok. That person inhales and exhales the air that gives you life, and feeds you unconditional love it was born to give and receive. A true connection naturally ‘lights your essence’ without the need for outside assurance to your conversations that deepens effortlessly to an unforced, unwavering level making you wonder how you even got here and crave for more. A true connection reveals itself with unspoken words–like those long silent moments of stillness to create a deeper connection. That true connection is being in relation with your divine soul through the thoughts that shed light into your entire being. That connection is like taking a penicillin to activate your truth. A truth that’s been there awaiting for you to acknowledge it. That connection is your best friend since birth, and that true connection has always been you. There is no human more capable of taking on the responsibility better than yourself. No candidate can fill your shoes any better than you can. It has been yearning to become integrated into your identity. Acknowledge it…feel it…birth it and unapologetically, become it. #selflove . Love and light, Rita
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rita924 · 5 years ago
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Through my awakening, I have realized that age doesn’t define you. Rather, it is our soul that holds the ultimate essence of who we are. Hence, age is insignificant to ones overall being.
When we are connected to our higher-self, we are listening to our inner voices and can feel our soul to allow us to release all filters and false perceptions caused by our conditioning and right then and there, we feel our truth and the essence of our being.
How beautiful that is and empowering when put into normal practice.
I’ve spoken to women who have shared their wishes to feel young again, but due to their careers, children, marriage, culture and social restraint, they feel that they cannot connect to their “inner child” that we all innately have the freedom to do.
What I say is this:
There was never the perfect script written and there was never a conditioning contract for having a careeer, becoming a wife, husband, a mother and/or a father. Our priorities will certainly change with some adjustments to old routines in exchange with new ones, but our inner soul should never be compromised.
We create our own reality for ourselves first, than our spouse and children. The people who love us for our true self, will deserve and appreciate that inner child—that young soul yearning to be released.
When we can release the concern of how we are being perceived, it is then, when we finally give our inner child the permission to come out and play again with a refined kindred spirit full of joy around everything we do for ourselves and our loved ones.
Love & Light
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rita924 · 5 years ago
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By: Rita Hallak
It has taken me many years and I’m still evolving to realize how much truth this post holds. With the belief that you ultimately have control to your reality, you will begin to take ownership of what you allow into your thoughts and how every experience you encounter can be steered in the direction of your choice.
Once you can wrap your mind around the power within you, you will watch and feel things shift right before your eyes.
More often today, than my past, have I noticed seconds following my insecurities, the energies and reactions of others around me that shifts into an awkward and uncomfortable feeling and they very possibly can energetically know that I’m not in my true self.
I’ve seen the difference in a matter of seconds after I realize the shift in my mood or feelings, and once I am conscious of this occurring, I rewire my thoughts immediately and I’ve seen how that energetically shifts everything in my surrounding. I know this sounds like magic and trust me, I used to hold back from sharing this, but it’s a skill that every single person is born with—you just need to access it with good intentions, for healing and ultimately, for the betterment of oneself.
Start by seeing the patterns of your day-to-day thoughts and look around you. Notice who and what you are attracting into your life. Look within you and begin by owning your reality and you will proclaim the right to feel only the way you choose to feel without the need of affirmation, acceptance or approval of others around you.
Love & Light 💙✨
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rita924 · 6 years ago
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I woke up this morning feeling something miraculous and felt this calling to share this wonderful experience.
🔹I hope sharing this can give those of you who might be going through some tough times and/or experiencing self doubt, to just believe it is for your greater good that you are having to endure something so challenging or beyond your capacity, and to never stop believing in yourself.
🔹This morning, I felt the energy and presence of almighty GOD in my heart. Immediately, it gave me this uplifting JOY and happiness while chills were running throughout my body, and a burst of emotional happy tears began pouring down my face. I immediately knew my lord and savior, Jesus Christ was present.
🔹Remember, GOD is in you, around you, and always will be especially during your struggles.
🔹GOD has put many obstacles and challenges before you for a greater purpose than you may be able to see or understand right now. It is because of those defeat, misfortune, set-backs, personal health challenges, family feuds, or any crisis in your life that you have had to face in order for you to increase your resilience and bounce back, and to increase your faith. It is your choice to see the light in every matter, and if you focus on the dark, the dark is all you’ll see.
My Message to all of you is this:
🔹 Believe that the hardships and struggles are part of what is required of you to see, to learn, to grow, to shed more light inside of you. The good and the bad will always be present, and you must make the right discernment with the willingness to receive your answers good or bad. Those answers are available within your higher-self.
First, begin by taking ownership of everything that is happening around you and ask yourself the following:
“What is this experience trying to teach me...why am I attracting this...how am I to grow and evolve into the betterment of my well-being from this experience right now?”
🔹No matter what your situation is whether you believe you are right or have been wronged, or that you are a victim...at the end of all said and done, it is your responsibility for how it makes you feel.
🔹Begin creating your own space, your own meaning, your own ‘why’. When you begin to view your experiences as something happening more ‘for you’ rather than ‘to you,’ you will take your power back with full responsibility for your life and direct it into a lesson that you are being taught for your greater good. As soon as you can grasp this, your life will feel more content with pure divine love and readiness to take on anything the universe throws at you.
🔹Once you create a new meaning to your life taking all the experiences you’ve endured, reprocess your old thoughts into new ones, you’ll feel exhilarated and freed from the suppression of happiness and joy that GOD wants each and everyone of you to have.
🔹We are all here to learn everything we can in this life time. If you fail once, the fact that you are even trying is progress and it is your choice to persist and never give up —to invest in yourself!
🔹Lastly, if you want love, you got to give yourself love first. If you want forgiveness, forgive yourself first. If you want others to care, show them that you care first. If you want to be accepted, give yourself grace and accept yourself first.
Love and Light 💙✨
Rita 🦋
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rita924 · 6 years ago
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As a young girl, I experienced constant bullying that has caused major distress in my life altering my self perception while believing something was not ok with me. I was the target of a peer’s inner-wounds resulting with my own insecurities, self-doubt, and bouts of depression. The question “why me” surfaced so often that eventually I felt shamed growing up. I kept my feelings hidden from my own family who had no idea what I was experiencing in school. As a coping mechanism, I built a strong wall around my heart refusing to allow anyone to hurt it, or in it. This mechanism also had a negative impact on my personal development. The bullying continued for many years and somehow, I became a pro at hiding my own vulnerabilities while resisting anyone who would dare to harm me. I chose to write about this because of a recent experience that reminded me of the bullying I experienced as a kid in grade school. I noticed that my reaction now, compare to then, was remarkably different. Here is why: When you work on your self-love and accept your imperfection as well as your perfection, you gain this inner strength that helps you become content with who you are, and your truth. You will gain self trust and this strong belief about yourself will become your powerful weapon that no words will impact you. This weapon will prevent you from becoming reactive in the heat of the moment that could easily escalate. You will gain an understanding that a person’s cruel words can have severe and even detrimental consequences, only if you allow it. Don’t give others that control over yours. Don’t give them that space. When others attempt to hurt you, remind yourself that this behavior is a sign of their own inner weakness coming out in such a way that they only know how to release it—that it has absolutely nothing to do with your truth. They very well could be a struggling victim of their own unprocessed trauma. Sometimes, they may not even realize it. I hope my message will give hope and strength to those who have dealt with similar situations. If you have been antagonized, bullied, or ostracized by peers, friends or family, you are strong and able to overcome it. Talk to someone and avoid feeding into the attacker’s negative energy. Remember, any negative criticism is only noise. When you work on your inner self-love, the only sound that will effect you, the only voice that counts, is yours. Love and Light, Rita
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rita924 · 6 years ago
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Inspire By: Rita Hallak In life we all have choices; you either do the self-discovery to realize your greater purpose, or you just live your life in content without impacting or leaving footprints behind. Inspiring can be rewarding when you’re doing it for the greater good. We can all be inspirational in our own ways that begins by making a shift in your mindset about your life, your future goals, and what happiness means to you. You cannot inspire until you are completely accepting of everything you are, and are not. Emotional Intelligence (EI) is an important aspect to grasp and have in order to inspire others. It gives you the ability to interpret your emotions and in doing so, you will be able to practice the 4 elements: self-awareness, social-awareness, self-management and relationship management. Begin by questioning yourself with the following: 1. Which choice have you made? 2. Do you have the Emotional Intelligence (EI) intact? 3. What has inspired you in your life to pay it forward and inspire others to do the same? I love yoga and meditation that has allowed me to focus and concentrate on my inner-voice and create positive thoughts while setting up my goals for the day. Reading self help books, routine exercise, and writing are my habitats. I also love listening to Abraham Hicks podcast in the morning that gets me pumped up for a positive day. How does everyone else get their daily inspiration? Please share your routine that gets you inspired. 
. Love and Light, Rita
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rita924 · 6 years ago
The Hearts of Women
By: Rita Hallak. .
Strong courageous women are not just born that way, they develop over their life experiences. They face any challenging obstacles with only one option, to face it like a warrior.
Through their god given strength, courage and determination to persevere, women have challenged a broken system and proven to overcome limited beliefs.
These women live on to share their stories and inspire others to do the same. They are uplifting and encouraging to ALL women whether they are or are not in the same circle of friends.
These women are non-judgmental, non-biased, non-hypocritical and question what they hear rather than to fall for everything they are told. They know how to put themselves in the shoes of another woman and feel. Every single woman has the ability to empathically feel and connect through their hearts.
They are daughters, sisters, mothers, aunts, grandmas, bosses and they are someone’s hero.
Every women is an extraordinary human created to genuinely lift and praise other women. We were never created to beat each other down but rather, lift up each other’s spirits, and help believe that we can ‘do’ as well as ‘be’ whatever our hearts desire because we have that freedom to do so.
It has been proven through our capabilities to mentally and emotionally face our social, political, economical, and cultural differences with strength, dignity, and pride while standing strong and united.
Mad love and respect to all the women who have always questioned the system and stood for what they believed in without fear of opposition. These women have chosen to never quit pushing their limits beyond a man-made broken system and who refuse to conform.
YOU ALL ARE MY HERO and I commend you for representing women and unity. Happy Women’s Day.
Love and Light,
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rita924 · 6 years ago
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IF I CAN TALK TO MY OLD SELF, I WOULD TELL HER… By: Rita Hallak Rita, each hardship, heartbreak, pain, humility, sorrow as well as the greatest joy you will face, will shape you into the best person you have yet to become. In time, you will meet that person. Oh, but beware! You’re going to have some tough painful times ahead of you that will ultimately serve you. You’re going to think about quitting. You’re going to trust the wrong people. You’re going to think that the world is against you. You’re going to create self-doubt. You’re going to start believing nothing can or will ever work out. You’re going to meet some jealous snakes, mean people, short-lived friendships, bad relationships, naysayers, haters, and bullshitters too. Every negative experience you encounter will become your source of energy, and that said energy will fight off the dark getting you closer to the light and your greatest purpose of all. You’ll realize those sources will be the most important part of finding your true self and thank them. You, my precious darling are a blazing soul meant to survive in this world. Believe me when I say that every experience will never make you bitter, but all the better. Oh beautiful soul, you will survive what you presumed would have at one time shattered you and killed you. Reflect on those unforgettable sources and thank them for serving their purpose…for serving you. There may be some who will frown on you, those aren’t your people. There will be the envious and the admirers who will wish they had your courage to stand alone in this tough world but choose not to stand with you out of fear of oppositional forces who will underestimate your capabilities and your worth. You are that powerful force of energy, a system buster here to break down what doesn’t work. You’re here to inspire the people that vibrate towards you and enlighten others who don’t know how to get closer to the light. Raise your head up high and straighten your crown…the crown you were born to wear. Allow your spirit to shine through you, you are the gift to this world and your inner glow will always survive, you are the unstoppable soul.
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rita924 · 6 years ago
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CURIOSITY By: Rita Hallak Inside of a little girl, deeply rooted, lived an old soul that piqued her curios mind to the questions “what” and “why.” Her curious mind to the “what” and “why” became an eagerness to know: “why me…why is this happening….what is this and what does this all mean?” Her inquiry about time, space and purpose of existence began when she was 9 years old; seeking to understand what only she could see, became her fuel to her curiosity. It kept her asking and her mind never stopped learning while living and growing inside what she perceived to be a constraining cage. She was internally screaming and seeking for someone to hear her and to understand her pain, but the shame to speak up suppressed her voice and left her unheard. Despite the obstacles, her vision remained clear. She may have had limited beliefs with inflicted boundaries and constraint, but her curiosity about time, space and purpose gave her the courage to break free out of a man-made cage. She freed her self out of a restrictive belief while enlightening others to see what she sees. As she increasingly became aware of her purpose of existence, she mentally aged quicker than her peers. Playing with friends and dolls became insignificant as her curiosity heightened into remembering herself and her purpose became a mission. Years following her self-realization, she spent time with nature embracing the energy of the sun while laying there for hours and days looking up to her sources and connecting to something without a name. Suddenly, she knew her life wasn’t going to be the same. It was then, when she felt an obligation to break out of her cage and fulfill her purpose, a purpose that required greater strength for resistance, greater strength to overcome shame, and greater strength to persevere every opposition she would face without killing her spirit or betraying her soul. As she grew into a young lady, she realized that her painful experiences were a necessity to prepare her for the “what” and “why.” When she knew the answer to her lifetime questions, she broke free to spread her wings and fly. She flew into her god given time, space and purpose. It was then, as the shame, pain and guilt no longer existed, did she begin to live authentically revealing her divine soul to the entire world.
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rita924 · 6 years ago
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STUFF By: Rita Hallak 
The 3 social classes are lower, middle and upper, which one are you? Before answering, know what defines one and let’s be real. Class is an aura of confidence that is being sure without being cocky…it has nothing to do with the amount of money you make, the clothes you wear, the cars you drive, where you live, how successful you are or where you received your education. It is self-discipline and self-knowledge and inner peace. It is very simple yet, difficult for many to understand. This photo resonated with me that I felt compelled to further express my state of mind. Hopefully, many of you could relate to how I feel and it will resonate with you too. Particularly, those of you who are superficial and have made condescending comments towards different social class or any actions that have demonstrated a force of hierarchy in a direct or indirect way. We’ve all done it or heard someone compare themselves to others while making judgment and claiming to be better or “classier.” Who are we to compare ourselves? Who are we to say otherwise? We’ve all committed or witnessed the flaunting of materialistic “stuff” through social media. This only continues to shape our society into what has become the norm. All while it gives a negative connotation for the young generation and affects them in a way that will ultimately convince them to need “stuff” in order to find their identity. Hence, it substantiates their social class, or at least what they hope to be perceived as–because that’s what everyone else is doing. . While using social media today, could self-gratification be a motivating drive? Since the internet technology hit every home in America, almost everyone has a Facebook, Instagram or Twitter account and new social arenas are created each year. Many people today, are living vicariously through other people’s lives who post what they’re doing practically every hour of the day. Don’t get me wrong, I love pictures of outings, trips, friends, babies and families. Where I draw the line, is when someone is “bragging” about their materialistic “stuff” by posting it all over Facebook or Instagram. Why do people feel the urge to post a picture of a Channel bag they received as a gift, their new car, or talk about the gift they received? Has social media taken over our reality? Through social media, are we seeking validation to a certain class status we want to be perceived as? Is it an act of self-affirmation that makes them feel good? If so, that is unfortunate. In my opinion, that person is lacking attention elsewhere and this includes self-confidence while feeling the need to repeatedly display what he/she owns in hopes of receiving many “likes” and comments from friends in which makes one feel good about themselves and their social status. . When posting your homes, furniture, cars, clothes, jewelry or any materialistic “stuff,” ask yourself the following: What is your purpose in life? To who and what are you proving yourself to be? Are you living for the viewers or yourself? Seek the purpose of your life that holds a deeper meaning and goes beyond the surface of the aforementioned. If it is for yourself, let your actions prove this to be true through modesty. . There are more purposes to our lives than validating our status through social media today. Why should anyone care about other people’s “Stuff?” It’s like watching TMZ, a gossip program about movie stars. They talk about what the stars are wearing, driving, who they are dating and where they’re spending their holidays. Even down to what restaurant they were spotted at. Who really cares about that “stuff?” I’ll tell you who does. It is those of you who have a void in your life and cannot stay focused on what should matter most—health and happiness within your means. Let’s be grateful for what we can have and clear our minds from comparing and showing off our status or a “projected” status that only achieves deception. Each one of us have either acted on or witnessed someone performing as such. The photo about the rich and poor visually confirms my message I am conveying to you. Thus, after all your “stuff,” it won’t even matter anymore when we will be resting in the same zip code…6 feet under (no pun intended). . I am not here to sound like a hypocrite. I will be the first to say that I too, have fallen into the spell of our social media and flaunted some of my own “stuff.” Let’s be honest by admitting that we have all done this at one point of our lives—we can’t change if we cannot admit. I hope this will inspire you to reevaluate yourself and help change your way of being. My goal is to start a conversation about looking at everyone equally for which they are inside, and not by their class. If we could get rid of our pride and open up our hearts, we then can revision the true meaning of life and live by the act of humility. I SAY THIS: Don’t forget where you, your parents and ancestors came from. Somewhere along your bloodline was a family member who had experienced poverty at one point. For this reason, you should refrain from judging others or comparing yourself. Be humble and maybe the hatred, envy and jealousy will diminish as well as improve our next generation to come. . Questions to ask yourself: What defines you? What gravitates others to be around you? If you lost all your wealth (social status) tomorrow, are you confident that your friends would view you the same way, continue to respect and be around you? If you lost everything, would you feel comfortable with yourself when or if the time comes to take off your mask? When you are gone, how would you like to be remembered? These questions are to help you look beyond the surface and find the deeper meaning to your life. To look beyond the “things” that should never hold value or define you. To put less emphasis on materialistic objects and more into your authentic self. Be the person who leaves a footprint behind. If you want to help change the status quo in our society today, look at yourself and start there. I leave you with the analogy of Life is Like a Coffee. “By concentrating only on the cup, we fail to enjoy the coffee…the happiest people don’t have the best of everything…they just make the best of everything!” . Our life is the coffee; our jobs, money, position in society and all of our stuff is the cup. It’s not about the cup so much as the quality of the coffee in it. At the end when were 6 ft under, there won’t be any difference, so start now.  . Love and Light,  Rita
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