reka-sz · 1 year
Newest Blog
Silk and Cake New Blog about design, experience, lifestyle is out
Since I published my article about my blogs, I have a ‘Newest Blog’, which I created around a week ago: 11th April 2023. So I finished Human Behaviour & Psychology Blog and started a new one since I always wanted to write about design, lifestyle, health and wellness, experiences, entertainment, travel and fashion, business and technology, so I felt I might be old enough xD to create the…
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reka-sz · 1 year
The journey continues with new blogs
The journey continues with new blogs
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reka-sz · 1 year
The Journey Begins
Thanks for joining me! Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter. — Izaak Walton Update: This journey started at 6th September 2018, and it is still going at 1st April 2023. Thanks to this journey several of my articles went viral on Quora, created a community: Human Behaviour and Psychology Community. The Human Behaviour and Psychology Blog and The Greenfrastructures Blog. I have…
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reka-sz · 2 years
If I fail I rebuild it by learning from experiences…and creating new roads to succeed!
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reka-sz · 2 years
Life is a journey
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reka-sz · 3 years
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reka-sz · 3 years
Finding out
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reka-sz · 3 years
Where is the organising principle?
Just wondering really. Feels like the world is in chaos. Probably it was in chaos always, but now it hits harder, or just me? Like really where is logic? Where is logic • if Afghanistan war ends like this? • if it is more important how many people died in Covid than what is going on in the world’s economy? • if no one tell anything about the US-China trade war? • if no one tell anything…
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reka-sz · 3 years
Be equally in your relationships
Well Well Well… Life is interesting, but after a while you realize you need to let people to come and go people in your life. Not everyone should be in it forever. You do not need the people in it or the friends who not give you anything back or add on to your growth. When you are the one who continuously give and give and give and others just take and take and take after a while you fed up or…
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reka-sz · 3 years
How to not to be scared from the future?
Gain experience, learn from it, it will give you CONFIDENCE, you need confidence in your abilities, that whatever come you will solve it. Do you know what helps in that? Failure, if you get rejections after rejections you need to be (extremely) creative to find out how not to get rejected, meanwhile the process you will learn how to be confident you will solve a problem whatever problem will…
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reka-sz · 3 years
How to find solution instead of problems?
Thinking on as if you were on a journey. Seperate problem from solution thoughts are keys in the formula. Problems invite more problems. Solutions invites more solutions. The key to focus on solutions is to focus on what are you thinking if you think life is easy then life will be easier and you will see more opportunities and will be happier. Another important thing if opportunity knock on…
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reka-sz · 3 years
Meaningless relationships and boredom
Meaningless relationships and boredom
According Arthur Schopenhauer “The two enemies of human happiness are pain and boredom.” Well what can a man or woman do if he/she as a person can successfully avoid pain, but can not able to avoid boredom? What makes a person bored? – feeling lazy, or tired, – unmotivated to do things in life, – feeling that you can not able to do whatever you want to do in your life, or – no idea what…
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reka-sz · 4 years
From Focus to Opportunities
Shall we start with focus? Focus is a very interesting animal species. If you do not really know, you will not understand. It has stages like states what are the must have to understand how it works. First of all you need to know yourself to know who are you? What do you want to do? Do you know what do you want to do in the next few weeks or months and years? If you have no idea yet then yes…
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reka-sz · 4 years
Decisions, Decisions, Decisions
How many times we decide that we want to change our life? Several times. (Some every New Years Eve.) How many times we have failed? Several times. If the number we want to change our life and the number we fail not equal at least we are successful in some of are try. Life is awesome, but hard in the same time. Deciding how you want to live and implementing into reality is not happening from…
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reka-sz · 4 years
Idle mind is the devils workshop
Idle mind is the devils workshop
Needed to understand this proverb, through my hands-on experiences. When you are just thinking and thinking and thinking and not doing anything constructive only thinking, mind can play you out, that something is bad, or something is not ok with you. You are thinking about your past, your future, but never on your present or current situation. Your whole life pass next to you, just because you…
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reka-sz · 4 years
What is the problem with success? That it is not an as-is, but a to-be future state of mind.
Is ‘success’ the same as happiness? Are we content, satisfied, feel good about ourselves at all, when we are talking about ‘success’? Does ‘success’ makes our life easier or better? How chasing ‘success’ can help you in your life or how can it prevent you to be happy? Do you want to always live in the future wait for big things to happen or can you accept to live in the present moment? What…
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reka-sz · 4 years
What can I do to become a better analytical thinker?
What can I do to become a better analytical thinker?
Today I will write about a very interesting topic: analytical thinking
and how can we improve it?
Be Open to Observe and learn from others: I think you should observe people, how they are doing what they are doing, how others solve these quizzes, do not be afraid if they have different solutions, ask them about their solutions why they are thinking their solutions are appropriate, and…
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