we were changed, and belonged nowhere.
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kit. 20s. UK. a guild wars 2 blog. likes and follows from screechfoxes character pagescreechfox.5072 | Piken Square (EU)
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awakenedsylvari · 18 hours ago
so embarrassing to get obsessed with your own oc but it doesn't fuel you creatively or motivate you at all you just sort of sit there. like yeah I've been thinking a lot about blorbo from my mind. no images of them exist in the world and they have maybe 3 personality traits so far. I would rather die than attempt to write about them. I've spent the last 48 hours rotating them in my brain though
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awakenedsylvari · 1 day ago
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Mana mentioned him during fractals today, so I had to make some memes.
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awakenedsylvari · 3 days ago
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I know you'll write me off I know you're always gonna count me out You think I'm gonna let you down? JUST WAIT.
[aikarico gets a fancy wardrobe change!! and proceeds to get it covered in sand of course]
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awakenedsylvari · 4 days ago
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the desert nights are quiet and cool, but offer no reprieve from a keen-eyed sniper such as herself. that, and her shadow magic helps, too.
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awakenedsylvari · 5 days ago
going into the vigil keep as a non-vigil member is so funny. you have almorra, who is like, serious and to the point
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and then laranthir - poor laranthir, who sounds so distracted and miserable that your only dialogue option is to ask him if he's okay, and he just goes
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"oh, random stranger, I'm resigned to loneliness and my job is my only love :("
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awakenedsylvari · 5 days ago
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"Here at last, dearheart. Are you prepared to join me?"
[click for better quality]
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awakenedsylvari · 6 days ago
Well, the good news is that you've broken the time loop.
The bad news is that the reason you've broken the time loop is because whatever force was responsible for maintaining it looked at the shit you did on that particular iteration and thought to itself: "you know what would be really fucked up?"
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awakenedsylvari · 7 days ago
i love you so much guild wars 2
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awakenedsylvari · 8 days ago
one of the funniest things to me in gw2 is that because every single map has its own meta (big map-wide event chain that everyone can participate in that usually builds to a final battle), each map also has its own unique language in map chat. you enter a new zone and are greeted with the most random ass things being said in chat like "north needs more stompers" "tm up!!!! tm down!!!!!!" "grab the charzookas" "djinn on apple" "stack on the mark to get eaten" "we failed the rock concert" and you're just like oh boy!!!! what is it this time!??!!!! and by the time you've gotten through the story in that map you're either completely fluent or even more confused than when you started
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awakenedsylvari · 11 days ago
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Day 1. Kiss in the rain/snow Day 2. Intertwined fingers Day 3. Kiss during a sunrise/sunset Day 4. Brushing hair out of the others’ face Day 5. Kiss beneath/amongst the stars Day 6. Hug from behind Day 7. Kiss within foliage/a cityscape Bonus Day: Wiping away tears
Day 1. “Promise me!” Day 2. “So, are we official then?” Day 3. “Oooh. You’re so in love with me!” Day 4.“I never imagined I could feel this way…” Day 5. “Take my hand.” Day 6. “Jealous much?” Day 7. “I’d burn the world for you.” Bonus Day; “It was always you!… Always has been. Always will be.”
Day 1. Pastels / Monochromatic Day 2. Practical / Avant Garde Day 3. Nautical / Wild West Day 4. Plaid / Sequence Day 5. Steampunk / Cyberpunk Day 6. Floral / Animal Print Day 7. Leather / Lace Bonus Day: Jewels / Chains
RULES 1. This is a safe for work (SFW) event. We will only be promoting work that is safe for public viewing.
2. Tag us @theocxcanonweek and/or use the hashtag #oc x canon week!
3. Mention which day and prompt(s) you've used, as well as the canonical character(s) involved!
4. You don't have to use all prompts for each day, but you can interpret the prompts however you choose!
5. Even though it's called "OC x Canon Week," self-inserts and personas are also allowed!
6. Anyone and everyone can participate!
7. You can complete this challenge at any date. There is no need to participate every day, and you can do as many or little prompts you want. However, we will only be promoting for this challenge the week of March 17th, 2025.
8. Last of all, have fun! <3
"Do I have to do a prompt from each of the categories listed?"
You can do as many or as little as you like! So, if you wanna do one of each of the categories go right ahead! If you only want to do one in total, that's fine too! No stress here! 💖
"Are polyamorous ships allowed?"
Yup! As long as an oc/insert/persona is included in the ship with canon character(s) then it is welcomed! 💖
"I see OC x Canon Week is on both Tumblr and Twitter. Do I have to participate on both platforms? Or can I just stick to one?"
You can choose whichever platform you prefer to particpate on. You do not have to particpate on both. (However you are welcome to if you so please!~) 💖
"I like this days prompt with another days prompt. Is it alright to mix and match them?"
Yes!! You absolutely are welcome to mixing and matching prompts! The event is about having fun, so pick and choose as you please~ 💖
"I want to create multiple works for one prompt! Is that okay?"
Absolutely!! If you have the ability and engery to do so, then more power to ya!! ✨ We will take as many pieces as you can churn out! (But there is no pressure of course~💖)
"Can I participate with a familial/platontic oc x canon ship?"
While the event does cater to romantic intent, non-romantic ships are welcome to participate as well! 💖
"I found out about the event late!! Can I still participate and submit my work after the event is over?"
Yes! While the event runs for a “week”, there really are no set rules as to when you can participate. It’s all about having fun and spreading awareness for OC x Canon enjoyers!!
The blog will not be as active after the event is over , but I’ll still check in every once in a while to like and reblog what I can. (: Remember to us the hashtag # oc x canon week and tag the account so your work is seen!
"Have you considered running OC x Canon Week on other platforms, like Bluesky, A03, etc?..."
I have but truthfully it's already a huge workload managing the event on both Tumblr and Twitter by myself. If I were to bring it to other platfroms, I would definitely need some assistance. At this point, it's TBD... 🆕Update!! 🆕 We now have a collection on AO3 thanks to @atwstedstory!! 💕 It'll be open for submissions the week of the event! Thank you atwstedstory!! 💖
Thank you for reading and happy planning!! 💕💕💕
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awakenedsylvari · 12 days ago
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Guild Wars 2:  Fjord and Marshland Studies by Terraform Studios
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awakenedsylvari · 12 days ago
Honestly there are few things funnier to me than the fact norn are native to Tyria, and then one day foreign gods roll up and introduce their pet little species to the planet like rabbits to Australia and these invasive aliens just happen to look like miniature thin norn for absolutely no reason whatsoever
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awakenedsylvari · 13 days ago
this is what opening 250 Divine Lucky envelops looks like
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awakenedsylvari · 14 days ago
Imagine if you were out buying groceries one day, minding your own business, when some text appears out of thin air that says
"Hablion has been defeated! He has passed on his Spectral Displacement ability to the other pavillion champions"
And suddenly you get teleported to texas
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awakenedsylvari · 16 days ago
[GRIPPING MY HEAD AND GROANING, OVERCOME WITH VISIONS OF TORMENT] thinkign about. glyndwr, champion of vlast,
my first thought was "vlast lives au" but it doesn't even have to be that. it can be that he WAS always meant to be vlast's champion but ... well. sucks. and actually he probably wouldn't even know bc he doesn't remember his dream/wyld hunt at all (and if he DID know it would drive him into a delirious hateful breakdown bc over the years he has developed a phobia of one day remembering his wyld hunt, or finding out that everything in his life HAS been in service of a forgotten hunt whether he meant it to be or not. he does not want to know.)
i have already been kicking around the idea of glyn having this. very very bad habit, after PoF, of prowling the mists kind of voyeuristically looking in on other timelines (alan heavily disapproves of this and worries about him a lot, merrit hates it and worries about him a lot, rytlock thinks it is a really bad idea but still got tricked into giving over some tips, canach hates it but won't bring it up bc they are both so fiercely independent that sometimes it means they mutually fail to do things like, uh, "Talking About My Needs, Opinions, and Feelings in Regards to Our Relationship, Lest I Infringe Upon Your Will"). he thinks about vlast a lot. he thinks about rytlock's fuckup a lot. he knows, obviously, that sulking around peering into smudgy windows between realities hoping you get a glimpse of a timeline where things went better is an astonishingly bad idea.
(i mean, like, what would you even do if you found one. kill that glyndwr and steal his life? ha ha ha! that's, that's wacky. you wouldn't do that.)
and maybe one day he looks through a rift and sees himself with vlast. shining as brightly as alan does with aurene. infinitely stronger, OBVIOUSLY stronger. not just accepted by the world but beloved, TRULY thought of as a hero (because he's never been that to tyria, no matter what he does — alan is the hero of tyria. glyndwr is a necessary evil, a weapon that makes everyone uncomfortable but is too valuable to set aside. he jokes about it all the time. because he thinks about it all the time.)
maybe he keeps coming back to that window. maybe he sees that he's still WITH alan in that timeline. maybe he sees so much less death, there. so many more victories. how can there not be, with another dragon on your side?
but maybe he doesn't see merrit. or canach, for that matter. maybe the lorelei he sees at alan's side isn't the same, in ways he feels discomfited by.
maybe one day he gets spotted. he knows better, but he can't help speaking. maybe he asks about canach.
and glyndwr, champion of vlast, barely remembers. it takes him a second; when he finally makes the connection, he seems a little amused. "oh, canach. that wayward secondborn — the one i put down in southsun."
(in glyn's timeline, after all, it was alan who handled all that — and he'd always rather put someone in handcuffs before he puts them in a box. not like glyn.)
(in glyn's timeline, after all, he was insulted that the thing even came across his desk — a karka infestation? for fuck's sake. as if he didn't have better things to do.)
(in glyn's timeline, after all, they've even joked about it, laying in bed — "it's a good thing it WASN'T you, dear. we would have just killed each other!" ha, ha —)
this is when he should have left. especially when he already wants to leap on his doppelganger and strangle him to death, because at every moment he's seeming like less a mockery of everything that's gone wrong in his world and more a mockery of every way he's managed to better himself.
but, as always, glyn can't help himself. he has to ask about merrit. he has to. her absense has been so conspicuous, every time he's stopped to spy on this world (and how many times has it been now? a dozen? more?).
now glyndwr, champion of vlast, does not look amused. now he's the one asking questions. he's asking what glyn means by that. he's asking about maguuma. he's asking, again and again, with increasing violence, what year it is, in glyn's tyria, how long is it after the mordrem campaign, how did you manage to get them all out—
maybe this is when glyndwr starts running. (we've said it already. glyndwr, champion of vlast, is infinitely stronger, obviously stronger.) maybe he's lucky he's spent this long slipping in and out of the mists — he can navigate just a little better. he still knows better than to lose time by looking back.
(i mean, what do you think he would do. kill you and steal your life? give up the one he has, the one that's so much better than yours?)
(the thing is, you would. the throne of a dragon champion, acceptance at last, unfathomable power — you would throw all of that in the mud and tread on it without looking down, for your son.)
(and he's you.)
maybe glyndwr, champion of vlast, is still catching up. maybe glyn can hear him gaining, can tell what he's planning, can calculate already that he'll be caught in moments at this rate, and there's probably no choice but to stop and face him—
(i mean, what are you going to do? kill him and doom his timeline, just to protect what's yours?)
(the thing is, he would.)
(and you're him.)
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awakenedsylvari · 22 days ago
did you guys know
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awakenedsylvari · 23 days ago
Guild Wars 2 Living World Season 4 Daybreak Soundtrack - The Inquest Composed by Maclaine Diemer
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