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— i was alone for so long. i couldn't bear it anymore .. so i beckoned your heart to lead you here. ♡ self-indulgent ♡ rb/credit if using
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— i was alone for so long. i couldn't bear it anymore .. so i beckoned your heart to lead you here. ♡ self-indulgent ♡ rb/credit if using
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I'm surprised that no one's brought up the very real possibility that, during the time skip, Ethari might have begun to move on and is now in a serious relationship with someone else.
If so, then obviously it won't last long once Runaan and Ethari reunite (Ruthari forever, am I right). But! Can you imagine the sheer angst of the whole situation? Runaan's heartbreak at seeing his husband, his guiding moon, with someone else, when it was the thought of getting back to Ethari that helped him regain his sense of self.
Ethari's simultaneous joy that Runaan is alive coupled with his guilt of both moving on with someone else and having to break his new partner's heart because he can't deny that despite his feelings for him, maybe even loving him, his heart ultimately belongs to Runaan, always and forever.
His partner's heartbreak because he really does love Ethari, he wants a life with him, but he knows there's nothing he can do to keep him by his side and he has no choice but to let him go.
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Picture this song playing as Rayla is forced to fight possessed!Callum...
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Theory: Callum is the Final Boss the heroes have to defeat after he becomes 'forever' corrupted by dark magic.
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I used to literally be obsessed with storylines where good and heroic people are basically 'infected' by darkness and slowly become villainous (see Emma Swan from Once Upon a Time's Dark Swan arc). If/when Callum is overwhelmed by the darkness, I want to see him STRUGGLE with the new dark instincts plaguing him. I want to see him fight against the darkness for as long as he can, trying to hold on to whatever shreds of decency remain in his heart, but ultimately fail as the darkness slowly seduces him more and more.
Most importantly, I want to see a Callum who, despite all that darkness, is still very much capable of love. A Callum who commits dark acts but won't harm Rayla and Ezran. A Callum who simultaneously wants his brother and love by his side even as he sinks deeper into the abyss and also fears dragging them down with him.
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So! Thoughts on season 6 (this will be out of order): 
Re: Rayla’s family: the fact Rayla could save two people but knew her mom and dad would rather pass on together than be without each other is both *chef’s kiss* and T.T Plus out of the three elves trapped, the one who was saved was the one who ‘deserves’ it the least…*double chef’s kiss* 
Claudia was so close to changing her ways, it was painful to watch. 
Glad Callum told Rayla about using dark magic again before they got back together. And Rayla is more concerned about how using it hurts him rather than it being the wrong thing to do <3 
Kosmo being able to see possible paths the future can take! That’s kinda linked to my whole ‘multiple realities’ theory! I’ll take it! Also, on that note, Kosmo, buddy, I get not telling Callum the truth before having him all fixed up, but after???? THAT’S KINDA CRUCIAL INFORMATION TO KEEP TO YOURSELF. 
CALLUM’S BIRTH FATHER LORE! A poet named Damian who was chronically ill but in Sarai’s words ‘the strongest man she ever knew.” 
Viren didn’t have to trap K’ppar in a coin to get the staff and save Soren, he only did it after K’ppar threatened his position as High Mage…
No offense, Lissa, but the spell wasn’t actually so horrific (not as horrific as I thought it was gonna be, anyway) If all he needed was your tears, why not just give them? I mean, I suppose she thought with what Viren looked like he did something truly vile and she didn’t want to be complicit, but…
Viren physically manhandled Lissa! And then she left! Can’t blame her, but WHY NOT TAKE YOUR CHILDREN WITH YOU?
I knew Viren blamed Soren for Lissa leaving. Jackass.
Feel like Callum and Rayla won’t be able to keep their promises to each other: Callum won’t be able to choose the ‘greater good’ over Rayla, and Rayla won’t be able to kill Callum if he ends up corrupted—which, let’s be real, he’s going to end up getting corrupted. They wouldn’t have Kosmo drop that warning if it wasn’t going to become relevant later on. 
Rayla is Callum’s deepest truth! Awwwwwww. Interesting how she is both the reason he started ‘walking the path of darkness’ and the reason he was able to get off of it (for now)! Which leads me to hope that if/when Callum becomes corrupted in S7, Rayla will be the one to save him. 
Haha, Sol Regem abandoning his followers was NOT a surprise. Him aiming his ire at Katolis was, though. Was there something he had against that kingdom specifically or was that just the closest human kingdom he could get to before he succumbed to his injuries? 
The prejudice towards humans really irks me. From Karim to Sol Regem to the Startouch elves themselves…
Rayla and Sarai parallel with the behemoth and magma titan!
Rayla singing! RAYLA SINGING! 
Now we know what put Aaravos on his path to villainy but we still don’t know what his endgame is. Like, we get why he wanted Sol Regem to suffer, and why he hates his fellow Startouch Elves, but what does he hope to accomplish? 
Poor Leola…She was just a child and they sentenced her to death. And the way she died was just brutal. And for what? Because she helped out humanity? HOW DOES HUMANITY HAVING MAGIC CREATE CHAOS?  
Leola wasn’t an actual unicorn! It was just a nickname from her father cause of her horn! 
Aaravos truly does not give a shit about the collateral damage his revenge has. 
AARAVOS IS HUGE. Not surprising, in all honesty, but wow. 
The Merciful One wasn’t so merciful after all! Eh, kind of expected that. 
Claudia freed Aaravos! So…how is Callum going to play right into Aaravos’ hands, then? Is he part of Aaravos’ actual plans for the world, and not just for getting out of his prison? 
Season 7 cannot come quickly enough. I need answers, I need resolution, and I need them now! 
Viren cut out his own heart rather than take Soren’s. Good.
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If anyone who follows me watches The Dragon Prince, here’s your warning that when season six drops, my blog will NOT be spoiler free. I will be tagging all spoiler posts with “tdp season 6 spoilers”, “tdp spoilers”, and “the dragon prince season 6 spoilers” for at least a few weeks after the season airs. After that they’ll still have “the dragon prince season 6” if you’re one of those people that only watches one episode a week. Blacklist accordingly if you don’t want spoilers.
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I will not be a spoiler free zone for season 6. That is all.
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please please please please reblog if you’re a writer and have at some point felt like your writing is getting worse. I need to know if I’m the only one who’s struggling with these thoughts
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hot artists don't gatekeep
I've been resource gathering for YEARS so now I am going to share my dragons hoard
Floorplanner. Design and furnish a house for you to use for having a consistent background in your comic or anything! Free, you need an account, easy to use, and you can save multiple houses.
Comparing Heights. Input the heights of characters to see what the different is between them. Great for keeping consistency. Free.
Magma. Draw online with friends in real time. Great for practice or hanging out. Free, paid plan available, account preferred.
Smithsonian Open Access. Loads of free images. Free.
SketchDaily. Lots of pose references, massive library, is set on a timer so you can practice quick figure drawing. Free.
SculptGL. A sculpting tool which I am yet to master, but you should be able to make whatever 3d object you like with it. free.
Pexels. Free stock images. And the search engine is actually pretty good at pulling up what you want.
Figurosity. Great pose references, diverse body types, lots of "how to draw" videos directly on the site, the models are 3d and you can rotate the angle, but you can't make custom poses or edit body proportions. Free, account option, paid plans available.
Line of Action. More drawing references, this one also has a focus on expressions, hands/feet, animals, landscapes. Free.
Animal Photo. You pose a 3d skull model and select an animal species, and they give you a bunch of photo references for that animal at that angle. Super handy. Free.
Height Weight Chart. You ever see an OC listed as having a certain weight but then they look Wildly different than the number suggests? Well here's a site to avoid that! It shows real people at different weights and heights to give you a better idea of what these abstract numbers all look like. Free to use.
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Find My Soul (a Home) Chapter 2
The darkness won. Naminé didn’t know how long she spent drifting alone in limbo-and she truly was all alone, as she’d been for the entirety of her short existence. She resigned herself to her fate of spending an endless infinity in yet another prison as atonement for her failures. Still, her Heart wept for one more chance. The darkness consumed her World. But there was another out there, one where the light had yet to lose against the dark forces at play. A World that needed saving as hers once did. A World that, for some star-forsaken reason, chose to enlist her in its war. Naminé wasn’t sure what to make of her new life as a princess. It was a novel experience being seen as a real person and not simply someone else’s shadow. More than that, though, it was incredibly easy to fall in love with her new family, especially her brothers Callum and Ezran. For the first time ever she had people who loved her, and she would fight with all her Heart’s might to keep them safe.
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The darkness won. Naminé didn’t know how long she spent drifting alone in limbo-and she truly was all alone, as she’d been for the entirety of her short existence. She resigned herself to her fate of spending an endless infinity in yet another prison as atonement for her sins. The darkness consumed her World. But there was another out there, one where the light had yet to lose against the dark forces at play. A World which needed saving as hers once did. A World that, for some star-forsaken reason, chose to enlist her in its war. Naminé wasn’t sure what to make of her new life as a princess of Katolis. Admittedly, it was a novel experience being seen as a real person and not simply someone else’s shadow. More than that, though, it was incredibly easy to fall in love with her new family, especially her brothers Callum and Ezran. For the first time ever she had people who loved her, and she would fight with all her heart's might to keep them safe.
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Find My Soul a Home (a TDP/KH project)
Summary: The darkness won. Naminé didn’t know how long she spent drifting alone in limbo-and she truly was all alone, as she’d been for the entirety of her short existence. She resigned herself to her fate of spending an endless infinity in yet another prison as atonement for her failures. Still, her Heart wept for one more chance. 
The darkness consumed her World. But there was another out there, one where the light had yet to lose against the dark forces at play. A World that needed saving as hers once did. A World that, for some star-forsaken reason, chose to enlist her in its war.
Naminé wasn’t sure what to make of her new life as a princess of Katolis. Admittedly, it was a novel experience being seen as a real person and not simply someone else’s shadow. More than that, though, it was incredibly easy to fall in love with her new family, especially her brothers Callum and Ezran. For the first time ever she had people who loved her, and she would fight with all her Heart’s might to keep them safe.
(fic to be posted on AO3 soon)
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i love crossover/reincarnation fics...
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Kingdom Hearts/The Dragon Prince reincarnation fic idea
Currently in the process of hashing out a crossover fic where Naminé is reborn as Callum and Ezran's sister. Tentatively titled find my soul a home.
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namine and kairi icons
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