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Just a random person surfing through fandoms. Don’t mind me just here to look at fun posts. Header image: @millastaria
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rando10 · 2 hours ago
I’m so proud of this video, even if it only took 20 minutes and I just pasted photos and music.
Hello! I bring you a Majorwood video! I was inspired by REIGN on YouTube so check them out, they make lots of cool content. The song is Would you fall in love with me again from Epic the Musical. But this mixed version is from REIGN. So hope you Enjoy!
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rando10 · 17 hours ago
hiya! if you are just in mourning for empires feel free to ignore this. however if you happen to be in the market for an smp with vibes similar to empires, i would highly recommend skyblock kingdoms! there's politics, there's plot, there's very cool builds, and also there's a surprisingly large amount of musical numbers.
Thanks for letting me know I’ll have to check it out!
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rando10 · 4 days ago
Sigh I miss empires smp… the chaotic energy and beautiful lore truly made it a goated smp. I miss Rivendell and Mazaelea and house blossom. I wish I could go back to grim lands or crystal cliffs. Sanctuary and the evermore were beautiful. Take me back to when an evil demon corrupted the server and gave everyone tragic endings! I miss the betrayal, anguish, loneliness, and the occasional giddy feeling from a new empires episode. What I would do for an empires season 3…give me more kingdoms and another evil villain so I can see more fight scenes and bloodshed by my favorite Minecraft kings and queens.
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rando10 · 6 days ago
POV: some of your favorite ships have no content so you just space out and think about them and everyone around is wondering if you’re insane or dead.
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rando10 · 11 days ago
And as you wrap those bloody fingers around my throat, the ones that used to gently caress my face. I can’t help but smile knowing that those hands are still there as I pass. Comforting me once again into the everlasting cold night.
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rando10 · 12 days ago
I am a firm believer that HotGuy will grow and learn from what he did to Grian in charpter 15 because of character development. Also because no one in this fandom wants to hate Scar but feels like they have too because of the manipulation.
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rando10 · 12 days ago
So as i was reading ddvau chapter 15 again because I’m obsessed and scrolling through people posts about said chapter I formed some of my own thoughts.
So as we know HG was basically manipulating Grian into getting information. Some people are saying he’s possessed others said he didn’t know what he was doing, and some say he had to because it’s his job. Personally I agree with all these thoughts. HG had been an emerald soldier for a good while i can assume maybe 2-3 years (I’m not positive about that tho) so he knows the jist and how to get what he needs from others.
Also Scar in general has a silver tounge, he can easily make things up and convince people it’s true. Now I know that in the Minecraft fandom in general people think Scar is not observant or doesn’t realize what he’s doing most of the time. But this could just be a good cover for Scars job as HG who needs to go certain lengths to get what he wants.
Another thing is that Manipulation isn’t a rare tactic for getting what you want. People manipulate others all the time it’s a common way of treating others to get something. It’s not just a police tactic so it’s not that surprising HG would manipulate Grian.
Now I’m not saying that what HG did is right, manipulation is bad and a cruel way of treating people. But it isn’t the worst thing HG could do or most surprising. Also HG can’t just be all friendly with Grian because 1 Grian doesn’t trust the emerald soldiers. 2 police in general don’t get connected to victims or witnesses for their own or others protection. Also Scar is Grians coworker so getting too close as HG could add a chance of his identity being blown.
So in conclusion was Scar being a manipulative person who was uncaring of Grians feelings? Yes. Is it really that surprising? No.
For my future thoughts I do think if HG found out Grian was CG he would feel bad for manipulating him. But I don’t think he would have regretted it that much because it was needed for his job. Also would it be super sad if next time HG and CG meet up CG is absolutely terrified to even look at HG? Yes.
Now I love Scarian just as much as the next person. I too stay up till 3 sometimes reading fanfiction about them. But I do think at the end of the day if Scar did figure out Grians identity as CG he would feel bad but never regret what he did because it is HIS JOB.
Thank you for reading my over analyzing of ddvau chapter 15, now I will go sulk in a corner until the next chapter.
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rando10 · 14 days ago
I like to think that on Valentine’s Day Martyn would give Scott a bouquet of Coral instead of flowers. Perhaps a memory of limited life or a replacement for flowers since Jimmy, flower husbands and stuff. Scott would also probably set up some cute date for the two of them dragging Martyn around enjoying the day as much as they could. No matter how many times Scott has celebrated he will always try to make Valentine’s Day special. And how could Martyn say no to his adorable boyfriend who he could never disagree with?
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rando10 · 16 days ago
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rando10 · 17 days ago
I never thought I’d see the day where Joel and Lizzie would be opening card packs…YAY JOEL STREAM
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rando10 · 18 days ago
Is there a tag for the Joel, Grian, Jimmy, and Gem sibling relationship? If so can someone let me know, I would really appreciate it.
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rando10 · 20 days ago
This is the best things I’ve seen all day, thank you for making this truly beautiful peice of art.
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today's mini fella is the mean gills! 🪸✨
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rando10 · 21 days ago
So I was watching Joel’s Wild Life again and noticed that when Grian shot him during the finale he didn’t seem that shocked. Well he was but not super surprised, he just went up and killed him. Maybe deep down Joel knew Grian would eventually betray him, because Joel knows Grian and knows he always needs a team. But Joel wasn’t Grians team, Skizz and Mumbo were. Joel knew there was a very good chance Grian would betray him. But he needed Grian after Gem died, because Joel HAD to win for Gem.
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rando10 · 1 month ago
Everyone should watch this animatic it is a amazing peice of art. I’ve watched it so much and definitely recommend it you won’t regret it.
Guys if you liked the mean gills one, I’ve got even more angst for you.
My favourites <333 I wish they would stop hating eachover for just a moment 😖
Luring all the life series fans in with my pretty colours and lore
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And better yet - pretty designs
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And plenty of Martyn and Scott because I managed to gather all the majorwood fans. Their love language is fighting. Unfortunately
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Ooooo isn’t this enticing. Don’t you want to go watch this fully colour animatic and support this little guys YouTube channel???? Please please please please
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rando10 · 1 month ago
Would anyone want to hear about it my Life Series, Hermitcraft, Empires x Equestria Girls au? It’s not as bad as it sounds I swear. I’ve been thinking about it for like a week or something and I need to share it with someone.
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rando10 · 1 month ago
This is exactly what I mean when I say Majorwood is my favorite ship.
I think the Majorwood shippers have something going actually. There's just something in a relationship between someone who has only known love and someone who has only known war.
Scott is always happy, always loved, always surrounded by people who care for him, Jimmy, Pearl, Cleo. Yes he's been hurt for his love, but it pushes him to cherish every fleeting moment.
Martyn is always at war, always caught in conflict. He's been a soldier, he's been abandoned, he's been heartbroken. People are always leaving his life, Ren, the southerners, Cleo, he's always left alone. It makes him bitter and spiteful.
And so to pair Scott and Martyn together is significant. It's like Ares and Aphrodite, war and love.
They both burn with a passion
Similar but not the same.
They both care too much. And it hurts. It hurts but what else can you do?
"Everytime I love, I get hurt" Martyn tells Scott.
And Scott nods, "I love a lot too. It does hurt."
"How do you do it? How do you keep loving knowing it might hurt again?"
Scott takes a pensive moment before answering... "Because." He says, "The thought that I might never love, or be loved, ever again? It is far more terrifying than the fear of being hurt again."
Martyn grips the red and white flag he carries around his waist. A banner to a kingdom long fallen. "What if I can't move on though? What if it just keeps hurting and hurting and never goes away?"
"It will." Scott promises, "one day the pain and anger will ease" He hugs his jacket closer to him, thinking of those pale slashes that cover his back. Matching scars he shares with Pearl.
One day the betrayal and abandonment ceased to ache. One day he did move on. He would help Martyn move on too.
Anyway, I think they would be good for each other. I think they could fix each other.
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rando10 · 1 month ago
Hello! I bring you a Majorwood video! I was inspired by REIGN on YouTube so check them out, they make lots of cool content. The song is Would you fall in love with me again from Epic the Musical. But this mixed version is from REIGN. So hope you Enjoy!
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