marlowtherebel-blog · 8 years
Guys if I'm taking notice it's a big deal. Reblog this shit.
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Meet CryptoLocker. It’s your worst nightmare. A lot of antivirus software, including the big names, cannot yet detect or stop it. If your computer gets it, CryptoLocker takes all your files hostage by encrypting them and giving you a certain amount of time to send a certain amount of money to the man behind the virus.
The encryption is very tidy, and so far seems uncrackable (well, crackable, but it might take a couple centuries). If you tamper with the virus itself, it will pretty much self-destruct and take everything with it. And the way the money is transferred, the dick programmer behind it all for the moment is pretty much uncatchable.
Back up your computer to something like an external hard-drive, or even an internal hard-drive that you just take out and stuff away somewhere for safe keeping. Make sure your antivirus is up to date, avoid skeevy sites, and don’t open random emails. DO NOT download email attachments unless you know exactly what it is, because that seems to be how this is primarily being transmitted.
You can learn more about it here.
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marlowtherebel-blog · 8 years
Reblog every time you see guys his dude is my bro and an amazing artist and reposts are inspiring so
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tumblr cant stop me from uploading my awful art!!!! never!!! 
(its supposed to be a picture of percy from before the whole, uh, ‘incident’.)
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marlowtherebel-blog · 8 years
Reblog dudes because this is my best bro and they're an amazing artist and reblogs are really inspiring so like.
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tumblr cant stop me from uploading my awful art!!!! never!!! 
(its supposed to be a picture of percy from before the whole, uh, ‘incident’.)
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marlowtherebel-blog · 8 years
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tumblr cant stop me from uploading my awful art!!!! never!!! 
(its supposed to be a picture of percy from before the whole, uh, ‘incident’.)
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marlowtherebel-blog · 8 years
So majestic.
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Look at me. I’m a Sea Horse
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marlowtherebel-blog · 8 years
Once I put some beer in a bucket (to pour on corn for deer lure) and went in for a minute. I came back to my 2-year-old mini horse sucking it down like his life depended on it!
So I gave my horse a beer today, his opinions are similar to mine.
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marlowtherebel-blog · 8 years
My Horse: *is being a dick* Me: Can u not.
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marlowtherebel-blog · 8 years
Oh really? I thought it was the hearts of seven virgins, then the goat on a full moon standing in a satanic circle of blood?? Then purple shampoo that you draw shapes in before you GET DOWN TO BUSINESS ON THAT SOCK with that froth before you rinse it of and wait until it dries. Then another satanic ritual and baby powder. Then maybe the yellow will go.
I'm trying to make my all white pony white again
Imma need more blood.
Y'all, gimme tips on whiting leg markings.
I want Volly’s socks so white they have to check their privilege.
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marlowtherebel-blog · 8 years
Reblog if your blog is safe for people of all genders and sexualities
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marlowtherebel-blog · 8 years
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That saddle blanket 😂
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marlowtherebel-blog · 8 years
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vet wrap duct tape polos??
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marlowtherebel-blog · 8 years
when you feel the Bern but Hillary wins the primaries
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marlowtherebel-blog · 9 years
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This is from the slut walk. One of the arguments is that girls ask for rape because they wear slutty clothes, short skirts, tight, low-cut tops. This girl is an example of the fact that rape victims can look like anyone, you, me, this girl. Rapists. Dont. Discriminate.
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marlowtherebel-blog · 9 years
Little do you know
Chapter 2: “Daddy’s having a friend over”
     Its totally appropriate to call over your past friend(ish) guy when your daughter is settled at the table watching ‘Dora the explorer’ right? Isaac sighed. Really he wasn't sure. He pulled his blackberry from his pocket and ran his thumb over the contact he had had the screen on for the past hour or so. Slowly and unsure he pressed the phone button, and had a slight heart attack when the phone was answered almost instantly.
“Hey.” The groggy voice answered and Isaac tried to keep his cool.
“Sorry did I wake you? I probably woke you! Maybe Ill call later?”He stuttered quickly
“No. Uh I was just online, not asleep. Who is this?” Max answered. His voice had piped up slightly
“Isaac. O’Connor- you know the-”
“That’s me” He sighed and Max chuckled on the other end.
“You know, I should come over”
“Sure.” Isaac answered on pure instinct. He only realized his mistake when he put down the phone and his daughter peered at him with blue eyes. “And Im officially screwed in a bad way...” He muttered.
Authors note: This is so late guys. And its late where I am so its also short. Sorry. Hate on me! Thanks anyways!
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marlowtherebel-blog · 9 years
Maxaac 34 please?
It was a swirl of colors and beauty. Bright flowers and feathers adorned jeweled masks that his the faces of the people and spirits beneath. Isaac’s curled extravagantly around his ear to keep it in place and up around his opposite temple. Orange feathers decorated the sides and grey and silver beading accented the eyes and edges, and lighter grey swirls were painted in the mask’ shade to give the impression of storm clouds, with flecks of blue to symbolize electricity.  
Keep reading
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marlowtherebel-blog · 9 years
Little do you know...
((In this Isaac is 23 as is Max. Isaac moved across town and did home school, thus separating him and Max. He did so because he couldn’t stand being constantly denied and he knew if he stayed, that was all that would happen.))
  How long had it been? Since he saw him? Years. He was 14 then- 23 now. That made it- 9 years...He bit his lip and shook his head. He counted again. Yes. 9 years since he saw him. Was he still in Mayview? Most likely. He took his glass from the table, taking a small sip. This apartment was lonely...Maybe if he- no. He shook his head. That was a bad idea. He stood and put his glass in the sink as he went to the window. He huffed as the doorbell rang, going to open it. He only opened it enough to see the person and when he did, he shook his head, then looked back to them. No. It was... The baseball cap, the eyes and the- aura. He blinked. Max was the first to say something “Man you look like you’ve seen a ghost...” Did he recognize him. He stood and smiled “Sorry. Thought you were here to murder me...” He chuckled, as did Max “Uh. This was delivered to my place, and it’s not mine...Has this address” he handed Isaac a small brown box, tucking his hands in his pocket. Isaac realized he hardly had spoke “U-Uh thanks” he nodded. Max gave him the goofiest smile and Isaac felt his heart collapse again “You sure you’re OK?” Isaac nodded “Yea...you just look familiar...”Max shrugged “Actually, you too...” Isaac was hiding his blue aura, but he let some spill, trying to see if Max would recognize. The shocked, pale look on the other’s face told him he did “I-Isaac?” He choked out. “Max...” Isaac’s was more of a statement than a question. Isaac could only stare, and Max did the same. “Been a while huh?” Max chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck. Isaac bit the inside of his cheek “Yea...”Max took Isaac's arm, surprising him. He went to jerk his arm away before he realized Max was reaching for a sharpie. He scribbled a bunch of numbers on him arms and with a quick “Gotta run” bolted down the hall. He left Isaac standing and staring as he had done so many times so long ago.
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marlowtherebel-blog · 9 years
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the English Dub is like one giant meme. but it’s a meme that I actually like.
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