Growing Inspiration
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quitecontemporary-blog · 8 years ago
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New birthday Chucks for the win 🙌🏻
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quitecontemporary-blog · 8 years ago
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My favorite chairs {plus matching sofa} are on a huge blowout sale—up to 60% OFF plus FREE ship with code SHOPIT. To shop click the Link in my profile 👆🏻💛🌸💛 . . . . . #myhappyspace #favoritechairs #clubchairs #modern #moderndecor #quitecontemporary #interiordesign #foggray
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quitecontemporary-blog · 8 years ago
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My favorite chairs {plus matching sofa} are on a huge blowout sale—up to 60% OFF plus FREE ship with code SHOPIT. To shop click the Link in my profile 👆🏻💛🌸💛 . . . . . #myhappyspace #favoritechairs #clubchairs #modern #moderndecor #quitecontemporary #interiordesign #foggray
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quitecontemporary-blog · 8 years ago
We are going to have three babies!! 🐦💓🐦💓🐦
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quitecontemporary-blog · 8 years ago
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Are you stuck in friendships where gossip is the norm? In this article I share a personal story about how I changed my life by intentionally hand-picking my tribe.🌸💛🌸💛🌸 New post on the blog 🙌🏻Link in bio👆🏼 . . . . . . #livewithintention #howtobehappy #simplifyfriendships #gossip #chooseyourpath #chooseyourtribe #changeyourlife #changetheworld #goodvibestribe #goodvibes #thebestfriendship #quitecontemporary
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quitecontemporary-blog · 8 years ago
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I hung this on my fridge today. For me. For Doug. For my son. We all want something, but often times getting it seems almost impossible. For me it is because getting it means I will have to change what I do every day. Yes, I am a creature of habit and I have many bad ones. Somehow reading this quote each day motivates me to make those different choices. To not procrastinate putting off what needs to be done. Because if I want it “now” then I need to do something about it “now”. None of this “I will start Monday” stuff. None of this “tomorrow will be the day”. But now. Right now, even if I screwed up ten minutes ago–right now is the time to begin doing things differently. Who put the rule on having to start something on a fresh new day or a fresh new week? Procrastinators did. I did. Me. Because I wanted a few more days to be lazy. To do it wrong. A few more days to stay living in my bad habits, doing those same things that will not get me where I ultimately want to be. Every day, every hour, and YES even every minute, is a blank slate. A blank page where we each get to choose what we are going to do next. We each get to write our own future. What we write today will ultimately be what we will read tomorrow. Life is creative. A beautiful creative process where we get to create the very life we want to lead. So the question is, if you want to create something beautiful, that thing which you have never had, what will you choose to do RIGHT NOW? 🌸🌷🌺💞 New Article on the Blog, Link in Profile… . . . . #dosomethingdifferent #dreams #howto #change #howtogetsomethingyouveneverhad #quitecontemporary #livewithintention #moveforward #moveintoyourdreams #fakeittilyoumakeit
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quitecontemporary-blog · 8 years ago
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We often want what we don’t have. I think this comes from the deep-rooted and innate desire of finding happiness. We think, “I will be happy when…” or “Having ____ will make me happier”. 💛👆🏼New article on the blog, link in profile! . . . . #minimalism #simplifylife #simplify #happy #howtobehappy #livewithintention
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quitecontemporary-blog · 8 years ago
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That's me👆🏼💓💞 #hellojune #birthdaygirl #itsmybirthdayandillcryifiwantto I have certainly come a long way, I used to never make a big deal on my birthday and even some years found myself feeling a little depressed or undeserving of love or recognition. My birthday was usually a day to hide & cry out a few tears. However, last year I felt a shift. I can attribute this to self love. It had taken me 45 years, but I finally loved me, all of my flaws & all of my ugly parts. I had finally started being the woman I knew I could be and reaching for more. But this year I realize that I was always that woman worth being loved. I just had to let go of everything I was not and embrace everything that was true to me. Happy Birthday to Me!! 💕💞
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quitecontemporary-blog · 8 years ago
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The Ruthardt family is giving away their tiny homestead. To enter, all one has to do is write an essay and mail it in. Pretty darn cool. What would you write that could possibly compel a family to give away their most prized earthly possession? New article on the blog🔝Link in bio💓💓. To follow this amazing family visit @ruthardttinyhomestead . . . . . #tinyhome #tinyhouse #giveaway #smallhousebiggerlife #ifyoubuildittheywillcome #freetinyhouse #essay #mywhy
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quitecontemporary-blog · 8 years ago
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Enter to win this tiny house on eight acres. Details on the blog, link in profile🔝🏠❤️️🙌🏻 I stumbled across the most amazing family @ruthardttinyhomestead this morning. Here’s the deal. Some people do things. Really cool things. Other’s sit back and conform to the norm of society. This, my friends, tops the cool list. Imagine living mortgage free and how that would change your life. That ONE THING ALONE. Imagine not punching a time clock or doing something stressful just to make ends meet. Image THAT kind of life. 💓💓 Hop on over and give them a follow, a heart, and support their beautiful journey! . . . . #free #freetinyhouse #tinyhousecontest #mortgagefree #smallhouse #ifyoubuildittheywillcome #giveaway #oklahoma #smallhousebiggerlife
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quitecontemporary-blog · 8 years ago
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How old is "too old" to wear a "trendy" braid? Seriously, I have taken out several braids because if this question. I've always feared and refuse to be the grandma who shows off cleavage or wears teenage clothing. I really try to wear age appropriate clothes, but still in fashion, and for sure not grandma-ish. There is a fine line, right? 💛💛💛
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quitecontemporary-blog · 8 years ago
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When you support my business you support my biggest dream.💓I am truly grateful for the opportunities this life has given me and I am beyond appreciative for all of you! 💕💞🙌🏻 . . . . . . #smallbusiness #dreams #biggestdream #supportsmallbusiness #livethedream #grateful #blessed #entrapenuer
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quitecontemporary-blog · 8 years ago
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Regardless of how goal driven your day is or if you don't feel like you are where you want to be that it is okay to allow yourself to be where you are. There may be 99 things on the list to do, but the most important on the list is YOU!! 💅🏻💃🏼💁🏼💞 . . . . #goaldigger #quitecontemporary #questforhappiness #bewhereyouare #selflove #selfcare #inspiration #motivation
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quitecontemporary-blog · 8 years ago
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Sometimes the hardest things to do are the best things for you. 🌷 Article on the blog, link in profile & search "Dear Best Friend" 💕💞 . . . . #quitecontemporary #friendship #simplifylife #selflove #eliminatestress #motivation #inspiration #alignwithgoals
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quitecontemporary-blog · 8 years ago
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I didn’t have time to write a short letter, so I wrote a long one instead. ~ Mark Twain It is so much easier to keep going through life and not stop and figure out how to make things better. It takes time, effort, and a lot of work to edit life. When we decide to correct, condense and modify our lives the result is pretty freaking amazing.👏🏻👌🏻🙌🏻 New article on the blog, link in profile. . . . . #editlife #marktwain #simplify #declutter #eliminatestress #alignwithgoals #motivation
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quitecontemporary-blog · 8 years ago
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Hello Spring, I love you 🌷💞 . . . . . #quitecontemporary #doordecor #hellospring #tuesdayvibe #cottonwreath
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quitecontemporary-blog · 8 years ago
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Have you ever felt numb, like you are just going through the motions? It is as if the life has been sucked out of you and you are on autopilot, doing what you have to do to just get by? 🌏✨💫 New article on the blog 🔝link in profile. . . . . #quitecontemporary #paelocoelho #thealchemist #whendreamsarereality #questforhappiness #richestmanonearth #dowhatyoulove #lovewhatyoudo
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