Lunar Eclipse ˖ ࣪⊹
11 posts
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prettiest-moon · 2 years ago
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hi there! I'm Lunar/Eclipse. I am a very beginner-level writer, who is mostly using this blog to practice my writing skills.
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masterlist. | request rules.
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prettiest-moon · 2 years ago
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masterlist for all of my posts :).
I organize all of my fics by franchise > character > fic. (alphabetically)
requests have a ☆ next to them.
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Metal Lords (2022)
Hunter Sylvester x GN! An*rexic! Reader ☆(Headcanon w/ triggering content.)
Randy Meeks General Headcanons
The Batman (2022)
Batman/Bruce Wayne x Trans Masc! Reader ☆(Headcanon)
The Lost Boys (1987)
Michael Emerson General Headcanons
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prettiest-moon · 2 years ago
Amazing work (can u see who comments this?)
Nope! It’s an anonymous ask. And thank you so much <3
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prettiest-moon · 2 years ago
Randy Meeks General Headcanons
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A/N: I’m so sorry I haven’t been active lately! The L key on my laptop broke, so I’m writing on my phone and proofreading on my laptop. Also I’m writing for Scream now. Expect my rules to be updated with more fandoms soon. :). Also this isn’t Randy x reader headcanons! Just regular Randy. 
Fandom: Scream (1996)
Word Count: 319
Rating: Fluff (mention of boobies but that’s it).
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It’s obvious Randy is a major slasher fan, but more specifically I think he also likes the shitty horror comedies. Rest in Peace Randy Meeks you would have LOVED Idle Hands (1999).
Whenever he’s watching a new slasher film for the first time and they show tits his first instinct is to look away. (At least in the first movie).
Whenever he has to read Shakespeare for school, he pretends to hate it but secretly he goes full in. 
He also goes totally over the top for his halloween costumes every year.
Not sure where to put this but his love language is gift giving. This applies to anyone, whether it’s his friends or someone he’s dating. If he’s out somewhere and they have a little trinket that reminds him of anyone, he buys it and gives it to them. 
Randy is a TERRIBLE chef. Once he tried making a meal that involved using the stove and oven at the same time, and he nearly burnt his whole home down. Especially after the events of the first movie, he's too scared to even pick up a knife to cut up some veggies.
He buys a lot of his clothes at thrift stores. He never had much extra money as a kid to buy clothes, and all through his life little things like that stayed with him.
He also donates any clothes he doesn’t wear anymore to thrift stores instead of tossing them out, hoping someone else will wear them. 
In his freshman year he attempted to bleach his hair blond. His hair is still fried because of it. 
During the first movie, he just did not have the ability to grow facial hair. Like at all. He never shaved he just looked like that.
Thats why his beard was so silly in the second movie. He was so proud of himself for growing enough facial hair.
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prettiest-moon · 3 years ago
Hi I just wanted to say that I love your writing style so much💖💖💖💖
Thanks so much!! I appreciate it <3.
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prettiest-moon · 3 years ago
(Hi I’m back again) uhh Batman x Trans guy? (Not passing no bottom surgery) and Batman headcsnnons of trans (FTM) boyfriend
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Batman x Trans ftm! Non-passing! Reader Headcanons
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A/N: Thanks so much for sending in a request ^^. You didn't specify which batman so I did Battinson, I hope that's okay. If you were looking for a different version, send another anon and I'll be happy to write another one.
Fandom: The Batman (2022)
Word Count: 394
Rating: Fluff
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You and Batman probably met while he was saving you from some sort of messed up villain.
Because of this, he couldn't just reveal himself as a billionaire, he had to sneak around you in his spy clothing.
Despite you "not-passing" to those around you, he is always keen on the fact that you're a male. While watching you all creepily, he heard some of your closest friends use he/him pronouns on you.
When he finally got the nerve to actually talk to you, he was sure to make sure to call you a boy.
He had you very convinced you were being kidnapped, but made sure to prove he was just a very, very curious masked vigilante with no interest in kidnapping.
If he finally revealed his identity as Bruce Wayne to you, it was probably by accident when you figured out who he was.
But as soon as you knew who he really was, he immediately started spending his rich boy money on you.
He would rent out entire restaurants and have Alfred replace the staff just to be sure you weren't going to be watched.
Before-hand, Bruce is very clear on the fact that you're a boy to Alfred. Alfred is totally fine with it, and as long as you make Master Bruce happy you're welcome to stay at the Wayne Manor as long as you need.
He offers to buy you masculine, androgynous, and even feminine things if you prefer. He won't give you any pressure to dress incredibly masculine, and doesn't mind how much, or how little, you pass to others.
If you tell him you like how a certain, expensive, shirt makes you look masculine, he'll buy you the same shirt in all the different colors.
If you're comfortable and willing to, he uses his money to buy your binders.
Bruce also wants to make sure people around you use the correct pronouns on you. Because you don't pass as well, if anyone slips up he just says "He." and interrupts them with a straight face.
Obviously he won't hurt them since it goes against his moral code, but he makes sure they know your pronouns.
The main thing with a non-passing boyfriend is that Batman will not care. He wears all the eyeliner under his mask, and a skintight suit, so who is he to judge?
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prettiest-moon · 3 years ago
Pyramid head x trans guy reader
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So sorry!
If you click on my request info, and scroll down, you’ll se my fandoms I write for. I have no idea who pyramid head is, but they aren’t in that list of characters! If you wanna send another ask with another character, that’s fine.
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prettiest-moon · 3 years ago
Michael Emerson General Headcanons
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Fandom: The Lost Boys (1987)
Word Count: 266
Rating: Fluff
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Michael has a growing collection of mixtapes. Some he makes for himself, some he gets from Star. He has some for any occasion, and has trouble finding which one to play sometimes.
After he got his ear pierced, Star began making him earrings with little gems, beads, and rocks she finds and buys on the boardwalk.
She also cuts his hair for him. None of the barbers in Santa Carla have much idea how to keep his curly hair in the shape that Michael actually likes.
He tried out lots of different comic book types, but doesn't find any very interesting. He prefers to read novels.
His favorite novel genre is horror/thriller.
Michael drives Sam to the boardwalk, and basically anywhere Sam needs to go. Lucy gets busy once she starts working, but Michael doesn’t complain.
He’s always bugging Sam about girls and crushes. When the two are alone in the car, Mike hits him with the, “So, Sam, any cute girls in the middle school?”
He is a momma's boy. Him, Lucy, and Sam go to a drive in movie theater every week just to hang out. With school and Lucy working, this is some of the only time they spend together as a family.
He sleeps heavy. Like he has slept through 3 alarm clocks. And this is the 1980’s so they’re physical alarms. It got 10x worse after the vampire fiasco.
Michael watches a lot of cartoons. He really likes He-Man and G.I. Joe. He gets teased by Sam and Star because he's above the target age, but he doesn't care.
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prettiest-moon · 3 years ago
if its not too much to ask, do you think you could do some hunter sylvester x (gender neutral/male) y/n with 4nor3x14
I suffer from it and just really need some comfort right about now
thanks xx \m/
Hunter Sylvester x GN! An***rexic! Reader
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A/N: My first request \ö/ ! And I'm sorry ur going through that, I'm more than happy to make you feel better. I did a lot of research for this, I hope it’s okay. Enjoy xx
Word Count: 276
Rating: Fluff + comfort
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Before Hunter knew, he would offer you food all the time. Once he found out, he felt really bad and did all the research he could to help you feel better, without making you uncomfortable.
Once he finds out about it, he does everything he can in an attempt to not trigger anything. He wants to help you, but he knows how harmful that might be.
If he notices you going back into your habits harshly, or not eating very much, he just offers to hold you and listen to music or watch a movie. He would bring things up very calmly, saying things like, “Hey, I noticed you didn’t eat much today. You doing alright?”
He just wants you to know he’s there for you!!
He would listen SO WELL. He listens to music all day in his room, of course he can listen to someone he cares about this much.
At the mental hospital he stayed at, Hunter met some people like you. He learned about what you’re going through. He even learned about some of the treatments they get for recovery.
He even went back there to try and talk to those people, but they didn’t let him in. Instead, he got a pamphlet with information on how to help you. He got one for you as well, but hesitated on giving it to you, worrying it might trigger you.
He started taking you on less dates that involved eating. Concerts, shopping at record stores, and arcades are his go-to’s now.
He genuinely is so worried about you. He never really cared about your weight, or anything like that, and just wanted you to be happy and healthy.
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prettiest-moon · 3 years ago
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Request Info.
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Small intro.
hi there! :) I'm Lunar/Eclipse. I use they/it (trans-masc).
15-17. MINOR.
i'm a very beginner level writer, and this is mainly a blog to keep in practice and keep track of my skills.
my main tag is #lunar writing
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Things I won't write.
Selfharm, r//pe, inc//st, major character death.
Romanticization of anything negative. (Cheating, mental illness, trauma, etc).
Note: I will write these, just written correctly and not romanticized.
Racism, I’m white and will not write this.
Weird kinks, even if it isn’t direct smut.
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Things I will write.
Angst, although I’m not very good with it.
Make-out sessions— closest I will get to smut.
X Reader.
AUs, as long as they make sense to me.
Specific requests. (Adj! reader, specific scenarios, etc).
Character x Character. (As long as it’s legal and healthy).
Polyamory, as long as they’re from the same universe.
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Writing Styles.
Headcanon post. A post where I write my headcanons for a character/scenario in bullet-point form.
Fics. This may not happen much, and will take a while, but if requested and I enjoy it, I will write a small fic, one chapter. Word count, etc will be at the top.
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Fandoms I write for.
American Horror Story.
Batman (Movies).
Bill and Ted trilogy.
Scream (Movies).
Shameless (US).
Spider-Man (PS5, Raimi, Webb, Spider-Verse. Idc really just please specify).
The Lost Boys (1987).
If you don't see anything on the list, but you really want to see something by me, request anyways! If I don't reply, I haven't seen it/won't reply.
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What to include in a request.
Ship. (X Character or X Reader)
Headcanon or fic. (I prefer headcanon posts, and if it is unspecified I will likely do headcanon)
Any other specifics. (Reader gender, adj! character, etc).
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prettiest-moon · 3 years ago
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Pinned Post | Request Info
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About Me
̽𓂅 Hi there! You may call me Lunar or Eclipse. This is my newest blog, I’m new to writing like this and I am hoping to expand upon my writing skills with this blog.
̽𓂅 Pronouns are they/them/theirs and it/it’s itself. I am a trans-masc non-binary.
̽𓂅 I’m 15-17, please respect that, it means I will not write smut. Most I will write is heavy make-out seshs.
̽𓂅 Currently not giving out my other blogs, do not ask.
̽𓂅 My tag is #Lunar Writing ; you can search that for JUST my stories and headcanons. Currently this is my only tag, but that might change.
̽𓂅 Requests are OPEN.
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