#Michael Emerson headcanon
queenlakiefer · 27 days
When Paul gets high Part 2
No one:
Absolutely no one:
Not a single soul on this Earth:
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Paul: Guys, boob size doesn’t matter. Big or small, I want them all!
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David: That’s great Paul but what has that got to do with ordering takeout? 🥡
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beelze-the-bubkiss · 9 months
I head cannon that Grandpa Emerson's first name is Gabriel. Because that name just feels like it fits. And I also Believe Sam's full name is Samael. So we would have Gabriel Emerson, Micheal Emerson, and Samael Emerson. I didn't realize until later that they'd ended up with names of Archangel's for them lol.
Edit:how in the hell did I spell would so bad it auto corrected to don't I have not the slightest of clues but I did it.
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gothamslostboy · 11 months
TLB Characters Favorite Type Of Blanket
A/N: I have no idea what this is or why I made it but I haven’t posted anything creative in so long. Yall ever love something but the thought of actually doing it makes you stressed? That’s what writing has been for the past couple months ugh :[ I miss it sm but I never like anything I end up making and keep deleting my progress. Oh well, hopefully I stop doing that soon and enjoy this pointless headcanon
ALSO: yes most these characters sleep upside down from the ceiling, but I like to ignore that bc tbh I want to erase the fact they have those weird ass feet. To me those monstrosities don’t exist. If you like the fact they hang from the ceiling then these headcanons are just for sitting on the couch or cuddling. They also don’t really feel temperatures but again I’m ignoring it:]
A big fluffy one filled with cotton
He’d never tell anyone, but it makes him feel safer
It’s similar to one his mother gave him in his human life
He rolls it up like a cocoon
He doesn’t even leave a hole for his face bc he doesn’t need to breathe
Paul and Marko use this to their advantage and prank him atleast 2 times a month
Dwayne shoos them away if he notices them trying to bother David when he’s asleep
This man is weird ngl
He just sleeps with a sheet
He doesn’t mind using a different blanket when sharing
But if he’s alone it’s a sheet
He doesn’t like feeling any weight on him when he’s asleep
Might as well sleep with nothing
But he also likes to cover his eyes with it
It’s just soothing to him
Weighted blanket
He LOVES to cuddle with ppl bc of their weight being on him
So when no one wants to sleep with him he pulls out this blanket
The boys and Star made him a custom blanket bc he wants it to be HEAVY heavy
If he was human this thing would crush him to death
He sleep walks/flys and this stops him
He needs help getting it off of him bc he’s usually still too groggy to put in the effort when he wakes up
Patchwork Crochet Quilt
She made it herself
Everytime she finishes a new project she added a new square made up of all the colors she used
Whenever David would see her adding a square he said something like “another square? That’s gonna be a big ass blanket”
She stopped the blanket when it reached 80x80 4 inch squares
She realized that that is, infact, a big ass blanket
She can’t even fit the thing on her bed
Most of it is just hanging off the side
She started a new one to give to Michael
But that one is gonna be smaller
After that she’s just gonna make one for each boy
Normally shares with Star
She doesn’t even notice he’s using it most of the time
Once it gets big enough he uses the one she made specifically for him
Uses David’s blanket when laying with him
But the fluffiness makes him feel trapped sometimes
Just holds on to David for comfort
Can occasionally convince star and David to sleep in the same bed with him and they use Star’s blanket obviously
He and David sleep under the sheets when using Star‘s blanket tho bc it’s a lil itchy
But she doesn’t seems to notice the itch
I’m just gonna insert a picture bc idk what it’s called
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But this kind of blanket^ along with Satin sheets underneath
He’s like Marko where he doesn’t like as much weight
But really likes making fun of Marko’s sheet and doesn’t want to be a hypocrite
If he’s cuddling with someone he puts their head under his chin and wraps them up together tightly
When alone he keeps the blanket lose
Just in case something happens and he needs to get up quickly and protect the pack
@crustyboypix @britany1997
if you want to be added to the tag list just let me know
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beoneofus · 1 year
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walmart-icarus · 10 months
Lucy bonding with the boys :p
whats good germs there's this thing going around the fandom talking about Lucy more and I AM OBSESSED-
usual warnings RRAAJHHHH
like they go to several jewelry stores
for earrings rings necklaces bracelets you name it
bonus points if they can name every metal they use
Marko steals them but Lucy respects the law
please and thank you
she obviously doesn't get Marko silver-
becaus yk-
we all saw this coming tbh
Lucy was a hippie QUEEN
main point
they get absolutely zoodied mcscootied
zoinked out of their gourds
this is what they bond over no questions ASKED
"oh honey they sell better quality behind the hot dog stand"
you guys get the point
they have quiet reading sessions
i hc that Lucy has a huge shelf
filled with cheesy romance books
and you know what?
they just sit there in silence enjoying the company
they don't read aloud or even the same book
he has claimed a special chair in the living room
"...Paul get the fuck off my CHAIR"
even better if Michael has rights to sit on said chair
girls night
you guys read that correctly
with Star and Lucy
they paint each other's nails
they go out to clothing's stores
and makeup stores
and Dwayne comes with them lmao
he doesn't really engage in the conversations
because its mostly about celeberty drama and goofy music??
he listens to them like a podcast
what can I say he's one of the girls
a/n: I had kind of a shitty day today and I needed something for comfort and I enjoyed writing this so much and hopefully you'll like reading it as much as I liked writing it!
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coolunspokenforname · 4 months
Sam Emerson probably voted for Jason Todd to die. He probably got Michael to call in. He probably had discussions with the Frog brothers, debates on if DC would kill him or not raging while they restocked the comic shelves. I don't think he'd do it because he disliked Jason Todd, but he thought DC wouldn't have the balls to actually kill him. He was upset for months afterwards. Lucy would try to comfort him. Michael wouldn't know wtf was going on.
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misslavenderlady · 2 years
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A compilation of all the HCs I've made for the Lost Boys! 🦇🦇🦇🦇
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All Four:
The Lost Boys x Chubby Fem!Significant Other
Human Backstories
- David 🖤
- Marko 💚
- Dwayne ❤️
- Paul 💙
Reaction to their S/O dying
Holiday Traditions
Modern Day Spicy Jobs
How they are with hugs
A S/O attracted to their strength
Human/Former Names
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Expressing love
Marko as a dad
Paul: None yet
Dwayne: None yet
TransFem AU - Part 1, Part 2 , Part 3
Star: None yet
Laddie: None yet
The Emersons: None yet
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daincrediblegg · 5 months
the only effect that watching fallout gave me is it made me want to play fallout 4 again. and made me miss nick valentine like the fucking dickens.
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lawofenvy · 1 year
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The Emerson brothers are so lgbt.
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nico-di-genova · 2 years
Thinking about Michael taking Sam for rides on his bike, just driving the back roads in Arizona, when things at home were getting bad. When their parent’s fighting got so loud that not even the radio could drown it out. So he’d get Sam out of there, give him the one helmet they had, and just ride out to whatever new spot he had discovered. Sam misses the bike rides, but he’s happy that they don’t happen as frequently. He’s happy he’s in a house that finally feels like a home.
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newfngs · 1 year
i say michael won't hang from the ceiling because he likes to sleep in a bed, but the real reason is because it's stil gay to sleep with your bros.
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jarsfullofstarrs · 1 year
I have this random hc that doesnt make a lot of sense, but i still hc it because I like it too much. Michael collected a lot of charm bracelets when he was a kid because he likes the sounds they can make, and he just liked wearing them a lot. Then , in middle school, he stopped collecting and wearing them because kids would make fun of him for it. He then kept all of it in a shoebox and stuffed it in his closet, never to be seen again.
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gothamslostboy · 2 years
📁 for Micheal tlb!!
A/N: I’m in a Michael mood rn so I figured I’d do this request first, but to the person who requested it, I will do the Jervis fic soon I promise
My boy has perfect pitch
Sam just walks up to him and hits random things together and is like “what note was that”
Michael put a lock on his door bc one night sam did rt his at 4:00am
He loves Disney movies
I’ve said this so many times but he LOVES cooking
Especially for ppl he cares about
His favorite season is summer
It would be spring but he’s allergic to flowers
Still buys Star flowers every week
His favorite fruit is cantaloupe
Likes the look of button up shirts but cant stand actually wearing them
Solid B+ student
Does well in math tho
Has 5 pairs of shoes: 1 set of foot flops, 1 set of dress shoes, 1 pair of boots, 2 sets of tennis shoes
Looks identical to his grandpa on his dads side
Prefers quilts over blankets
Decent singing voice but thinks it’s awful
Mamas boy, but in the good way
Normally his room is pretty neat, but around important tests it gets messy
Always wanted brown eyes
Used to help grandpa Emerson with his taxidermy when little until he realized it was actual animals
Nanook was originally his dog, but gave her to Sam after realizing he didn’t want the responsibility
Still lays on the floor with Nanook’s head on his chest like they did when she was a puppy occasionally
Learned piano for a couple years but dropped it for guitar
Has a tiny scar just below his hairline on the back of his neck bc Sam threw a pencil at him in elementary school
Collects quarters
Favorite candy is pop rocks
When he was a toddler he was a dance machine and Lucy constantly brings it up and accidentally embarrassed him
Michael and Lucy have had special nights just for them since he was 2 where they watch their favorite kids movies together curled up on the couch
He saved up money from his first job in Santa Carla and bought a tv so they could continue this
At some point in life he gets a chicken named Julian
I Like @persephone-s-moon ‘s Rat Series so even though they aren’t they boys, laddie, and Star, he gets 6 rats to help with anxiety after the night in the house
Names are Joey, Bobby, Danny, Chloe, Rosie, & Frankie
Yes all their names had to end with an “e” sound on purpose
He and Star end up dating for a couple years, but decided to be friends after a while
Michael ends up dating a bleach blonde guy who he just can’t figure out why he looks so familiar no it’s not actually david
Kinda regrets not turning when he reaches his 30s
Would never tell anyone that tho
His favorite Disney movie as of 1987 was The Fox and The Hound
But adored the Little Mermaid when it came out and took Laddie to see it all the time
Also was the one who went with Star to return laddie to his parents after everything, and the pair became his official babysitters
He gets a little creeped out whenever laddie acts like the boys tho
Still bought laddie a new jacket when he outgrew his old one, and it looked a lot like Dwayne’s
Becomes a music teacher in 50s, but was a producer before that
Ends up married to a girl named Susan, and has a son- Gabriel David Emerson
Yes Sam and everyone besides Laddie gave him hell for the middle name
Ends up being a great dad
Favorite shape is a trapezoid
Listens to Queen a ton
He and Star end up life long besties
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devilsanddarlings · 2 months
❤ : What are your muse’s thoughts on love? If they are not in a relationship, do they believe that they will ever find a perfect someone for them?
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Despite how messy his parents’ relationship was and the way it ended, Michael still very much believes in love. As he got older he began to understand that what his parents had wasn’t love at all. It started with lust and ended with loathing; the only reason they had even got properly together and stayed that way was because other people forced them into it once his mother was knocked up.
As a result, Michael’s always been very careful about who he dates and whether or not he sleeps with them. Attraction is great; he’s definitely influenced by it as a teenaged boy. But he refuses to let that be all he feels for someone. He wants real love - the kind that requires common ground, time, and work. The kind he thought he’d found the possibility of with Star, given how instantaneous their connection was. And to a lesser extent with David, although he’s still in denial about how much they gravitated towards one another. Unfortunately for Mike, that didn’t work out in most of his verses. So while he’s still open to the idea of love, he’s not sure he’ll ever find it again.
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darkstarsrise · 7 months
michael emerson
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Why I Think Star Was Turned - A Headcanon
So. This came up as part of a larger Lost Boys analysis I was doing. I think that some time before the Emersons moved to Santa Carla, Max was getting fed up with the wild nature of his boys. He hadn't found a good motherly candidate yet, and so, in his brain, the next best thing would be a sister. Surely her feminine energy and motherly instincts would calm them down.
So, night after night, Max watches the girls on the boardwalk. He waits until he finds one that's alone, seems quiet and to herself- nothing like his crazy Boys. Maybe he even follows her home at night- if she even has one. He makes sure that no one will miss her. Then he tells David about her- makes him keep Max a secret, so that if she doesn't work out their cover won't be blown.
Maybe its David who gets her to hang out with them- maybe it's one of the other boys. Star doesn't seem gullible. Maybe they used Paul- a vampire who's still human enough to be in touch with his emotions, so get her back to the cave. Maybe David used Marko, who, no offence to Alex Winter, is much smaller than the other boys, and could have been viewed as less of a threat. Either way, somehow Star ended up back at the cave drinking that wine.
And when she doesn't immediately join them with gusto? The boys get annoyed. She's a drag. She's dull. But she's definitely not stopping them from partying or feasting, so it's not that big of a deal. Max is a little disappointed at the news- even more so when he sees her avoid the boys on the boardwalk, still walking around on her own. But Max supposes that another addition to the family won't be too bad, even if it is another mouth to fill.
That's when Laddie comes in.
Max has studied the way humans work. Girls grow up into mothers. Star was still pretty young- maybe she just needed something to bring out her motherly instincts, to keep her invested in his boys.
That's when he finds Laddie.
Obviously, someone's looking for Laddie- we see his photo on the milk carton. I don't think Max would be stupid enough to steal a child from a family, unless he killed the parents. But then surely, he would get rid of the bodies, right? He's an old enough vampire to understand the importance of that. If he'd killed Laddie's parents and disposed of the bodies, there would either be searches for him and his parents, or none at all. (Don't even get me started on Marko and Laddie reportedly sharing a last name- I don't have time to think about that)
I think Max took Laddie from a group home. The foster care system is a mess now, and it was DEFINITELY a mess in the 80's. It wouldn't be that hard for a vampire with the power of persuasion and mind-trickery to snatch a kid out of a busy place like that.
So, Max takes Laddie, deposits him with the boys, and tells them that they have a new brother.
Star is horrified, of course, but what is she going to do? She takes care of the kid, and in some way the boys end up endearing themselves to her because they care for him too. She doesn't want to live like this- and she definitely doesn't want Laddie to have to kill- but it won't be the worst. The hunger's growing stronger by the day.
Soon, she tells David that she's ready to feed. David is pleased.
And then, of course, she meets Michael on the boardwalk.
haha anyway this took me so long to write peace out queens
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