petitinparis · 4 years
Please click on the link and watch this video! The artists are amazing and super talented. It's important that we continue to talk to each other and express our pain. If you can, donate whatever you think is reasonable.
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petitinparis · 5 years
Is there a statement as true as this?? 🤔🤨
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petitinparis · 5 years
Haha! I completely agree. The movie was almost as sad as the Notebook!! 😭😖
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petitinparis · 5 years
WTF... why is this sooo true??
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petitinparis · 5 years
You 👏 tell 👏them 👏
some people don't seem to realize that before you can call yourself a feminist you have to like...actually respect women
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petitinparis · 6 years
She's the definition of perfect! 👌💯
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petitinparis · 6 years
Lovely wording! 💕
“It was not the feeling of completeness I so needed, but the feeling of not being empty.”
— Jonathan Safran Foer // Everything is Illuminated
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petitinparis · 6 years
I am sooo making this before Christmas comes. 🍫🍬🎄
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petitinparis · 6 years
WTF!! This would be insane.. 🤯
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petitinparis · 6 years
Ahh.. do you hear that? It sounds like the beginning of adulthood. 🤔
Self love and Care
•Take a warm shower, moisturize your whole body, put on clean pajamas, get into bed or your comfiest nook, and read a book of affirmations or health or something you purely enjoy. Reading takes you into another world and is amazing for your soul, utilize it.
•Make yourself a hot cup of tea, coffee, hot chocolate, or cider, take it outside, drink while appreciating your environment and surroundings. Happiness is derived from gratitude and peace.
•Put on your favorite music, whether you blast it through a speaker or headphones doesn’t matter, and dance around. You’ll get your spirits up and even get a little bit of exercise out of it. 
•Speaking of exercise, go treat yourself to some new workout clothes and hit the gym. Nothing gets me more motivated to go the gym like a new sports bra does. Plus, you’ll feel amazing afterwards. No one ever regrets going to the gym.
•If you’re feeling stressed and overwhelmed with school work, put it aside for a minute and take a good break. Your mental health IS more important, trust me.
•Call someone you love. Ask them about their day, how they are doing, tell them you love them and miss them and want to get together soon. People are an important part of life and it’s important to actively show your loved ones that you care about them and you are there for them. Be the kind of friend you would want as a friend. 
•Eat some fruits and vegetables, that is all.
•Draw, take pictures, write, doodle, film. Creativity and art makes life beautiful and you will feel amazing having created something.
•Clean your closet, clean your desk, clean your entire room basically. Having a clean and organized space is a reflection of your mind. When everything is organized, your headspace is too. I love spending a good day scrubbing everything and throwing away things I no longer need, its refreshing. 
•Print out your favorite pictures and put them in a scrapbook, having all your best captured memories in a book feels right.
•Yoga is amazing for lifting spirits and getting you in touch with yourself. It teaches you to love your body and pushes your limits, you’ll be surprised at what you can do.
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petitinparis · 6 years
This is cute. Except for just a few things:
• The leaves and branches will attract bugs
• The door is not visible to the eye or it’s just on the wrong side of the hinge
• The wood inside is old, rotting and will probably be eaten by termites
• Also, it doesn’t look like the room is part of a full house (that wasn’t intended). It just looks like a decorated room in the middle of nowhere
• One last thing.. The backboard is rusted
Well besides those minor details, I think this is a beautiful area and a great picture
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petitinparis · 6 years
What a set up! I mean flowers and everything... the whole bathroom is on point. 😍👌
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(via WeHeartIt)
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petitinparis · 6 years
I never knew how strong I was until I had to forgive someone who wasn’t sorry, and accept an apology I never received.
Anonymous (via wnq-anonymous)
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petitinparis · 6 years
Wonderful landscape and sunset 🌲🌳
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Germany (by Jerdess)
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petitinparis · 6 years
Can I get this printed and put up on my wall??
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petitinparis · 6 years
Why did they have to break up?! They were perfect for each other! 😭💔
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Two people can be perfect for each other. They can be intertwined down to the core of their souls, yet among this perfection, there can still be things that do not allow the relationship to flourish like it deserves to. Time is in constant motion and it does not always work in your favor. The timing may not be right, even if everything else is. Life is a crazy thing. One chapter can have you feeling higher then you have ever been- a seemingly endless fairytale, but the next one can just as easily knock you off your feet. This being said, the beautiful thing is that if you keep moving forward life has a weird way of working itself out. You shouldn’t dwell on chapters with sad endings, because everything that has happened has shaped you into the person you are today, and you will take that into the next chapter with you. Life is the longest book that exists, and it will continue to write itself. Even if two people must spend a few chapters apart, if everything is truly meant to be they will surely find each other again in a future chapter. Always with love. xX, Adam 
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petitinparis · 7 years
Every time I watch this it makes me smile. 😊
it’s time to #SeizeTheAwkward and talk with friends about mental health.
learn more at SeizeTheAwkward.org
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