parttime-pesca · 3 years
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Sorry for the lack of posting everyone!! I have been super busy with life and school that I haven’t been able to draw or do any asks for a while! But not to fear for Pesca and I will be back soon!~
Have a random picture from my camera roll 😂
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parttime-pesca · 4 years
“ Sardinia..I lived there with my mother long ago...then I ran away to Napoli...somehow “
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parttime-pesca · 4 years
* talk about your muse!
send 🍯 for a food headcanon
send🥛for a drink headcanon
send 🐢 for a mental health headcanon
send 🦄 for a physical health headcanon
send ⌛for a sleep headcanon
send 💕 for a love headcanon
send 💣 for a stress headcanon
send 😵 for a sickness headcanon
send 🤲 for a religious headcanon
send 🏡 for a home headcanon
send 🍬 for a family headcanon
send 💼 for a work headcanon
send ⛈️ for a sadness headcanon
send 😡 for an anger headcanon
send 💩 for a ridiculous headcanon
send 🌼 for a happiness headcanon
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parttime-pesca · 4 years
My blog may get a reset done, only because I’m starting to hate it..and I have no idea why? So if y’all see past posts deleted or my entire blog but a few things empty please don’t be alarmed..
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parttime-pesca · 4 years
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Pesca doodles!! 🧡 The first sketch breaks my heart 😭
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parttime-pesca · 4 years
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parttime-pesca · 4 years
“ The other ones have been answered already but..there’s plenty of bad things I’ve done in my early childhood...my parents wouldn’t know cause my mother is dead and I don’t know my dad very well...but I did very..VERY illegal things that I prefer not to talk about...cause I did not know better back then...”
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parttime-pesca · 4 years
[ The peach haired male began to blush, he looks at the ground and mumbled loud enough to be heard. ]
“ I can sing opera...”
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parttime-pesca · 4 years
🍏- “ I wish...certain groups people didn’t exist a such as abusers, liars and..assholes.”
❤️- “They seem..very lovely and I think of strawberries when I see them.”
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parttime-pesca · 4 years
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P R I D E M O N T H!!
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parttime-pesca · 4 years
Force my Muse to Spill their Secrets
🌧- For a heavy, emotional secret
🙃- For a lighter, slightly embarrassing secret
🌟- For a secret wish or desire of theirs
🍏- For something they secretly wish didn’t exist
🍎- For something they secretly wish did exist
❤️- For a secret crush
📲- Talk about someone/something you dislike, but only pretend to like
👁‍🗨- Talk about someone/something you like, but pretend to dislike
🍻- For something bad/mischievous you did as a child or teen that your parents don’t know about
🌜- For a ‘weird’ habit or tic that no one knows about
💃- For a talent that they like to keep hidden from others
🏹- For a talent they wish they had
👻- For something that scares or disturbs them, but they refuse to tell anyone
☢️- For a controversy or scandal they have been able to keep mostly under wraps
🐇- For a secret item they keep (stuffed animal, comfort object, etc)
📒- For a secret journal/diary they keep (Bonus: Share an entry from it!)
📔- For a secret sketchbook they keep (Bonus: Share a sketch or doodle within it!)
🖤- For something they secretly wish they could do with your muse
❓- Free Space! Ask them about a specific secret!
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parttime-pesca · 4 years
I’m gonna use my platform to fight for what’s right. I will stand with the black lives matter movement!
-Mun ]
its important to mention that this blog also supports the black lives matter movement. 
sign this petition to bring justice for george floyd and, if you can, donate to this fundraiser to help the family. 
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parttime-pesca · 4 years
Stand information
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Stand Stats!
| Destructive Power:B | Speed:A | Range:C | Persistence:C | Precision:C | Development potential:B |
Stand Name and type
Tricky Disco/[Disco Trickster]
Close Range Humaniod Stand
Attack Limit is Five meters
Stand Ability(s) and small info
Gravitational Time (name is wip )
Tricky Disco is able to use a gravitational pull to bring enemy’s closer but this can’t exceed two meters from his user. This has a slight disadvantage cause he has to get up and personal with the enemy which could hurt himself or Pesca
This stand has a second ability that make his eyes special, when Tricky Disco takes of his helmet and makes eye contact with the enemy users stand it causes the enemy stand or user to be ‘paused in place’. It seems as if the person stops moving entirely but after Tricky Disco puts on it’s helmet the effect lasts for five extra seconds.
When getting up close and personal with the enemy Pesca’s stand will do a mix of punches and kicks depending on how fast it reacts. Sometimes Tricky Disco acts as a diversion for its user to attack the enemy instead
It is hard to see in the sketch done but Tricky Disco’s helmet has spikes in the back as well as the red and blue wires on his mouth.
Due to the wires on the stands mouth it’s unable to talk, but Disco lets out small hums and makes little tittering noises so he kinda sounds like a little bumblebee. When enraged Tricky Disco despite the wires will let out piercing screams, this will also cause the corners of Pesca’s mouth to bleed. This happens on rare occasions thankfully.
{ Constructive Criticism is much appreciated since I’m still in the process of making Pesca’s stand the best I can make him!!! - Mun }
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parttime-pesca · 4 years
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Pesca’s 22nd Birthday!!!!
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parttime-pesca · 4 years
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Sleepy boy doodle
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parttime-pesca · 5 years
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Reblog to let your followers know you are a safe person to come out to.
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parttime-pesca · 5 years
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“Oh my god I’m an idiot!! Why did I do that?! I know better than to have stupid feelings!! Oh wait, I’ll just stay behind this wall til he forgets about the letter..”
Dear Pannacotta Fugo, This may come as a shock but I have to confess my undying love for you. You’re the most amazing, beautiful and talented boy I’ve ever seen! The way you get excited about the things you love, makes my heart flutter. Everything about you is perfect, you’re perfect just the way you are flaws and all, I wouldn’t change you for anything or anyone. I’ll always be here especially when people continue to make you upset. I hope this letter finds you in good health
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“Hm. This letter has no signature and I don’t recognize the writing at all.I get the feeling that I’ve never even met this person, so why would they send me something like this? Are they stalking me?
…This paper smells nice and flowery though.“
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