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unfortunately a fanfic writerao3: not-a-bad-day (overd)
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overb · 2 months ago
roght guys i am making a fic INCLUDING good parents jack & janet and please please im begging someone to proof read n discuss fics w !! beta reader PLEASSEEEE come to me i will b sweet i will b kind we will b best friends!
(gift of an extract from the current fic im writing instead of updating my other ones:
“She settles them in a corner, grabbing a chair for Tim to sit on. He’s kicking his feet against the legs of the chairs when she crouches in front of him. “Sorry you had to deal with Elenor again, baby.”
Tim groans, his matching smile growing genuine. “She says everything in these… innuendos that she thinks I don’t understand.”
Janet’s hand settles on one of his dress shoes, ceasing the kicking. “I know. Just be happy you’re getting the gossip and not stood with your father talking business.”
She grows silent for a second, absentmindedly fiddling with the laces of his shoes. “I have something I want to talk to you about.”
“If it’s about the seafood on the menu,” Tim says, holding his hands up in surrender, “I haven’t touched it.”
“The what?” Janet comes back to herself, her lips tugging down. She drops Tim’s shoelace, settling back in her crouch. The fact she can move so comfortably in her heels will always impress him. “No, baby, that’s not it. I didn’t realise there was— I’ll talk to your father about that. I need to ask for a favour. A mission.”
“Of course.” Tim nods, leaning forwards. His first charity events were full of missions, Tim toddling around to greet his ‘targets’. If he completed them all, Jack would take him for ice cream on the way home. Even though the missions dwindled, the ice cream never would. “What’s up?”
“Have you noticed the boy?— No, that’s silly.” She smiles at Tim, a real, soft smile. “Of course you have. Will you go talk to him? If he’s going to keep sneaking into our events, he needs to have some more manners. And a nicer suit.” )
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overb · 3 months ago
guys… i posted a mighty ducks batfam esque au. Fhank you.
Read it. Pelase
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overb · 4 months ago
INCOMING!!: a very merry gotham — young just us’ adventures. Aka. They r finally let into gotham. Like a little gift
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overb · 4 months ago
GUYS SO IM WRITING this JOKER JUNIOR FIC PLEASE READ IT!!! but im torn r we feeling like jason finds out tim killed the joker OR r we feeling tim didnt kill the joker THEN but smthn happens and he shoots him pointblank :p
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overb · 4 months ago
jj fic but hes js jason (as red hoods) hyperactive child who runs round and causes all these issues
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overb · 4 months ago
timkon ff but kon is a regular in the wayne household bcs he grew up w the waynes & co and tim is this eccentric neighbour thats started js showing up, acting like he has known the waynes & co forever n them acting the same way yk. Gotta note yhis down b4 sleep
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overb · 4 months ago
r u interested in a frequent flyer!Tim and good ol dr bruce fic??? including special events like broken bones and parental death?
then read my new fic. Please!
first chapter is out today!!!
“ “Ouch!” Bruce rummaged through a drawer, pulling out the antiseptic wipes. “I’m just gonna clean them off for you, but don’t worry! We’ll get more Flash plasters.”
“That’s ok.” Tim presented his hand to Bruce, who steadied it as he started to peel them off. “Robin’s m’fave.”
Bruce beamed at him. “That’s a good choice Timothy. He’s my favourite too."
OR a slight AU where Bruce is a doctor and Tim is an adorable kid with the worst of luck ”
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overb · 4 months ago
i see ur bad parents jack and janet and raise u supportive but like… so unaware:
tim, kissing his mum on the cheek: i’m gonna go take photos of the bats
janet, genuinely unbelieving: make sure you wrap up warm sweetheart
jack: so, what do you need the new camera for?
tim: oh, i like to take photos of robin
jack: ok. well. how about one with a good zoom?
tim: mum, dad, im going to go find nightwing and make him become robin again!
jack and janet, fed up of the constant talk at the dinner table of how batman is becoming ‘evil’, enthusiastically handing over bus money: good luck sweetheart! call us if you need anythint
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overb · 6 months ago
how we feelin abt a little no capes hospital au where tims in and out, getting more frequent as his parents get kidnapped etc (canon events omg!!) and bruce being a dr…
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overb · 7 months ago
guys batman but like have u ever seen new girl tbats whay its like in the manor w/out the romance xx
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overb · 9 months ago
yall im on holibobs in greece rn so like… probs no post! dying of 30°c heat… im british… i cant do this
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overb · 9 months ago
also bouncing off a bruce & oliver friendship centric fic collection eg:
Oliver Queen knew Batman’s identity. Of course he did— they were best friends. Their kids were best friends! There were (unfortunately) almost no secrets between them. (The gossip sessions after the League meetings were insane).
Oliver was loose with his identity, confiding in people pretty easily. Definitely a lot easier than Bruce did.
He also currently had a concussion. The bright lights of the conference room stabbed at his eyes, his head pounding in beat with his heart. It hurt. All he wanted to do was curl up in the dark, and maybe cry.
Oliver has avoided medbay to get the post-battle brief over as soon as possible. It was a stupid idea— he needed painkillers, ideally now. Bruce always kept a selection of them in the third cubby of his belt, double-stocking all the ones his kids favoured. (He also stocked Oliver’s favourites— the pink ibuprofens that looked a little like smarties).
Bruce— Batman— was standing at the front of the room, speaking in hushed tones to Clark and Arthur. Both of the heroes looked incredibly fed up, Arthur half asleep slumped in his chair.
Oliver beelined for Bruce, his only goal to ease the pain. To no longer feel like there was an angry little man camped out in his brain, taking a hammer to the sides of it every time he so much as breathed.
Bruce’s back was to him, and the leather of his cape was so cool, so Oliver pressed his head in between his shoulder blades with a sigh of relief. The body under him stiffened, almost unnoticeably, and Clark’s complaint stuttered. Oliver ignored all of those social cues and wound his arm around Bruce’s waist, hands easily finding the ibuprofen stashed away.
No one spoke until Oliver, reluctantly, pulled himself away to find a glass of water. He barely caught Clark’s bewildered “What was that?”, let alone understood it. Bruce internally floundered in response, shrugging his shoulders and refusing to comment on the situation. He really needed to talk about boundaries at work.
BASICALLY!! its a work on how when incapacitated they kind of forget to not be best friends in the way they r yk
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overb · 9 months ago
SNIPPET: (how we feelin abt this?? i need opinions bcs im gen so unsure how to start this fic)
roach: good morning fuckers (3:20AM)
roach: we are en route (3:20AM)
wall: so are we (3:25AM)
wall: and they aren't even awake yet (3:26AM)
doll: i am awake thank u very much (3:29AM)
doll: everyone else is asleep our alarms arent set till like 4:45 but i havent slept yet so!!!! (3:30AM)
The stairs dug into Tim’s back as he stretched across them, head flopped awkwardly to the side as he watched Alfred open the door. All of his siblings were sprawled across the main staircase, half asleep and very upset. It was 4:50AM, the first day of the Summer Meetup, and Bruce expected everyone to be downstairs to greet their arriving guests. It was a stupid idea, in Tim’s opinion, as everyone arrived as tired as each other.
Last summer Hal had shown up in shorts and one shoe, making it two steps into the manor before slumping against the wall and going straight to sleep. Any expectations left after the first five years of Summer Meetup’s went straight out the window.
The doorbell rang and Tim cracked open an eye to watch the first people stumble in. Alfred pulled open the door quickly, the only one in the Manor actually functioning, letting three bodies in.
They were people Tim didn’t recognise — fully awake people. People dressed in actual clothes; shorts and shirts and shoes and socks. What the fuck. Bruce hauled himself off of the wall and stuck a hand out, muttering something too quiet for anyone to hear. The man smiled at Bruce. He looked ready to talk, awake enough to talk, but put off by the glares all the kids were giving him.
Alfred ushered them further into the room, gesturing to a cleared corner for them to put their bags. They followed his instructions to the T, loitering awkwardly next to their suitcases. One of them — the youngest boy — spotted (the face down) Damian and waved happily. The other boy — the one who looked Tim’s age — laughed when Damian didn’t respond.
Stephanie was next in, unlocking the door with her key before anyone else could act. She managed a smile at Alfred before stumbling up the stairs, kicking Dick in the ribs and throwing herself down next to Cass.
The doorbell rang as soon as Steph closed her eyes. This time Barry, Wally and Bart rolled in. They were all half asleep, Bart bumping into the boy their age as he abandoned his bag. Tim managed a laugh at that, catching Bart’s attention. Wally was already cuddled up to Dick and Barry was slumped at Bruce’s feet, head resting against the man's legs by the time Bart reached Tim. He threw himself on top of him and started snoring, a spitting image of Barry’s own sounds.
Five minutes later Hal dragged himself into the Manor, joining Barry on the floor and passing straight out. Tim took it as a sign to also, finally, sleep, and let his eyes drift shut as they waited for the last group to arrive.
bcs like… i have so many ideas running thru my head for this i have no idea how to start ir
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overb · 9 months ago
i have this crack fic idea of a ‘summer meetup’ which bruce arranges once a year to make sure his kids have downtime with their friends in the superhero scene and it’s a week long sleepover with their friends and surrounding families etc w all these stupid events and all and i just wanna know what u think of it!!
the key families-ish r:
batfam (extended) OH and edit young justice for tim bcs i love yj
flashfam (but wally, bart, barry and hal)
UMMM idk what the situation is w green arrows lot but for the sake of the fic itll be oliver + roy to start MIGHT!!! evolve
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overb · 9 months ago
my fave ongoing thing in my necromancer!tim fic is the throwing up like:
““Tim Drake. I can— necromancy. Bruce Wayne. Bring him back — Jason Todd. Back.” He managed before promptly turning away and throwing up.”
“His voice was rough, lowered gently as though he was talking to a stray cat. Clearly, Alfred had also told Bruce about Tim throwing up. Snitch.”
“Tim moved the food around his plate, eyes focused on the way his scrambled eggs jolted around. He wished he could eat them but his stomach was kind of churning and he didn’t want to throw up. Again.”
“2) get to graysons house
3) have him hear me out— DONT THROW UP
4) dont throw up.”
i stand by the fact that when all of this is over he is going to be SO BULLIED for vomming. anyway. read the fic. please.
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overb · 9 months ago
OK jesus apparently u all liked this a lot thank u so much!!! i have one other extract im pretty willing to share so:
““Hey.” He gritted out. His fingernails dug into the palm of his hand, surely leaving little crescents. His breath hitched slightly, and he tightened his grip. “I have. Work to do.”
“Carry on then.” Jason saluted at him, easily carrying on his mission. It didn’t make it any easier to breathe.
Tim lowered himself under his desk, legs tight against his chest, practically mirroring the position he’d been in in the shower. His thumb dug into the angry scar on his side, one of the ones Damian had made in another assisination attempt. He couldn’t help but flinch at knives now— it was embarrassing.
When Dick had first taken Damian’s side, when he’d made Damian his Robin, Tim had been heartbroken. He hadn’t been surprised, but the easy dismissal of Tim’s purpose had struck some kind of awful chord. One that twanged loudly, forcing the softest sound out of his mouth. Of course, it’d been followed by assurances that what Dick was doing was right and it was what the kid needed, easy lies placating them easily. Dick had even looked at him with something close to proud glinting in his eyes.
It’d disappeared almost immediately after Tim told Dick he believed Bruce was alive. So did the hope that Tim would finally receive some help, that maybe with Bruce gone he could somehow fold himself back in the family.
He pinched at the back of his ankles, the spot Damian had tried to slit. Tim guessed he was lucky, that Damian had already gathered he was dying and had merely absentmindedly attempted to incapacitate him. He’d done something right— sometimes Tim couldn’t walk because of it. Cassie had given him some kind of god-created balm that soothed it. He tended to scoop generous amounts of it onto the skin before patrol.”
i really dont know if i like this one compared to the other, but rheres plot between them etc. hopefully itll emerge a relative good fic :p
yall im workinf on my tim drake angst how we feeling:
“It didn’t bother Tim that, before all this, when he was all but a kid, they didn’t really notice him.
When Jason had come back, much to everyone’s elation, and tried to murder Tim in his own home, they still didn’t really notice him. It’d been Bart who’d stumbled across a bleeding boy and rushed him to their medbay, obediently obliging when Tim told him he couldn’t tell Batman. God, did they even know what Jason had done?
Tim had disappeared for almost two months, under the guise of his parents being home and having a load of Drake Industries and school work to do, and none of them had followed up. He’d instead spent his days on the couch in the Tower, cuddled up to whichever one of his friends managed to get out of their responsibilities. Despite being in so much pain— absolutely unable to talk or walk— they’d been some of Tim’s favourite days.
He glanced at the long, jagged scars across his legs. They were deeper than the others littered there. He didn’t think anyone had ever noticed, but he avoided wearing shorts. He ran his fingers against the long dip across his neck— they’d never mentioned that one either. He’d stopped bothering to cover it. It wasn’t that noticeable.”
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overb · 9 months ago
yall im workinf on my tim drake angst how we feeling:
“It didn’t bother Tim that, before all this, when he was all but a kid, they didn’t really notice him.
When Jason had come back, much to everyone’s elation, and tried to murder Tim in his own home, they still didn’t really notice him. It’d been Bart who’d stumbled across a bleeding boy and rushed him to their medbay, obediently obliging when Tim told him he couldn’t tell Batman. God, did they even know what Jason had done?
Tim had disappeared for almost two months, under the guise of his parents being home and having a load of Drake Industries and school work to do, and none of them had followed up. He’d instead spent his days on the couch in the Tower, cuddled up to whichever one of his friends managed to get out of their responsibilities. Despite being in so much pain— absolutely unable to talk or walk— they’d been some of Tim’s favourite days.
He glanced at the long, jagged scars across his legs. They were deeper than the others littered there. He didn’t think anyone had ever noticed, but he avoided wearing shorts. He ran his fingers against the long dip across his neck— they’d never mentioned that one either. He’d stopped bothering to cover it. It wasn’t that noticeable.”
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