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There is a big difference from begging and being desperate, Hiro, please understand that. XD
I needed to make something happy because most of you people were in despair in my last Big Hero 6 comic. 
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Imagine Hiro developing a habit to reach out for Tadashi’s arm when he wants to be near him. And then after the incident, Hiro tries to reach out for him but finds nothing there for him to hold onto.
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(Android AU RP starter for Someone-Has-to-Help)
After how long his creator had spent, how much time the man had wasted away on building the small android, the robot was complete.
Well, a complete klutz. Now how to tell Tadashi he had broken another cup...
Internally calculating his options, Hiro Hamada, a recently activated robot who was newly aware of himself, stood at the base of the staircase leading up to the room he and his inventor now shared. It was more than just a cup, and if it was, it would have been the fifth this week alone. No, he had managed to break a cup, a bowl, and two plates as well. Reasearch and experience showed that Tadashi may not respond well to the knowledge that Hiro had been clumsy...
Pushing all of those calculations aside with a rush of some sort of feeling that he couldn't identify, he began the trek up the stairs. While he may have paused for a moment right before he lifted himself onto the top step, he entered the room without anything holding him back.
"Sir...? I mean, Tadashi." He had completely forgotten that the other had requested that he use his name. "I broke some tableware downstairs. I have come to apologize."
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Hiro: I know what you’re gonna say. I should be proud of myself, ‘cause I’m finally using my gift for something important.
Tadashi: No, no, I was just gonna tell you, your fly was open during the show.
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Hiro blinked in surprise when he felt the contact, but melted into it, feeling his shoulders relax suddenly. It felt like it had been forever since he had a hug from her... A sad, yet genuine smile curved his lips. Even though his heart had never stopped aching since that day, there came a time where he didn't mind wearing that pain as much. When he realized that it gave him ground to push off of when things got tough.
"It wasn't your fault... it was an accident..." The prodigy heaved out a sigh. "It's alright... I... I don't think he's left completely." A choked up feeling halted him from saying anything further. Reaching up a hand to where her hand rested on his shoulder, he gently gasped his fingers around hers.
"Don't you remember?" (waitnomyflyisdown) ((the url is more of an inside joke, it's not really descriptive XD it's Hiro c: ))
{Lol its okay i remember the quote}
Honey had woken up in a hospital, she knew that much. What she didn’t know was why. Or where she was. Or WHO she was for that matter. She looked up, eyes wide when someone walked in.
"I’m sorry… where am I, exactly?"
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In the middle of a conversation, my muse begins to cough up blood. How does your muse respond?
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227K notes · View notes
"Wait, you mean, leave you here?" He turned to his brother in shock. Go without him? Was Tadashi nuts? "N-no, I don't want you to be alone here!" Hiro clenched his hands into fists, fear flashing in his large eyes. He knew that Tadashi was going to tell him to keep going, that he would 'catch up'. But he didn't want to leave him. What if he never made it out? The teen just couldn't bear the thought of what he would do without his brother, without his best friend.
"I can't... c-can't breathe..." (waitnomyflyisdown) (Hiro, sorry if url is confusing!)
Tadashi got down to one knee looking his brother in his eyes. “Hey. Look at me.” He said sternly, “It’s going to be ok, just. Breathe.” He said softly, as he placed his hands on his shoulders. 
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//It’s alright sweeite, I got it ^^* 
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Tadashi used to stay home from school whenever it was Hiro’s birthday and spend the entire day decorating his part of their bedroom, turning it into a little party area. While the entire bed was made into a blanket fort, the end half was covered in trays of Hiro’s favourite snacks with just enough room for a projector set up to play his favourite movies on the wall. The second Hiro came home from school (or from wherever he had been sent off to after he’d graduated), the brothers would get into their pyjamas and pack pillows into the top end of the bed, where they’d lie for hours and watch movies, eventually joined by Aunt Cass (and Mochi) and the cake she’d baked for him, until they all fell asleep.
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♔ Royalty AU
I hope I did okay
Swiftly weaving between the flood of people making up an ocean of a crowd, a small, black haired teen easily made his was closer to the front. Hiro, as he was called, had been looking for a few easy pickpocketing victims when he had seen the mass of humans. Normally, he wouldn't care, and would go right back to trying to scrape up some cash for his aunt and brother. But this crowd was much bigger than what he'd normally see, so he wanted to learn what all the fuss was about. When he finally did learn, he stared in awe.
A rather tall lady garbed in high-quality silk stood near the front, guards on either side of her. No way, a princess? A queen? Who...? Before he had too much time to dwell on the subject, a broad-shouldered man shove him aside, causing him to fall to the ground with a squeak.
"Move, urchin."
Oh, no, this bastard did not just shove him aside like nothing. and then he called Hiro an urchin, no less. It wasn't his fault his family couldn't earn enough money to dress fancy. Biting down hard on his anger, he muttered a string of insults to himself to avoid picking a fight. Unfortunately, the bulky male had good hearing, and Hiro found himself lifted off the ground by his collar.
"What did you just call me!?"
No, nononono. Not now. How was he gonna get out of this one? He still had bruises from the last time he had fought with someone... This might not end well.
0 notes
Send me a symbol and i'll write a starter
Or send me “Alternate” and i’ll generate a number
☢ Zombie Apocalypse AU
♔ Royalty AU
♥ Arranged Marriage AU
✍ Highschool AU
☎ Roommates AU
☠ Hospital AU
♨ Cafe AU
❀ Flower Shop AU
♠ Vampires AU
♦ Werewolves AU
♢ Werecats AU
๑ Mermaids AU
☼ Models AU
☾ Actors AU
★ Olympic AU
♬ Musicians AU
✄ Androids AU
ღ First Date AU
◔ Superhero AU
◕ Supervillain AU
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"R... Right..." His voice trembled slightly. To be perfectly honest, he wasn't so sure, but having his brother there was somewhat... comforting. Even if he didn't want Tadashi stuck in here with him, he had a better chance of getting out. "Right." He nodded, his voice stronger now. "Alright. Let's find an angle. It's not... impossible..." While uncertainty laced his tone, at least he wasn't as panicky.
"I can't... c-can't breathe..." (waitnomyflyisdown) (Hiro, sorry if url is confusing!)
Tadashi got down to one knee looking his brother in his eyes. “Hey. Look at me.” He said sternly, “It’s going to be ok, just. Breathe.” He said softly, as he placed his hands on his shoulders. 
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//It’s alright sweeite, I got it ^^* 
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Blinking in surprise, Hiro stared at him blankly for a moment before attempting to take some deep breaths. “I-I…” Why was he suddenly panicking?
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Taking some more somewhat shaky breaths, he closed his eyes. “I… s-sorry…”
"I can't... c-can't breathe..." (waitnomyflyisdown) (Hiro, sorry if url is confusing!)
Tadashi got down to one knee looking his brother in his eyes. “Hey. Look at me.” He said sternly, “It’s going to be ok, just. Breathe.” He said softly, as he placed his hands on his shoulders. 
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//It’s alright sweeite, I got it ^^* 
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"Hehe, I know the feeling..." Hiro smiled sheepishly and rubbed the back of his head. "I usually use coke for an all nighter. Shall we go?" He held out his hand in the direction of the nearest coffee shop he knew of.
00:00:00 (waitnomyflyisdown) (a Hiro, sorry for semi confusing url ^^; )
(send me 00:00:00 for my muses reaction to their numbers hitting zero when they meet yours.)
Honey lemon looked at her wrist. 00:00:00. She looked at hiro. “You’re kidding me… It’s.. Nice to meet you!”
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He couldn’t help but smile. She was so bright and cheery. “Sure! I haven’t tried any caffeinated coffee, as Tadashi won’t let me… Does it taste any different from decaf?”
00:00:00 (waitnomyflyisdown) (a Hiro, sorry for semi confusing url ^^; )
(send me 00:00:00 for my muses reaction to their numbers hitting zero when they meet yours.)
Honey lemon looked at her wrist. 00:00:00. She looked at hiro. “You’re kidding me… It’s.. Nice to meet you!”
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Noticing the gesture, he happily accepted the opportunity and plopped down next to her, leaning slightly to get a better view of her phone's screen. While the idea that she had no memories of them whatsoever hurt Hiro, he still felt a responsibily to help her regain said memories. He wanted to help, so badly.
"That's me," The teen pointed at the picture. He smiled when he saw just how unruly his hair was. "That's Gogo, I was telling you about her. She's very to the point and doesn't sugarcoat anything, and while she has a tough exterior, she's really caring and protective. She acts like my older sister. Speed is her thing, and safety isn't really something she goes by. That big guy in the back is Wasabi. He's really cautious and always follows the rules, and he's really neat. Can't stand messes. But the lasers he makes are awesome." With a glance at her to see if she was following along, he continued. "That's Fred. He's a science enthusiast rather than a scientist. He also loves comics, and he came up with all the nicknames. Like, he came up with Honey Lemon, Gogo, and Wasabi. Those aren't real names. And that..." Hiro felt his heart do a somersault when he saw Tadashi in the back. "...that's my brother... Tadashi Hamada..." A sad smile curved his lips, and his voice became soft. "He was sweet, caring, selfless, and smart. He always put others before himself. He..." His throat closed up when he realized that now, she didn't know. He had to tell her.
"He died in a fire a little while ago..."
"Don't you remember?" (waitnomyflyisdown) ((the url is more of an inside joke, it's not really descriptive XD it's Hiro c: ))
{Lol its okay i remember the quote}
Honey had woken up in a hospital, she knew that much. What she didn’t know was why. Or where she was. Or WHO she was for that matter. She looked up, eyes wide when someone walked in.
"I’m sorry… where am I, exactly?"
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