outputmind · 7 years
The problem with Hippies is that they didn’t listen to their parents. The problem with Millennials is that they did.
-- Charles Scalfani
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outputmind · 7 years
Shit is like infinity. Add it to anything and it equals shit.
-- Charles Scalfani
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outputmind · 7 years
If you know how to think then no one can tell you what to think.
-- Charles Scalfani
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outputmind · 7 years
Anything that one should partake of in moderation is best avoided.
-- Charles Scalfani
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outputmind · 7 years
I used to wake up with aches and pains because I didn't exercise but now I wake up with aches and pains because I do exercise
-- Charles Scalfani
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outputmind · 7 years
Just because you're thin doesn't mean you're healthy.
-- Charles Scalfani
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outputmind · 7 years
You get three guess as to who created National Junk Food Day and the first two times you say the Junk Food Industry don't count.
-- Charles Scalfani
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outputmind · 7 years
For anybody who can't believe the world stood by and did nothing to stop Hitler, I have two words for you. North. Korea.
– Charles Scalfani
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outputmind · 7 years
You can either have fat in your belly or around it.
--Charles Scalfani
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outputmind · 7 years
Stop believing things just because they make you feel better.
--Charles Scalfani
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outputmind · 7 years
If everyone knows something then it's probably wrong.
-- Charles Scalfani
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outputmind · 7 years
Your health is determined more by what you don't eat than what you do.
-- Charles Scalfani
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outputmind · 7 years
Name a single charity that put itself out of business because their efforts solved the problem. Just one.
-- Charles Scalfani
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outputmind · 7 years
Coca-Cola is the new R.J. Reynolds.
--Charles Scalfani
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outputmind · 8 years
SJWs are social terrorists.
-- Charles Scalfani
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outputmind · 8 years
I'm going to do Vegans one better. I'm only going to eat wood. It's called being Wooden. You are what you eat after all.
-- Charles Scalfani
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outputmind · 8 years
The Supermarket is like the Internet. There are a few things that are good for you hidden among a bunch that's downright terrible. And it's up to you to discern the difference.
– Charles Scalfani
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