nuguyamiam 🔆
30 posts
noneteen 💭 ukrainian 💭 professional escapist 💭 ua & eng & fr 💭 chaotic academia & dreamcore devotee 💭 solarpunk
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nuguyami · 10 months ago
Just because you hate USA imperialism it doesn't mean you have to support other imperialist countries
If you believe that genocide of Ukrainians, current anti foreign agents law protests in Georgia are funded and orchestrated by USA - congratulations! You believed Russian propaganda! These 2 countries just don't want to go fash and fucking die, simple as that! People want to be free without The Evil States dictating them to protect themselves!
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nuguyami · 10 months ago
you guys really need to be educated on russia's indigenous people. some of you will rightfully call out isnotreal and usa on being settler colonies dependant on stealing land and killing it's indigenous population but then say that "i don't support russia but they aren't the same". tell that to yakut, buryat, chukchi, chechens, cirkassians, ingush, ossetians, tatars, nenets, tuvans, bashkirs, udmurts, qirimtatar of illegally occupied crimea, and many, many others. their land stolen, their culture on the verge of extinction; they're facing racism and discrimination in their own land, their activists are being thrown to prisons. russia is no different from usa
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nuguyami · 10 months ago
пан Адамцевич є автором “Запорозького маршу“, який ви не могли не чути, втім ви могли не чути й не читати й не чуткувати його біографії (зара я у вашому клубі, але до кінця дня (вечора ? та, вже вечір, з добрим ранком мене) я переведусі в клуб дізнавшихся його історію, тож запрошую puppy поглядом взятисі за руці й ноги (чи без тактильного контакту, йор віш) та перевестисі разом 👯). енівейс, якщо ви навіть прочитали перше слово і не дочитали до сюди, се знак, що варто подибати інформейшну по кобзарях, але дочитавши до кінця, ви точно знаєте, що се знак
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Old Ukrainian bandura from the 1st half of the 19th century, which belonged to the real kobzar, Yevhen O. Adamtsevych (Євген О. Адамцевич, 1903/1904-1972)
Currently stored in the collection of the Kharkiv Historical Museum (Харківський історичний музей), ДР-68
There is a Cossack on horseback depicted on this beautiful musical instrument:
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nuguyami · 11 months ago
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чверть на четвер 16 5 24
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nuguyami · 11 months ago
чарка вечору 18 5 24
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nuguyami · 11 months ago
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🇬🇪 Georgia (Sakartvelo) protesting against foreign agents bill.
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nuguyami · 11 months ago
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nuguyami · 11 months ago
russia is making advances in the Kharkiv region which was already liberated from russian occupation back in 2022. Situation in the east of Ukraine is also dire. People are losing their lives and homes every day.
Please consider donating to Hospitallers, they're a volunteer organization of paramedics that work on the frontlines. Even 1$ is a good donation.
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nuguyami · 11 months ago
russians are an exceptional case of minor in their mentality citizens of great in it’s size empire. given their attitude, it’s absolutely embarrassing to even call em people. in Ukrainian worldview, to be called person is to be conscious of your own actions, aware of basic principles of your own freedom, respect each and everyone’s personal boundaries (and country borders, if such is the case, tho :] ). this set of values it the bare minimum for self-respecting and self-worthy human being. russians will barely tick one of the boxes. and barely’s already exaggerated word for whatevs their outlook is
ukraine may be fighting the biggest modern empire in the world that wants to take its colony back to oppress and subjugate its people and culture as it has been for CENTURIES but that still not anti-imperialistic enough for some people
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nuguyami · 11 months ago
той випадок, коли я навіть не знала, що хтіла почути саме се :{ завжди почуваюсі, ніби я маю охопити весь контекст перед тим, як дізнатись, як робити щось навіть не вузькоспеціялізоване. се дуже виснажує, коли в рядок стоїть декілька таких тематично різних інтересів, що дуже розгублює та розтривожує
Hey kids, take it from an old forest hag: it's totally okay to half-ass your hobbies
... trace that picture for your journal
... like old cars without knowing how to fix them
... watch the movies without reading the comics
... super glue the part of the model
... learn one (1) way to make a braid
... watch how-to videos for every step of the recipe
... google every second word in that article
... use the automatic setting on your camera
And don't be ashamed. Real life isn't school. The all or nothing mentality is not healthy. Don't gate-keep yourself from stuff that might be fun. Shrug, grin, and hold eye contact with a boomer while you do it. It's good I promise.
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nuguyami · 11 months ago
*cries in extremely ambitious yet easily confused n therefore always disoriented in their life choices adhd gal*
you don't always need to be working towards big goals or trying to radically change your life.
you're allowed to just take time to exist, learn about yourself, what makes you happy, and enjoy being here.
taking time to rest and recover does not make you any less then people that doing different things.
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nuguyami · 11 months ago
Donate to Ukraine
United 24: General fundraising
Come Back Alive: Specific projects
Prytula foundation: Specific projects
Dzyga’s Paw: General fundraising (animal themed 🐶)
They need all the help they can get.
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nuguyami · 2 years ago
it feels so insane that a lot of people in soviet union had parallel russian names they used instead of their own non-slavic names. we were just living like that
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nuguyami · 2 years ago
"I don't care about Ukraine and Russia equally" blog:
"they're cancelling Tchaikovsky!"
reblogs of Ukrainian art/vintage photos of Ukraine/a photo from Chornobyl because of Aesthetic/that one potato storage building from Ukraine
that one post about sanctions and bans against Russia hurting Ukrainians, actually
"cheering for the Ukrainian army makes you a heartless fascist"
"lmao people get so upset when I say I'm anti-Ukraine I'll say it a few more times"
"they're all white Europeans, what about the global south" *ignores the way Russia's current actions in Ukraine are harming the global south*
"shame that the animals just happen to be dying though"
"everyone is on Ukraine's side anyway, someone should be brave and speak the truth"
"if you had read at least one book you'd know [insane fake history]"
"all Western media is biased, read RT"
complete silence about Russian war crimes, unless it's possible to spin them as fakes
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nuguyami · 2 years ago
Blindness to Russian colonialism distorts Westerners’ view of the Ukraine war
Yet, Westerners safe from bombardment like long-shot third-party presidential candidate Cornel West continue to accommodate Russia. In a July 13 interview with CNN's Kaitlan Collins, West called Russia's invasion "criminal" but insisted it was "provoked by the expansion of NATO" and is a "proxy war between the American Empire and the Russian Federation," adding Neville Chamberlain-esque icing on the appeasement cake by proposing Ukrainian territorial concessions to Russia.
The tell in West's remarks was calling the U.S. an empire but referring to Russia by its de jure name, implicitly erasing its imperial, colonial character. It's a common tendency among the segment of the left to which West belongs, one that Kazakhstan-born Pitzer College sociology professor Azamat Junisbai attributes to ignorance and a myopic, know-nothing focus on American imperialism to the exclusion of imperialism by other nations.
"They're kind of imperial about their anti-imperialism," Junisbai said. "There's something very provincial and strange about it where you literally do not know anything about what's happening beyond this one issue you care about."
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nuguyami · 2 years ago
fortunately the sky is beautiful everywhere
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nuguyami · 2 years ago
On the night of July 23rd, russia attacked Odesa, a Ukrainian port city. The center of Odesa is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The enemy is destroying historic buildings and lives. This night 19 people were wounded, 1 person was killed.
6 residential buildings, including apartment buildings, were destroyed. Two architectural monuments, a temple, were damaged. Dozens of cars were mutilated. Many buildings have broken windows, damaged roofs and facades.
Below you can see the photos before and after russian missile attack
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Funds to help Ukraine right now:
❗️ Please share!!!
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