nicksies1 · 5 days
guys what if I published a little one-shot of Sebastian and Nick that I wrote………..
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nicksies1 · 5 days
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Tags: Comedy, OC Story, Wall dweller Abuse
Words: 4,6k
Authors Note: This can have many logic errors and some mistakes since it's not proof read! If something seems wrong or weird or I wrote your oc in a stupid way please tell me.
Some OCs have more text than others since I plan to rotate between the chapters!
This is a first try, please leave some feedback, future ideas or inputs!
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"Left," Tapu hummed casually, watching as Roxy and Cyrus attempted to lift a stolen couch from one of the many lounge areas. It was a sleek, black piece of furniture, deceptively heavy. Cyrus was clearly struggling more than Roxy, who appeared completely unbothered by the weight. Both of them followed Tapu’s vague instructions, each stepping in a different direction.
"Other left," Tapu called again, not moving from her spot. And, once again, they each pulled the couch toward their other lefts, causing one corner to slam into the wall with a loud thud. A dent formed instantly. Either this couch was secretly made of steel, or the walls in Blackside were made of... well, toothpaste.
“Tapu, I appreciate the help, but 'left' is kinda vague right now,” Cyrus grumbled, his arms trembling as he held up his end, wondering if this was some kind of endurance test. Was it just him, or was the couch getting heavier by the second?
“Cyrus, your right. Roxy’s left,” a calm voice echoed from the hallway. Osiris poked her head out, startling everyone. Despite her soft tone, the group flinched like they’d been caught stealing cookies. This caused Roxy and Cyrus to drop the couch instantly, the heavy piece crashing to the floor like a boulder in a cartoon.
"Not again..." Roxy groaned, glancing at the fresh dent in the floor, which now perfectly matched the one in the wall.
Cyrus rubbed his aching arms, staring down at the couch like it had personally wronged him. "Is this thing cursed or something? Why is it so heavy?"
Roxy shot him a side-eye, unfazed. "Maybe you're just weak."
"Oh, I'm weak? Says the person who dropped it too!"
"I didn’t drop it. I let it go with style."
Before Cyrus could respond with a snarky comment, Tapu chimed in, still lounging on the side like she was watching a mildly entertaining TV show. "Okay, how about we just push it? You know... wheels exist for a reason."
Cyrus blinked. "This couch doesn't have wheels, Tapu."
"Details, details," she waved off his objection, gesturing for them to just get on with it. "You two are strong. You got this."
Roxy looked down at the couch, then back up at Cyrus. "Ready to lift this thing again, noodle arms?"
"Roxy, I swear—"
"Alright, on three!" Tapu interrupted. "One... two..."
Roxy and Cyrus braced themselves, hands back under the couch, lifting slightly in anticipation.
"...Three!" Tapu clapped, but instead of helping or offering any more directions, she grabbed a stand of hair from her shoulder, twirling it on her finger as she watched them struggle.
With an almost synchronized groan, Roxy and Cyrus managed to hoist the couch back into the air. It swayed dangerously to one side as Roxy adjusted her grip. "Stop wiggling, Cyrus!"
"I'm not wiggling, you're wiggling!"
At that moment, Osiris poked her head back out of the hallway, raising an eyebrow. "Why don’t you just... leave the couch?"
The suggestion hung in the air like a revolutionary idea. Roxy and Cyrus exchanged a look.
"Leave it? Just... like that?" Cyrus asked, blinking in disbelief. The fact that they already spend the last 4 hours lifting it was already forgotten and out of their minds.
"Yeah, I mean, it's just a stolen couch. I doubt anyone’s going to actually need it." Osiris shrugged, clearly not understanding why this was an ongoing saga.
Roxy frowned, thinking it over. "But what if someone wants to sit on it?"
Cyrus’ face twisted. "Uh, then they can continue carrying it themself?"
"I'm not leaving it here after we fought for it for the past 4 hours," Roxy hissed, gesturing wildly at the obvious crater they’d left behind.
Osiris sighed, walking over and tapping the wall. "Okay, yeah, the wall looks like it lost a fight. But honestly, do you think anyone is going to care about this enough to chase after you when you don't carry this back?"
Roxy paused, looking uncertain. “Well, when you put it like that…”
Cyrus groaned. “So, are we still moving this thing or—”
Before he could finish, the couch’s leg gave out with a loud snap, startling the people to the point where they let it drop once more, sending it tumbling to the floor again, this time with a dramatic flourish. Tapu watches with a giggle.
“Well, that solves the ‘leaving it’ problem," she snickered, standing up and dusting her hands off. “Great job, team. That couch has officially been defeated."
Roxy and Cyrus stared down at the now slightly broken, dented, and very defeated couch.
"Yeah... let's never speak of this again," Cyrus muttered, wiping sweat from his forehead.
"Agreed," Roxy sighed, nudging the couch with her tail.
“Has anyone seen my couch? I usually chill on it in the lounge area!” a voice called out, echoing through the halls. The group collectively froze, their hearts dropping to their stomachs. Eyes slowly shifted toward the very couch they had just mangled, now slightly bent and sitting pitifully on the floor.
“That’s not good,” Cyrus muttered under his breath.
“There are a lot of black couches around here,” he added, almost as if he was trying to convince himself more than anyone else. “It’s probably not this one…”
“It’s a black, sleek one. Not in the lounge anymore,” the voice called again, sounding a little closer.
Roxy’s eyes widened. “Oh no. Ohhh no.”
“Welp, time to run,” Tapu suggested cheerfully, already turning on her heel.
The others didn’t need more convincing. Like a well-practiced crime crew, they abandoned the scene without hesitation, leaving the battered couch behind as evidence. Their escape led them to the ‘main hall,’ which wasn’t really a hall at all—it was an old, abandoned submarine dock that Sebastian, Sasha, and Painter had transformed into a sort of DIY community hangout spot.
The dock had everything: cozy furniture (most of it “borrowed” from around the facility), a large pool-like area for their more aquatic friends, and a suspiciously impressive lineup of eight vending machines filled with snacks and drinks. You know, all the essentials for a secret hideout.
Panting slightly from their getaway, Cyrus glanced around, trying to calm his nerves. “Okay, I think we’re safe. No one will think to look for us in here.”
Roxy, still catching her breath, scanned the room. “This place looks like a hoarder’s dream. Are we sure Sasha didn’t just steal the entire facility at this point?”
"Hey, we don't steal. We... redistribute," Tapu corrected, grabbing a snack from one of the vending machines. “Besides, if they didn’t want stuff stolen, they shouldn’t have made it so easy to steal.”
“That’s... not how that works,” Cyrus muttered, but he was too tired to argue.
Just then, Sebastian walked in, sipping on a mug of coffee. “You guys look guilty. What’d you do?”
Roxy, without missing a beat, blurted, “We may have destroyed a couch.”
Sebastian raised an eyebrow. “Again? Which couch?”
Cyrus groaned, “Apparently the couch. The black one from the lounge. You know, the one with legs made of concrete or whatever.”
“Oh, that couch.” Sebastian winced. “Yeah, that thing’s a beast. Painter tried to lift it once with his new body, almost short-circuited himself. But wait... it’s missing now?”
“Not just missing,” Tapu smirked, “it’s dented, broken, and abandoned.”
“Well, you’ve officially entered the Couch Criminal Hall of Fame,” Sebastian said with a frown, mocking them. “Don’t worry. The facility’s got, like, thirty of them. You’ll be fine… unless the owner finds out it was you.”
Cyrus slumped onto one of the comfy chairs, his nerves shot. “Great. That’s reassuring. Now I just have to spend the rest of my life hiding in this submarine dock.”
Tapu raised her snack triumphantly. “Welcome to the club, my friend. Snacks are in the vending machines, couches are pre-stolen, and nobody here asks too many questions.”
It was peaceful for a second in the dock, with Hanako and Violet calmly floating in the water, their quiet presence barely noticed as they watched the group’s antics. Hanako occasionally blew soft bubbles while Violet gently paddled beside her, both seemingly content to stay submerged.
That peaceful moment, however, was short-lived. A bag of sour cream chips hit Sebastian square in the face at an alarming speed.
“GIVE IT BACK!” a voice screeched, shattering the calm.
Sasha came barreling through the area like a tornado, sprinting over obstacles, dodging the random furniture, and even bumping into Roxy and Cyrus, who were still recovering from their couch heist. Without missing a beat, Sasha launched herself up the vending machines with the grace of a parkour expert.
“Why is she always climbing things?” Tapu muttered through a mouthful of chips, looking thoroughly entertained.
Right on Sasha's heels was Allo, moving just as swiftly but with a bit more finesse, expertly dodging all the obstacles Sasha had bulldozed through. The two were locked in a high-speed chase, weaving through the chaos of the room.
Violet, now leaning against the edge of the pool, watched the scene unfold with wide eyes. “Do they always do this?” she asked softly, glancing over at Hanako, who nodded serenely.
“Mostly. It’s loud, but… kinda fun to watch,” Hanako said quietly, a small smile tugging at her lips. She shifted slightly, causing small ripples in the water, while keeping her gaze on the chaos on land.
Sebastian, who was still rubbing his face after being assaulted by the bag of chips, looked unimpressed. “Do they even realize we have, like, ten boxes of these?” he muttered, holding up another bag he’d grabbed from the vending machine as proof.
“Apparently not,” Cyrus deadpanned, watching as Sasha swung herself from the top of the vending machine, nearly crashing into the stack of stolen furniture.
In the water, Violet and Hanako exchanged glances, as if silently deciding that this level of chaos was best observed from a distance—preferably one where they wouldn’t end up with chips or Sasha in the face.
Just as Sasha nearly collided with the stack of stolen furniture, a calm voice cut through the chaos. “You know, if you guys put half the energy you use into chasing each other into something productive, we might actually solve some of our problems.”
Yuri strolled into the room, hands in his pockets, observing the scene with a raised eyebrow. He had that laid-back, almost exasperated look that suggested he’d seen it all before—and was only mildly impressed.
Sebastian, still recovering from the chip assault, waved weakly in Yuri’s direction. “Yeah, like getting more snacks that don’t involve aerial acrobatics.”
Yuri smirked. “Or, hear me out, just use the door. Radical idea, I know.” He pointed casually toward the perfectly functional entry next to the vending machines.
Sasha, now hanging upside down from the top of the machine like a very intense squirrel, blinked at him. “But that’s not fun.”
“You know what else isn’t fun? Falling on your head,” Yuri replied dryly. “But hey, you do you.”
Allo, who was still in hot pursuit, momentarily paused to look at Yuri. “He’s got a point, you know.”
“Et tu, Allo?” Sasha gasped dramatically, flipping herself back upright and finally hopping down, much to Yuri’s relief.
In the water, Violet and Hanako giggled softly, watching the exchange. “Yuri always makes things seem so simple,” Violet whispered to Hanako, who nodded in agreement.
“That’s his thing,” Hanako added, “he’s like... the calm in the storm.”
Meanwhile, Cyrus was still shaking his head at the whole scene. “Can’t we have one normal day without someone climbing something, breaking something, or nearly getting crushed by furniture?”
“Not in this place,” Yuri said, deadpan. “But hey, at least it keeps things interesting. You can only steal so many couches before it gets boring.”
Roxy, still watching from the sidelines, chimed in with a grin. “I don’t know, I think the couch-stealing thing has plenty of mileage left.”
“Of course you do,” Yuri replied, a small chuckle escaping him. “But next time, can you make sure the furniture you steal doesn’t leave craters in the floor? We’re running out of excuses.”
“Noted,” Roxy said, grinning, as she dramatically took out a notepad and pretended to jot down Yuri’s advice.
As the group finally began to settle down, with Sasha off the vending machines and Allo no longer chasing her, Yuri grabbed a snack from the same vending machine. “Alright, fun’s over. Who wants to actually do something useful, like figure out where all these snacks keep mysteriously disappearing from?”
Hanako and Violet exchanged another glance, their smiles widening. Yuri, in his down-to-earth way, always knew how to bring a touch of logic to the madness—even if it was through snacks.
Just as things were beginning to calm down, the door slammed open with an energetic bang, and in burst Casimir, grinning like he’d just discovered the best news of the century. “You guys won’t believe what Garpol and Nick did this time!”
Yuri groaned, “Oh no…”
“Uh-oh,” Tapu muttered, quickly stuffing the last chip into her mouth. Hanako and Violet exchanged a look, sensing the chaos to come, while Roxy perked up, clearly interested.
Sasha, still shaking off her near fall, straightened up. “What did they do this time?”
Casimir waltzed in, dragging Sasha and Allo toward him with an infectious energy, pulling them both into his orbit as if they had no choice. “Garpol and Nick found a wall dweller. And they adopted it. Together. They’re underwater right now!”
“What?!” Allo exclaimed, her eyes wide. “A wall dweller? They plan to keep it?”
“Oh, they do,” Casimir said, with a wink, “and they’ve already named it. Dewey. It’s apparently very fond of walls, as you might expect. They’re giving it swimming lessons as we speak.”
Sasha snorted, then burst out laughing. “You’re kidding. Swimming lessons? For a creature that… lives in walls?!”
“I know, right?!” Casimir chuckled. “Garpol’s convinced Dewey’s going to be the next big thing. Says he’s going to train him for underwater exploration.”
Allo blinked. “I’m sorry, but... aren’t wall dwellers not our enemies?”
“Exactly why Garpol’s plan is so foolproof,” Casimir said, throwing his arms wide. “Nick’s down there too, trying to coax Dewey out of the walls. I’m guessing it’s going about as well as you’d expect.”
Violet, gently paddling in the water, giggled quietly. “I’d like to see a wall dweller trying to swim…”
“Oh, it’s happening,” Casimir insisted. “They’ve got Dewey floating around like some kind of confused balloon right now. If we head down there, we might catch the show.”
Yuri sighed, looking equal parts amused and exasperated. “So let me get this straight… Garpol and Nick adopted a wall dweller, brought it underwater, and are teaching it to swim. That’s… the least surprising thing I’ve heard today.”
Casimir’s eyes lit up. “Yup! And I figured you guys would want to be part of the chaos. Think of it: Garpol, Nick, Dewey—the perfect dysfunctional team.”
Without missing a beat, Casimir grabbed Sasha and Allo’s arms, already pulling them toward the exit. “C’mon! Who’s coming with me? We’ve got front-row seats to the most bizarre swimming lesson you’ll ever see!”
Sasha and Allo, now fully caught up in Casimir’s enthusiasm, were laughing as they were pulled along, already ready for whatever madness awaited.
“I’ll bring snacks!” Tapu shouted, tossing the empty chip bag aside and jogging after them.
Cyrus stood frozen for a moment, then sighed, “Alright, might as well see this disaster unfold.”
As the group began to file out, Hanako and Violet stayed floating quietly in the water, watching the madness continue.
“I’m kind of curious about the wall dweller,” Violet admitted softly.
“Same,” Hanako added. “But… I think it’s safer to watch from here.”
Yuri stayed behind too, shaking his head with a small chuckle. “Every time I think it can’t get any weirder, Casimir shows up. How does he do it?”
“Simple,” Violet said with a smile. “He is the chaos.”
The group had made their way to the water viewing area—a large glass panel that separated the dry portion of the dock from the underwater section, there was still a large hole in the ground, leading to different underwater parts. Casimir, with his boundless energy, had pulled everyone along, buzzing with excitement as they gathered to watch Garpol, Nick, and their newly adopted wall dweller, Dewey, attempt some version of "swimming lessons."
Sasha, leaning on the railing, squinted at the water. “So… where’s the wall dweller?”
“There! That tiny blob thing hugging the wall like it owes it money!” Casimir pointed with exaggerated enthusiasm. “Look at Dewey go!”
In the water, Garpol and Nick were floundering around, trying to coax Dewey into actually moving. The small creature was, as promised, clinging to the wall like it was its sole purpose in life, not showing the slightest interest in the water surrounding it. Garpol was gesturing wildly, as if explaining some great aquatic theory, while Nick swam nearby, trying to look supportive but mostly just confused.
“Do they… know what they’re doing?” Security asked, raising an eyebrow. She stood beside Cheshire, who was watching the scene with a mix of amusement and curiosity.
Cheshire tilted his head, his usual calm demeanor making it hard to tell if he was entertained or mildly horrified. “I don’t think anyone’s really sure what they’re doing at this point.”
From behind, Cordelia strolled in, a small smirk tugging at her lips. “This is the kind of disaster you don’t see every day. What exactly is the end goal here? Teach the thing to swim or give it an existential crisis?”
“Both, probably,” Sasha muttered, clearly fascinated by the chaos unfolding before them.
Roxy, who had been silently observing, chuckled. “Garpol looks way too confident. I’m betting five credits Dewey freaks out and latches onto Nick next.”
Cyrus shook his head. “You’re on.”
Down in the water, Garpol was still making grand gestures, now holding what appeared to be a treat in her hand. She waved it enticingly in front of Dewey, who finally seemed to respond. Slowly, and with great hesitation, Dewey peeled itself from the wall. It floated, a little blob-like, resembling an awkward balloon more than anything. The wall dweller bobbed closer, and the crowd of onlookers above leaned in.
“This is it,” Casimir whispered dramatically. “The moment of truth.”
Just as Dewey made a tentative move toward Garpol, the wall dweller's little body twitched, and without warning, it lunged—straight at Nick.
“Ahh!” Nick yelped, flailing as Dewey latched onto him like a life preserver, its little limbs wrapping tightly around him. His muffled protests were drowned out by the water as he tried to pry Dewey off, but the creature had no intention of letting go.
Roxy snorted. “And I win.”
Cyrus groaned, handing over the credits. “I hate that you called that.”
“I love that I called that,” Roxy replied smugly.
In the water, Garpol was still trying to coach Dewey through the ordeal, but it was clear the wall dweller had no plans of leaving its new favorite “wall” anytime soon. Nick, now burdened with his new clingy friend, gave Garpol a look that screamed, “Help me,” but Garpol seemed unfazed.
“Just let him adjust! He’s bonding with you,” Garpol shouted through the water, clearly too invested in his aquatic ambitions to notice Nick’s growing panic.
Cordelia, shaking her head, turned to the group. “So… anyone wants to take bets on how long it’ll take before Nick just becomes Dewey’s new permanent home?”
“I give it five minutes,” Cheshire chimed in, crossing his arms with a small smile.
“Three,” Security added confidently, together with René next to her who let's out a confirming sound.
Casimir leaned forward, watching the scene with gleaming eyes. “I give it twenty seconds before Nick tries to escape.”
Sure enough, within moments, Nick attempted to swim away, but Dewey clung even tighter. The crowd burst into laughter as Nick struggled, his arms flailing, while Garpol offered encouraging shouts from behind. It was less of a swimming lesson now and more of an underwater wrestling match.
Suddenly, Violet appeared beside them, having drifted over from the water area where she and Hanako had been peacefully observing. Her eyes widened at the sight of Dewey latching onto Nick like a second skin. “Oh… that doesn’t look ideal.”
“It’s not,” Sasha said, stifling her laughter.
Security blinked, then shrugged. “Well, Dewey seems… persistent.”
“That’s one way to put it,” Asterion muttered, walking in and watching as Nick finally gave up and floated aimlessly in the water, now resigned to his fate as Dewey’s new best friend.
Casimir clapped his hands, grinning. “This might be the best swimming lesson I’ve ever seen. Garpol and Nick are gonna go down in history for this.”
Cordelia chuckled. “History for what? Losing a battle to a blob?”
“An adorable blob,” Casimir corrected, flashing a thumbs up.
Cheshire, ever the voice of quiet reason, sighed. “Well, if they ever want Dewey to actually swim, they might have to rethink their entire strategy.”
“Or,” Asterion added, “they could just accept that Dewey’s a land creature and move on.”
“Yeah, but where’s the fun in that?” Casimir replied, grinning.
Pearl giggled softly, still watching the ridiculousness below. “At least everyone seems… enthusiastic.”
In the water, Nick finally managed to pry Dewey off and hand the stubborn creature back to Garpol, who gave him an enthusiastic thumbs up. Nick, panting and exhausted, shot Garpol a glare that could melt steel.
“Yeah, I’m gonna call it,” Cyrus said with a sigh. “This swimming lesson is officially a bust.”
“Not if Garpol has anything to say about it,” Casimir said, a mischievous grin on his face. “But I think Dewey’s already won this round.”
As the group gathered by the edge of the pool, they watched in both awe and disbelief as Garpol and Nick valiantly attempted to teach Dewey, the wall dweller, how to swim. Dewey, for his part, was clearly less enthusiastic about the whole ordeal, floating awkwardly in the water like a very unimpressed balloon.
Casimir, still grinning from ear to ear, clapped his hands in excitement. “Look at him go! Dewey’s gonna be an Olympic swimmer in no time.”
Roxy folded her arms, raising an eyebrow. “Yeah, if by ‘Olympic swimmer’ you mean ‘confused and terrified.’”
Cheshire leaned forward, tilting her head curiously. “Is… is he supposed to be that color? He looks kinda pale.”
Cordelia stifled a giggle. “I think that’s just fear.”
René glanced over to Asterion, nudging him to step in, leading to it that Asterion leaned over toward Nick and shouted, “Hey Nick, maybe you should start with the basics! Like… not drowning?”
Nick, wading in the water beside Dewey, shot René a glare. “I’m trying, okay? It’s not like there’s a guidebook for teaching a wall dweller how to swim!”
Garpol, who was proudly holding Dewey like some kind of aquatic instructor, called out with a determined grin, “Dewey’s doing great! He’s just gotta believe in himself. Right, buddy?”
Dewey, for his part, gurgled weakly, clearly not sharing Garpol’s enthusiasm.
Just as the group was beginning to settle into the absurdity of the scene, a stern voice suddenly cut through the air like a knife. “What on Earth is going on here?”
Everyone froze. Slowly, heads turned toward the entrance of the pool area, where Angela swam in the water with Amilia in her arms, her expression a mixture of disappointment and exasperation. She looked like a mother who had just walked into her kitchen to find her kids had somehow set fire to the toaster… again.
“Oh no,” René muttered under his breath. “It’s Angela.”
“And Amilia!”
Angela swam over to the edge of the hole to the group, her eyes narrowing at the sight of Dewey, who was still flailing awkwardly in the water. Then she put Amilia down. “Garpol. Nick. What in the world are you doing with that poor creature?”
Garpol, who suddenly looked like a kid caught red-handed with a frog in his pocket, stammered, “W-We’re teaching Dewey how to swim!”
Angela’s eyebrows shot up, speaking in a softly scolding tone. “Teaching a wall dweller to swim? Are you out of your mind? He’s not a fish! He lives in walls for a reason!”
Nick, now looking thoroughly embarrassed, tried to explain, “But we thought it’d be a good idea to—”
Angela held up a hand, silencing him instantly. “No. No more excuses. I don’t know whose bright idea this was, but this poor thing is terrified. Get him out of the water right now.”
With a defeated sigh, Garpol and Nick helped Dewey wobble out of the pool. The poor creature clung to the wall, immediately trying to blend in with it, clearly relieved to be out of the water.
Angela turned her attention to the rest of the group, her eyes narrowing. “And the rest of you. What are you even doing here, watching this ridiculous chaos unfold? Did it ever occur to you that maybe—just maybe—this isn’t a good idea?”
Casimir raised a hand sheepishly. “In my defense, I didn’t think it’d get this chaotic. I just… encouraged it.”
“Of course you did,” Angela sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. “Why am I not surprised?”
Cheshire, who had been quietly observing from the sidelines, piped up. “To be fair, it was pretty entertaining.”
Angela shot her a withering look. “Entertaining? That wall dweller was two seconds away from having a panic attack, and you’re calling it entertaining?”
Security blinked innocently. “Well… kinda?”
Angela groaned, looking as though she was rapidly losing patience. “You’re all lucky that nothing worse happened. Honestly, sometimes I wonder how you all manage to function without me.”
Roxy, who was trying and failing to stifle a laugh, whispered to Casimir, “She’s like our group mom.”
Casimir grinned. “Yeah, but in a ‘disappointed but still loves you’ kind of way.”
Angela clapped her hands to get everyone’s attention, making Amilia flinch. “Alright, enough of this nonsense. Garpol, Nick, take Dewey back to his wall where he belongs. And no more swimming lessons for him—ever.”
Garpol and Nick nodded sheepishly, ushering Dewey back toward the wall, where the little creature promptly disappeared into a crack, clearly done with the day’s shenanigans.
“And the rest of you,” Angela continued, eyeing the group sternly. “Try to think before encouraging more chaos. If I catch you pulling another stunt like this, there will be consequences. Understood?”
A chorus of reluctant nods followed, and Angela, satisfied that her point had been made, gave a final stern glance before turning to leave. “I swear,” she muttered under her breath, “it’s like babysitting a bunch of overgrown children.”
As she walked away, Casimir leaned over to Roxy and whispered with a grin, “I’m totally gonna encourage more chaos.”
Roxy smirked. “Obviously.”
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nicksies1 · 5 days
Streamer au really has me searching stuff like "can you get arrested for identity theft?" "How to sue someone for identity theft"
"How to get away with murder"
"Cheap bodybags"
"Costs Hitman"
"Vanilla Scones recipe under 40 mins"
"How to get blood out of a carpet"
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nicksies1 · 6 days
some of you people are insane
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nicksies1 · 10 days
Another silly doodle of Sebastian and Nick!!! They mean the world to me bro
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nicksies1 · 11 days
[kinda a hot take i dont even know]
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For context, for those who don't understand, when Flesh cousin says "log" im like 99% sure he is speaking of Mark, because log... wood... yk. ANYWAYS. SO. This basically confirms that Wallter misses Mark! I can already see the people crying about how that means they're getting back together n all that... yay /sarcastic
I just wanna put this here, please realize that people can miss someone and not want to get back with them. Wallter and Mark were together for 6 years guys,, he's allowed to miss moments with him. They *were* happy together at one point. That does not mean they will, or should for that matter, get back together. Wallter is addicted to something that is slowly killing him, and has no plans of quitting. Plus he hates Mark atm. Does that seem like a healthy person to get married to? Yeah, no...
Think about a past relationship you had that wern't the healthiest. Some people would still miss those moments. I have memories like that! You miss the fond times. You miss the good times where the relationship seemed healthy, or maybe, at one point, was healthy. Does this mean you want to get back with them? Does that mean you *should*? Most of the time, no!
My point being, this does not mean Wallter wants to get back together with Mark. I just hope people realize this and don't use it as their reason to say they should remarry. As much as I love them pre-divorce: i do not think they should nor do I really want them to get back together. That would be uh healthy for both parties, at least right now. I would much prefer a sadder ending to their arc where they don't get back together.
OKAY sorry to be a downer feel free to disagree with me! thats fine. bye guys!! 😋
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nicksies1 · 25 days
i think a large part of where fan creators go wrong with wallmark - more specifically wallter - is that they all make the same mistake of assuming that wallter reminiscing his past relationship with mark = wallter is still in love with mark
the reality is that no matter how they actually feel or felt about the relationship, no matter how much they hate their ex partner now, people in real life will reminisce a LOT about past relationships- especially a marriage that lasted for six years. and on TOP of that, wallter and mark have probably known each other for a very long time even before that. its not unrealistic, nor out of character to assume that wallter sometimes misses what he had with mark and remembers an idealized version of those golden days of their relationship, while also absolutely hating mark and not wanting to see his face ever again.
truly, the person who loved mark is gone now. the moment he let himself fall into the influence of gray stuff, which may have stuck him into a point of no return. wallter and mark can NEVER happen again, not by apologizing, or making up, or talking about each other's feelings- it just is not possible unless you completely ignore wallter's gray stuff addiction and pretend it's not killing him. he literally just doesn't care about anyone or anything that isnt a building made of concrete.
its also very important to remember thst just because he may miss his relationship with mark sometimes, that doesnt mean he feels that way ALL the time. its also a very common realistic experience to suddenly be hit with guilt and regret when thinking about happier times in the past that you can never get back- only to later on realize why they ended in the first place, and it turns out you dont actually miss those times all that much.
feelings arent linear and they arent permanent and they are absolutely NOT supposed to be simple to understand. it lacks realism when you think of feelings and emotions purely in a conventional way. theyre adults, it only makes sense that they have complicated adult feelings and cry about stupid things sometimes.
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nicksies1 · 29 days
Pressure self insert!!! Really like how it turned out
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Some stuff might get changed, but !!!! Also he prefers being called Nick over Nicholas :3 (and yes, i self ship with Sebastian….)
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nicksies1 · 1 month
Remade my pressure self-insert because the old one was really boring!!!
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He has eyes, but hides them because when a human looks at his eyes, they’ll immediately die (that’s why the NICKname medusa)
He’s also known as the informer, because he used to listen to information from urbanshade and share it around back when he was a human
And he still has those fish gills because he used to be a scientist(and volunteered to get them) but then got experimented on after urbanshade found out that he was sharing around extremely confidential secrets
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nicksies1 · 1 month
Just a silly doodle to practice drawing seb
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I can’t believe I’m in love with a fish………
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nicksies1 · 1 month
chat. . . I hope y’all don’t mind Sebastian x oc stuff :3 I started to get back into writing and…I really really got attached to Sebastian and his lore and stuff…
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nicksies1 · 1 month
I self ship with Sebastian….its joever…
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Also!!! Nick(my self insert) has fish gills because some people working at urbanshade got like surgery so they can breathe underwater and he was one of the VERY few lucky expendable ones to get it :3
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nicksies1 · 2 months
We’ll meet again, Shinji.
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nicksies1 · 2 months
zoro’s sexuality is hilarious to me, cause i could believe anything at this point. gay? totally see it. bi? sure. straight as an arrow? wouldnt be surprised. asexual? ofc just like luffy. aromantic? makes sense he has swordsman stuff to do.
oda could tell me tomorrow that zoro’s been a sapiosexual trans woman this whole time and id just nod like yup thats silly ol zoro for you
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nicksies1 · 3 months
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Someone requested Chilchuck and Hatsune Miku
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nicksies1 · 3 months
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the bleh family
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nicksies1 · 3 months
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growing old with you
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