mystaristhere · 11 months
I like the idea after their big fight they gave each other the cold shoulder for a whole entire three months straight, Sirius said 'Yes?' when Regulus called Siri on iPhone stopped their stupid fight.
*im not saying Reg didn't do that on purpose
*neither nor i said Sirius didn't decided to roll with it
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mystaristhere · 1 year
Regulus is a bassist in a punk band.
Nobody: Why no tats, piercings or funky hair?
Regulus: I refuse to conform to society's expectations.
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mystaristhere · 1 year
Whenever i tried to write some dirty, improper, pwp fiction full of non-con, rape, bad bdsm manner or other shit it ends up with full conscent and hurt/confort, am I really such a softie???
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mystaristhere · 1 year
I really believe that the reason tarlos is so loved by many is because it's the ship that our generation has been waiting for since forever. A ship that doesn't have to exist in headcanons (which are all valid and true in their own right because no one can rob you of your interpretation of the characters that mean the most to you).
This is a queer couple existing within a high-paced show that's not focused only on romance. A couple existing not just for the sake of PR points. A gay couple that has not been queer-baited from the get-go, and has had unapologetically canon sexual tension from the very start. A couple that genuinely fits into the piece of the plot and are written with the care and love that we've ALL been craving for.
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I'm thinking of all the examples of fan-favourite ships that have stayed too long as non-canon: Destiel. Buddie. Stony. Stucky. Geraskier. Sterek. Just, there's so many platonic ships that had the potential to grow into something more and just... didn't. And I'm not here to dunk on those character choices because platonic love is genuine, true and equally deserving of attention but. There's just something different about being able to see pieces of growth from your favourite blorbos on screen blossoming from a seed into a whole-ass tree. Because that's honestly what I feel looking at tarlos. (Re: wedding)
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We've been waiting a long time for a ship like this, I think. Or at least, I have. A ship in a fast-paced series that isn't a romcom but still has the space to breathe and be real. (if anyone knows more pls rec em). yeah. i'm so whipped for them.
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mystaristhere · 1 year
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mystaristhere · 2 years
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James: "Did it hurt?"
Regulus: "Yes."
James: "You didn't even wait for the 'when you fell from heaven' part."
Regulus: "Everything hurts."
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mystaristhere · 2 years
James and Regulus went to Disneyland to buy a teapot( IDK why)
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mystaristhere · 2 years
Okay let’s picture that scene. Hogwarts somehow held a  scavenger hunt and Sirius Black absolutely killed the game untill he found his next clue said “Lion Heart”. 
Everyone thought he’d turn to James Potter who is the Gryffindorest Gryffindor besides of Sirius himself. Instead he ran to the Slytherin bleachers shouted at Regulus, asked him to jump from a height of three meters because obviously Sirius would catch him.
*Yes Sirius tried to accio Regulus and failed.
*Remus was so worried for Sirius taking Minne as the “Lion Heart”.
*”Why are you mad at me Reggie?? They don’t know astronomy is not my fault!”
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mystaristhere · 2 years
I hate in fics Regulus has to behave nice and/or prove himself to earn Griffindors’ recognition and his own brother’s love. I hate those most which includes using Legilimency or Veritaserum on Regulus so that they can trust him. I mean, if he need to earn it then he deserves better than it.
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