A journey of a young adult woman. Let her voice be heard and take a sit for the the show!✨���🌹
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To Whom It May Concern,
2021, another year to continue living this life. Another one to continue the fight and encounter the struggle.
I am all 'Starting a new start' kind of vibe. I cut my hair, sorting out my clothes. Hence I rearrange my bedroom. I put my 'old me' aside and focusing to creating this 'new me' meaning.
I thought it would be just another cleaning day and making new space in my room. Who knows I discovered a valuable life souvenirs.
Let me break it down with y'all; - First thing: woah I have a lot of stuff. Especially books. I do love books so much - I have this weird collection of fridge magnets lol. I remember that I was proud of it. Kept it sealed and safe to not break it. Now I set it free and happy on the surface of my fridge. - Found a lot of young me photos!! oh I love walking at downline of memories - Speaking of memories, I found my notes. That I wrote. Like a diary but it was different. Because back there when I write, I have a huge of feeling explosion. So yeah it was all deep and emotional.
These notes were everything in fact let me use a present tense 'It is everything to me' It is like a nice reminder from me to me. I know I could always rely on my self ;)
Lately I have been feeling blue. I think that my life is worthless that I am lost and wasting my 'youth' I just finished my bachelor degree. Today, I am struggling to find a decent job. To finally able to fund myself. Everyday I blaming myself that I have zero quality therefore nobody wants to hire me. Hundreds of applications, dozens of interviews. Just ended up with rejections and another one and so on. Meanwhile, everyone keep asking me 'do you find a job yet?' Every time I just smiled and said 'Wish me a tons of lucks' This stressing me out like crazy.
When I finally decided to do a room make-over it is because I was tired feeling sorry for myself. I was hoping to find something that could distract my mind.
And here I am reading my old notes. . . With a smile on my face and proud feeling brought up from my chest.
I known as an ambitious person, so even from 5 years ago I already have a high expectations of wish list. I worked and work hard until I reach it all. Apparently I worked too hard and I did not realize that I have almost fulfill all of my wish list from 5 years ago.
It was like a slap from an old friend on my face. Said 'Stop blaming yourself, you deserve to be proud and happy. You did it. Yes. I DID IT. I should be proud of myself and I AM.
Congrats ME, You deserve it. It is not over yet but hey you fulfilled your wish list, meaning you could do it all. You are not this worthless young-adult. It was a struggle but this lead you to where you are today.
So remember this, your struggle today will lead you to a new position in the future. You just have to slow-down a bit and look at your reflection that It will be all right and you can do this.
Chin up! Make a new list and try to be more grateful once in a while. Because there is beauty in life other than struggling.
Yours truly, Mstwentyfour
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Do you have any wish for 2021?
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My first book of this year is Bird Box by Josh Malerman.
Yes it is that film from netflix.
It has been my curiosity since the film was released. They said the book is worth to read. It has different stories than the film. Very exciting!
I have read books adapted to movies before. And surprisingly they were all fantastic.
I hope this book will give me that kick of surprise too!
Hey All!
2021 is just getting started, and every year I love to make a reading challenge. Nothing much, sometimes only 10 books in a year. Because we all know with works, studies and digital, it is not easy.
Therefore I would like to invite you to grab a book. Any kind of genre, authors, or even book covers that you like. Sit down, lay down, hence make yourself comfortable! And make a little time every day to read your book.
Why should we read? Tell us the reason
Well, according to this, reading gives you good benefits as much as exercise.
Help fight Alzheimer’s disease
Boost your brain power
Also, in the time like this we all need something to find a comfort so maybe books could over you some!
If you decide to join this is how it works,
You just have to comment or re-blog this on your page with your current reading. I would like to know why you choose the book and how it goes and how are you feeling. But still No spoiler alert!
They all say reading is contagious so why not we spread a good virus for time shakes.
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Hey All!
2021 is just getting started, and every year I love to make a reading challenge. Nothing much, sometimes only 10 books in a year. Because we all know with works, studies and digital, it is not easy.
Therefore I would like to invite you to grab a book. Any kind of genre, authors, or even book covers that you like. Sit down, lay down, hence make yourself comfortable! And make a little time every day to read your book.
Why should we read? Tell us the reason
Well, according to this, reading gives you good benefits as much as exercise.
Help fight Alzheimer’s disease
Boost your brain power
Also, in the time like this we all need something to find a comfort so maybe books could over you some!
If you decide to join this is how it works,
You just have to comment or re-blog this on your page with your current reading. I would like to know why you choose the book and how it goes and how are you feeling. But still No spoiler alert!
They all say reading is contagious so why not we spread a good virus for time shakes.
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Nothing to Lose
Have you ever felt like floating in the middle? Just in the middle. Not touching the ground nor the ceiling. You see everything is moving around you, going up and down, right and left. But you are just where you are. In the middle, floating.
Yep, That is ME. I feel that way. This recent feeling seems to stuck with me lately. I feel like I am stuck while watching everything is moving around me.
However, I don't have the energy to catch up with the rest.
Do I have to seek a professional? Is it normal to feel this way? Is it because of the condition? The pandemic causes fear and depression. Unclear future and long-lasting worries. Does it really affect me that much?
I know life goes on with or without pandemics. I need to find that spark. That little fire is hidden within me. The one that used to be a beautiful flame, warmth me inside. Giving me courage and curiosity to dream. To go beyond.
After long hours of talking to myself, arguing, and finally make a peace with my mind I realized that I am at the starting line. A brand new one. To reach the future and head to a new journey. It is up to me to decide how my journey will go.
I have nothing to lose. I haven't started anything yet. I'm still looking to find my direction. It is the first time in my life that I see a big world in front of me and I can do anything.
Despite living in this current situation, I have to continue my life. Creating new dreams by adapting to 'new normal' This is my journey. My first step into the real world. And you will be the spectator of my life.

#journey#my life#self discovery#new chapter#travel#italy#self empowerment#find your happiness#find your way#goodluck
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If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.
Mother Teresa
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If you are currently experiencing disappointment, pain or frustration because something did not work out the way you hoped it would, I want you to hear this: If it was not meant to be, there is something out there that is. Something bigger. Something more exciting. Something more special. Something that will heal your soul in a much kinder and softer way. Whatever it is that did not work out, I understand that the pain might be unbearable right now, but it will be lighter, it will be easier to carry and soon you will be happier than you have ever been before, I promise. Be patient, my love, better things are coming.
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Police Department
To whom it may concern,
Today I went to get my driver’s license. A crucial piece of card that guarantees that I’m qualified to participate in a busy road full of vehicles. As always to be able to have one you have to pass the test and get through certain procedures.
BUT not here, not with this beloved police department. It exists a system that lets you be a cheater, in some other case this system insists you to be one.
Apparently, you could pay a third party to get you through the test easily. Everyone uses it. I used it, ashamedly speaking.
I gathered some information before I decided to use one of these services. Turns out you could go there by yourself to do the test and all the procedures just like it should, with no third parties. However, do not expect that it will be easy peasy to pass the test and get your license. It took quite tryouts to finally passed. No merely important reason. Just so we pay more, every time you take a test you have to pay some administration fee. It is way cheaper than the third parties but they will ask you to repeat few times and in the end you pay more than what it should have written on paper.
Thus it leads people to choose a third party that would accelerate your license permit without a lot of work and time.
#What-A-Shame. Instead of getting rid of this culture, they enforce it. It becomes a well-known secret that you must pay someone rather than do your test on your own. What a good example for the young.
I merely have no hope that this system could change. I feel embarrassed that I took a part in this culture. I should have known better.
Yours truly, Mstwentyfour
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This really sounds like a movie scenario! Horrible! Stay safe my fellow Americans. I hope it doesn’t get to the part where only one survivor alive...like the movie.
To whom it may concern,
It is sad to see how we, us as a social being love to hurt each other. Politics make more war than peace. They have to realize one day that having absolute power its a terrible thing.
Power and greed combined, resulting chaos.
I just want to say, we all need to stop agreeing with manipulative messages! Don’t we forget that every one of us is depending on each other despite of our differences. So stop this nonsense and get together to recreate a better place for everyone through this pandemic!
This is not only concerning what happened in America right now. But also all over the world seems to like a war zone. Please stay safe everyone, look out each other, your family, friends, neighbors..
Yours truly,
For anyone not keeping up, Trump held a rally earlier today, told his supporters to storm the Capitol building with him, then went to hide in the White House.
Protestors tore through 4 layers of barricades and are fighting cops to get into the Capitol building. A possible bomb was spotted and the Madison and Cannon buildings have been evacuated while a bomb squad was called in. And just now the Capitol has gone into lockdown.
But also Pence issued a statement that he is not doing anything with the electors and McConnell denounced Republican senators’ efforts to stop counting the electoral votes.
And as I was writing this, the protesters breached the Capitol and Pence was pulled from the Senate chamber.
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I am ..
an unopened chained box thrown at sea.
what’s inside ?
no one will ever know, only the realest will discover me.
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flashlight // the front bottoms
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for those who wanna argue... you’re never too old to make a change 💕
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As a recent graduate, this post really hit me to the core. This pandemic really affected all of us. Often I found myself feeling on the edge. My vision about the future has changed completely, finding a job is hard. I thought after I got my degree all is good, but all I can feel is a nightmare. Pessimist you may say. But dearest, I only talk the truth. And no I do not glorify depression and dark moods, but it is the only true feeling that I am sure many of you can relate to
And to dear friend who wrote this I wish you a good luck from the bottom of my heart. And It goes to all of you too, to whom it may concern...
Not enough people are talking about the Spring Class of 2020…
As a master’s student graduating in May during this pandemic, I want to share what this experience looks like for the Class of 2020…
Students have worked for years on their education so they can graduate, find a job, and achieve financial independence. We’ve reached the finish line, but the pandemic continues and the economy is at a stand-still. Student debt has also amassed because our education system is broken. Federal exit counseling recommends that I make $50,000+/yr to pay off my debt. Cool, except internships were canceled mid-semester and job offers have been indefinitely rescinded. Out-of-state and foreign students were left to fend for themselves when campus closed. Those of us who are working as we finish our studies have been furloughed especially because corporations nix young employees first during economic downturns. Employers are raising job requirements on open positions because job candidate supply is high. Being young professionals, we simply can’t compete. We will now have an “employment gap” on our resumes which is frowned upon by recruiters. The longer this persists, the wider the gap grows.
Meanwhile, the government denied students the $1,200 stimulus check if they were claimed on their parents’ taxes. We still have bills to pay. Student loans might have been deferred for now, but when the economy returns to normal, many are expected to pay for all the deferred payments. Oh yeah, rent is due and we still have no income.
I’m not sharing this to complain, but to spread awareness because very few people seem to understand what students have been dealing with during this crisis. Stay inside and congratulate a Spring 2020 graduate. It’s the absolute least anyone can do given the circumstances because commencement ceremonies and post-grad celebrations are canceled. We will prevail.
#graduate#2020 graduate#freshgraduate#goodluck#jobseeker#hope#pandemi virus corona#open letter#dear you
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Grand Opening
To whom it my concern,
It is I, the shy girl, the polite girl. Who is known to keep everything inside her head. I decided to created this page to write letters! Open letters for precisely. Finally I say to myself that I will let my thoughts, expressions and mindless opinions out in the public.
Mind you I am an amateur writer so bear with me if you find me not so wordsmith extraordinaire. But I have always wanted to have a platform where I could speak my mind deliberately.
As anonymous, for now. Will I reveal myself one day? Perhaps. Let us see.
So here it is my official page.
Come, come.. Take a sit. Make yourself at home. Let the wonder begin.
Yours truly, Mstwentyfour
#about me#thoughts#open letter#mindless#writeblogging#twentyfour#newstart#opening#get to know me#get to know each other
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