moon-naiad-blog · 12 years
reblogging myself because I'm a lazy fuck.
I’ve been M.I.A. for awhile but I’m posting this to say to you guys I’ve moved over to Mercurialist-hg.
Follow so I can follow back! Still trying to rebuild so excuse the mess.
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moon-naiad-blog · 12 years
I've been M.I.A. for awhile but I'm posting this to say to you guys I've moved over to Mercurialist-hg.
Follow so I can follow back! Still trying to rebuild so excuse the mess.
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moon-naiad-blog · 12 years
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moon-naiad-blog · 12 years
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moon-naiad-blog · 12 years
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to new beginnings
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moon-naiad-blog · 12 years
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moon-naiad-blog · 12 years
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moon-naiad-blog · 12 years
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Wire Scarf
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moon-naiad-blog · 12 years
Yesterday at work I was bit by a dog on my neck.
This is so painful.
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moon-naiad-blog · 12 years
so it's been awhile...
hey Tumblr,
Sorry I don't update you much anymore.
I think its because I'm too busy to blog in a blog where Ive posted many of my disordered tendencies.
I'm like.. too busy to even want to release that stuff.
SOOO I'm probably going to begin a new blog that focuses on my current line of work. Therefore.. I will be blotting about canine pack behavior, canine nonverbal communication, and various presentations of canine breeds and even some abnormal behavior.
I'm beginning clinical... again. I may begin a Kinesiology blog but I'm not sure yet.
Probably a future name change coming up too.
Sorry if I haven't responded to messages. I've read them... just have been insanely busy with work.. sometimes I work 12 hour days.
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moon-naiad-blog · 12 years
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moon-naiad-blog · 12 years
I had forgotten how thoughtful all of the people I communicate with on Tumblr are. Wow.
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moon-naiad-blog · 12 years
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moon-naiad-blog · 12 years
Yeah, I know. I've been super M.I.A. lately. Most of it is attributed to searching for a job, and to be blunt a side effect of the depression I'm battling against. 
I went off of my SSRI again. I can't do it anymore.
When I went to my doctor to let her know how slowly I've been tapering off.. she made it seem like the depression that I have been going through is lifelong. This made me REALLY upset because I went on SSRIs in the first place due to 1. Seasonal Affective Disorder 2. General Anxiety Disorder and 3. Social Anxiety.
From there, it seems as though the diagnosis has magically changed to Depression being the first and foremost.
When I talked to her a couple weeks ago, she basically put it like this:
'Well, you want to go off of your SSRI because you don't want to taper off when pregnant or be on them forever. Depression is a lifelong disease. Every time you have a 'depressive episode' you are that much farther from your happiness 'baseline' and can never get back to that, ever. Also, when people like you become pregnant.. we need you happy for the first couple months. You need to be on game. You're a high risk for Post Partum Depression and won't bond with your baby.'
.................................. When did I ever become high-risk? Seriously? Has anybody else had a doctor give a misleading diagnosis like this?
THAT made me more depressed than I was, if anything. I've had depressive episodes but they were from ME TAPERING OFF OF THE SSRIs and from SEASONAL AFFECTIVE Dx.
Anyone else?
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moon-naiad-blog · 12 years
hey remember when I was feeling downish about my grandpa, and you talked to me and made me feel better? I kept those asks you sent me so I wouldn't forget how sweet you are. thank you!
I really needed this message today. Thank you so so so so so much. It's funny how sometimes you get these little reminders from the world that mean so much more than what the giver knows.
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moon-naiad-blog · 12 years
Everytime this is on my dash i will reblog.
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moon-naiad-blog · 12 years
So, Im scanning through the Myers-Briggs tags on tumblr and realized something about us ENFPs...
We don’t have a single blog dedicated to us! Other temperaments have blogs with funny gifs, and confessions and interesting facts! I think the only reason WE, as ENFPs, don’t have a blog is because we…
…Hey guys! I found this puzzle! Does anyone want to help me build it?! It could be fuuuuuun.
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