Max Muscle Clackamas
325 posts
We specialize in helping clients achieve their weight loss goals. Through our inBody 570 Body Composition machine to a full line of supplements. Our brands include Max Musce, High Performance Nutrition, CORE Nutritionals, Barleans, Nutrakey, Optimum Nutrition, Scivation, iForce Nutrition, MuscleWerks, Merica Labz, Quest Nutrition, Chike, MTS Nutrition and much much more.
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maxmuscleclackamas · 7 years ago
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Thank you to our friends at Jamba Juice.  Free Small Jamba juice.... Come get your coupon before they are all gone... :-) 🍉🍇🍈🍌🍍🍋🍐🍒🍓🍏🍎🥝🥑🍆🍅🥕 #maxmuscleclackamas #mmclackamas #mmclackamasevents #maxintheclack #maxmuscle #maxmuscleoregon #mmclack #maxinclack #happyvalleyoregon #reachyourmax #exclusiveatMaxintheclack #fitfam #healthybodies #healthyminds #fitness #jambajuice #freebeverages #yummygoodness #wholikesfree #juices #smoothies #refreshing (at Max Muscle Nutrition)
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maxmuscleclackamas · 7 years ago
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Its Back!! Keto Cocoa -  ✔️70 calories  ✔️6 grams of MCT Oil Powder ✔️less than a gram of Carbs ✔️sweetened with monk fruit. This cocoa is perfect for our cooler weather.... 😍😍😍😍 #maxmuscleclackamas #mmclackamas #mmclackamasevents #maxintheclack #maxmuscle #maxmuscleoregon #mmclack #maxinclack #reachyourmax #exclusiveatMaxintheclack #fitfam #healthybodies #healthyminds #coldweather #ketococoa #exogenousketones #gobhb #cleancream #compoundsolutions #ketodiet #monkfruit #MCToil #keto #biohacking #hotchocolate #eatfatlosefat #buildmuscleonketo #fatisgood #bacon (at Max Muscle Nutrition)
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maxmuscleclackamas · 7 years ago
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Do you like your desserts or treats? Does it usually come at night? Here is a great recipe, Thank you Krisha Davis for this tip. Others who want to indulge with a great chocolate protein and get in great proteins, try this out. Paleo Protein or any other protein of choice :-) add 1 Tbsp to your protein, add approx 10 to 12 ounces of water or any other liquid of your choice ie: unsweetened almond, coconut milk. Blend in your mixer or nutribullet for 30 seconds. VOILA!!!! You will have a wonderful and thick treat anytime you want. 😄😄😄 The thickness from the Xanthan Gum will give you fullness when you eat it and of course the protein will keep your muscles growing. 💪💪💪💪 #maxmuscleclackamas #mmclackamas #mmclackamasevents #maxintheclack #maxmuscle #maxmuscleoregon #mmclack #maxinclack #reachyourmax #exclusiveatMaxintheclack #fitfam #healthybodies #healthyminds #fitness #xanthangum #paleo #paleoprotein #grassfedbeef #grassfedprotein #yummytreat #deliciouschocolate #chocolate #lifeisgood (at Max Muscle Nutrition)
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maxmuscleclackamas · 7 years ago
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We've become the go to place for KETO products :-) yeah!!!!! We have brought in some more products to help you with your KETO lifestyle. Primaforce BHB - Orange Mango & Patriot Pop flavor Instaketones Protein Bar with 11.7g of BHB Benefits of Exogenous Ketone Supplementation: ** Helps you get into KETOSIS quickly ** Helps with Fat Burning ** Helps avoid the KETO Flu ** Endurance Exercise Benefits ** Benefits Mental Productivity InstaKetones® 11.7g GoBHB™  THere are many more benefits to Exogenous Ketones, if you would like to know more give us a call or come by the store and we will provide you the information for you to consider. :-) #maxmuscleclackamas #mmclackamas #mmclackamasevents #maxintheclack #maxmuscle #maxmuscleoregon #mmclack #maxinclack #reachyourmax #exclusiveatMaxintheclack #fitfam #healthybodies #healthyminds #fitness #Ketos #instaketones #GOBHB #ketosis #keto #primaforce #burnfat #julianbakery #trainhard #dontsettleforless #exogenousketones (at Max Muscle Nutrition)
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maxmuscleclackamas · 7 years ago
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Who says that meal prep has to be boring and flavorless? New flavors of OH MY SPICE have arrived: 👍 Sriracha Lime  👍 Spice Fajita 👍 Zesty Ranch 👍 Nacho Cheese 👍 Lemon Pepper Dill Other flavors we have are: 👀 Sweet & Savory 👀 Maui Onion 👀 Apple Pie 👀 Italian 👀 Everything Come on by and check out the line-up 👊👊👊 #maxmuscleclackamas #mmclackamas #mmclackamasevents #maxintheclack #maxmuscle #maxmuscleoregon #mmclack #maxinclack#reachyourmax #exclusiveatMaxintheclack #fitfam #healthybodies #healthyminds #fitness #MM25years #ohmyspice #spiceupyourmeals #mealprep #seasoning #Paleo #veganfriendly #vegan #glutenfree #lowsodium #popcorn #veggies (at Max Muscle Nutrition)
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maxmuscleclackamas · 7 years ago
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Looking for a more Ayurvedic way of healing and addressing issues with your body? Here are some great products to consider: ✔️Ashwaganda - it can help your body manage stress, reduce cortisol, boost brain function and help fight symptoms of anxiety and depression. ✔️Guggul (pronounced just like Google) - can help maintain cholesterol levels, reduces inflammation, a great antioxidant to fight free radicals ✔️Bitter Melon - helps to lower blood glucose (sugar) levels and regulate the body's use of insulin. Want to know more? Come on by and let us educate you :-) #maxmuscleclackamas #mmclackamas #mmclackamasevents #maxintheclack #maxmuscle #maxmuscleoregon #mmclack #maxinclack #reachyourmax #exclusiveatMaxintheclack #fitfam #healthybodies #healthyminds #fitness #ayurvedic #himalayanherbal #ashwaganda #bittermelon #healthycholesterol #reducecortisol #reducestress #antioxidant #guggul #bloodsugar #adrenals (at Max Muscle Nutrition)
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maxmuscleclackamas · 7 years ago
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Exciting new product for anyone wanting to maximize Glucose uptake. This new GDA (Glucose Disposal Agent) targeting both glucose and fat pathways. Keys to Core Nutritionals Load: ✔️ No Proprietary Blends ✔️ Transport Carbs into Muscle ✔️ Improved Muscle Gains ✔️ Reduced Fat Storage ✔️ Improved Muscular Endurance ✔️ Promotes Lean Muscle Improve your training but utilizing key supplements. #maxmuscleclackamas #mmclackamas #mmclackamasevents #maxintheclack #maxmuscle #maxmuscleoregon #mmclack #maxinclack #reachyourmax #exclusiveatMaxintheclack #fitfam #healthybodies #healthyminds #fitness #moreresults #corenutritionals #crushit #CoreLoad #GDA #glucosedisposalagent #musclegain #fatloss #carbsaregood #2018gainz (at Max Muscle Nutrition)
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maxmuscleclackamas · 7 years ago
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Did someone say "Eat More Cookie"? A New Snack Choice for 2018. Quest Protein Cookies ( 1 Cookie ) 🔴 15g protein 🔴 <1 g sugar * 🔴 10g fiber 🔴 <10g carbs * 🔴 Stevia sweetened *Varies by flavor Available today :-) #maxmuscleclackamas #mmclackamas #mmclackamasevents #maxintheclack #maxmuscle #maxmuscleoregon #mmclack #maxinclack #reachyourmax #exclusiveatMaxintheclack #fitfam #healthybodies #healthyminds #fitness #Questproteincookie #onaQuest @Questnutrition #eatmorecookies #proteincookies #onecookieoneserving #cheatclean #stevia #4amazingflavors #chocolatechip #oatmealraisin (at Max Muscle Nutrition)
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maxmuscleclackamas · 7 years ago
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Celebrate the last day of 2017 and start 2018 with a BANG! What better way than to save on your favorite supplements. 20% off all supplements.. #maxmuscleclackamas #mmclackamas #mmclackamasevents #maxintheclack #maxmuscle #maxmuscleoregon #mmclack #maxinclack #reachyourmax #exclusiveatMaxintheclack #fitfam #healthybodies #happynewyear #welcome2018 #goodbye2017 #setgoals #dontburnout #fitnessgoals #saveonsupplements #geteducated #beanewyou #healthylifestyle (at Max Muscle Nutrition)
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maxmuscleclackamas · 7 years ago
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A Great way to end the year with a competition at CrossFit Woodstock. We will be bringing our Inbody 570 down from 10 am to 1pm to do scans on their competitors.. :-) If anyone needs to scan please come down today or after 1pm tomorrow. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. Happy New Year Everyone :-) #maxmuscleclackamas #mmclackamas #maxintheclack #maxmuscle #maxmuscleoregon #mmclackamasevents #reachyourmax #fitfam #exclusiveatMaxintheclack #healthybodies #healthyminds #fitness #PNW #inbodyusa #inbody570 #fatloss #burnfat #understandyourbody #bioimpedance #thenextlevel #bmr #metabolism #metabolicrate #cloudbased #inbody #lookinbodyweb #dontguess #skinnyfat #leanbodymass (at Max Muscle Nutrition)
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maxmuscleclackamas · 7 years ago
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Happy Christmas Eve :-) One more day of shopping we will be open early today from 10 am to 5pm. Drive safe and happy shopping 👍🎀☃️🎄 #maxmuscleclackamas #mmclackamas #mmclackamasevents #maxintheclack #maxmuscle #maxmuscleoregon #mmclack #maxinclack #reachyourmax #seasonofgiving #compassion  #exclusiveatMaxintheclack #fitfam #healthybodies #healthyminds #fitness #MM25years #MerryChristmas #Holidayofgains #hohoho #welcome2018 #newyearsresolution #achieveyourgoals #pnwwinter #cherishfamily  (at Max Muscle Nutrition)
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maxmuscleclackamas · 7 years ago
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🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄 Christmas is around the corner. Are you still looking for that perfect supplement gift? Come in and save 20% off of all supplements and gift the gift of health and smiles.. 🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄  #maxmuscleclackamas #mmclackamas #maxintheclack #maxmuscle #maxmuscleoregon #mmclack #maxinclack #reachyourmax #exclusiveatMaxintheclack #fitfam #healthybodies #healthyminds #fitness #cleansandlean #EMERGE #Maxpro #healthyliving #getluckyatmax #reindeergames2017 #tonsofprizes  #HPN #highperformancenutrition #barleans #xmas2017 #holidayspirit #seasontogive #COREnutritionals #crushit #whitechristmas (at Max Muscle Nutrition)
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maxmuscleclackamas · 7 years ago
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Resolutions can be ALL Year Round!!!! Download the Free InBody App and track your body composition progress. In combination with our inBody 570 machine you will always have key indicators to track your progress. Start today and work towards your goals all year round. 🏃🏄🏌️🏂🚣🏊⛹️🏋️ Have questions about nutrition? We can help you get started 👍👍👍 #maxmuscleclackamas #mmclackamas #maxintheclack #maxmuscle #maxmuscleoregon #mmclackamasevents #reachyourmax #fitfam #exclusiveatMaxintheclack #healthybodies #healthyminds #fitness #PNW #inbodyusa #inbody570 #fatloss #burnfat #understandyourbody #bioimpedance #thenextlevel #bmr #metabolism #metabolicrate #cloudbased #inbody #lookinbodyweb #dontguess #skinnyfat #leanbodymas #newyearresolution #moremuscle #lessfat (at Max Muscle Nutrition)
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maxmuscleclackamas · 7 years ago
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Who Likes to have their protein and coffee together? Chike High Protein Coffee has 20 grams of Whey Protein and 2 shots of espresso (150mg caffeine) Purchase any flavor of CHIKE High Protein Coffee and get a Chike Peanut Butter powder and Funnel for FREE ( $14 Value) Choose from the following flavors. ** Original Ice Coffee ** Peanut Butter Iced Coffee ** Mocha Iced Coffee ** Vanilla Iced Coffee #maxmuscleclackamas #mmclackamas #mmclackamasevents #maxintheclack #maxmuscle #maxmuscleoregon #mmclack #maxinclack #reachyourmax #exclusiveatMaxintheclack #fitfam #healthybodies #healthyminds #fitness #pnwcoffee #coffeeaddict #chikenutrition #espresso #proteincoffee #wheyprotein #PBPowder #morningjoe #caffeine  (at Max Muscle Nutrition)
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maxmuscleclackamas · 7 years ago
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🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄 Our 20% Christmas Sale has started along with our annual Reindeer Games.  🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄  #maxmuscleclackamas #mmclackamas #maxintheclack #maxmuscle #maxmuscleoregon #mmclack #maxinclack #reachyourmax #exclusiveatMaxintheclack #fitfam #healthybodies #healthyminds #fitness #cleansandlean #EMERGE #Maxpro #healthyliving #getluckyatmax #reindeergames2017 #tonsofprizes #HPN #highperformancenutrition #barleans #xmas2017 #holidayspirit #seasontogive #COREnutritionals #crushit #cantwinifyoudontplay  (at Max Muscle Nutrition)
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maxmuscleclackamas · 7 years ago
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Would you like to Supercharge your mind & body every morning❔❔ Start your day with Ambrosia's RITUAL AM. I love this Biohacking Theorem I can either mix it in with my coffee or drink it by itself. Would you like to have a sample to try?  You know where to find me 👍👍😉 #maxmuscleclackamas #mmclackamas #mmclackamasevents #maxintheclack #maxmuscle #maxmuscleoregon #mmclack #maxinclack #nutrition21 #reachyourmax #exclusiveatMaxintheclack #fitfam #healthybodies #healthyminds #fitness #ketolife #coldweather #compoundsolutions #velositol #exogenousketones #gobhb #cleancream #compoundsolutions #Ambrosianutraceuticals #RitualAM #MCT #keto #biohacking #gomct #cleancream #ketosis #morningritual (at Max Muscle Nutrition)
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maxmuscleclackamas · 7 years ago
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Collagen is the most abundant structural protein in the body and the chief protein that makes up connective tissue. MAX SKÜLPT is an easy and economical way to add pure, fat-free and sugar-free bioactive collagen protein peptides to support overall body composition, hair, skin, nails, joints, muscles, tendons, ligaments, bones, blood vessels and other connective tissues in the body.  SKÜLPT contains concentrated and highly bioavailable Type 1 and Type 3 collagen for optimizing body toning and anti-aging benefits. #maxmuscleclackamas #mmclackamas #mmclackamasevents #maxintheclack #maxmuscle #maxmuscleoregon #mmclack #maxinclack #collagenpeptides #antiaging #bodybalanceperformancepeptides #bovine #gelita #qig #reachyourmax #exclusiveatMaxintheclack #fitfam #healthybodies #healthyminds #fitness #MM25years #collagen #skulptcollagen #type1&3 #protein #hairskinnails #healthyskin #awesomeskin #biotin (at Max Muscle Nutrition)
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