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maxime-rndi-blog 7 years ago
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Quand on arrive 脿 cette partie du @wbtourlondon , on peut observer diff茅rentes r茅actions face 脿 la maquette: il y en a qui pleurent, d'autres qui restent devant la bouche grande ouverte mais tout le monde est attir茅 par cette maquette qui symbolise la fin du tour mais avant tout qui montre tout le travail r茅alis茅 pour les films! Maquette de Poudlard - Harry Potter #harrypotter #harrypotterworld #harrypotterseries #wbtourlondon #hogwarts #hogwartscastle #hogwartsismyhome #model #hogwartsmodel #poudlard #owl #owlery #harrypotterandthephilosophersstone #harrypotterandthechamberofsecrets #harrypotterandtheprisonerofazkaban #harrypotterandthegobletoffire #harrypotterandtheorderofthephoenix #harrypotterandthehalfbloodprince #harrypotterandthedeathlyhallows (at Warner Bros. Studio Tour London)
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maxime-rndi-blog 7 years ago
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I miss you Mrs Pomfrey : I have a sprained ankle 馃槶 Hogwarts - Harry Potter #harrypotter #hogwarts #harrypotterseries #wbtourlondon #hogwartscastle #neartheforest #mrspomfrey #nurse #gryffindor #ravenclaw #sprainedankle (at Warner Bros. Studio Tour London)
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maxime-rndi-blog 7 years ago
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Aujourd'hui je fais ma rentr茅e... Et oui je n'aurai toujours pas re莽u ma lettre pour Poudlard 馃槳 Hogwarts Castle - Harry Potter #harrypotter #harrypotterworld #hogwarts #hogwartscastle #backtoschool #BackToHogwarts #differentangle #maquette #wbtourlondon (at Warner Bros. Studio Tour London)
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maxime-rndi-blog 8 years ago
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Hagrid is waiting for me ! - Hagrid - The Forbidden Forest - Harry Potter #harrypotter #harrypotterworld #forbiddenforest #wbtourlondon #harrypotterstudios #hagrid #harrypotterandthephilosophersstone #light #trees #giant #big (at Warner Bros. Studio Tour London)
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maxime-rndi-blog 8 years ago
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4 Privet Drive - Harry Potter #harrypotter #harrypotterseries #harrypotterfilms #privetdrive #lettersfromhogwarts #hogwarts #nopostonsundays #set #magic (at Warner Bros. Studio Tour London)
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maxime-rndi-blog 8 years ago
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Weasley's Wizard Wheezes | Diagon Alley - Harry Potter #harrypotter #wbtourlondon #harrypotterstudios #harrypottermovies #harrypotterseries #diagonalley #set #weasleyswizardwheezes #flourishandblotts #brewsandstews #weasleytwins (at Warner Bros. Studio Tour London)
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maxime-rndi-blog 8 years ago
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Defence against the dark art - Harry Potter #harrypotter #harrypotterandtheprisonerofazkaban #harrypottermovies #harrypotterstudios #wbtourlondon #remuslupin #werewolf #animagus #boggart #snape #riddikulus #longbottom #defenceagainstdarkarts (at Warner Bros. Studio Tour London)
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maxime-rndi-blog 8 years ago
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The Monster Book of Monsters - Harry Potter #harrypotter #minalimadesign #harrypotterseries #harrypotterandtheprisonerofazkaban #harrypotterfilm #set #book #themonsterbookofmonsters #hagrid #hogwarts (at Warner Bros. Studio Tour London)
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maxime-rndi-blog 8 years ago
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Umbridge's clothes - Harry Potter #harrypotter #harrypotterstudios #wbtourlondon #smoke #WizardingWardrobes #pink #shadesofpink #cat #umbridge #doloresumbridge #set #harrypotterworld #harrypottermovies (at Warner Bros. Studio Tour London)
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maxime-rndi-blog 8 years ago
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Hogwarts' suitcase - Harry Potter #harrypotter #harrypotterseries #harrypotterstudios #harrypotterworld #platform9戮 #suitcase #coatofarms #hogwarts #hogwartscoatofarms #hogwartsschoolofwitchcraftandwizardry #hogwartsexpress #student #set #train #station (at Warner Bros. Studio Tour London)
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maxime-rndi-blog 8 years ago
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Gryffindor's Common Room - Harry Potter #harrypotter #harrypotterstudios #wbtourlondon #set #gryffindor #commonroom #gryffindorscommonroom #details #mimbulusmimbletonia #unicorn #chair #table (at Warner Bros. Studio Tour London)
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maxime-rndi-blog 8 years ago
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Hagrid's hut - Harry Potter #harrypotter #harrypotterstudios #wbtourlondon #hogwarts #hagrid #hagridshut #hut #giant #set #window #artefacts #props (at Warner Bros. Studio Tour London)
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maxime-rndi-blog 8 years ago
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Inside the Forbidden Forest - Aragog's descendant | Harry Potter #harrypotter #harrypotterstudios #wbtourlondon #forbiddenforest #spider #aragog #descendants #set #spiderweb #heir #hogwarts #poudlard #araign茅e #makingofharrypotter #makingof (at Warner Bros. Studio Tour London)
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maxime-rndi-blog 8 years ago
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Potions Classroom, one of the large dungeons in Hogwarts Castle - Harry Potter #harrypotter #harrypotterstudios #wbtourlondon #hogwarts #hogwartscastle #dungeon #classroom #potions #snape #severussnape #slughorn #horaceslughorn #rogue #severusrogue (at Warner Bros. Studio Tour London)
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maxime-rndi-blog 8 years ago
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The Ministry of Magic - Harry Potter #harrypotter #harrypotterstudios #wbtourlondon #ministryofmagic #office #set #makingofharrypotter (at Warner Bros. Studio Tour London)
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maxime-rndi-blog 8 years ago
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Platform 9 3/4 - @wbtourlondon #harrypotter #wbtourlondon #harrypotterandthephilosophersstone #platform9戮 #hogwartsexpress #kingscrossstation #train #5972 (at Warner Bros. Studio Tour London)
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maxime-rndi-blog 8 years ago
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Great Hall - Grande Salle | Harry Potter | Hufflepuff - Poufsouffle #greathall #hufflepuff #wbtourlondon #harrypotter #harrypotterstudios #warnerbros #details (at Warner Bros. Studio Tour London)
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