master-jose-porla · 15 days
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Somebody walked away from this fight missing a finger and a kidney and it wasn't either of them. Lock these menaces in the prison decontamination room.
😈"Match my freak"😈 ahh throuple. (Brain, the third party in this relationship, is not pictured since he and Zero share a body. PLUS he would never eat a finger. Clearly can't speak for Zero)
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master-jose-porla · 3 months
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Joe-say Porla was really out here in full-on black lipstick to compliment his horseshoe (I think?) moustache. This is to say nothing of the perfectly groomed eyebrows and subtle dracula eye makeup. borderline-Irene Belserion levels of planning went into his Whole Look.
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master-jose-porla · 1 year
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We're baaaaaack. (A bit) very, very busy with no time to create very much at all, but still want to share Jose love♡
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master-jose-porla · 3 years
This is amazing ( ˃̣̣̥ω˂̣̣̥ )♡♡ You drew him so well!!
And you included the nightcrawler shades ahhhhhhhhh I love t h e m(;﹏;)
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art trade with and for @master-jose-porla <3
Hope it'll lift your heart a little. ;)
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master-jose-porla · 3 years
Monsieur Sol, and one of my characters Silaine~♡
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The ship happened on accident during rp and so it is now AU canon because I might be a little obsessed
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master-jose-porla · 3 years
I am a firm believer that Shades occupy some area of the realm from which Hades demonic creatures come from. (I know he "creates" them but like. Where's the tasty lore when he LITERALLY has a demon heart on his ship that he used to do it, smh) They have similar coloring(while purple and red is not unheard of for magic, however it does tend to be rarer with both colors present, and its interesting that it ended up being present in BOTH of their sentient lifeforms). Plus, shades in their definition which is applicable to Jose's friends, originate in Tartarus from Greek mythology, where Hades(the god) has control. The fact Jose's magic calls forth life sucking, soul sucking, sentient, immortal beings and they're called shades makes a lot of sense when you look at it that way. Clearly Jose has some access or connections to the creatures in the underworld, whatever that may be.
It's a headcanon, but it makes sense. If there's an underworld, shades must reside there, being that they can appear in such multitudes. Jose has access to damned souls, at least from how I read his wizard saint status and magic, as well as the fact his magic makes one feel physically ill and smells/feels like death. He literally deals in death, and that's his signature form of magic. A magic that was so solely powerful, he didn't need much else to hit saint status.
I love his ghost friends ok XD
ALSO his shades LAUGH. And his magic makes whispering sounds when he uses invisible spells(that look like he straight up used the force lmao). Mans is just casually infested with ghosts that make noise without him commanding them to. I love it. Perfect for Halloween.
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master-jose-porla · 3 years
Speaking of Shades, can we get some Shade appreciation up in here👁👁
I gave them all names >:3 and I made 2 new ones last year because he already has so many different ones, he'd probably have more we didn't see, or get more in later years. The nightcrawler shades were a joke for rp and I love them too much. I didn't include the Jellyfish shade(1st pic) in the last picture with the names cuz its far too large(the 1st pic is it as a chibi), but that's a wiki given name I believe. ( Whether it was fandom or official, I like the name regardless. It's adorable)
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The blue/purple soul meeting the Shade solider is one of Zeros from his void pocket dimension
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master-jose-porla · 3 years
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So, I was sketching Brain and Klodoa today and I realized after looking at it for a long while, that it accidentally kinda matched a Jose sketch from last year, so might as well post em together!
Both have such an affinity for skull shaped magic 'friends' and we love that for them. Jose's shades and Klodoa don't get nearly enough recognition for being SENTIENT
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master-jose-porla · 3 years
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Ivan's Guide to Illusion Magic
God that took me ages. xD And all those Ivan's I had to draw, what an exhausting man, really. But I am glad this is done. Now I have a little bonus to do and then I may, more or less, go back to the asks. <3
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master-jose-porla · 3 years
AHHH HAHA YES TEETH AND EVERYTHING! I'm very glad you like it!♡
Please do keep drawing him, your art of him is fantastic and very accurate!
And honestly, ok I had this messy sketch (I can't post it rn cuz its not on my phonE) but it was of Hades, Jose and Ivan all standing together wearing Makarov face shirts with a 🚫 over them XD. But yeah, I doubt that Jose would've been public buddies with Ivan. If raven tail was active and a threat in the dark guild world during that time, Jose likely would've been after him like they were with the Oracion Seis allied guilds.
After being humiliated by Makarov a SECOND time tho, who knows?👀 Jose seems the type to either give up on revenge and be bitter and lonely doing research, morally grey freelance for the rest of his time and try to fix his rep that way (because he'd prob be barred from doing guild work ever again), or go further into resentment and go after Fairy Tail, or at least Makarov again. So after being stripped of his title and guild, his shifty morals and allegiances could really go either way depending on the situation and individual.
(Better luck if they give him high compliments and respect. That's a surefire way to get him to appreciate their existence and work with them. Though he will NEVER work f o r someone. If they asked for that he'd be deeply insulted XD)
But yeah who knows! Maybe they have met in the past. They seem to be around the same age, so perhaps he at least knew of Ivan both in and kicked out of FT. I imagine he would've been interested in the gossip of why he was ousted. Anything to laugh at Makarov.
Kofi sketch of Ivan Dreyar for @windmaedchen-fairytail ! Thank you!!
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master-jose-porla · 3 years
Kofi sketch of Ivan Dreyar for @windmaedchen-fairytail ! Thank you!!
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master-jose-porla · 3 years
Here's some past traditional art I've done:
Including characters Jose, Sol, Seliah, Brain, Richard(I digitally enhanced that one) and Zero!
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master-jose-porla · 3 years
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Yeah, 0 explanation for this one other than KDA happened and I accidentally imagined young Bob as Ahri and then stuck the others in where they fit best. Was oddly well received on FT amino contrary to my expectations of the fandom back then😂
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master-jose-porla · 3 years
Starting off the old art-2019 era, with something NOT finished or refined at all lmao oops, it was just the first thing I found. The last two images are staple reaction images I use now, so these sketches have a lot of history for me haha
(This was part of an au where he was on house arrest for the 7 years of the time skip, because they never really clarified if he went to prison or what happened, so I have a lot of randomly disjointed au art because my brain can't stop itself.
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Also you'll find that a LOT of the stuff I produce is meme-ish content because Jose is just so easy and ridiculously fun to meme thanks to his disposition.
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master-jose-porla · 3 years
Dang haha, your art is great as well though! I legitimately never knew a predominantly Ivan blog and artist existed ahhhh, but now I do👊🏼😎 It's so cool to meet a like minded person (who clearly has fantastic taste in facial hair) XD
I love your banner and icon drawing a lot, can you share it with us in a post? Pretty please? Also, all hail the blogs dedicated to rare characters! Its tough having to create your fan content yourself when no one else does it... xD
Oh my goodness, yes, it is XD. I actually started drawing Jose in 2015 I believe, and I have a staggering amount of old art, be it old and bad, or old and finely aged😂 Maybe I'll share all the old old stuff in one big post or something, that might be interesting haha.
And as for your request, of course! I'm flattered you like it and thankfully I still have it on hand! (It was from around this exact month in 2019)
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I also have quite a lot of 2019 era content I had made before I made this account and thus never posted, so if there's ever a specific character interaction you're interested in seeing more art of, I can dig up some more stuff! Thank you for your interest!!
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master-jose-porla · 3 years
I love your banner and icon drawing a lot, can you share it with us in a post? Pretty please? Also, all hail the blogs dedicated to rare characters! Its tough having to create your fan content yourself when no one else does it... xD
Oh my goodness, yes, it is XD. I actually started drawing Jose in 2015 I believe, and I have a staggering amount of old art, be it old and bad, or old and finely aged😂 Maybe I'll share all the old old stuff in one big post or something, that might be interesting haha.
And as for your request, of course! I'm flattered you like it and thankfully I still have it on hand! (It was from around this exact month in 2019)
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I also have quite a lot of 2019 era content I had made before I made this account and thus never posted, so if there's ever a specific character interaction you're interested in seeing more art of, I can dig up some more stuff! Thank you for your interest!!
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master-jose-porla · 3 years
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I've got. Them. Looking at something. What it is, I didn't plan that out, so make up your own headcannon😂
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