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Have you ever chosen a word of the year before? Have you even heard of a word of the year or a word to focus on for the year. And usually, if you do, that word has some kind of meaning for you. I have, but only once. I had heard about choosing a word for the year, and I didn’t do it in January but I chose to put my focus on the word “Joy”. I Choose Joy became my anthem for that year. And you…

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It's Wednesday...
It’s Wednesday…
Yes, yes it is. It’s Wednesday… Photo by Olya Kobruseva on For me Wednesday is a crap shot. It could be a normal or a good day, or it can be one of the most miserable days of the week. Earlier this year, after all the COVID, after the sinus surgery, after the pulmonologist, and the cardiologist etc… I had allergy testing done. It had been decided that allergy testing was needed WAY…

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Photo by Janson K. on There are so many times and so many days where I feel that I have something to write, or that I should just write, but then I don’t. When I started writing blogs, I wanted to be an encouragement to others but there is a problem with that. I am not the most positive person. I never have been. I did reach a point where positivity came more easily to me than it…

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Mushroom Swiss Burger in a bowl... Soooo yummy!!! . 3lb ground beef Some minced garlic and onion TBSP or so of Montreal Steak Seasoning 1 Bell Pepper 1 pkg of mushrooms. . Seriously folks, I really don't measure. I eyeball almost everything or add to taste. I did wait to add in the mushrooms until last so they wouldn't cook down as much, but I pretty much threw everything in the electric skillet all at once and cooked it on 325° F. It's definitely on our go to menu. Quick and easy. All I topped mine with was Swiss cheese and Chosen Foods Avocado mayo, and some fresh chopped onions. It was perfect and filling! . . . . #mushrooms🍄 #mushroomswissburger #greenpeppers #montrealsteakseasoning #chosenfoodsmayo #chosenfoodsavocadomayo #burgerinabowl #lowcarb #lowerbloodsugar #lowcarbfood #lowcarblifestyle #eatrealfood #ketofood #ketoproducts #ketolife #ketoliving #ketodiabetic #reversediabetes #reversingdiabetes #foodasmedicine #foodforhealth
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This is me at the ENT hoping to get answers. I did and unfortunately it wasn't what I had hoped for. It was definitely a good news bad news situation. The good news is that there is no sign of infection, inflammation or swelling in my sinuses. Which leads to the bad news, the only other option that leads me to, and the doctor summed up is that it's nerve pain. That the nerve in my face has been sensitized. He is wondering if this is COVID related. I don't know. I'm not surprised by much anymore. I do know that this is not only hard on me, it's hard on my family too. I have contacted my PCP in hopes of getting more information and if not a referral to a neurologist. So now I wait and pray. It's all I can do. . . . . . #postcovidlife #postcovidsyndrome #pain #ENT #sinuses #sinuspain #prayer #prayersforhealing
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Good morning all. I should be working, but I'm not. I meant to even though the last 5 or so days haven't been the best. I have lived with chronic sinus infections for years and years now, and I had surgery on Dec 31, 2020...way to start the New Year! It's still been a struggle. I've started developing pain in my face starting at my jaw and shooting through my cheek. It's not the kind of pain where anything OTC was working on so I spent the afternoon in the ER to get shots, not only for pain but steroids. I had been to the dentist on Wednesday for a cleaning and yearly x-rays which showed that my sinus cavity is once again full of fluid but expressed concern about pressure on my facial nerve. I go back to my ENT today hoping to find some answers. But you know? There may not be any. Tis true. Is it what I want? No. But it is something I may have to accept and live with. That. Is. Hard. These last few months, living with post COVID syndrome, living in an unknown has taken a toll. This photo right here is how I am getting through. Prayer, using my prayer journal, writing down Bible verses, following positive and godly people on social media, watching sermons on YouTube... I find myself in a time where I am hungry. Hungry for God, for truth, for peace and comfort. Normally, I would probably turn on the TV and sleep the pain away. It's far too easy to do that. I think my time is better used this way. It helps keep me from falling into the pit of why. Why do I catch every contagious little bug? Why is it that once I get one thing in my body under control, something else pops up? I'm really starting to understand that why doesn't matter. It's how I respond. Being chronically ill? It's hard, not just on your body, but on your mind, on your spirit, on your soul. It's hard to stay positive, to stay faithful, to be encouraging when you feel like crap so much of the time. This is me trying to be better. Not perfect, but better. And it's all I can do. I still hope and pray that one of these days I'll have more than one or two days where I feel healthy and strong, a week would be amazing. But... It may not happen. I just have to get out of the "why's", muddle on and keep going
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Not having the best day today. Any and all prayers appreciated. I just left the ER. Ever since COVID, sinus surgery and allergy shots, I have still struggled with sinus issues. My left maxillary sinus cavity has been giving me lots of problems off and on. It was where I had staph last month, it was the most impacted when I had the surgery and it just hasn't been as improved as I hoped. It started bothering me Monday and by last night I could barely watch tv, sleep or talk. I still taught my classes this morning but after talking for an hour straight the pain became excruciating. Throbbing, shooting, burning hot pain, like the inside of my cheek was on fire. Yesterday I had a regularly scheduled dentist appointment and they had taken x-rays. The X-ray showed that my sinus cavity was full of fluid and it was putting pressure on the trigeminal nerve that runs down my face. I'm taking the X-ray to my ENT appointment that I already had scheduled for tomorrow. Hopefully I will be able to get some answers. I'm hoping it is just my sinuses and an infection and nothing worse. Part of me is hoping that he doesn't tell me I need to have another sinus surgery, although if that's what it is going to take in order to fix this problem I will definitely do so. I don't understand why stuff like this keeps happening to me. I don't understand why when I get one problem fixed another one pops up, or I just keep getting the same problems over and over again. I'm not old, but my body treats me like I am. It's very hard to stay positive when you live with chronic illness or pain, especially when there's not an explanation for it. But that's what I'm trying to do. That will only be possible by the grace of God. I have been spending more and more time with him, leaning on him, and asking for strength. I hope and pray that I can keep up my faith, and my attitude. Praise the Lord that each day is a new day and that God is merciful. . . . #healthissues #chronicillness #sinusinfection #sinuspain #faith #faithful #godisincontrol #godsgrace #prayersforhealing (at Wichita, Kansas)
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This is what my blood sugar has been like the last few weeks. I'm pretty sure that my A1C was high due to all of the steroids I've been on since COVID and my sinus surgery and subsequent infection. I have been super super strict keto, no non keto cheats. I had to go off one of my diabetes medications because my insurance wasn't covering it. I was put back on an older medicine that I had been on for years, but tore my stomach up. Today I told my doctor that I would no longer take that medicine because of how badly it affects my stomach. I haven't slept much and I'm exhausted from all the stomach issues. I'm just taking metformin now. Wouldn't you know that as soon as I made that decision, I was tempted at dinner and had corn on the cob and chips and salsa and the first time in several weeks my sugar went over 200. Then as I come, my son's ham and cheese sandwich looked so good to me, then the cocoa pebbles and frosted flakes. But I can't give in. I just can't. I've come too far. I'm hoping for prayers and accountability... Reversing diabetes can be done, if you stay the course. I need to remember no carb or sugar is worth my health. So this is me being completely open and honest about my struggle. I am also an emotional eater. The more emotional, the more I want to eat, even if I am completely full. I'm working hard to break that cycle. It's hard when I make realizations about myself or my past that affect who I am and relate to people. But that's the journey that I am on and I am trying to remember to have God join me everyday on this health journey and to not eat my way out of sorrow or anxiety or whatever emotion I have, but to look up and feed myself God's Word instead. I mistreated my body for so long with a really bad diet, prolonged stress, lack of sleep, and smoking. It's going to take awhile for my body to get over all of that. With God's help hopefully I can get healthy. It's been a long time since I've been healthy and in shape. But once again, I am not alone on this journey. I can only do what I can and the rest is in God's hands. . . . . . 1 Cor. 6:19- Don't you realize that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who lives in you? (at Wichita, Kansas)
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Another one of my new favorite things. Freestyle Libre covers!!!! I have been looking on Amazon at all the different covers, and there's a LOT. I chose these because they were an Amazon best pick and I agree! I put one on after changing my glucose meter, I worked out, went swimming, showered and it stay on 10 full days!!!! For a klutz like me, that's just freaking awesome because I'm constantly knocking off my sensors. I've tried tegaderm, liquid bandage and they just didn't work well enough for me. These covers are great!!!! They are called Fixic Freestyle Covers. I got them on Amazon. Love love love them!!! A great find!!!! . . . . . . . #freestylelibre #diabetesmanagement #cgm #diabetesproducts #fixic #freestylelibrecover #amazonfinds #amazon
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Ok folks, this is a pure keto product my husband found at Dillon's (a Kroger store). It's made with coconut oil, eggs, and vinegar. It's good, definitely not my favorite, not as good as homemade, but good. It's pretty salty and has a strong after taste. I think it's closest to Hellmann's. It was great on hamburger and ok with tuna. It works of you're in a pinch or you just don't want to make your own. It's only a little more affordable than some of the other keto mayos out there. I may or may not buy it again! We shall see, I like making my own. . . . . . . . #keto #ketoproducts #ketofood #ketolife #ketoliving #ketodiabetic #ketogeniclifestyle #ketodiet #diabetesmanagement #diabeticfriendly #reversediabetes #lowerbloodsugar #lowcarb #lowcarbfood #lowcarblifestyle #kroger #dillons #chosenfoodsmayo #chosenfoods (at Los Compadres Mexican Grill)
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This picture was taken last Thursday, May 12... It was my first day back at the Y in over a year. I managed a 30 min elliptical workout and some light swimming. I went Friday and Saturday also. I am feeling better and stronger since before I had covid. I am hoping and praying that my journey keeps going up. . . . . . . #exercise #ymca #ellipticalworkout #exerciseismedicine #exerciseformentalhealth #exerciseforlife #exerciseforhealth #exerciseforhealthybody😍💪 (at South YMCA)
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WalMart has done it! A great tasting, sugar free whipped cream that DOES NOT affect my blood sugar! I am in love!💜💜💜 I highly recommend Great Value Sugar Free Whipped Cream!!!! . . . . . . . #greatvaluesugarfreewhippedcream whippedcream #greatvalue #walmart #ketoproducts #ketofood #ketolife #keto #ketoliving #lowcarb #lowcarblifestyle #lowcarbfood (at Wichita, Kansas)
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So today I did a thing. I went to the Y and got back on the elliptical for the first time in well over a year. Then I swam some for the first time since 2019 and sat in the hot tub. It was so good to get back to doing something that makes me feel good, knowing that I'm taking steps to get healthy again. I was worried about my lungs, but I went nice and slow and I did okay. Hoping to make it a daily thing. I love exercise. . . . . . #ymca #southymcawichitaks #gettinghealthy #exercise #ellipticalworkout (at Wichita, Kansas)
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Hmmm. The idea is a good one. I was very excited when I saw this. But this? Ugh. Such disappointment! This does not taste good. I first tried it with unsweetened vanilla almond milk, nope. I just tried some on Rebel ice cream and it's still a no, even with SF whipped cream. I'm sorry but I won't be buying this one again. The great thing about it is that it doesn't affect my blood sugar. So if you can manage the taste it will keep your sugar low. . . . . . . . . #ketoproducts #ketofood #diabetic #diabetesmanagement #diabeticfriendly #sugarfree #getoffsugar #nomoresugar #ketoliving #ketolife #foodreview
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I don't know how new this product is, but I saw it for the first time the other day and thought I would try it. For the most part, I try to stay away from prepackaged foods, even the keto ones. But sometimes...well I've gone from "If I'm going to cheat, I'm going to cheat GOOD, or a lot", to "if I'm going to cheat, I'll cheat just enough to satisfy my craving", which I'm learning that physically I feel much better that way. Who doesn't love cake? I know I do. My daughter made this one for just add 2 TBSP of H2O and 2 TBSP of butter... It didn't rise as much as I thought it would. Looking at the ingredients, I'm not very happy as they are using maltitol which raises blood sugar more than other sweeteners. The texture is decent, cake-like. The taste is okay. On a scale of 1-5, I give it a 3. It's good. I wouldn't go out of my way to eat it again, but if you are REALLY REALLY wanting cake without all the carbs and sugar, it's passable. . . . . . . . #keto #ketofood #ketoproducts #tastetest #duncanhines #mugcake #ketofoodreview (at Wichita, Kansas)
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Out and about. Many thoughts on my mind today. I don't know how many people have struggled with everything this year, but I'll admit it. It. Has. Been. Hard I have been up. I have been down.i have felt loved. I have felt alone. I have felt strong. I have felt weak. I have felt. God's hand. I have felt his silence. I have pressed forward and I have given up. Through it all, one thing stayed true... No matter what I've been feeling at any given time, I know that there is a God and that He is there, He is with me, even when I'm not with Him. It's the one fact that doesn't leave me. Psalms 73:26 has been my constant this year... "My flesh may fail, my spirit may grow weak... But God. Is. The. Strength. Of. My. Heart. He is mine forever" Today we are taking our son to meet with a marine recruiter. Joining the Marines has been a dream of his for as long as I can remember. I have prayed that he would go a different direction, but as nothing else has worked out, he has decided to take that step. Him joining the military has always been a fear for me. It is going to be a hard step for me to trust God to take care of him, no matter what happens. I have really spent a lot of time this last week trying to reset. Reset my mind, my spirit, my body. I have been very conscious of what I'm feeding myself, mentally, physically and spiritually. I'm reminding myself that life is a journey and most journeys have hills and valleys, detours and times when you get lost. But it's okay. Just as long as I don't quit completely. Just as long as I get back up and continue the journey, grow, learn and look to the One who is my guide. . . . . I'll be okay. . . . I am not alone. . . . . . . . #thoughts #faith #God #godisincontrol #trusttheprocess #trustgod #lifeisajourney #growing #workinprogress #learningeveryday (at Wichita, Kansas)
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At the cardiologist. Here to find out all the results of my testing. Praying and crossing my fingers. I have been feeling somewhat better off and on, so here's hoping!!! . . . . . . . . #covid #covidsucks👎 #covidsyndrome #cardiology #hopingandpraying
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