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treatnow · 2 years ago
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BRINGING YOU CURRENT INFORMATION ABOUT HOW TO HELP TREAT AND HEAL BRAIN WOUNDS: CONCUSSIONS, TBI, PTSD and Long-Haul COVID This report brings you information about the use of HBOT to help with symptoms due to Long Haul COVID. Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) can be used to get a drug into use. It was used for COVID vaccines, and is contemplated for immediate use of a drug to deal with Alzheimers. Using HBOT to fight long-haul COVID and the heal brain wounds from TBI/PTSD/Concussion could be done safely, effectively, and immediately. Rules are here. "Most COVID-19 sufferers fully recover, but after the initial illness approximately 10–20% of patients develop long COVID, also called post-COVID condition or syndrome. Symptoms include shortness of breath, fatigue, cough, chest pain, rapid or irregular heartbeats, body aches, rashes, loss of taste or smell, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headache, dizziness, insomnia, brain fog, depression and anxiety. Patients with post-COVID syndrome may also develop cardiac dysfunction and are at increased risk of a range of cardiovascular disorders." ********************* Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy forPost-COVID Syndrome The term “Post-COVID Conditions” is an umbrella term for the wide range of physical and mental health consequences experienced by some patients that are present four or more weeks after SARS-CoV-2 infection, including by patients who had initial mild or asymptomatic acute infection, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Now new research is supporting hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) has having promising potential to improve the symptoms of long COVID due to its proven anti-inflammatory effects. Scientist say HBOT has been shown to decrease inflammation by suppressing pro-inflammatory and increasing antioxidant gene expression. Dr Janell Royster, LMHC, LPC interim program manager of the Undersea Oxygen Clinic joined Gayle Guyardo the host of the global health and wellness show Bloom with how the treatment not only helps patients with long term covid symptoms but many other ailments as well. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy improves neurocognitive functions and symptoms of post-COVID condition: randomized controlled trial Post-COVID-19 condition refers to a range of persisting physical, neurocognitive, and neuropsychological symptoms after SARS-CoV-2 infection. The mechanism can be related to brain tissue pathology caused by virus invasion or indirectly by neuroinflammation and hypercoagulability. This randomized, sham-control, double blind trial evaluated the effect of hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT or HBO2 therapy) on post-COVID-19 patients with ongoing symptoms for at least 3 months after confirmed infection. These results indicate that HBOT can induce neuroplasticity and improve cognitive, psychiatric, fatigue, sleep and pain symptoms of patients suffering from post-COVID-19 condition. HBOT’s beneficial effect may be attributed to increased brain perfusion and neuroplasticity in regions associated with cognitive and emotional roles. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy can be beneficial in patients with post-COVID syndrome A randomized trial using 60 patients with post-COVID syndrome has found that hyperbaric oxygen therapy promotes restoration of the heart's ability to contract properly. The research is presented at EACVI 2023, a scientific congress of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC). The study suggests that hyperbaric oxygen therapy can be beneficial in patients with long COVID. A sensitive measure of cardiac function which is not routinely performed in all centers was performed. More studies are needed to determine which patients will benefit the most, but it may be that all long COVID patients should have an assessment of global longitudinal strain and be offered hyperbaric oxygen therapy if heart function is reduced. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy for the treatment of long COVID: early evaluation of a highly promising intervention Based on initial informal feedback, the 10 patients studied showed positive results in the longer term. Thus, there is a need to assess these effects of HBOT in the context of a randomised placebo-controlled prospective study. However, these initial results suggest that HBOT merits further study as a treatment option for patients presenting with long COVID symptoms (such as fatigue). Given the scale of the emerging long COVID public health emergency globally (estimated 23 million in the US). . . . there is an urgent need for larger-scale randomised placebo-controlled trials to evaluate the potential impact of HBOT in the context of long COVID. In addition, creation of a registry of patients receiving HBOT for long COVID symptoms (such as fatigue) in order to obtain follow-up data over time is also suggested. Information provided by TreatNOW.org does not constitute a medical recommendation. It is intended for informational purposes only, and no claims, either real or implied, are being made. Heal Brains. Stop Suicides. Restore Lives. TreatNOW   Read the full article
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adioranan · 3 years ago
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Logically & not definitely Scientifically but definitely Mathematically, being Crazy is already 50% to be Crazy Rich (AdiY-2022) 🤭 #CovidSyndrome #CoronaSyndrome #SindromCovid #SindromCorona https://www.instagram.com/p/CaJQeENB31S/?utm_medium=tumblr
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bkumarjpr · 4 years ago
जानिए क्या है पोस्ट कोविड सिंड्रोम, सरकार ने सूचीबद्ध किए पोस्ट कोविड सिंड्रोम के लक्षण
सरकार ने स्वस्थ हुए रोगियों में देखे जाने वाले सामान्य पोस्ट-COVID-19 लक्षणों को सूचीबद्ध किया है. #covid, #covidsymptoms, #covidtest, #covidsyndrome
सरकार ने स्वस्थ हुए रोगियों में देखे जाने वाले सामान्य पोस्ट-COVID-19 लक्षणों को सूचीबद्ध किया है. COVID-19 पर सरकारी एक ब्रीफिंग के दौरान, एम्स के प्रमुख डॉ रणदीप गुलेरिया ने बताया है की स्वस्थ हुए रोगियों एं 12 सप्ताह के बाद तक लक्षण दिख सकते हैं। इन लक्षणों में शामिल है सीने में जकड़न और दर्द, खांसी, बार बार थकान जैसे सिंड्रोम और ‘ब्रेन फॉग’ आदि शामिल हैं। यदि लक्षण ठीक होने के बाद 4-12…
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malixgilbert · 4 years ago
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At the cardiologist. Here to find out all the results of my testing. Praying and crossing my fingers. I have been feeling somewhat better off and on, so here's hoping!!! . . . . . . . . #covid #covidsucks👎 #covidsyndrome #cardiology #hopingandpraying https://www.instagram.com/p/COdj7VCLDRw/?igshid=myweg1xu0g2b
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cancer-n-champagne · 4 years ago
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Who doesn’t like the smell of the rain? Who doesn’t find rain so peaceful? I #wish I could just #dance in the rain. It’s 4am can’t #sleep window open bc bloody #hotflashes have been on-off the last few days 😩. Since stuck #home cancer remission & still recovering from #covid_19 pneumonia for 2more months....listening to the rain and meditation 🧘‍♀️ has #help with what is going on w body due to #covidsyndrome Right now bone pain flared up this week, waiting to see #doctor to go over my CTscan about “ground glass in lungs due to covid scaring and my past #cancers , tension in neck had given me a migraine, sometimes my balance off due to fatigue and the #facts that covid can worsen neuropathy & may contribute to nerve problems 😭 per doctor see him in May - My neuropathy is like when I was going thru breast cancer need waking stick most times and standing to long hurts the bones bc bearing down since unable to feel ground. Why did this bloody happen to my #life ? Just wanted my #dream marriage-kids-house-happiness but I know not all dreams come true. Im just #grateful for my #medical team @hoaghospitalfoundation for saving my life 3x. @abc7la @cancerwellmag @stupidcancer @cancercasually @conquerthepatientvoice @conquercancerfoundation #sarcomaawareness @sarcomaoma 🌸🎗🎗 #share #Support #gofundme @gofundme See my postings and link to me and him need 🤗🧘‍♀️ (at Long Beach, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CMR2DqUAH6P/?igshid=43qjb44aoyd4
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adioranan · 3 years ago
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Batman : "My Superpower is Rich" Crazy Rich : "I'm more powerful than Batman" 🤭 #CovidSyndrome #CoronaSyndrome #SindromCovid #SindromCorona https://www.instagram.com/p/CaJPj-kBmwg/?utm_medium=tumblr
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adioranan · 3 years ago
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Org2 sdh tahu kyk gmn gaya politikus, jd selama elite/pimpinan negara msh dr kalangan politik, selama itu pula akan selalu berkubang dlm lumpur kekotoran. Sdh banyak Negara dipimpin oleh Tokoh Agama, Politik, Ekonomi dll belum terbukti efektif...mungkin perlu dicoba Tokoh Wayang? 🤭😎😇 #CovidSyndrome #CoronaSyndrome #SindromCovid #SindromCorona https://www.instagram.com/p/CY3HBkhhiTY/?utm_medium=tumblr
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adioranan · 3 years ago
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Indonesian President Elect 2024 is... Spoil Alert! 🤭😎 #CovidSyndrome #CoronaSyndrome #SindromCovid #SindromCorona https://www.instagram.com/p/CYhNIOPBVEV/?utm_medium=tumblr
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adioranan · 3 years ago
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ADI 12:12 🤭 #CoronaSyndrome #CovidSyndrome https://www.instagram.com/p/CWuhp9khP6F/?utm_medium=tumblr
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adioranan · 3 years ago
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DEKLARASI Relawan Kotak Kosong (Wan Tak Song) Pilpres 2024 Interested anyone? 🤭 #CovidSyndrome #CoronaSyndrome #SindromCovid #SindromCorona https://www.instagram.com/p/CVS-eYBhXAQ/?utm_medium=tumblr
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adioranan · 3 years ago
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Konon apa yg tdk membunuhmu akan membuatmu lebih kuat...kita digigit nyamuk dr kecil tp kok tdk kunjung membuat kita lbh kebal sama gigitannya ya? 🤔🤭😇 #CovidSyndrome #CoronaSyndrome #SindromCovid #SindromCorona https://www.instagram.com/p/CVJ4MaGBBMI/?utm_medium=tumblr
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adioranan · 3 years ago
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Halo Pegadaian! Mau gadaiin Sertifikat Vaksin dong! 🤭😅 #CoronaSyndrome #CovidSyndrome #SindromCorona #SindromCovid https://www.instagram.com/p/CTr6iRShlPt/?utm_medium=tumblr
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adioranan · 3 years ago
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Sertifikat Vaksin bisa tidak ya dijadikan jaminan utk mendapatkan pinjaman, sama seperti Sertifikat Tanah/Rumah/dll? 🤔🤭😅 #CoronaSyndrome #CovidSyndrome #SindromCorona #SindromCovid https://www.instagram.com/p/CTrlEaGBSAN/?utm_medium=tumblr
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adioranan · 3 years ago
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Another Covid-19 Syndrome? 😅🤣😂 #CovidSyndrome #CoronaSyndrome https://twitter.com/doelaziez81/status/1435411878088298498?s=08 https://www.instagram.com/p/CTi0TA2Bbek/?utm_medium=tumblr
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adioranan · 3 years ago
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Covid-19 Syndrome? 😅🤣😂 #CovidSyndrome #CoronaSyndrome https://twitter.com/Ddutapratama/status/1435412788965359619?t=ghxV_fp0s5jSuw7denp7hw&s=08 https://www.instagram.com/p/CTi0HLthMgH/?utm_medium=tumblr
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adioranan · 3 years ago
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🎶When I fall in LOVE...🎵 It could be forever...🎶 🎵And when I fall in HATE...🎶 it could be forever as well...🎵 🤭😇 #CovidSyndrome #CoronaSyndrome https://www.instagram.com/p/CSMB-5XnEOw/?utm_medium=tumblr
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