malcified · 1 month
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malcified · 1 month
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Happy Friday! Today on #malcified, I’d like to share a new series of sketches called #PrimateClimate. This one’s called #ArtificialReality.
Based on our paradoxical mind and how it tends to function, recent developments and trends in the world, and the general climate.
Primate (def): primate, in zoology, any mammal of the group that includes the lemurs, lorises, tarsiers, monkeys, apes, and humans. - Encyclopedia Britannica
Monkey Mind: The term monkey mind or mind monkey originates from Chinese xīnyuán or Sino-Japanese shin'en, a word that literally means "heart-mind monkey." It is a Buddhist concept that describes a state of restlessness, capriciousness, and lack of control in one's thoughts. - Wiki
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malcified · 1 month
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Today on #foodforthought I’d like to serve this sketch called #Machining.
Machine (def): an apparatus using mechanical power and having several parts, each with a definite function and together performing a particular task. - Oxford
The ‘#system’ or the ‘#machine’, may sometimes have a closed definition determined by a chosen few for their personal convenience to represent color, gender, race, religion, caste, government, institution, company, community, skill, an ecosystem, environment, universe, etc. Diving in deep into any one of these, we could easily forget we’re all part of a greater ‘machine’ and have our own respective function. Just the way we are, without any additional external machining.
Few questions to introspect on:
What machine(s) am I actively and passively a part of?
What is this ‘Development Machine’?
Do I want to continue being a part of the particular machine? Do I have a choice?
Does failing at something define our ‘destiny’? Does succeeding change our destiny?
Is being scrap really that bad?
Considering this sketch is about education, equality, work, and a machine, apart from other things. I’d like to raise awareness on the following SDGs with links shared below.
#SDG4: Inclusive and Equitable Quality Education
#SDG5: Gender Equality and Empower Women and Girls
#SDG8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
#SDG9: Industry Innovation and Infrastructure
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malcified · 1 month
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malcified · 1 month
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Today on #malcified I’d like to share a sketch called #painsubscription.
Pain (def): a feeling of physical suffering caused by injury or illness; emotional or mental suffering; If something pains you, it causes you to feel sad and upset - Cambridge Dictionary
With recent key advancements in #Healthcare and #Medtech through #AI and #robotics integration, breakthroughs in #diagnostics, overall understanding of the #humananatomy and its interaction with the surrounding #environment we’re slated to extend our #lifespan, reduce #disease, improve #mortality and overall #wellbeing. At least, theoretically, that’s what the general consensus leads us to believe.
However, the number of deaths and infirmities due to #conflicts, disasters, suicides, and mental illness seem to have grown steadily and substantially. #Qualityoflife seems to be heading down the drain. The reality of our times is actually something else, altogether. When one area seems to be lit and understood, another huge chasm opens up to swallow us into an infinite darkness. Maybe, it has something to do with our primal need for subscribing to pain. Maybe, identifying and removing these subscriptions, one by one, will do the trick.
A useful reference link on #suicide rates below:
Sharing a link on key conflicts currently going on globally:
Sharing a link on key data related to #NaturalDisasters below:
#ourworldindata is an excellent resource for all types of data. For those of us who love data and charts. Feel free to dig in
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malcified · 1 month
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Considering, it’s never late to work on improving our #SustainabilityQuotient - for ourself, our family and communities, our immediate environment and extending further to the wider society, all beings and their supporting economies and ecosystems.
I’d like to share some fundamentals through #Sustainabilitybasics.
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malcified · 2 months
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Today on #foodforthought I’d like to share this sketch #realigningobjectives inspired by experience.
It’s easy to fall into the trap of defining and rationalising a rigid personal #reason, #purpose and #motivation for performing a task, working on, or mastering something, for some of us to even continue living.
We use this very reason to drive us forward, to develop or degrade ourselves and our surrounding beings and environment, to behave in extreme ways, and to tolerate extremes.
Few questions to ask ourselves here:
What are we really seeking?
Are our beliefs sustainable?
Are our actions sustainable?
Where do we draw the line?
What do we really need to do to realign and maintain balance?
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malcified · 2 months
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malcified · 2 months
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malcified · 2 months
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Today on #InsectBites I’d like to share about this ephemeral creature.
When all beings are transient, all our experiences including trauma, pain and suffering are transient. Nature not only heals us but transforms us.
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malcified · 2 months
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Pollution (def): Pollution is the introduction of contaminants into the natural environment that cause adverse change. Pollution can take the form of any substance or energy. Pollutants, the components of pollution, can be either foreign substances/energies or naturally occurring contaminants. - Wikipedia
Air Pollution: Air pollution is contamination of the indoor or outdoor environment by any chemical, physical or biological agent that modifies the natural characteristics of the atmosphere.
Household combustion devices, motor vehicles, industrial facilities and forest fires are common sources of air pollution. Pollutants of major public health concern include particulate matter, carbon monoxide, ozone, nitrogen dioxide and sulfur dioxide. Outdoor and indoor air pollution cause respiratory and other diseases and are important sources of morbidity and mortality.
WHO data show that almost all of the global population (99%) breathe air that exceeds WHO guideline limits and contains high levels of pollutants, with low- and middle-income countries suffering from the highest exposures. - WHO
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malcified · 2 months
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I’d like to share a short story today on #malcified inspired by experience, history, and reality.
Maybe, what one generation thinks is useful /necessary / essential is not valued similarly by the next generation. Maybe, everything we experience in our life including war, natural disasters, pandemic is because of a burden of pain thrown upon us by past generations and we’re creating more causes for it by continuing down the same path consciously and unconsciously. Maybe, the ruins of ancient civilizations are trying to tell us the same thing. Maybe, we always have the opportunity to learn from the past and free ourselves from it. Break or even transform the cycle for ourself and future generations. After all, we are #choice, #power, and #change.
In 1987, the United Nations Brundtland Commission defined #sustainability as “meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” Today, there are almost 140 developing countries in the world seeking ways of meeting their development needs, but with the increasing threat of climate change, concrete efforts must be made to ensure development today does not negatively affect future generations. -#UN
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malcified · 2 months
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Today on #trialroom I’d like to share a sketch on #trustissues.
Trust (def): firm belief in the reliability, truth, or ability of someone or something.
The sketch may seem a bit dark, however, the actual stuff we do to each other in various settings to realize, snatch, force, betray, earn, build, and maintain trust is far insane.
The crazier and harder it gets to earn trust in the relationship, it can continue to get more extreme and dangerous to sustain such a relationship and it may sometimes be best to detach - temp or permanently.
“Trust testing” is a primal need and maybe unavoidable. However, the “true self” or the “real me” is a mental construct, since we keep evolving every moment and are as dynamic as the clouds - it may be impossible for us to realize our true self in a lifetime, so we can only share our perception of it with someone else, which will eventually change for ourselves and the other person. So holding ourself or someone else to it, maybe unhealthy. The root cause of abuse, addiction and other destructive behavior - of the self, other humans, insects, animals, ecosystem and the environment maybe related to trust issues.
Friendship is one of the greatest gifts of life and acceptance of ourself as a WIP, evolving, floating yet grounded being may allow us to accept others similarly.
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malcified · 2 months
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malcified · 2 months
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Today on #Officetoffees I’d like to share this useful article that I came across that aligned with my #threatsandvulnerabilities sketch derived from my professional and personal experience.
Key Definitions:
#Threat: a person or thing likely to cause damage or danger; the possibility of trouble, danger, or ruin. -Oxford Languages
#Vulnerability: the quality or state of being exposed to the possibility of being attacked or harmed, either physically or emotionally. -Oxford Languages
#Likelihood: The probability that a given event will occur. Likelihood can be expressed using qualitative terms (Extreme, High, Medium, Low or Negligible), as a percent probability, or as a frequency. -Stanford University
#Risk: a situation involving exposure to danger. -Oxford Languages
#Control: is to exercise restraining or directing influence over : regulate. -Merriam-Webster
Developing a fundamental understanding of what the above terms constitute are crucial in developing any #RiskManagementFramework - be it for fighting #climatechange, #disastermanagement, #terrorism, #crime, systemic #corruption, in developing #GRC, #ESG and #sustainability frameworks, in #business- prior to initial launch, during the development stage and across the maturity stage, in #professionalsport and #adventuresport like #mountaineering, #scubadiving, #paragliding, in #entertainment, across #interpersonalrelationships, in #healthcare, #personalfinance, #cyberhygiene, #travel, and all key aspects of life.
To be able to articulate, define, record, measure, and classify these factors on a scale of acceptable to not-acceptable for the specific activity, provides us with a solid foundation to refer to, make informed decisions and act on them, based on our own unique attributes, abilities, needs and requirements through a reasonable understanding, thus, maximizing the overall experience for us and those around us.
A methodology (system of methods) to develop a risk management framework constitutes these key elements. However, we can arrive at what is ‘risk’ and ‘control’ for each of us through personal life experience, external sources like work, media and education, and also by developing #selfawareness, #compassion and a deeper connection with our #instincts and #feelings.
Maybe, every aspect of life is #impermanent, so every element is technically a threat and vulnerability. However, through a deeper understanding of Vulnerability, we can develop a deeper understanding of Threat, and vice versa.
Through a deeper understanding of Control, we can develop a deeper understanding of Risk, and vice versa.
Therefore, a holistic understanding of which is what will eventually arrive. Regardless, ‘#Change’ is a crucial element that needs to be factored into any and all assessment.
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malcified · 2 months
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Today on #malcified I’d like to share this sketch called #innerhealing on #sustainability and a few words.
Sustainability: meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. - UN
Our indiscriminate use of each other, land, and natural resources at a rate faster and greater than it can naturally replenish is demonstrated in our daily life as well.
- A culture of use and dispose - food, products, humans, animals, land, plants, resources…everything!
-The global workforce sufferring from #burnouts due to extreme workloads and overworking
- Inadequate and ineffective #worklifebalance measures where #HumanResources (#HR) departments have weak autonomy, functioning purely as a target-driven business process
- Businesses striving to accomplish ever-growing unrealistic revenue, investor returns, and profit projections, cutting costs and compromising on health, safety, security, well-being of its employees - full-time, part-time, and contract staff
- Hiring #Thirdpartyserviceproviders (#TPSP) without performing adequate #DueDiligence, that compromise on major #legal #compliance, #reputational, #environmental #humanrights #riskfactors by procuring cheap labor and raw materials from jurisdictions without proper #humanrights awareness, laws, and historical background, countries without appropriate #governance, Governmental frameworks like #sustainabilitypolicy, #climatepolicy #Laborlaws and support frameworks, corporate #ESG frameworks, #environmentallaws, #regulations, #judiciary, #enforcement and #implementation frameworks and systems
-consumeristic and materialistic society focused purely on indiscriminate production and consumption, with no/less awareness of their individual #carbonfootprint, of #responsibleconsumption (#SDG12)
-#throwawaysociety where single-use disposable items are expected, #unboxing and other trash-generating practices are glorified, ephemeral products and goods are preferred to life-time durable ones.
The list goes on…
Maybe, our behavior has something to do with the way we look and feel about ourselves. We’re all maybe consciously and unsconsciously insecure about some aspect of our life.
Maybe, when we feel good and appreciated from within, we appreciate and look after our surroundings well. So, working on being more compassionate, content, and appreciative of ourselves is a good place to begin, then maybe, together, we can do better.
Seeking an inner healing for each of us!
Regardless, only the beings present now and in the future shall suffer from our own over-indulgence. The land, nature, oceans, whatever we call them, have been here long before and shall evolve and replenish from our relentless onslaught, eventually. With or without us.
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malcified · 2 months
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