Constant State of Confusion
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hi. I eat tin cans, and am a whore for art. I might be a robotšŸ¤· he/they
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loonyoz Ā· 4 months ago
Iā€™m just here to say Wyll is the Roxanne Ritchi to Astarionā€™s Megamind
Ok grandpas going back to bed now
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loonyoz Ā· 4 months ago
Hey, also, all the anarchist shit aside, tomorrow I want you to make something.
I forced myself to draw something after the 2016 election. I forced myself to draw something when my mother died in 2018. I forced myself to draw something when my spouse was hospitalized for multiple organ failure in 2021.
When you are miserable, make something. Add a row to your project, bake a box cake, draw on a sheet of lined paper, write a poem on a napkin, fold an origami shirt out of a dollar bill, make your favorite recipe for dinner, but make something with your hands, something that you can hold and look at engage your senses in.
It won't fix the world, but it will change the world. You will have made something that didn't exist before. You will have impacted your reality, even in a very small way. And it is going to be something you made *after.* Something bad happened, something shook you, and you made something after, in spite of it.
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loonyoz Ā· 5 months ago
Everytime I see a new dialogue change in bg3 it makes my blood boil
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loonyoz Ā· 5 months ago
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loonyoz Ā· 5 months ago
Sometimes I wonder if I should be posting impulsively when Iā€™ve had too much coffee with my adhd meds
Iā€™m just saying that if Astarion was in a Fallout AU he would be a ghoul and I love that for him
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loonyoz Ā· 5 months ago
>video claiming to be essay/history on a topic
>ask them if its analysis or summary
>they dont understand
>pull out detailed chart explaining what's analyzing the ideas and motives behind a text and what is just presenting information without thinking about it
>"it's a good video, ma'am"
>watch it
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loonyoz Ā· 5 months ago
Iā€™m just saying that if Astarion was in a Fallout AU he would be a ghoul and I love that for him
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loonyoz Ā· 5 months ago
I finally compiled it. all the most insane lines of Wyll and Astarion being obsessed with each other.
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loonyoz Ā· 5 months ago
Yā€™all Iā€™m stupid. I was mostly interested because I got Klagga confused with Krolla. Krollas the lady that does the chicken chasing thing
Still think itā€™s cute I just donā€™t actually know who Klagga is lol
Sometimes I just think about that one goblin Klagga that wrote love letters to minthara
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loonyoz Ā· 5 months ago
Sometimes I just think about that one goblin Klagga that wrote love letters to minthara
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loonyoz Ā· 6 months ago
I have actual work to do but instead Im sitting here writting a wyllstarion au set vaguely in The Witcher universe.
Main premise: Wyll is a shitty Witcher because heā€™s too nice and Astarion is a shitty bard because heā€™s too mean (and also doesnā€™t know how to play a lute)
I think itā€™s funny because Iā€™m using the ttrpg book as a guide and technically witchers canā€™t have empathy above a 6 and in order for bards to do their jobs well, they need high empathy
This is heavily inspired by someone in the discord (I canā€™t remember who Iā€™m sorry) talking about Astarion following Wyll around as a shitty bard
Edit: oh yeah also inspired by ā€œThe Familiar Riskā€ by Domoda. You should check it out itā€™s good shit
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loonyoz Ā· 6 months ago
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i have been curating a beautiful tableau of Wyll posts in my likes for a while now
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loonyoz Ā· 6 months ago
( @anas-tasia777 lmk if its weird I used a screenshot of ur tags I'll remove it if u want)
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Saw this tag on a post and it did provide me with inspiration for another cringy incorrect quote (yes its from spn, yeah ik its a toxic trait of minešŸ˜¢)
Interrogating a suspect
Wyll: We just have a few questions for you
Astarion: Ah, lā€™ll handle this. Ive done research, I can crack her
Astarion: Now, Ms. Freeling, I donā€™t want to bother you, I really donā€™t, um but I do have just one question for you
Astarion: *slams hands down on the table* WHY DID YOU KILL YOUR HUSBAND
Wyll: Astarion, a word please?
Astarion: What? I was being bad cop
Wyll: No, you were being bad everything
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loonyoz Ā· 6 months ago
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i used some people's excellent screenshots (that got ensmallened and therefore made worse. check out the linked originals)
2nd, 4th, and 5th screenshots by @she-dwells-within-the-forest
7th screenshot by @bardrizz
mods (that i noticed): Wyll's Devil Form, Prince of the Gate, Terpsichore, and the Dreads for Wyll mod on the official in-game mod manager
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loonyoz Ā· 6 months ago
having this problem called worldbuilder's disease where before I can start writing this toxic yuri story I need to have a history of the planets continental movement going back 600 million years
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loonyoz Ā· 6 months ago
I real love the points youā€™ve made, interesting how deeply ingrained heteronormativity is in society (society is very vague i know). I tend to feel more comfortable engaging in stories about queer relationships because I assume itā€™s less likely to place characters into gender roles (which is, of course, not always the case). I canā€™t speak to the variety of bg3 or other fics out there, but I have definitely noticed similar stuff. It always bothers me when people decide a persons sexual preferences based off their appearance or mannerism, because 1. It often implies something weird (or stereotyped) and 2. I just think it makes no sense, in real life I donā€™t think you can or should determine a persons preferences based off these things. Or like sure this person tends to let others take the lead in group dynamics, that doesnā€™t define everything else about them. Itā€™s like saying that because someone likes to put milk in their coffee the must like it in their tea as well.
I've also been confused about the language used for awhile now. I had always thought that top/bottom referred to who is/isnā€™t penetrating during sex. Yet I often see it used interchangeably with dom/sub, which has to do with a desire to explore a certain power dynamic in a relationship or sexual activity. If my understanding these definitions is correct, this honestly makes me very upset. In a generally cisnormative society the partner being penetrated is often associated with women, due to a variety of reasons, one of which being that afab people have vaginas. If bottom and sub are used synonymously itā€™s implying that the norm for sex is that the partner being penetrated is submissive. Furthering these gender roles in which a man is always dominant and a woman is always submissive. Which also carries over in the portrayal of some queer relationships, in which the penetrated or submissive partner is often assigned a ā€œfeminineā€ gender role in the relationship.
Of course people can write and read what makes them happy but as a reader and someone who cares about social issues Im going to be disappointed by something that tosses aside what makes a character an individual in favor of enjoyment of something that perpetuates an unnuanced and harmful approach to gender and sexuality. Of course Iā€™m not saying someone canā€™t be, for example, stereotypically feminine, enjoy bottoming, and enjoy a submissive role. Thatā€™s obviously valid, and not a problem. The problem is how we talk about it. For example: someone saying oh this person definitely bottoms because they act so effeminate. If you find yourself saying similar remarks, I think itā€™s important that you reflect on why youā€™re saying that. Why are you make that connection? God I hate discrimination biases because it can be a lot subtler than other forms of bigotry. It can be hidden in the sociocultural environments that we are familiar with, and can be a product of systemic bigotry. It can be hard to notice in others and in yourself, and it can do so much harm.
I appreciate how you brought up that there are arguments on both sides that are harmful. I often observe arguments becoming this aggressive polarized nightmare. Nothing but more harm is caused by those types of arguments. If both sides are self reflective, able to listen, and able to explain their point of view in a non aggressive manner, that is when you can have a productive discussion. Of course things are rarely as simple as that. Which is a whole other topic in and of itself.
I also think what you brought up about sexual trauma is really important. I would need to do more research if I wanted to make a reflection on the various portrayals of sexual assault and what that means. But there can definitely be some odd take aways depending on how you depict the occurrence of sexual assault and recovery from the trauma. I think the way we view gender and sexuality definitely play a role in how sexual assault is talked about.
If you've gotten to the end of this post, I would like to say that I am by no means an expert in any of these subjects, and I am limited by the scope of my personal perception. If you feel Ive misrepresented something, or caused harm, please let me know. These are difficult and sensitive topics. I know Im taking a risk by posting it on the internet, where communication can be difficult. I am always open to constructive feedback as long as it is respectful.
People get really defensive about "writing Astarion with women" when what people are actually annoyed/upset about is that people are putting him in heteronormative relationships with women.
And it's not like, "YOU, INDIVIDUAL WOMAN, WROTE HIM WITH A WOMAN? A POX ON YOUR HOUSE!" and more like "a majority of fandom is writing him in this specific way with this specific type of character that doesn't really reflect who he is in the game and shoehorns him into a generic booktok dom daddy."
Which. Yeah. People are allowed to feel annoyed/alienated by that type of trend. I think. Maybe. I've seen several fics where Astarion being with big burly men (implied to have been penetrated) was portrayed as traumatic, while being with little virginal female Tav was "healing". And yeah, you're technically acknowledging his pansexuality ... But the implications aren't great. Ya know?
And there's a LOT of conflating domming/topping/being on top. Which ends up only highlighting the heteronormative approach to a lot of fic about him. "He gets on top > so he always tops/penetrates > so he's a dom." Because for some reason penetrating others is less traumatic to him than to be penetrated? Which is a whole bag of worms that people seem reluctant/unable to unpack.
Now, the other side of this argument are people who go "lmao those delusional wamen think this homosexual twink would top them" which is. Also not great? But in the end reflects the same type of reductive and heteronormative argument, it's just coming from the other side of the spectrum. He's flamboyant and pretty so he MUST be incapable of putting his dick into someone else. And he's MORE feminine than the women he gets paired with, so obviously that's unrealistic and he must be paired with a big strong man instead. Which is like. Well you're paired him with a man but you're still being just very heteronormative about it. Even gay relationships must have a "man" and a "woman", is your argument? And Astarion, being beautiful and a presumed bottom, is "the woman"?? Hmm. Don't like that.
Maybe. Astarion is. Pansexual. And can both bone down and be boned down. Maybe he does have a preference. Maybe he doesn't. Maybe he doms, maybe he subs. Maybe he switches depending on mood/partner. Maybe he likes different sex positions where he's on top and ones where he's below. Maybe he's down for whatever as long as it's with someone he loves. Maybe he's neither "the man" nor "the woman" in a relationship and he's simply Astarion, a man in a relationship. Maybe in the end it doesn't fucking matter and putting him into rigid binaries is doing him a disservice.
Anyway. My nonbinary Tav's gonna upgrade his gender to Man+. Cis premium. They're gonna explore his gender and preferences and expression together. I think that might be fun and freeing maybe. And they're gonna take turns topping and bottoming and both will be soooooo healing because um. They're having consensual sex and are in love. So it's healing by default. Regardless of who's putting what where.
Well. Anyway. All I'm saying is. Stuff.
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loonyoz Ā· 6 months ago
I am very curious to see what it would be like for Wyll to be evil. Like what leads him down that path, what motivates him, and what kind of bad shit does he do?
I think everyone has the potential to do bad, it's just that Wylls desire to do good is so core to his character that it's hard for me to figure out what would happen if he went down a darker path. I do really love the idea of evil Wyll though
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Wake up sweethearts, new Evil Wyll content in today's patch 7 release
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