lolstalia · 9 years
You know what’s STILL a fucking joke? 
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lolstalia · 9 years
#nottosoundrude BUUUTTTT... I bet if malia could get most of childhood - preteen years back and grow up going to school and not being a coyote for 7 or 8 years then people would probably like her almost as much as they like kira #lovestydiatho
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They wouldn’t even have to get rid of the coyote storyline if they would just handle it with a fucking iota of finesse and rationality. And sure, it’s a show about werethings but that doesn’t mean they can throw out basic psychology and expect their watchers not to laugh in their faces. 
Or, you know, just make her less of an annoying, pushy, whiny brat that goes from not knowing anything to somehow solving all the problems. 
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lolstalia · 9 years
Would you prefer Stalia with Stydia Endgame or Stora with Stydia Endgame (Like it was originally planned).
Stora with stydia endgame. Or even endgame stora tbh. I don’t mind either of those ships one bit, but I’ll absolutely take any route that doesn’t involve stalia 
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lolstalia · 10 years
looking at your descrip. reminded me of my first experience with coyotes when i was hiking with a group of 5 at night. we heard them surrounding us and lemme tell you something: we were not intimidated at all! they sound absolutely pathetic!! it so reminds me of all that talk jeff spits about how great malia is but in reality she is pathetic and so not intimidating and laughable, they both are. well my pals & i made it down the mountain but i won't ever forget that hilarious experience.
Coyotes are a fucking nuisance and that’s it. They are vermin that feed on tiny animals (like house cats) and nothing more. I don’t get why Jeff hypes the whole coyote thing up as some big, badass thing. Personally, I still can’t hear ‘werecoyote’ without laughing because it just sounds so fucking stupid. It’s not cool, it’s stupid and embarrassing.
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lolstalia · 10 years
Seeing posts about the pack mourning Allison's death that include Malia
what the actual fuck WHY? Why do you have to drag her into that too? Come on, she didn't even know Allison  she doesn't even care about the people she does know. Why would she be sad over Allison?
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lolstalia · 10 years
Just watched a Geico commercial and saw this guy:
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is it just me or is that Mr. Tate?
You know what that means, he disappeared in the show because he actually ran off to the zoo because the animals there are still more civilized than his daughter.
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lolstalia · 10 years
saw someone on twitter say that hating malia was just misogyny, and I just. :| no. I don't like Malia's character because I'm misogynistic (lol what, she's the only female character I don't like), I don't like her because she's a crap character. ugh
I know how that goes. I see people claiming anti Malia people only dislike her because she's female. No, I dislike her because she is the exact opposite of a strong character. A character that pushes people around and scares them, and relies on brute strength doesn't make them a 'strong badass woman'. it makes them a bully.
and to people that that assume that (though I like almost every other female on teen wolf), I just have one response:
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lolstalia · 10 years
I just found this blog and I. I am in love. Thank you.
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lolstalia · 10 years
Everyone please report mctatenskii, she claims to be bullied by tumblr users but is not. She has expressed both sexist and racist remarks, and now is calling crytalreed a whore. It’s getting out of hand is completely stupid. You can tell she is just seeking attention but she’s attacking tumblr users and it’s not okay.
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lolstalia · 10 years
dear teen wolf fandom, if you could just give a moment of your time.
there has been a blog (mctatenski) that is harassing anyone who dislikes malia tate or stalia. first they started out calling Lydia fat, stupid, ugly, slut, and other things like that. then moved on to making racist comments about Kira and Braeden, and worse? sending people messages harassing them. I draw the line now, as they are harassing a particular tumblr user messaging them things like 'whore' and 'die'.
please,  you just need to send an email to [email protected] and include in it the URL of the blog you are reporting, and the reason why you are reporting them
in this example, they are harassing people, calling them whores, and telling them to die.
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lolstalia · 10 years
Die pls
Calling me a whore is one thing but now you are resorting to telling me to “die” idc if you are a troll and i don’t care if you aren’t im sick of you & your shit. You’re human trash who makes this fandom look bad. Even your own fandom is slamming you. So how about you delete this stupid little blog of yours & leave.
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lolstalia · 10 years
hey,so i honestly have no idea what happened between you guys and that other blog but atm you are the only ones sending hate to anyone a-and that won't solve anything... it's just a show, so,could you all just please stop being unecessarily mean?
No you're totally right, we should just stop even though this person has been doing nothing but harassing everyone who doesn't like stalia or Malia, saying terrible things about Lydia, and even being terribly racist toward characters like Kira and Braeden.
But you're right. You should totally just say nothing when someone is being vile and harassing people. But you're right. The people sticking up for their friends, or refusing to let someone fat shame, slut shame, and call others ugly are the ones being unnecessarily mean. (nevermind the fact that even stalia and malia stans are even agreeing with us, which I never thought i'd see)
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lolstalia · 10 years
what the name of the blog that has your url in the desc?
anyone who called them out on their problematic bullshit of calling Lydia a fat, ugly, slutty bitch (and more) have been put on her description as 'bullies' yet they are the ones that have been going to our inboxes harassing us. 
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lolstalia · 10 years
lol when you send that person a message and they don't reply because they know you're so right.
basically the message:
I love how you said in your description that people shouldn't follow those of us you listed, yet what have you actually done? Gained us all like 20 new followers. lol it's really sad that you're basically just getting blogs that hate your 'precious precious ship' more followers. So in a way, you're helping the anti-stalia blogs ;)
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lolstalia · 10 years
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lolstalia · 10 years
also can I just say kudos to that stalia shipper but-leaves-it-at-goodnight for calling this dumb blog out on their behavior, that was kinda cool
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lolstalia · 10 years
LOL I really hope this person is trolling. Either they're actually a five year old, or a teenager with the most atrocious spelling and grammar I have ever seen 
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So…she fucking updated her list. 
staliastanclub, whothehaleisbucky, lolstalia, stilinski1011
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