#anti malia tate
braedenhales · 1 month
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"That, is how I will love you even as the world goes on its wicked way.” ― Lemony Snicket
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jessmalia · 9 months
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stiles and malia playlist: body better by maisie peters
all the hows and the whens and why's i thought it would be us for life was i wrong and is she so right? is her body better than mine? all the clothes and the warning signs how's it feel to have made me cry? will you tell me just one more lie? is her body better than mine?
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lazywolfwiccan · 8 months
Au where Scott is so forgettable that literally everyone forgets he exists, like he's doing his usual whining and creepy shit to Allison and she's like this to the pack
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@atiny-angel @swifteforeverandalways @axelwolf8109 @blurbwitch
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teenwolf-confessions · 6 months
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bonniesfamiliar · 7 months
Stalia>>>>>Stydia I said what I said
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thyfggfy · 6 months
The original creator is kcwinnie
Check her out she is very funny.
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pbandjklmnop · 2 years
TL;DR: With the Teen Wolf: The Movie being released and largely disliked...I want to hear some unpopular opinions about the show and movie. What don't you like? What do you feel the movie, show, or fandom just gets wrong or overlooks?
Also, I've made sure to tag this "Anti stiles/anti-Teen Wolf" just to be safe.
- My unpopular opinion: Stiles is NOT the best character and Scott's not the worst. I'm planning to write a video on it with a friend.
- What I think the fandom/movie get wrong and overlook: The mistreatment of non-white characters and lack of respect for different cultural influences in fantasy.
Some other thoughts:
- Stiles IS a good character. But his flaws that are excused simply because he's well acted and written better than his peers.
- Stiles is considered the favorite in PART because of the fans' interpretation of him. Not just due to his actual on screen behavior.
- There is white privilege at play, since Stiles co-lead, Scott, was played by a tan skinned, Latino man. POC are often judged more harshly than their white peers and this 100% impacted how Sciles is perceived. Same with people loving Allison (white) for the things they hate Kira (East Asian) for.
Lmk what y'all think!
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fearlessfairy · 2 years
Correct me if I'm wrong, but TW got a new achievement. They invented a ship (jordan and malia) with literally zero shippers.
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kitchenisking · 2 years
my live take on teen wolf movie!
I think it's fitting that Dereks the first one to mention stiles, but was it so hard to day that stiles was working on a case or busy at the fbi. that does ‘has his own fires to put out even mean’?
Jackson’s entrance was everything!🤣
Ok so I love Jackson now! also I love that's its confirmed that Ethan an Jackson are still a thing! they deserve that!
So lyida meets Eli, I kinda got a vibe. Lydia took one look and Eli and kinda dismissed him. but I think it was more than that. and maybe im seeing this through sterek colored glasses, but it was like she saw him as the thing that got between her and stiles. anyone else get a vibe like that? like she knew more about Eli then everyone else?
Coach is everything!
Melissa a doctor! Go her!!!!! she's such a badass, and I love her!
Also the sheriff speech to Eli in the school… I’m a 100 percent certain that he gave the same sort of speech to stiles at one point🤭😂
So malia knows about Eli, they must have spent sometime together
I think it’s disgusting that they had Scott boost Eli to heal😤🤬 but of course is has to be Scott cuz go forbid it’s anyone else😤😤Like Derek is  his dad😒😒
So they had lyida play stiles 😒
And Derek’s not even mad that’s Scott helped him! He’s just a proud papa! 😍
Jackson ‘ supposed to be dead, is starting to be a recurring theme around here’ 🤣🤣🤣
I thought wolfsbane had to be brunes out with the ash of the same strand that infected the wolf?🤨🤔
You’re telling me that the nougistune didn’t go after Derek and eli cuz their stiles family? Sure ok😐Also it’s fitting that the first persons to mention stiles is Derek!
So they put Scott on the fleid! That’s just😒😒😒😒😒😒😒
When the oni took Eli, maila was really upset. Which just shows that she’s spent engorge time with him to love him. And I love that for her and Eli. also you see how upset she is when Derek dies. I truly believe that they sent time together as a family and im sad that we didn't get to see them together. (also I feel like it would be more fitting it she and Parrish took Eli. (thought I would prefer if he went with the sheriff) also mail and Parrish were weird)
Thé face that Derek hasn’t fully shifted in year cuz he was scared to scare Eli just goes to show how much control he has an show much he loves his son! He didn’t hide the wolf away, but he didn’t let it all out also and I think that’s just incredible!
And then Eli scores the winning goal just like stiles 🥰
Derek becomes a true alpha. he was always an alpha and I really don't think he's dead.🤨
Derek dies, because Scott can't make the hard choices. someone else always has to make it fro him and then he gets all the credit! it's stills all over again! Scotts misses something, stiles fixes it 98% if the way and then Scott gets all the glory. again.😒😒
So the sheriff speech about Derek is the only one I recognize! he took one look at Eli and knew that Scott was spurting bullshit and went and talked to him about his dad that it should have been done! and I truly believe that Derek and noah are friends and noah just laughs at Derek every time Eli doesn't something. like ‘now its your turn’ while he drinks a beer and watches. 
God Scott🫣😒 so your future is with Alison and Eli, yeah I don't think so!
also sterek is basically canon, sheriff is Eli grandad, and Eli takes after stiles cuz he thinks he's awesome!
my all over review
ok, so this movie was the dumpster fire we all knew it was going to be! I didn't even watch it all the way through. I skipped to watch the scene with the people I like in It and I still didn't miss anything. this movie was a love letter to Scott and Alison and fuck anyone who got in the way. everyone is this move was an extra to hold their story up and nothing made snese like it should have. between the plot holes and the characters who didn't interact with one another when it would have made sense was just not good. you're telling me the Lydia never said even hi to the sheriff when she supposedly was something with his son? or mason and liam not saying one world to each other even though they were kidnapped together? or Peter who just showed up out of no where for no good reason just to be there? look I love Peter and I love watching him but unless he was just leaking and esdropping (which would make perfect snese) how would he know where and what was going on? or how nobody was together in one room all at once but for Dereks funeral? like I get it but it just didn't make a lot of snese, they didn't even talk to on another properly. also what I don't get was scott their alpha even though everyone was spread all over the place? how does that even work?
I came in knowing that Derek was going to die. it wasn't a shock to me and that is why I think I saw the foreshadowing for what it was. he thinks he's dying twice in the movie. if I didn't know that he dies at the end I would have thought he dies by Alisons arrow in the school. it was blatant foreshadowing and I hate it. I also hate watching him thinking he's dissing and being ok with it. liege truly believes that this was how it was going to die. and in the school when he days that him and Eli have a getaway plan broke my heart!😔😞😔😞 this poor man had to be ready at a moments notice cuz he wasn't going to lose his only family he had left. and it breaks my heart😣
and here's my biggest plot hole; lyida said she hasn't walked in a really long time but she does know when there was a death. she can feel it. but she wails for alison to hear her but not for Derek? and there's no body? she and Jackson are not of the fight not seeing what the others are seeing, and of all of a sudden their on the field all together, how to they know that he's dead? she doesn't turn to Jackson and say ‘someone dies’ or ‘Derek gone’ they just hug Alison right away. its like something is missing! 
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jessmalia · 10 months
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stiles and malia playlist: traitor by olivia rodrigo
Loved you at your worst But that didn’t matter
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lazywolfwiccan · 8 months
Scalia shippers 🤝 Sterek shippers. Hating Stydia mostly for the creepy crush and kiss during a panic attack
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teenwolf-confessions · 7 months
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fairytalegumiho · 2 years
Follow me down the rabbit hole of teen wolf movie trash#2
I couldn't go through the last half an hour of the movie because I knew Derek was going to die. So I put it on hold. I completed it just now and Scott doesn't deserve Eli.
Say it again with me Scott fucking doesn't deserve Eli.
Everytime since the series started, Almost every time, Derek is the one who cleans up Scott's mess and does the job and if not Derek, then Stiles, then at rare times some other person when Scott simply gets away with speech and elevation by Deaton. I feel like , as Jeff Davis couldn't be in the show, he created Deaton to prop Scott up more. Every time the 'he is the alpha' scene came up, I cringed and it's coming from the person who likes the cheesy and corny stuff.
Scott is not an alpha, he doesn't deserve it.
Reason #12345678
He let Derek die like at least didn't even try to stop him. When Scott was supposed to be dead, when he offered him as bait, poor Derek not knowing about the fox fire said, "No Scott, don't" That's exactly what an alpha would do. He even tries to release him from the binds struggling with them.
But when Derek is the one doing the sacrifice, no one said anything. Why?
Sheriff seems to be close with Derek, why didn't he say anything?
Derek is Malia's cousin, why didn't she say anything?
Why didn't Peter say anything?
Why didn't anybody say anything?
Scott and Allison after watching their friend die, celebrated and kissed very happily and you are telling me they're gonna take care about Eli?
The sheriff should be the one approaching Eli on the field because the minute he sensed something is terribly wrong, his first instinct is going to the auto shop. It shows that he knows about the emergency plan which implies how close he is actually with them unlike Scott who last saw him when he was three. It just doesn't make any sense.
Why does Jeff Davis likes the 'steal everything from Derek and give it to Scott' trope.
If Scott wants kids, he can have them with Allison.
But Eli needs to be with The Sheriff. If he feels like he's too old, then he can be with their actual aunts, Malia or Cora or even Isaac.
Actually where the fuck is Cora?
Or Stiles, actually Stiles, he is the best choice. Stiles can easily help ELI in his transformation and he can take care of him because he helped in Scott's first transformation.
Derek 'born werewolf, late 30s, a walking encyclopaedia of supernatural creatures, smart' Hale couldn't figure out how to make his kid transform but Scott can do it just because.
I hate this with a passion. Derek doesn't deserve to be taken his kid's first proper transformation away from him.
Whoever said Scott changed, he clearly didn't. Someone compared him with Captain America, please don't. It's absolutely disgusting.
Scott is a good guy. I love him but he's a pretty shitty alpha. Also Scott not wanting to tell Derek about the dangerous ritual because it's personal is a shitty move on his part. Like he seemingly abandoned Beacon Hills and settled in the city. Derek is the one taking care of the Beacon Hills. I can practically hear the argument in my head that Derek wouldn't agree if Scott told him but maybe it's a good thing.
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thyfggfy · 1 year
Theo: * Kills Scott and leaves Malia in the hands of her psychotic mother *
Malia and Scott : * distrust him and refuse to make him part of the pack *
Theo stans : OMG! 😮 Why do they have to be such rude ass bitches!? 😡 I know he made some mistakes, but they can at least try to be understanding 😒. Poor little meow meow 🥺.
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wtfwhy · 2 years
SPOILERS!!!!!!! Unorganized Teen Wolf movie review basically
I actually... really liked it??? Like it's not that good but I enjoyed watching it! A lot of parts were genuinely funny and the plot was like passable! (Quite a few unanswered questions tho)
There were some things I found confusing or weird, like idk wtf Harris had against the pack (his reveal was funny af tho) and a few other things, but they were mostly just because of the lack of Stiles, Kira, and and Isaac
The Kira 'stand in' girl (I think her name was Hikari??) Was pretty cool, obviously sucks that Kira herself wasn't there but that's a whole different conversation 👀
Honestly, as a huge Stydia shipper I was hoping they wouldn't break them up and just have him like watching their kids or something (I think I saw a funny post of that once) but they way they broke them up? Not actually that bad? Like Lydia left him because she loved him and I was just worried that they wouldn't love each anymore so I'll take what I can get! Tho not expanding on the dreams she was having is a bit of a lost thread, but since it wasn't really apart of the main story, I'll let it slide lol.
I did not like how they just pretended Issac didn't exist, that was pretty fucked up. Like I predicted that Scott and Allison would get back together by the end, but damn rip Isaac for real 😔
Anyways, about Derek's death... Honestly, since I wasn't taking the movie that seriously in the first place, I didn't really feel anything about Derek dying? Like don't get me wrong, I love the man and if they killed him off in the actual show I'd be bawling, but the movie to me is just a silly little suggestion to canon than law. There's real canon, fanon, and the third secret canon that lives inside my brain ☺️
But like, I don't really care that he died in the movie, I was just surprised tbh. Rip king you deserved better 🙏 (I don't understand how he just like, disappeared, after being burnt?? Like maybe I didn't notice it but his body was gone like huh???)
I never liked Scott and Malia together so I'm glad they broke up, but Malia and Parish was weird as hell and was just so random. I think that ever since Malia and Stiles broke up the writers just couldn't figure out what to do with her? Which is a total shame cause Malia is queen. But none of her relationships post stiles make sense or work out so rip (I do love me some stlia on the side ngl)
Jackson was GREAT, funny af and just like how I would imagine the redeemed adult version of the asshole from season 1, 10/10
Lots of missed opportunities for interactions, (like Liam and Mason) but it's only a 2h movie so I get it
I thought both Scott and Allison were great, tho I'm not sure how I feel about her staying alive afterwards. Plus I always shipped Scira more but you know 👀 love that Scott was the same great guy ☺️ when he hugged Chris I literally cried it was so cute 🥺
UNEXPECTED TWIST for me!!! I came into the movie, very lightly shipping Chris and Melissa, and came out of the movie shipping Chris, Melissa, and Peter 😳 I didn't expect that! But they were such a cute trio omg it was amazing
Eli was cute and I don't think that he was that much like stiles, but there obviously similarities
And Jackson and Lydia brotp??? Absolutely!!!
So that's basically it, I'll give this a solid 7/10
PS: saw some people legitimately mad that sterek didn't happen, fuck those people. You are not allowed near my blog...unless you want to send funny hate anon that I can roast
(like one person brought up the whole, sterek was "queerbaiting" thing, which is such bullshit. They literally never fucking liked each other, even platonically. I would say by the end of the show Derek just barely tolerates Stiles. The real queerbaiting was the writers being to scared to confirm that Stiles was Bi because it's ridiculous how many scenes pointed to that, especially in seasons 1-3 smh)
I might take about more later but it's bedtime!!!
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fearlessfairy · 2 years
One good thing? Stydia broke up. Both sides of the Stalia and Stydia got the same slap in a face. It's not good, but it's fair.
Derek is dead They made Jordan and Malia....something, literally the most unncessary pairing ever No mention of Kira again. Thiam is not a thing
Good, now when it's over, the movie can burn in hell. NO MORE.
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